Punjab Primary & Secondary Management Department Jobs 2021
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Punjab Primary & Secondary care Department proclaimed the newest Jobs in metropolis on Gregorian calendar month 02, 2021.
The govt of geographic region publicized the subsequent vacancies within the Primary & Secondary care Department as mentioned below.
The Candidates should fulfill the Eligibility Criteria to use for these positions.
The last date to induce this job chance is Gregorian calendar month twelve, 2021.
Punjab Primary & Secondary care Department Job Details
Newspaper: Dunya.
Posted Date: December 02, 2021.
Organization: Punjab Primary & Secondary care Department
No of Posts: Multiple.
Education: Primary, Middle, Intermediate.
Job Location: Punjab.
Address: Punjab Primary & Secondary care Department, 31/E1, Shahrah Hazrat Mohammedan Hussain, Gulberg III, Lahore.
Last Date: December twelve, 2021.
Vacancies Details Adv No 01:
Sr. No Name of Post Qualification No of Posts
1. laptop Operator Intermediate Multiple
2. Naib Qasid Middle –
3. Driver Middle –
4. Cook Primary –
5. Sweeper/ sanitary Worker Primary .
Vacancies Details Adv No 02:
Sr. No Name of Post Qualification No of Posts
1. Medical Officer MBBS Multiple
2. girl Medical Officer MBBS –
3. Dental Surgeon Relevant Qualification –
4. Charge Nurse –
5. Specialist Doctor.
How To Apply:
Interested Candidates will send their applications at the side of relevant documents to the given address before the last date.
Academic documents
Experience certificates
02x recent passport size pictures
No TA/DA shall be admit table for interview/selection.
Only short-listed candidates are demanded a test/ interview.
The last date to use is Gregorian calendar month 06, 2021 (Adv No 01) & Gregorian calendar month twelve, 2021 for (Adv No 02).
Company Address Adv No 01: geographic region Primary & Secondary care Department, 31/E1, Shahrah Hazrat Mohammedan Hussain, Gulberg III, Lahore.
Company Address Adv No 02: geographic region Primary & Secondary care Department, 1-Birdwood Road metropolis
Website: web.pshealthpunjab.gov.pk.
Punjab Primary & Secondary care Department Jobs 2021 advert No 01:
Punjab Primary & Secondary care Department Jobs 2021 advert No 02:
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8. https://vulearning.com/Jobs/Category/punjab.aspx
9. https://njp.gov.pk/
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2. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/10/08/september-jobs-report.html
3. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf
4. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
5. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/business/economy/jobs-report-september-2021.amp.html
6. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-business-united-states-health-economy-c9189de30b0cf807689e83f5e56d218d
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8. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/10/08/economy/september-jobs-report/index.html
9. https://blog.dol.gov/2021/10/08/5-numbers-from-the-september-jobs-report
10. https://fortune.com/2021/10/08/september-jobs-report-300000-below-expectations-complicates-fed-tightening/amp/
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1. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/06/business/economy/july-2021-jobs-report.amp.html
2. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf
3. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
4. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/08/06/jobs-report-july-.html
5. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/09/03/jobs-report-august-2021.html
6. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/10/14/with-only-194000-jobs-added-septembers-jobs-report-disappoints/amp/
7. https://www.fxstreet.com/macroeconomics/economic-indicator/nfp
8. https://finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/jobs-report-july-2021-184922622.html
9. https://www.epi.org/indicators/unemployment/
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Professor Jobs, PAk Air Force Jobs, Dubai Jobs, FPSC Jobs, NTS Jobs. Copyright © 2020 JobsAlert.pk - Jobs in
Pakistan . All rights reserved.
2. https://njp.gov.pk/
Pakistan's National Jobs
Portal. National Job Portal (NJP) is
among the major initiatives of the current Government of PAKISTAN, under the
"DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION OF PAKISTAN" vision. It is a single platform
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National Job Portal provides an excellent opportunity for Job seekers to
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3. http://www.pakistanjobsbank.com/Ind/Government/
Pakistan Jobs Bank provides you
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More Jobs by Keywords. The newspaper
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4. https://jobs.com.pk/latest-government-jobs/
Latest (All) | Federal | Punjab |
Sindh | KP | Balochistan. All
Government Jobs in Pakistan 2021 with list of latest Jobs and vacancies updated
today under Federal and Provincial Governments including Islamabad, Punjab,
Sindh, KP and Balochistan. You can find latest Pakistan Jobs advertisements in
2021 here posted date-wise for job seekers across all cities in an easily
accessible manner. Jobs here are updated on daily basis from Government
departments and ministries with fastest updates so that you never miss an
opportunity. You can further keep yourself informed by subscribing to daily
alerts for Government jobs in Pakistan.
Internships in Pakistan. Applying
to public sector and government jobs in Pakistan can be time consuming at times
but that shouldn’t put you off from applying. With 1000s of daily jobs
announced in Pakistan, you have always the opportunity to get a chance for
government vacancy in your city. Government jobs or as they call it Sarkari
Naukri are popular in Pakistan due to benefits and lucrative perks. Hundreds of
Federal and Provincial Government departments and ministries announce vacancies
on daily basis. These vacancies can be for local domicile (of that province) or
for Pakistani nationals depending on the organization. Latest Government Jobs in Pakistan
today. A total of 9500+ vacancies in
both Federal & provincial government organizations are available in
Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta & other major cities updated
today. NTS | PTS | OTS | FPSC | PPSC |
34/2021. NUTECH Islamabad. 14th November 2021. Bank of Khyber (BOK). PPHI Sindh.
22nd November 2021. PPSC Jobs
33/2021. PPSC Jobs 32/2021. PHA Foundation Islamabad. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan. PO Box 758 Public Sector Organization. PO Box 1737 Islamabad Progressive Public
Sector Organization. SBP Bank. 8th November 2021. Apply to Government Jobs in Pakistan. The Jobs.com.pk keeps track of all Govt Jobs
and Govt training opportunities here from major Govt Departments, Ministries
and state-owned organizations posted through their official websites, Public
Service Commissions (FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC), NTS, PTS, OTS, TEVTA and
other organizations where you can apply online to government latest vacancies
or submit your resume/cv to appropriate department. You can get vacancies update in Pakistan
with complete list of all Government jobs in Pakistan for the current year
where you can find information on how you can apply and register for various
opportunities. Here you can search for Pakistan jobs by qualification, skills,
education or job title in major Pakistani cities. Some Government organizations in Pakistan
allow you to apply offline only, some only allow online and some both. You must
be careful when submitting the application and pay special attention on few
things that will ensure your first step is taken in the right direction. Each job
notification has details for the required educational and experience
requirement but generally below are some key points you need to keep in
mind:. How to Apply for Government Jobs
in Pakistan. Each notification has the
apply method (Can be online or downloadable form). Fill out the form with your details (NIC,
Name, Date of Birth, Father Name etc).
Scan the Required Documents and Upload (In case of online application). You may have to pay the fee (see if challan
form is required as per NTS/PTS or other organization). But not all organizations require you to pay
fee (so look for it in requirement for each notification). Submit the Online Application (Or send the
application form to given address in case of offline apply). Browse More Government Jobs by Province in
Pakistan (See Complete List). The
provincial government vacancies are further categorized by federal, provincial,
AJK and GB. You can find the most comprehensive career resources if you are specifically
looking for jobs domiciled in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, see details below:. What
Govt jobs are announced this week? Over
9700+ vacancies are currently available that include this week jobs announced
at prestigious organizations like FWO, Federal Ministries, Hajj Directorate,
NUST, WAPDA, Railways, CPPA, PMC, Pak Navy, Army and other organizations. Why are government jobs so popular in
Pakistan? Government jobs are very
popular in Pakistan due to great benefits, job security and ofcourse perks. The
main reason they are popular is because of the job security which the private
sector fails to provide. Other factors which people consider are government
pension after retirement, work-life balance and additional perks by scale. What is the minimum education required to
apply to Govt jobs in Pakistan? Almost
all Pakistani nationals with basic education can apply to govt jobs. All
candidates who are middle, matric, inter pass, graduate and post-graduates can
easily apply based on their qualification. Most of the jobs announced will
require intermediate or bachelor degree in relevant field. How can I find Govt jobs in Pakistan? Our website offers a great deal of govt jobs
updates which are updated on daily basis through authentic sources that also
include departments and organization's websites. How can I apply to Government job in
Pakistan? Once you determine the
eligibility criteria for each post, you can easily apply to a specific post.
Each notification has the apply method mentioned in detail. Depending on the
organization, you can either apply online through Test service or directly at
the organization website. You can also apply through walk-in interviews or
through mail. What documents are
required to apply at Govt organizations?
Since only eligible candidates may apply to such organizations, all
candidates must provide original or verified copies to apply to government jobs
in Pakistan. Again, depending on the organization, you may be required to
provide CNIC copy (for domicile & nationality purpose), passport size
photograph and educational documents that may include all certificates, diploma
and degree earned. How can I download
application form or notification? You
can easily get the job notification or download the application form (in case
of offline mode) here on this page. In order to download the form, you can open
the specific jobs announcement and scroll down to the bottom section where it
says "Important Links and form download". In case of online form, you
can also visit the official website where you can submit form online. How can I get free Govt jobs alerts? You can subscribe to jobs.com.pk free job
alerts through multiple channels including email, social media or web push
notification service to get daily updates of all jobs announced. Contact Us.
Finding Jobs in Pakistan just got easier with Jobs.com.pk to search for
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Create a free profile and upload your Resume/CV to be found by top employers in
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5. https://www.ready.pk/
Government jobs in pakistan 2021
with new jobs updates and advertisement can be view at Pakistan top jobs
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Ready.pk is Pakistan's fastest growing career website. This website
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You are also encouraged to download our mobile app that focused on
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experience on your mobile phone. So try it now and stay updated.
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7. https://www.jobz.pk/government-jobs-in-lahore/
We have no data for this page,
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8. https://governmentjob.pk/
List of Top 15 Schools in
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9. https://www.ilmkidunya.com/jobs/industry/govt-service
Find list of all latest jobs in
Government sector of Pakistan. Many
candidates want to apply for the government jobs because of the prestige it
carries. If you are looking for information about Govt Jobs in Pakistan then
ilmkidunya is going to provide you all the details that you need. Each year,
announcements and advertisements are released for job positions in the
government. To be employed in a government job is a lucrative opportunity and
it will pay you off in the long run. Every province offers a job in the
provincial government to eligible candidates. All the applicants have to
compete with each other and on the basis of merit and skill the applicants will
be chosen for the job. If you want to learn more about Govt Jobs 2021 then why
not go through this webpage to find or learn about vacancies that suit your
wants and needs? Continue exploring!
How to Find Govt Jobs. It is
difficult to find details about government jobs easily, thus we went over loads
of information and synthesized all the places you can look up for job listings
in the government. Firstly, ilmkidunya posts all the Latest Govt Jobs for all
applicants to see. For example, below this webpage you can find concise details
about jobs that have been posted by different provincial governments and other
information like job title, vacancies, last date for application etc. are all
given. In addition to this, you can also learn about new job vacancies from the
provincial governments official website; the posts about new jobs are all added
there first, so that aspiring candidates can start working on their
applications early on. For example, if you live in Punjab and want to become
part of the government/civil services sector of Punjab then you have to apply
for PPSC jobs. Lastly, another way you can find Latest Government Jobs in
Pakistan is by reading job listings in Newspapers. Latest Govt Jobs Updates 2021. In order to apply for Govt Jobs, you have to
be agile and keep a check on when the job openings occur. Different provincial
governments open job applications at different times of the year. Thus, it is
important that you stay updated about when applications for various govt jobs
start, so that you can start applying as soon as possible. Moreover, starting
your application early allows you to give more time to your application, remove
errors that you have made, and you would also be able to attach all the
documents on time. These reasons necessitate early and quick updates about
govts jobs and ilmkidunya does just that. We constantly update our website so
that you know when job applications open and what are the respective dates of
deadline for job applications. Keep visiting this webpage to learn more about
government jobs. Eligibility
Requirements:. A large number of Govt
jobs in Pakistan are announced every year to simplify the complexity of a
candidate’s life. The job advertisements also include the eligibility criteria
for making candidates aware of all the academic requirements. These
requirements are checked by the candidate to understand if they can apply for
the given job or not. The eligibility requirements of the latest jobs in
Pakistan 2021 are determined based on the following aspects:. The educational qualifications and
experience are different for each job post. These requirements are mentioned in
the advertisement. Moreover, the age,
academic records, and other credentials are also responsible for selecting
eligible candidates. Qualification
Specifications:. The latest govt jobs
in Pakistan bring ease to the life of people with the help of astonishing perks
and benefits. The specifications mentioned in the advertisement are quite
helpful for the candidates to avail the opportunity perfectly. Thus, the
candidates can apply for a specific job post according to the mentioned
specifications. All govt jobs in Pakistan are different and present distinct
specifications. Let’s some significant factors regarding the qualification
specifications of these jobs:. The
educational requirements of each job post vary according to the post scale. For instance, a matric degree is required in
some jobs like foreman, assistant foreman, etc. However, the educational requirement for the
job of stenotypist, clerk, etc. is an intermediate degree. Age Relaxation:. Government jobs in Pakistan today play a
vital role in making the life of people blissful. These jobs provide job
relaxation to the candidates for the sake of their ease. The age relaxation
facility for several jobs in various provinces is different. Let’s discuss the
details of the age relaxation facility offered in these jobs:. In the latest announcement, the age
relaxation of up to 15 years is allowed. This age relaxation in the upper age
limit is announced for the job positions in the province of Punjab. Q: Which government job positions are
recently declared? Ans:More than 9000
job vacancies are declared this year for the sake of people’s convenience. The
prestigious organizations offering various job positions include:. Q: Why are people highly attracted to govt
jobs? Ans: The minimum educational
requirement depends on the job's nature. Some jobs are offered in which a
candidate with a Matric or Intermediate degree is allowed to apply. However, in
some jobs bachelor’s degree is compulsory. These requirements are mentioned in
the advertisement along with the job position.
Q: Which documents should be submitted by the candidates to apply for
these jobs? Q: How can we stay updated
about the latest govt jobs? Ans:You can
download the application form from the official websites of govt jobs.
Following are the steps to complete this process:. First of all, open the specific job
announcement for which you want to apply.
After that, scroll down to the section showing the application form download
option. Q:What type of assessments are
conducted for govt jobs? Ans:The test
pattern for each job is different. The assessment is based on two types of
tests that include written tests and interviews. The written tests are
organized by different govt institutions to select eligible candidates. Q:What is the procedure of fee submission in
case of applying for govt jobs? Ans:The
candidates have to submit the fees by following the instructions mentioned in
the advertisement. The fee is usually submitted to the State Bank of Pakistan.
Additionally, the fee can also be submitted to the National Bank of
Pakistan. Q:What are the instructions
mentioned in the advertisement about the fee slip? The candidates have to bring the original
slip with them during the interview.
Q:How can the candidates claim for counting experience? Ans:Documented evidence is required by each
department for the consideration of experience. The evidence will only be
accepted if it is certified by the concerned appointing authority. Written Tests and Interview:. The latest government jobs in Pakistan
assist people to earn handsome salaries and make their future bright. To get
these jobs, the candidates need to pass the written test and interview. If the
candidates could not take the required marks in the written test then they
would not be qualified for the interview as well. Let’s discuss the
specifications of written tests and interviews:. The written test organized by each institute
is divided into two categories. These categories are objective and subjective
papers. The test can be descriptive or
subjective. Moreover, objective-type questions or MCQs can also be asked in the
exam. However, in most cases, the test
is a combination of both objective and subjective type questions. In some exams, negative marking is also done
against each wrong attempt. The
candidates after passing the written test are invited for the interview. The candidates need to obtain at least 50%
marks in the interview for getting the job.
The interview schedules are uploaded on the website. The call-up letter
can be downloaded for getting details of the interview. Shortlisting Procedure of Candidates for
Interview:. Today govt jobs in Pakistan
are highly recommended for the candidates who intend to make their career
successful. The candidates are shortlisted for the interview by following an
organized procedure. The process of shortlisting the candidates is done based
on the following factors:. Academic
performance. Marks obtained in the
written test organized by the govt institute.
The minimum percentage of the academic career required for getting these
jobs is approximately 60%. However, the passing percentage of written tests
organized by several institutions is normally 40%. Thus, if the candidates
successfully attain the requisite percentage in both academic career and
written test, then they will be shortlisted for the final interview. To get the
desired job, the aspirants have to pass the interview as well. Advantages of Govt Jobs:. Government jobs in Pakistan 2021 are highly
preferred by the candidates due to their unlimited advantages. There are
various advantages of getting a Govt job in terms of impressive salaries,
allowances, medical, etc. Let’s discuss all the advantages offered by these
jobs in detail:. The employees can get
their fixed salaries on time without any difficulty. The retired employees are facilitated with
pensions. The workload in these jobs is
negligible. The candidates do not need
to worry about mortgages by taking advantage of housing facilities in these
jobs. Free healthcare facilities are also provided
to the employees. Application
Submission Procedure:. A lot of
facilities are offered to the candidates through Govt jobs in Pakistan 2021.
That is why more people attract to these job opportunities. You can easily
apply for Govt jobs in Pakistan 2021 via online resources. The official
websites allow people to submit their forms without any difficulty. People can
apply for their desired job position within a few minutes through online
websites. The steps of the application submission procedure are as
follows:. First of all, download the
application form from the official websites of government jobs. After doing so, fill the form with all the
requisite details and information. These details include NIC, name, date of
birth, etc. Scan the requisite
documents and upload the scanned files.
Pay the mentioned amount of fee if the challan form is required by the
organization. The fee can be submitted to any branch of the State Bank of
Pakistan. The fee can also be submitted to the National Bank. Recruitment Rules:. Government jobs in Pakistan are regarded as
a perfect option for candidates who are looking for a successful future ahead.
There are some recruitment rules for hiring eligible candidates. It is quite
difficult for the candidates to qualify for these jobs. A great number of new
govt jobs in Pakistan are announced for offering more career opportunities to
the candidates. The recruitment rules of these jobs are given below:. The candidates need to fill the forms with
accurate information. In case of providing wrong information will lead to a
direct rejection of the application.
The candidates are selected for the jobs if they meet the eligibility
criteria of the applied jobs. The
candidates should bring the fee deposit receipt at the time of the interview.
They are allowed to give interviews without having the original fee slip. The candidates are invited for interviews if
they have cleared the written test by obtaining the required marks. 16-Apr-2021. 15-Apr-2021. Start Test.
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10. https://www.ilmkidunya.com/jobs/
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Welcome to latest jobs in Pakistan page where you’ll easily find todays
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labor market job
1. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/labor-market.asp
LinkedIn. Will Kenton is an expert on the economy and
investing laws and regulations. He previously held senior editorial roles at
Investopedia and Kapitall Wire and holds a MA in Economics from The New School
for Social Research and Doctor of Philosophy in English literature from
NYU. LinkedIn. Charles is a nationally recognized capital
markets specialist and educator with over 30 years of experience developing
in-depth training programs for burgeoning financial professionals. Charles has
taught at a number of institutions including Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley,
Societe Generale, and many more. The
labor market, also known as the job market , refers to the supply of and demand
for labor, in which employees provide the supply and employers provide the
demand. It is a major component of any economy and is intricately linked to
markets for capital , goods, and services.
The labor market refers to the supply of and demand for labor, in which
employees provide the supply and employers provide the demand. The labor market should be viewed at both
the macroeconomic and microeconomic levels.
Unemployment rates and labor productivity rates are two important
macroeconomic gauges. At the
macroeconomic level, supply and demand are influenced by domestic and
international market dynamics, as well as factors such as immigration, the age
of the population, and education levels. Relevant measures include
unemployment, productivity, participation rates , total income , and gross
domestic product (GDP). At the
microeconomic level, individual firms interact with employees, hiring them,
firing them, and raising or cutting wages and hours. The relationship between
supply and demand influences the number of hours employees work and the
compensation they receive in wages, salary, and benefits. The macroeconomic view of the labor market can
be difficult to capture, but a few data points can give investors, economists,
and policymakers an idea of its health. The first is unemployment. During times
of economic stress, the demand for labor lags behind supply, driving
unemployment up. High rates of unemployment exacerbate economic stagnation,
contribute to social upheaval, and deprive large numbers of people of the
opportunity to lead fulfilling lives.
In the U.S. unemployment was around 4% to 5% before the Great Recession
, when large numbers of businesses failed, many people lost their homes, and
demand for goods and services—and the labor to produce them—plummeted.
Unemployment reached 10% in 2009 but declined more or less steadily to 3.5% in
February 2020. However, almost 7 million people filed unemployment claims in a
single week in April 2020; that number dropped to 1.1 million people in the
week ending Aug.15, 2020, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. This led
to the following headline on Fortune: “Real unemployment in the United States
has likely hit 14.7%, the highest level since 1940.”. Labor productivity is another important
gauge of the labor market and broader economic health, measuring the output
produced per hour of labor. Productivity has risen in many economies, the U.S.
included, in recent years due to advancements in technology and other
improvements in efficiency. In the
U.S., growth in output per hour has not translated into similar growth in
income per hour. Workers have been creating more goods and services per unit of
time, but they have not been earning much more in compensation. The Economic
Policy Institute analysis of U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics data showed that
while net productivity rose 69.6% from 1979 to 2018, wages only grew 11.6%
(after adjusting for inflation). More
Labor Supply Than Demand. The fact that
productivity growth has far outstripped wage growth means that the supply of
labor has outpaced the demand for it.
The Labor Market in Macroeconomic Theory . According to the macroeconomic theory, the
fact that wage growth lags productivity growth indicates that the supply of
labor has outpaced demand. When that happens, there is downward pressure on
wages, as workers compete for a scarce number of jobs and employers have their
pick of the labor force. Conversely, if demand outpaces supply, there is upward
pressure on wages, as workers have more bargaining power and are more likely to
be able to switch to a higher paying job, while employers must compete for
scarce labor. Image by Julie Bang ©
Investopedia 2019. Some factors can
influence labor supply and demand. For example, an increase in immigration to a
country can grow the labor supply and potentially depress wages, particularly
if newly arrived workers are willing to accept lower pay. An aging population
can deplete the supply of labor and potentially drive up wages. These factors don’t always have such
straightforward consequences, though. A country with an aging population will
see demand for many goods and services decline , while demand for healthcare
increases. Not every worker who loses their job can simply move into healthcare
work, particularly if the jobs in demand are highly skilled and specialized,
such as doctors and nurses. For this reason, demand can exceed supply in certain
sectors, even if supply exceeds demand in the labor market as a whole. Factors influencing supply and demand don’t
work in isolation, either. If it weren’t for immigration, the U.S. would be a
much older—and probably less dynamic—society, so while an influx of unskilled
workers might have exerted downward pressure on wages, it likely offset
declines in demand. . Other factors
influencing contemporary labor markets, and the U.S. labor market, in
particular, include the threat of automation as computer programs gain the
ability to do more complex tasks; the effects of globalization as enhanced
communication and better transport links allow work to be moved across borders;
the price, quality, and availability of education; and a whole array of policies
such as the minimum wage. The
microeconomic theory analyzes labor supply and demand at the level of the
individual firm and worker. Supply—or the hours an employee is willing to
work—initially increases as wages increase. No workers will work voluntarily
for nothing (unpaid interns are, in theory, working to gain experience and
increase their desirability to other employers), and more people are willing to
work for $20 an hour than $7 an hour.
Gains in supply may accelerate as wages increase, as the opportunity
cost of not working additional hours grows. However, supply may then decrease
at a certain wage level: The difference between $1,000 an hour and $1,050 is
hardly noticeable, and the highly paid worker who’s presented with the option
of working an extra hour or spending their money on leisure activities may well
opt for the latter. Demand at the
microeconomic level depends on two factors: marginal cost of production and
marginal revenue product . If the marginal cost of hiring an additional employee,
or having existing employees work more hours, exceeds the marginal revenue
product, it will cut into earnings, and the firm would theoretically reject
that option. If the opposite is true, it makes rational sense to take on more
labor. Neoclassical microeconomic
theories of labor supply and demand have received criticism on some fronts.
Most contentious is the assumption of “rational” choice —maximizing money while
minimizing work—which to critics is not only cynical but not always supported
by the evidence. Homo sapiens, unlike Homo economicus , may have all sorts of
motivations for making specific choices. The existence of some professions in
the arts and nonprofit sector undermines the notion of maximizing utility.
Defenders of neoclassical theory counter that their predictions may have little
bearing on a given individual but are useful when taking large numbers of
workers in aggregate. Investopedia
requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include
white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry
experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers
where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in
producing accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. " TED:
The Economics Daily ." Accessed Aug. 20, 2021. U.S. Department of Labor. " News
Release: Unemployment Insurance Weekly Claims ." Accessed Aug. 20,
2021. Fortune. " Real unemployment
in the United States has likely hit 14.7%, the highest level since 1940 ."
Accessed Sept. 20, 2021. ×. The offers that appear in this table are
from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. This
compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Investopedia does not
include all offers available in the marketplace. What Is Efficiency Wage Theory? What Is the One-Third Rule? The one-third rule is a rule of thumb that
estimates the change in labor productivity based on changes in capital per hour
of labor. What Is Natural
Unemployment? Natural unemployment is
the number of people unemployed due to the structure of the labor force, such
as those who lack the skills to gain employment. Occupational Labor Mobility Definition. What Is Average Industrial Wage? Average industrial wage refers to the mean
hourly rate of pay for workforce members of a given geographical area,
excluding farmworkers. Productivity.
2. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/j/job-market.asp
Twitter. Brian Beers is a digital editor, writer,
Emmy-nominated producer, and content expert with 15+ years of experience
writing about corporate finance & accounting, fundamental analysis, and
investing. Twitter. Gordon Scott has been an active investor and
technical analyst of securities, futures, forex, and penny stocks for 20+
years. He is a member of the Investopedia Financial Review Board and the
co-author of Investing to Win. Gordon is a Chartered Market Technician (CMT).
He is also a member of CMT Association.
The job market is the market in which employers search for employees and
employees search for jobs. The job market is not a physical place as much as a
concept demonstrating the competition and interplay between different labor
forces. It is also known as the labor market .
The job market can grow or shrink depending on the demand for labor and
the available supply of workers within the overall economy. Other factors which
impact the market are the needs of a specific industry, the need for a
particular education level or skill set, and required job functions. The job
market is a significant component of any economy and is directly tied in with
the demand for goods and services. The
employment numbers are released on the first Friday of every month. . The
job market is also directly related to the unemployment rate . The unemployment
rate is the percentage of people in the labor force who are not currently
employed but actively seeking a job. The higher the unemployment rate, the
greater the supply of labor in the overall job market. When employers have a larger pool of
applicants to choose from, they can be pickier or force down wages. Conversely,
as the unemployment rate drops, employers are forced to compete more heavily
for available workers. The competition for workers has the effect of increasing
wages. Wages determined by the job market provide valuable information for
economic analysts and those who set public policy based on the state of the
overall economy. 24.9%. During difficult economic times,
unemployment tends to rise as employers may reduce their staffing numbers and
create fewer new jobs, making it harder for people trying to find work. High
rates of unemployment can prolong economic stagnation —a sustained period of
little-to-no growth in an economy—and contribute to social upheaval, leading to
the loss of opportunities for many individuals to live comfortably. A report called the Current Population
Survey can measure the state of the job market. It's a statistical survey
performed every month by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The study
includes a representative sample of about 60,000 homes to try and determine the
unemployment rate of specific regions, earnings of those surveyed, hours the
respondents worked, and many other demographic factors. . Key
Takeaways. Employers search for employees
and employees search for jobs in the job market. The job market grows or shrinks based on
demand for labor and the number of workers in the economy. The job market is directly related to the
unemployment rate—a measure of the percentage of people who aren't employed but
actively seeking work. Example of a Job
Market. According to the U.S.
Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics total employment for non-farm
payrolls rose by 304,000 for January 2019, and the unemployment rate (a lagging
indicator) bumped up to 4.0%. Industries such as leisure and hospitality,
construction, and transportation and warehousing all saw job gains during this
time. Investopedia requires writers to
use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers,
government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We
also reference original research from other reputable publishers where
appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing
accurate, unbiased content in our editorial policy. Bureau of Labor Statistics. " Current
Employment Statistics ," Accessed October 27, 2020. ×.
The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which
Investopedia receives compensation. This compensation may impact how and where
listings appear. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the
marketplace. Underemployment. Underemployment is a measure of employment
and labor utilization in the economy that looks at how well the labor force is
being utilized. How Frictional
Unemployment Occurs in an Economy.
Frictional unemployment is the result of employment transitions within
an economy and naturally occurs, even in a growing, stable economy. The Conference Board (CB). Maquiladora. A maquiladora is a Spanish term for a
factory located near the United States-Mexico border that operates under a
favorable duty- or tariff-free basis.
What Is the Labor Market? The
labor market refers to the supply of and demand for labor, in which employees
provide the supply and employers provide the demand. Unemployment Definition and Types.
3. https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/economics/labor-market/
The labor market is the place
where the supply and the demand for jobs meet, with the workers or labor
providing the services that employers demand. The worker may be anyone who
wishes to offer his services for compensation RemunerationRemuneration is any
type of compensation or payment that an individual or employee receives as
payment for their services or the work that they do for an organization or
company. It includes whatever base salary an employee receives, along with
other types of payment that accrue during the course of their work, which,
while the employer may be a single entity or an organization that is in need of
an individual to do a specific job or to complete a task. The worker is then
comparable to a seller while the employer is the buyer. A common factor that connects the two
entities is the salary or wage that is agreed to be received by the worker from
the employer. In short, this is where workers can find work that suits their
skills and qualifications and where both agree on the wages, benefits Employee
Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP)An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) refers to an
employee benefit plan that gives the employees an ownership stake in the
company. The employer allocates a percentage of the company’s shares to each
eligible employee at no upfront cost. The distribution of shares may be based
on the employee’s pay scale, terms of, and other forms of compensation for the
worker. In the labor market, it is
assumed that workers move to where there is a demand for their skills, whether
this is in their local region or abroad. Moreover, they are also replaceable,
which means that a person who can do the job better can be tapped to take over
the other worker’s job. Furthermore, salaries are not fixed, meaning they can
go up or down, depending on the worker’s performance Labor Force KPIsHow can we
monitor the labor force? Governments and economists usually refer to three main
key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess the strength of a nation's labor
force. Wages or compensation is the highest motivating factor in the labor
market. 1. Labor force population. The labor force population or labor force
participation refers to the number of individuals who are available to work in
a labor market. It considers all workers who are offering their skills and
services for employment regardless of the industry they are in. 2. Applicant population. The second component is the applicant
population which refers to the people who are applying for a particular job
that suits their expertise and skills. Recruiters look first at the labor market
and then look next for individuals who meet the skills and qualifications set
for a particular job. For example, the people looking for IT, graphics design,
and similar jobs belong to the same applicant population, which is targeted by
recruiters looking for this type of professional. 3. Applicant pool. The third component is the applicant pool,
which is the actual number of people who initially signified their interest in
applying for a particular job by sending in their resume. It may very well be
considered the first part of the selection process where the recruitment
department of a specific organization receives applications and screens them to
determine who advances to the next round of screening. 4. Individuals selected. The fourth component is the individuals
selected, which simply means the individual or individuals who’ve made it
through the screening process and have been hired for the job. Of course, this
is judged based on a number of factors, and the person is screened against a
carefully determined set of qualifications.
Understanding Labor Market Analysis.
Labor market analysis is an integral part of an organization’s
recruitment process because it not only helps it find the most qualified workers
for the jobs that it offers but also ensures that it provides a competitive
compensation package to its workers. This is important in order for an
organization to be able to keep its competent workers and, thus, continue its
productivity. Generally speaking, labor
market analysis involves the following processes:. Identifying the various labor markets for a
given type of position. It involves looking at the appropriate labor market
based on a specific position. Checking
the market for salaries for a common position. The process involves checking
similar positions in the labor market in order to determine if an
organization’s salary rates are at about the same level. Determining market trends. This step answers
questions as to how other organizations are compensating their workers,
including their pay practices. Adjusting
salary packages or structure of positions. After checking the salary rates of
other organizations and finding out if there is any need for adjustments, the
department then makes recommendations for such adjustments and restructuring of
positions in the company. Labor Market
Information (LMI) is basically everything there is to know about a specific
labor market. Information about occupations, their locations, wages, supply and
demand, and demographics DemographicsDemographics refer to the socio-economic
characteristics of a population that businesses use to identify the product
preferences and are all included in the LMI.
How is the LMI helpful? The LMI
is very helpful for people who are looking at getting a job that is
sustainable. A worker who looks at the LMI enjoys a higher chance of getting
recruited because he or she knows what industries or jobs are exactly looking
for. For example, an individual who
finds out that the hospitality industry is looking to hire 1,000 food and
beverage specialists over the next two years decides to take up training and
short courses on the subject. By the time he applies for the job some six
months later, his chances of getting recruited are definitely higher than that
of the person with lesser credentials. It further means that he will receive a
better compensation package than the rest precisely for the qualifications and
certificates that he holds. In summary,
LMI helps a worker identify the demands of the labor market and helps him be
equipped with the right qualifications.
Economic Indicators Economic IndicatorsAn economic indicator is a metric
used to assess, measure, and evaluate the overall state of health of the
macroeconomy. Economic indicators.
Employee Background Check Employee Background CheckEmployee background
check refers to a review of a person’s past record to compile their criminal,
financial, and commercial records. Background checks are. Five Highest Paying Jobs in the Financial
Industry Five Highest Paying Jobs in the Financial IndustryWe hope you enjoy
this guide to the Five Highest Paying Jobs in the Financial Industry. The
financial industry is easily one of the most competitive when it comes to
finding a job. This is even true in regard to entry-level positions, as it’s
almost entirely unheard of to build a successful career in. Structural Unemployment Structural
UnemploymentStructural unemployment is a category of unemployment caused by
differences between the skills possessed by the unemployed population and
the. From equities, fixed income to
derivatives, the CMSA certification bridges the gap from where you are now to
where you want to be — a world-class capital markets analyst.
4. https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/trend-analysis
We have no data for this page,
because it isn't accessible for our crawler.
5. https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/support/topic?mtid=4
We have no data for this page,
because it isn't accessible for our crawler.
6. https://www.oecd.org/employment/making-labour-markets-inclusive.htm
. In
this time of chronic unemployment, it is all too easy to lose sight of the
single greatest trend underlying the long-term labour market: the demographic
time bomb in the developed world. Indeed, the defining employment challenge of
the future will be not the surplus, but the shortage, of appropriate labour. In the US, 25 million extra workers will be
needed by 2030 to sustain economic growth. In Europe, we are looking at a
potential shortfall of around 35 million workers–15% of total labour demand–by
2050. On top of that we will see a serious decrease in the number of jobs in
the mid-skilled labour segment, the so-called “squeezed middle”, by 2020.
Labour shortages and surpluses of this magnitude will obviously have drastic
consequences for growth; when considered alongside the public welfare costs of
an ageing population, they begin to look like a sure-fire recipe for economic
disaster. Clearly, labour markets will
need to adapt significantly if economies are to remain competitive. Pension
reform is inevitable, and labour migration and real productivity rates will
almost certainly need to be increased in order to reduce labour demand. But
there is a further key piece of the puzzle requiring urgent and concerted
attention: the need for a more inclusive labour market. An inclusive labour market is a labour
market that allows and encourages all people of working age to participate in
paid work and provides a framework for their development. At present, groups
such as women, young people, older workers and low-skilled workers remain
underemployed in many sectors and economies. The goal, therefore, is to
effectively mobilise the talents and resources of these underutilised groups so
that they can participate in and benefit from the driving of economic growth.
Building a more inclusive labour market is a key objective of the European
Commission’s Europe 2020 Strategy to increase workforce participation. Its
“inclusive, smart and sustainable” growth targets include reducing school
dropout rates from 13.5% today to below 10% and increasing tertiary education
completion rates to 40% among people aged 30–34, from the current 34.6%. The
target is to increase the employment rate of people aged 20-64 from the current
68.6% to 75% by 2020. Increased
participation in itself, however, is not enough to ensure inclusive and
sustainable growth. After all, an abundance of workers is of little consequence
if they lack the high-level, sector-specific skills increasingly required by
employers. As our 2012 research report Into the gap: exploring skills and
mismatches found, qualitative mismatches in skills and educational levels
abound in today’s globalised and constantly changing world, even with the
present high rates of unemployment. Moving towards 2020, both Europe and the US
will face increasing shortages of highly skilled labour, particularly in the
healthcare, science, engineering, construction, business services, and trade
and repair industries. Meanwhile, for the bulk of the 45 million people
entering the global job market each year–many of them low-skilled and from
developing nations–employability will continue to be a huge problem. Workers
from declining traditional industries, such as manufacturing and agriculture,
face similar employability hurdles in transitioning to skill-intensive emerging
sectors such as IT and business services.
Obviously, this substantial qualitative mismatch of labour supply and
demand is a tremendous waste of human resources, and a formidable barrier to
truly inclusive growth. To drive sustainable economic growth, therefore, we
need to bridge both the quantitative and the qualitative employment gaps. This
calls for more than just increased participation–it requires enhanced
participation, which makes the most effective and appropriate use of all of our
diverse labour resources. As the
world’s second-biggest human resource services provider, with 4 700 locations,
28 700 corporate employees and 576 000 flex workers per day across 40
countries, Randstad is intimately acquainted with the growing disparity in
labour supply and demand. Together with our partners at the University of
Amsterdam/SEO Economic Research, we’ve conducted a range of in-depth studies
into just this issue. Our latest study,
Into the gap, complements our two previous studies, Mind the gap and Bridging
the gap, by investigating the extent, nature and causes of present–and
future–qualitative and quantitative labour mismatches. This research indicates
a number of barriers to more inclusive and effective mobilisation of labour
resources, including the availability of information about jobs and jobseekers;
the attitudes of employers and jobseekers; working life issues, such as working
conditions and work-life balance; and mismatches between training and education
and labour market needs. Overcoming these
barriers and enhancing participation therefore requires a multipronged
approach. In addition to improving recruitment methods, reforming education and
training, and encouraging more socially inclusive attitudes in the world of
work, it is vital that we increase employment flexibility and mobility. Greater
labour market flexibility will encourage more inclusive labour force
participation, while high mobility between jobs, sectors and countries will
lead to fewer unfilled vacancies and better matches between workers and jobs.
On the other hand, research strongly indicates that the countries that have
fared best throughout the financial crisis are those that balance flexibility
in response to shocks and structural change with work security measures. For
growth to be inclusive and sustainable, therefore, labour market reform must
strike the right balance between increased employment flexibility and increased
income security–the “flexicurity” concept.
Bridging the employment gaps of the future will require both structural
reform and social investment. Educational and training provisions–including
lifelong learning programs– are needed to address skills mismatches and to
counter the looming shortage of highly skilled workers. In addition, we need to
take a fresh look at labour market policies, including wage subsidies,
employment protection regulation, unemployment benefit schemes and pension
schemes– especially where they concern currently underemployed groups.
Particular attention should be paid to the special role that modern labour
relationships, such as temporary agency work, part-time work and
self-employment, can play in stimulating job creation, increasing workforce
participation, easing work-life balance and facilitating job-to-job
mobility. As a leading international
staffing company, Randstad will have an important role to play in enabling this
enhanced workforce participation and decreasing skills mismatches. Temporary
agency work gives employers the flexibility to adapt quickly to changing market
conditions–indeed, as the Ciett report Adapting to change revealed, companies
that use agency work have tended to accelerate faster out of the economic
crisis. It also gives workers the flexibility they need to balance work and
family life, and can be an important stepping stone to greater workforce
participation for chronically underemployed or inactive members of the labour
market. Furthermore, by investing in training and improving the flow of
employment information, Randstad can act as a transition manager, easing the
education-towork, unemployment-to-work and job-to-job transitions that increase
workforce participation and reduce skills mismatches. And as labour market
experts, we already actively contribute to national programmes on inclusion
issues such as active ageing, gender equality and integration of disabled
workers. Meeting the employment
challenges of the future will undoubtedly be a difficult task, but in line with
our mission of “shaping the world of work”, Randstad is poised to be a valuable
partner in the journey towards a more inclusive, flexible and well-functioning
labour market.
7. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gadlevanon/2021/08/17/the-top-trends-in-americas-job-market/amp/
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Statement. Manufacturing. Getty Images. The U.S. labor market is going through
extraordinary times: historically fast job growth, severe labor shortages
despite a still-high unemployment rate, and the epic shift to remote work. As
the fallout from Covid-19 continues, here are the most important U.S. job
market trends. 1. Remote work is here to stay. Seventeen
months after the beginning of the pandemic, most employers believe that remote
work does not negatively affect workers’ productivity , and perhaps even improves
it. As a result, a growing share of firms expects to permanently shift to
remote work models. perhaps the biggest legacy of Covid-19. There has also been
a large increase since before the pandemic in the share of office-job ads that
mention remote work. This has been especially noticeable in computer-related
and finance and insurance occupations. The increase also occurred in office
support and clerical occupations that were rarely done remotely before the
pandemic. 2. Employers are geographically expanding
their potential employee pools. The shift to remote work allows employers to
hire workers in cheaper labor markets and save on labor costs. In 2018, less
than 40 percent of Silicon Valley tech company jobs ads were posted outside of
that area. Now it is about two thirds. Most of the increase occurred during the
pandemic, around the shift to remote work.
The employment outlook. 3. Job growth is historically fast, but
employment is far from recovered. Job
growth surged in 2021, especially during June and July, as in-services
industries continued to re-open. The unusually strong growth in recent months
is constrained to industries such as leisure and hospitality, mining, personal
care, and education (both public and private). Most other sectors have grown in
the past six months at roughly their prepandemic rates. As a result, the number
of jobs in July was still 5.7 million below February 2020 levels. Compared to
most other advanced economies, the economic recovery from the pandemic was much
stronger in the US. 4. Some industries will not fully recover
this year – or in 2022. While there is a lot of uncertainty about permanent
trends in automation and consumer tastes, several industries are unlikely to
recover to prepandemic employment levels before 2023. These industries include,
nonresidential construction, parts of retail trade, business- and work-related
transportation, commercial banking, business and facilities-support services
and nursing and residential care. The rapid spread of the virus in other
countries suggests that international tourism will be very slow to
recover. 5. The rapid increase in the number
infections had no impact on July’s job numbers. Those figures were gathered the
week of July 12, before the full impact of the delta variant surge. Going
forward we do expect the new wave of infections to negatively impact economic
activity in in-person services. We expect job growth to slightly slow as a
result, but to remain relatively strong.
6. Older people staying home
will slow employment recovery. As older Americans, more vulnerable to COVID-19,
may experience a longer and more isolated period of social distancing, they are
likely to cut back on spending on in-person services more than younger people.
In several consumption categories, such as travel, lodging and restaurants,
older households are responsible for a disproportionately high share of
spending. Full job-recovery may take longer in these industries. Labor shortages. 7.
Severe labor shortages will persist despite high unemployment. Labor
markets are extremely tight because of the unusual dynamics of the pandemic.
The combination of a demand surge and stagnant labor supply created historic
recruiting difficulties from April through July. The share of employers with
unfilled positions was the highest ever, according to July’s National
Federation of Independent Business survey. At the same time, the share of
workers voluntarily quitting their jobs, and the time to fill open positions,
are also elevated. Recruiting and retention difficulties are more pronounced in
low-paid jobs, especially in blue-collar and manual services occupations. 8.
Many potential workers are on the sidelines. Despite the very tight
labor market, labor force participation is still well below prepandemic rates.
Most noticeably, the labor force participation rate in the 65+ age group is 2.5
percentage points below its prepandemic level, erasing a decade of continuous
improvement before COVID-19. 9. Employers are reacting. Data from online
job ads show that because of severe labor shortages, employers have downskilled
requirements in job postings, and are offering more sign-on bonuses, higher
starting salaries and more on-the-job training. 10.
Some pandemic-related supply constraints will loosen in the fourth
quarter. Elevated federal unemployment benefits are gradually expiring and will
fully expire by September. Lower unemployment benefits are likely to bring back
many workers to the labor market. Women of color are still disproportionally
out of work. If schools return to normal in-person attendance, more women will
rejoin the labor force. This may result in some easing in labor shortages. 11. A
shrinking working-age population is limiting the labor supply. In the past
decade, the growth rate of the number of working-age people has been gradually
declining. In 2020, for the first time in U.S. history, the figure itself
declined. But the overall narrative about the slowing growth rate in the
working-age population masks two opposing educational trends. The number of
working-age people with a bachelor’s degree is solidly and uninterruptedly
increasing by about 2 percent annually. On the flip side, the number of workers
without bachelor’s degrees, who are willing to take blue collar and manual
services jobs, is shrinking. This will increase the likelihood of a labor
shortage among blue-collar and manual services occupations for this coming
decade. 12. Automation and productivity may surge. After
a decade of historically-slow labor productivity growth, one must be cautious
about predicting the opposite trend. But the events of 2020 and 2021 may indeed
fuel stronger automation and other cost-savings actions from employers. First,
after massive layoffs during the early months of the pandemic, some have
learned to operate with fewer workers by using more automation and other
process improvements. 2021’s severe labor shortage and accelerating wages may
have incentivized other employers to do the same. Finally, the accelerated
digital transformation of both business and consumer activities makes it easier
to eliminate routine jobs. Wage growth
and inflation. 13. Wage growth is the fastest in 20 years. Much
of the wage acceleration comes from blue collar and manual services
occupations. Between March and July 2021, average hourly earnings increased at
an annual rate of 17 percent in the leisure and hospitality sector and by 14.7
percent in transportation and warehousing. Some service-related companies set
up their own minimum wage at $15 per hour. Wage growth for management and
professional occupations remains below 3 percent. 14.
Rapid new-hire wage growth could compress salaries. When the wage
premium for experience shrinks or even turns negative, more-experienced workers
feel that their pay advantage is no longer significant. Such salary compression
can lead to higher labor turnover as these workers can often find new jobs at
higher wages in a tight labor market.
15. Inflation is making a
comeback. After being a non-issue in wage determination for several decades,
strong inflation in 2021, and perhaps 2022, is likely to push wages higher. In
a more extreme, and less likely, scenario, high inflation and severe labor
shortages could lead to a wage-price spiral, where higher prices and wages feed
each other, leading to faster growth in both.
U.S. regional variation.
16. The coasts are further behind
in job recovery. Pandemic job losses were much bigger in the Northeast and
Pacific regions, where the spread of the virus occurred earlier, and
state-mandated social distancing measures were more restrictive. Job losses
were larger in vacation destinations, where hard-hit industries such as travel,
lodging, and dining comprise a large share of the economy. 17. The
donut effect. Because of the pandemic, fewer people are going into the office
and spending money in city centers, while more people have moved to cheaper
housing markets. Within large U.S. cities , households, businesses and real
estate demand have moved from dense central business districts toward lower
density suburban zip codes. Get the
best of Forbes to your inbox with the
latest insights from experts across the globe.
Gad Levanon. I work at The
Conference Board, where I oversee the Labor Market Institute and the Help
Wanted OnLine© program. I’m also an adjunct professor in the economics
department. …Read More. I work at The Conference Board, where I
oversee the Labor Market Institute and the Help Wanted OnLine© program. I’m
also an adjunct professor in the economics department at NYU. Before coming to
The Conference Board, I worked at the Israeli Central Bank. I received my PhD
in economics from Princeton University.
Managing Supply In The Face Of Unprecedented Inefficiency. Now Is The Time To Unleash The Power Of
Cities And States To Build Back Better.
Rare Earths From Coal Ash Using A Coca-Cola Ingredient? Sandia Says
Maybe. How Manufacturers Are Managing
Demand Spikes. You've reached your
limit of free articles. Subscribe to continue
8. https://www.forbes.com/sites/billconerly/2021/08/11/employment-looking-better-but-labor-market-will-remain-tight/?sh=5c3904ae68f6
Marcus by Goldman Sachs | Paid
Program. Leadership Strategy. Employment looks much better in the latest
jobs report . Employers were able to hire and the unemployment rate dropped.
But the labor market will remain tight for a while, and the long-run trend,
driven by demographics, will keep hiring difficult throughout this decade. In 2021 we have been living through the
contradiction of high unemployment rates with abundant “Help Wanted” signs. At
the same time that we have seen strong progress in GDP recovery, layoffs are
still elevated (though well below the pandemic peak). Sorting through the
conflicting forces will help business leaders plan their labor force policy.
The quick summary: expect improving availability of workers for 12 months,
transitioning to a long-term tight labor market. Business has picked up since the worst of
the pandemic, with inflation-adjusted gross domestic product fully recovered
and setting a new record. Employment lagged, though, creating a puzzle.
Hypotheses for weak employment include skills mismatch, fear of Covid, child
care, bonus unemployment insurance and past stimulus payments. The first asserts a mismatch between open
positions and job seekers. That’s always been the case, to some extent, with
many unskilled people jobless while computer engineering positions go unfilled.
This time around, though, many of the people laid off in the pandemic were
relatively low-skilled restaurant and hotel workers. Yet restaurants that reopened
couldn’t find people, and other businesses looking for entry-level workers had
trouble hiring. Many open restaurants are short-staffed . Another part of the mismatch hypothesis
suggests that people were trying to find more satisfying jobs. Covid led many
people to re-think their lives, and for some of them shifting jobs became a
goal. Some people succeed in changing careers, other give up the new job search
after a while, and yet others try the new career and find it disappointing. Contributor. Child care has been a problem for some
people, given school closures. But detailed data show that women are
increasingly working or looking for work. (Some men certainly stay home to care
for their children, but they are still a minority.). Surveys of workers turn up fear of Covid as
reason for not working. This explanation looks strange. Vaccinated people face
little risk, and people who have chosen not to get jabbed have little fear. A
survey response citing fear of the disease may simply be a face-saving
alternative to telling the interviewer the truth: that the person doesn’t want
to get up in the morning and go to work.
Our next hypothesis is that bonus unemployment insurance payments have
kept people at home. The regular unemployment insurance pays about half of the
prior wage, with details varying by state. Congress authorized an extra $600 a
week last year, now $300 a week, due to expire in September. People who had
been earning less than $15 an hour are better off with the bonus unemployment than
returning to work. Those who had been earning a higher wage, like $20 an hour,
could earn a little more working than unemployed but with all the bother and
hassle of a job. The generous
unemployment insurance payments certainly influenced some people, but others
were motivated by long-term views, the personal satisfaction of work and
perhaps an old fashioned work ethic. The program has certainly been a factor in
slow availability of workers, though it’s not the complete story. Some states
have ended their participation in the extra payments, and the program will end
nation-wide September 6, 2021. That will help businesses hire entry-level and
low-skilled workers. Another hypothesis
for workers not applying for open positions is past stimulus payments. Some
people work when they need money, and they won’t go looking for a job until
they run out of cash. Stimulus checks went out in December 2020 and again in
March 2021. For non-working people, most of the money has probably been spent
by now, though possibly not be those also receiving the bonus unemployment
benefits. Time will reduce the number of people influenced by the direct
stimulus payment. The best explanation
probably combines multiple hypotheses. They mostly point in the direction of
better worker availability in the fourth quarter of 2021 than it has been early
in the year. Labor demand, however, is
likely to grow as the year advances. New layoffs continue at an elevated pace.
In recent months, new claims for unemployment insurance have run at nearly
twice the rate of 2019. With business improving, why are there still so many
layoffs? Some companies survived the worst of the pandemic but were too
weakened to continue for long. In other cases, businesses have failed to cope
with changes from where people live and work, online retailing and the other
aspects of business that are different. It may take another six to 12 months
for the shakeout to end. Such layoffs and closures will supply more people to
the job market, helping other businesses that are trying to hire. But greater availability of workers in the
short-run clashes with the long-run demographic trend. The working age
population is not growing rapidly. In fact, in this decade (2020 through 2030),
we’ll have the lowest growth of the working age population since the Civil War,
illustrated by the scariest chart ever . Most business leaders have a vision of
growing their companies, and for most that means increasing employment. But
there won’t be enough workers for all the companies, non-profits and government
agencies that try to hire. The labor market will be tight through 2030, so get
used to it. Bill Conerly. I decided to become an economist at age 16,
but I also started reading my grandmother’s used copies of Forbes. After degrees
including a Ph.D. from Duke and three years.
I decided to become an economist at age 16, but I also started reading
my grandmother’s used copies of Forbes. After degrees including a Ph.D. from
Duke and three years as a professor, I found my calling in the business world.
I began as a corporate economist (PG&E, Nerco, First Interstate Bank) and
then entered consulting, helping business leaders connect the dots between the
economy and business decisions. I wrote "Businomics: From the Headlines to
Your Bottom Line—How to Profit in Any Economic Cycle" to help corporate
executives and small business owners understand how the economy impacts their
companies. Side trips on this journey include co-authoring a high school
economics curriculum, "Thinking Economics," and earning the CFA
designation (though I’m not an active charter-holder). I served four governors
on Oregon's Council of Economic Advisors and currently am chairman of the board
of Cascade Policy Institute. My friends and fans love their monthly fix of
economic charts, a 60-second scan of the economy. The latest edition is always
up at https://www.conerlyconsulting.com/writing/newsletter/ , and notice the
link to subscribe for free on that page.
9. https://ftp.iza.org/dp3802.pdf
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10. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.nr0.htm
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USDL-21-1799 8:30 a.m. (ET) Friday, October 8, 2021 Technical information: Household data: (202) 691-6378 *
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PressOffice@bls.gov THE EMPLOYMENT
nonfarm payroll employment rose by 194,000 in September, and the unemployment
rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported today. Notable job
gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, in professional and business
services, in retail trade, and in transportation and warehousing. Employment in
public education declined over the month.
This news release presents statistics from two monthly surveys. The
household survey measures labor force status, including unemployment, by
demographic characteristics. The establishment survey measures nonfarm
employment, hours, and earnings by industry. For more information about the
concepts and statistical methodology used in these two surveys, see the
Technical Note. Household Survey
Data The unemployment rate fell by 0.4
percentage point to 4.8 percent in September. The number of unemployed persons
fell by 710,000 to 7.7 million. Both measures are down considerably from their
highs at the end of the February-April 2020 recession. However, they remain
above their levels prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (3.5 percent
and 5.7 million, respectively, in February 2020). (See table A-1. See the box
note at the end of this news release for more information about how the
household survey and its measures were affected by the coronavirus
pandemic.) Among the major worker
groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.7 percent), adult women (4.2
percent), Whites (4.2 percent), and Blacks (7.9 percent) declined in
September. The jobless rates for
teenagers (11.5 percent), Asians (4.2 percent), and Hispanics (6.3 percent) showed little change over the month.
(See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.) Among
the unemployed, the number of permanent job losers declined by 236,000 to 2.3
million in September but is 953,000 higher than in February 2020. The number of
persons on temporary layoff, at 1.1 million, changed little in September. This
measure is down considerably from the high of 18.0 million in April 2020 but is
374,000 above the February 2020 level. The number of reentrants to the labor
force decreased by 198,000 in September to 2.3 million, after increasing by a
similar amount in August. (Reentrants are persons who previously worked but
were not in the labor force prior to beginning their job search.) (See table
A-11.) The number of long-term
unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) decreased by 496,000 in
September to 2.7 million but is 1.6 million higher than in February 2020. The
long-term unemployed accounted for 34.5
percent of the total unemployed in September. The number of persons jobless
less than 5 weeks, at 2.2 million, changed little. (See table A-12.) The labor force participation rate was little
changed at 61.6 percent in September and has remained within a narrow range of
61.4 percent to 61.7 percent since June 2020. The participation rate is 1.7 percentage points
lower than in February 2020. The employment- population ratio, at 58.7 percent,
edged up in September. This measure is up from its low of 51.3 percent in April
2020 but remains below the figure of 61.1 percent in February 2020. (See table
A-1.) In September, the number of persons
employed part time for economic reasons, at 4.5 million, was essentially
unchanged for the second month in a row. There were 4.4 million persons in this
category in February 2020. These individuals, who would have preferred
full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been
reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs. (See table A-8.) The number of persons not in the labor force
who currently want a job was 6.0 million in September, little changed over the
month but up by 959,000 since February 2020. These individuals were not counted
as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks or were unavailable
to take a job. (See table A-1.) Among
those not in the labor force who wanted a job, the number of persons
marginally attached to the labor force
edged up to 1.7 million in September, following a decline in the prior month. These individuals wanted and
were available for work and had looked for a
job sometime in the prior 12 months but had not looked for work in the 4
weeks preceding the survey. The number of discouraged workers, a subset of the
marginally attached who believed that no jobs were available for them, was
450,000 in September, little changed from the
previous month. (See Summary table A.)
Household Survey Supplemental Data
In September, 13.2 percent of employed persons teleworked because of the
coronavirus pandemic, little changed from the prior month. These data refer to
employed persons who teleworked or worked at home for pay at some point in the
last 4 weeks specifically because of the pandemic. In September, 5.0 million persons reported
that they had been unable to work because their employer closed or lost
business due to the pandemic--that is, they did not work at all or worked fewer
hours at some point in the last 4 weeks due to the pandemic. This measure is
down from 5.6 million in August. Among those who reported in September that
they were unable to work because of pandemic-related closures or lost business,
15.5 percent received at least some pay from their employer for the hours not
worked, little changed from the prior month.
Among those not in the labor force in September, 1.6 million persons
were prevented from looking for work due
to the pandemic, little changed from August. (To be counted as unemployed, by
definition, individuals must be either actively looking for work or on
temporary layoff.) These supplemental
data come from questions added to the household survey beginning in May 2020 to
help gauge the effects of the pandemic on the labor market. The data are not
seasonally adjusted. Tables with estimates from the supplemental questions for
all months are available online at
www.bls.gov/cps/effects-of-the-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic.htm. Establishment Survey Data Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by
194,000 in September. Thus far this year, monthly job growth has averaged
561,000. Nonfarm employment has increased by 17.4 million since a recent trough
in April 2020 but is down by 5.0 million, or 3.3 percent, from its pre-pandemic
level in February 2020. In September, notable job gains occurred in leisure and
hospitality, in professional and business services, in retail trade, and in
transportation and warehousing. Employment in public education declined over
the month. (See table B-1. See the box note at the end of this news release for
more information about how the establishment survey and its measures were
affected by the coronavirus pandemic.)
Employment in leisure and hospitality increased by 74,000 in September,
with continued job growth in arts, entertainment, and recreation (+43,000).
Employment in food services and drinking places changed little for the second
consecutive month, compared with an average monthly gain of 197,000 from January through July. Employment in
leisure and hospitality is down by 1.6 million, or 9.4 percent, since February
2020. Professional and business services
added 60,000 jobs in September. Employment continued to increase in
architectural and engineering services (+15,000), management and technical
consulting services (+15,000), and computer systems design and related services
(+9,000). Employment in professional and business services is 385,000 below its
level in February 2020. In September,
employment in retail trade rose by 56,000, following 2 months of little change.
Over the month, employment gains occurred in clothing and clothing accessories
stores (+27,000), general merchandise stores (+16,000), and building material
and garden supply stores (+16,000). These gains were partially offset by a loss
in food and beverage stores (-12,000). Retail trade employment is 202,000 lower
than its level in February 2020.
Employment in transportation and warehousing increased by 47,000 in
September, in line with gains in the prior 2 months. In September, job gains
continued in warehousing and storage (+16,000), couriers and messengers
(+13,000), and air transportation (+10,000). Employment in transportation and
warehousing is 72,000 above its pre-pandemic level in February 2020. Employment in the information industry
increased by 32,000 in September. Gains occurred in motion picture and sound
recording industries (+14,000); in publishing industries, except Internet
(+11,000); and in data processing, hosting, and related services (+6,000).
Employment in information is down by 108,000 since February 2020. In September, social assistance added 30,000
jobs, led by a gain in child day care services (+18,000). Employment in social
assistance is 204,000 lower than in February 2020. Employment in manufacturing increased by
26,000 in September, with gains in fabricated metal products (+8,000),
machinery (+6,000), and printing and related support activities (+4,000). These
gains were partially offset by a decline
of 6,000 in motor vehicles and parts. Manufacturing employment is down by
353,000 since February 2020.
Construction employment rose by 22,000 in September but has shown little
net change thus far this year. Employment in construction is 201,000 below its
February 2020 level. In September,
employment in wholesale trade increased by 17,000, almost entirely in the
durable goods component (+16,000). Employment in wholesale trade is down by
159,000 since February 2020. Mining
employment continued to trend up in September (+5,000), reflecting growth in support
activities for mining (+4,000). Mining employment has risen by 59,000 since a
trough in August 2020 but is 93,000 below a peak in January 2019. In September, employment decreased by 144,000
in local government education and by 17,000 in state government education. Employment changed
little in private education (-19,000). Most back-to-school hiring typically
occurs in September. Hiring this September was lower than usual, resulting in
a decline after seasonal adjustment.
Recent employment changes are challenging to interpret, as pandemic- related
staffing fluctuations in public and private education have distorted the normal
seasonal hiring and layoff patterns.
Since February 2020, employment is down by 310,000 in local government education, by 194,000 in state government
education, and by 172,000 in private education.
Employment in health care changed little in September (-18,000). Job
losses occurred in nursing and residential care facilities (-38,000) and hospitals
(-8,000), while ambulatory health care services added jobs (+28,000).
Employment in health care is down by 524,000 since February 2020, with nursing
and residential care facilities accounting for about four-fifths of the
loss. In September, employment showed
little change in financial activities and in other services. Average hourly earnings for all employees on
private nonfarm payrolls rose by 19 cents to $30.85 in September, following
large increases in the prior 5 months. In September, average hourly earnings of
private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 14 cents to
$26.15. The data for recent months suggest that the rising demand for labor
associated with the recovery from the pandemic may have put upward pressure on
wages. However, because average hourly earnings vary widely across industries, the large
employment fluctuations since February 2020 complicate the analysis of recent
trends in average hourly earnings. (See tables B-3 and B-8.) In September, the average workweek for all
employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 0.2 hour to 34.8 hours. In
manufacturing, the average workweek was unchanged at 40.4 hours, and overtime
edged up by 0.1 hour to 3.3 hours. The average workweek for production and
nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 0.1 hour to
34.2 hours. (See tables B-2 and B-7.)
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for July was revised up
by 38,000, from +1,053,000 to +1,091,000, and the change for August was revised
up by 131,000, from +235,000 to +366,000. With
these revisions, employment in July and August combined is 169,000
higher than previously reported. (Monthly revisions result from additional
reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last
published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors.) _____________ The Employment Situation for
October is scheduled to be released on Friday, November 5, 2021, at 8:30 a.m.
(ET). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Impact on September 2021 Household and | |
Establishment Survey Data
| | | |
Data collection for both surveys was affected by the pandemic. In the
establishment survey, | |
more data continued to be collected by web than in months prior to the
pandemic. In the | |
household survey, for the safety of both interviewers and respondents, in-person
interviews | |
were conducted only when telephone interviews could not be done. |
| | | As
in previous months, some workers affected by the pandemic who should have been
classified | | as
unemployed on temporary layoff were instead misclassified as employed but not
at work. | |
However, the share of responses that may have been misclassified was
highest in the early | |
months of the pandemic and has been considerably lower in recent months.
Since March 2020, | | BLS
has published an estimate of what the unemployment rate might have been had
misclassified | |
workers been included among the unemployed. Repeating this same
approach, the seasonally | |
adjusted unemployment rate in September 2021 would have been 0.1
percentage point higher than | |
reported. However, this represents the upper bound of our estimate of
misclassification and | |
probably overstates the size of the misclassification error. |
| | |
More information about the impact of the pandemic on the two surveys is
available at | |
www.bls.gov/covid19/employment-situation-covid19-faq-september-2021.htm. |
|___________________________________________________________________________________________________|. Employment Situation Technical Note. Table A-1.
Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age. Table A-2.
Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age. Table A-3.
Employment status of the Hispanic or Latino population by sex and
age. Table A-4. Employment status of the civilian population 25
years and over by educational attainment.
Table A-5. Employment status of
the civilian population 18 years and over by veteran status, period of service,
and sex, not seasonally adjusted. Table
A-6. Employment status of the civilian
population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted. Table A-13. Employed and unemployed persons
by occupation, not seasonally adjusted.
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization. Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force
and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted. Table B-1.
Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry
detail. Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all
employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. Table B-3.
Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm
payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. Table B-4.
Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for all employees on
private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. Table B-5.
Employment of women on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally
adjusted. Table B-6. Employment of production and nonsupervisory
employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally
adjusted(1). Table B-7. Average weekly hours and overtime of
production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry
sector, seasonally adjusted(1). Table
B-8. Average hourly and weekly earnings
of production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls by
industry sector, seasonally adjusted(1).
Table B-9. Indexes of aggregate
weekly hours and payrolls for production and nonsupervisory employees on
private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted(1). Access to historical data for the
"A" tables of the Employment Situation News Release. Beta.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Labor Force Statistics PSB
Suite 4675 2 Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC 20212-0001. Telephone: 1-202-691-6378 www.bls.gov/CPS
Contact CPS. U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics Division of Current Employment Statistics PSB Suite 4860 2
Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC 20212-0001.
jobs report for
1. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/10/14/with-only-194000-jobs-added-septembers-jobs-report-disappoints/amp/
The Avenue. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ September
jobs report , released last week, showed a decrease of 0.4 percentage points in
the U.S. unemployment rate, from 5.2% in August to 4.8% in September. Total
nonfarm payroll employment increased by 194,000 in September, compared to a
monthly average of 561,000, and the number of unemployed people fell by
710,000. AnthonyMBarr. The number of marginally attached workers
increased by 167,000 and the number of discouraged workers increased by 58,000.
The uptick in marginally attached and discouraged workers suggests that the
official unemployment rate understates how many workers are currently having
trouble finding jobs. Given this difficulty, it is not surprising that the
labor force participation rate (61.6%) has remained static, with BLS reporting
that the rate has “remained within a narrow range of 61.4% to 61.7% since June
2020.” Likewise, the number of workers who are part-time for economic reasons
(4.5 million), meaning workers who would like to be full-time but have had
their hours cut or who cannot find full-time jobs, remained largely unchanged
compared to last month. Finally, the number of people not currently in the
labor force but who want a job (6 million) has also remained largely
unchanged. These disappointing jobs
numbers further underscore the mistake of ending the expanded UI program.
Unlike the predictions made by proponents of that measure, scaling back support
for unemployed persons did not lead to a substantial increase in employment.
This is because there are simply not enough jobs currently available, whether
because of ongoing supply chain disruptions in production, the impact of the
Delta variant on consumer demand for services, or various other factors. Table 1 shows the unemployment rate by race
for the three-month period between July and September. The three-month average
unemployment rate for Black workers, 8.3%, while significantly higher than the
U.S. unemployment rate, did decrease as a result of the decline in unemployment
between August and September. Smaller decreases were experienced by workers of
other races and ethnicities. Table 1.
Unemployment Rate by Race, July 2021 to September 2021. Table 2 shows the U.S. unemployment rate by
race, gender, and age from September 2020 to September 2021. When age and race
are factored in, we continue to see that Black teens between the ages of 16 and
19 have the highest unemployment rate over the 13-month period, 17.64%.
However, in September the highest unemployment rate, 17.4%, was experienced by
Latino or Hispanic teens. The labor force participation rate for this group
increased from 31.3% in August to 32% in September. . On Friday, President Biden touted steady
progress, widespread improvement, and increased employment over the first eight
months of his presidency. The president pointed out that the unemployment rate
for Black workers, in September, was below 8% for the first time in 17 months.
However, the unemployment rate for Black workers remains 3.1 percentage points
higher than the national average and 1.9 percentage points above its level in
February 2020. There is still progress to be made in the economic recovery to
return Black workers to their pre-pandemic employment levels. But the goal
should not be solely a return to pre-pandemic levels of employment, a level
that has historically been higher than the national average. The goal should be
to shift labor dynamics and end systemic and structural racism and
discrimination that have led to the racial disparities in employment that we
see today. President Biden also
discussed increased wages. Real average hourly earnings increased 0.4% between
July and August. According to research from the Pew Research Center , despite
the severity of the economic shock created by the COVID-19 pandemic, earnings
of employed workers overall were largely unaffected in part because lower-wage
workers experienced steeper job losses. Research from our colleagues at the
Brookings Institution found that “pandemic-induced job losses hit low-wage
workers much harder than those earning higher wages,” and, “Low-wage jobs have
been the slowest to return.” The president pointed out the decrease in COVID-19
cases toward the end of September and steady progress on the recovery. While
the vaccination rate is increasing and hospitalizations are down, more needs to
be done to get Americans back to work, end the pandemic, and tackle the racial
employment gap. The Avenue. Report.
2. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/10/08/september-jobs-report.html
Published Fri, Oct 8 2021 8:30 AM
EDT. Nonfarm payrolls increased by
194,000 in September, compared with the Dow Jones estimate for 500,000. The unemployment rate dropped to 4.8%,
better than the expected 5.1%. Leisure
and hospitality along with professional and business services and retail led
job creation. Markets initially reacted
little to what was a mixed bag of a report held back by a sharp decline in
government jobs. The U.S. economy
created jobs at a much slower-than-expected pace in September, a pessimistic
sign about the state of the economy though the total was held back
substantially by a sharp drop in government employment. Nonfarm payrolls rose by just 194,000 in the
month, compared with the Dow Jones estimate of 500,000, the Labor Department
reported Friday. The unemployment rate fell to 4.8%, better than the
expectation for 5.1% and the lowest since February 2020. The drop in the jobless rate came as the
labor force participation rate edged lower, meaning more people who were
sidelined during the coronavirus pandemic have returned to the workforce. A
more encompassing number that also includes so-called discouraged workers and
those holding part-time jobs for economic reasons declined to 8.5%, also a
pandemic-era low. "This is quite a
deflating report," said Nick Bunker, economic research director at job
placement site Indeed. "This year has been one of false dawns for the
labor market. Demand for workers is strong and millions of people want to
return to work, but employment growth has yet to find its footing.". Nevertheless, markets reacted little to the
news, with Dow futures around flat for the morning and government bond yields
mixed as investors digested what was a mixed bag of a report. Despite the weak jobs total, wages increased
sharply. The monthly gain of 0.6% pushed the year-over-year rise to 4.6% as
companies use wage increases to combat the persistent labor shortage. The
available workforce declined by 183,000 in September and is 3.1 million shy of
where it was in February 2020, just before the pandemic was declared. "Labor shortages are continuing to put
severe upward pressure on wages ... at a time when the return of low-wage
leisure and hospitality workers should be depressing the average," wrote
Andrew Hunter, senior U.S. economist at Capital Economics. Leisure and hospitality again led job
creation, adding 74,000 positions, as the unemployment rate for the sector
plunged to 7.7% from 9.1%. Professional and business services contributed
60,000 while retail increased by 56,000.
Job gains were spread across a variety of other sectors: Transportation
and warehousing (47,000), information (32,000), social assistance (30,000),
manufacturing (26,000), construction (22,000) and wholesale trade
(17,000). Local government education jobs
fell by 144,000, which may have been due to seasonal adjustments in the
numbers, according to Gus Faucher, chief economist at PNC. The survey week of Sept. 12 came just as
Covid cases were peaking in the U.S. The delta variant spread since has cooled,
with cases most recently dropping below an average of 100,000 a day. Unemployment for Blacks fell to 7.9% from
8.8%, due largely to a drop to 66% from 66.7% in the labor force participation
rate for males. There was some good
news in Friday's report from previous months.
July's already-strong gains were revised higher by 38,000 to 1.0913
million, while August's big letdown also was revised up, to 366,000 from the
initially reported 235,000. The
employment-to-population level increased to 58.7%, its highest since March
2020. The report comes at a critical
time for the economy, with recent data showing solid consumer spending despite
rising prices, growth in the manufacturing and services sector, and surging
housing costs. Federal Reserve officials
are watching the jobs numbers closely. The central bank recently has indicated
it's ready to start pulling back on some of the extraordinary help it has
provided during the pandemic crisis, primarily because inflation has met and
exceeded the Fed's 2% goal. However,
officials have said they see the jobs market still well short of full
employment, a prerequisite for interest rate hikes. Market pricing currently
indicates the first rate increase likely will come in November 2022. "After looking like almost a done deal,
today's jobs number has thrown expectations for tapering into disarray. The Fed
doesn't seem to need much to convince it that tapering should begin imminently,
but at just 194,000, jobs numbers are suggesting that the labor market is
further from hitting the substantial progress goal than they expected,"
said Seema Shah, chief strategist at Principal Global Investors. Become a smarter investor with CNBC
Pro. Sign up to start a free trial today
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Reserved. A Division of
NBCUniversal. Data is a real time
snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Global Business and Financial
News, Stocks, Quotes, and Market Data, and Analysis.
3. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf
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USDL-21-1799 8:30 a.m. (ET) Friday, October 8, 2021 Technical information: Household data: (202) 691-6378 *
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PressOffice@bls.gov THE EMPLOYMENT
nonfarm payroll employment rose by 194,000 in September, and the unemployment
rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported today. Notable job
gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, in professional and business
services, in retail trade, and in transportation and warehousing. Employment in
public education declined over the month.
This news release presents statistics from two monthly surveys. The
household survey measures labor force status, including unemployment, by
demographic characteristics. The establishment survey measures nonfarm
employment, hours, and earnings by industry. For more information about the
concepts and statistical methodology used in these two surveys, see the
Technical Note. Household Survey
Data The unemployment rate fell by 0.4
percentage point to 4.8 percent in September. The number of unemployed persons
fell by 710,000 to 7.7 million. Both measures are down considerably from their
highs at the end of the February-April 2020 recession. However, they remain
above their levels prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (3.5 percent
and 5.7 million, respectively, in February 2020). (See table A-1. See the box
note at the end of this news release for more information about how the
household survey and its measures were affected by the coronavirus
pandemic.) Among the major worker
groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.7 percent), adult women (4.2
percent), Whites (4.2 percent), and Blacks (7.9 percent) declined in
September. The jobless rates for
teenagers (11.5 percent), Asians (4.2 percent), and Hispanics (6.3 percent) showed little change over the month.
(See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.) Among
the unemployed, the number of permanent job losers declined by 236,000 to 2.3
million in September but is 953,000 higher than in February 2020. The number of
persons on temporary layoff, at 1.1 million, changed little in September. This
measure is down considerably from the high of 18.0 million in April 2020 but is
374,000 above the February 2020 level. The number of reentrants to the labor
force decreased by 198,000 in September to 2.3 million, after increasing by a
similar amount in August. (Reentrants are persons who previously worked but
were not in the labor force prior to beginning their job search.) (See table
A-11.) The number of long-term
unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) decreased by 496,000 in
September to 2.7 million but is 1.6 million higher than in February 2020. The
long-term unemployed accounted for 34.5
percent of the total unemployed in September. The number of persons jobless
less than 5 weeks, at 2.2 million, changed little. (See table A-12.) The labor force participation rate was little
changed at 61.6 percent in September and has remained within a narrow range of
61.4 percent to 61.7 percent since June 2020. The participation rate is 1.7 percentage points
lower than in February 2020. The employment- population ratio, at 58.7 percent,
edged up in September. This measure is up from its low of 51.3 percent in April
2020 but remains below the figure of 61.1 percent in February 2020. (See table
A-1.) In September, the number of
persons employed part time for economic reasons, at 4.5 million, was
essentially unchanged for the second month in a row. There were 4.4 million
persons in this category in February 2020. These individuals, who would have
preferred full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had
been reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs. (See table A-8.) The number of persons not in the labor force
who currently want a job was 6.0 million in September, little changed over the
month but up by 959,000 since February 2020. These individuals were not counted
as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks or were unavailable
to take a job. (See table A-1.) Among
those not in the labor force who wanted a job, the number of persons
marginally attached to the labor force
edged up to 1.7 million in September, following a decline in the prior month. These individuals wanted and
were available for work and had looked for a
job sometime in the prior 12 months but had not looked for work in the 4
weeks preceding the survey. The number of discouraged workers, a subset of the
marginally attached who believed that no jobs were available for them, was
450,000 in September, little changed from the
previous month. (See Summary table A.)
Household Survey Supplemental Data
In September, 13.2 percent of employed persons teleworked because of the
coronavirus pandemic, little changed from the prior month. These data refer to
employed persons who teleworked or worked at home for pay at some point in the
last 4 weeks specifically because of the pandemic. In September, 5.0 million persons reported
that they had been unable to work because their employer closed or lost
business due to the pandemic--that is, they did not work at all or worked fewer
hours at some point in the last 4 weeks due to the pandemic. This measure is
down from 5.6 million in August. Among those who reported in September that
they were unable to work because of pandemic-related closures or lost business,
15.5 percent received at least some pay from their employer for the hours not
worked, little changed from the prior month.
Among those not in the labor force in September, 1.6 million persons
were prevented from looking for work due
to the pandemic, little changed from August. (To be counted as unemployed, by
definition, individuals must be either actively looking for work or on
temporary layoff.) These supplemental
data come from questions added to the household survey beginning in May 2020 to
help gauge the effects of the pandemic on the labor market. The data are not
seasonally adjusted. Tables with estimates from the supplemental questions for
all months are available online at
www.bls.gov/cps/effects-of-the-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic.htm. Establishment Survey Data Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by
194,000 in September. Thus far this year, monthly job growth has averaged 561,000.
Nonfarm employment has increased by 17.4 million since a recent trough in April
2020 but is down by 5.0 million, or 3.3 percent, from its pre-pandemic level in
February 2020. In September, notable job gains occurred in leisure and
hospitality, in professional and business services, in retail trade, and in
transportation and warehousing. Employment in public education declined over
the month. (See table B-1. See the box note at the end of this news release for
more information about how the establishment survey and its measures were
affected by the coronavirus pandemic.)
Employment in leisure and hospitality increased by 74,000 in September,
with continued job growth in arts, entertainment, and recreation (+43,000).
Employment in food services and drinking places changed little for the second
consecutive month, compared with an average monthly gain of 197,000 from January through July. Employment in
leisure and hospitality is down by 1.6 million, or 9.4 percent, since February
2020. Professional and business services
added 60,000 jobs in September. Employment continued to increase in
architectural and engineering services (+15,000), management and technical
consulting services (+15,000), and computer systems design and related services
(+9,000). Employment in professional and business services is 385,000 below its
level in February 2020. In September,
employment in retail trade rose by 56,000, following 2 months of little change.
Over the month, employment gains occurred in clothing and clothing accessories
stores (+27,000), general merchandise stores (+16,000), and building material
and garden supply stores (+16,000). These gains were partially offset by a loss
in food and beverage stores (-12,000). Retail trade employment is 202,000 lower
than its level in February 2020.
Employment in transportation and warehousing increased by 47,000 in
September, in line with gains in the prior 2 months. In September, job gains
continued in warehousing and storage (+16,000), couriers and messengers
(+13,000), and air transportation (+10,000). Employment in transportation and
warehousing is 72,000 above its pre-pandemic level in February 2020. Employment in the information industry
increased by 32,000 in September. Gains occurred in motion picture and sound
recording industries (+14,000); in publishing industries, except Internet
(+11,000); and in data processing, hosting, and related services (+6,000).
Employment in information is down by 108,000 since February 2020. In September, social assistance added 30,000
jobs, led by a gain in child day care services (+18,000). Employment in social
assistance is 204,000 lower than in February 2020. Employment in manufacturing increased by
26,000 in September, with gains in fabricated metal products (+8,000),
machinery (+6,000), and printing and related support activities (+4,000). These
gains were partially offset by a decline
of 6,000 in motor vehicles and parts. Manufacturing employment is down by
353,000 since February 2020.
Construction employment rose by 22,000 in September but has shown little
net change thus far this year. Employment in construction is 201,000 below its
February 2020 level. In September,
employment in wholesale trade increased by 17,000, almost entirely in the durable
goods component (+16,000). Employment in wholesale trade is down by 159,000
since February 2020. Mining employment
continued to trend up in September (+5,000), reflecting growth in support
activities for mining (+4,000). Mining employment has risen by 59,000 since a
trough in August 2020 but is 93,000 below a peak in January 2019. In September, employment decreased by 144,000
in local government education and by 17,000 in state government education. Employment changed
little in private education (-19,000). Most back-to-school hiring typically
occurs in September. Hiring this September was lower than usual, resulting in
a decline after seasonal adjustment.
Recent employment changes are challenging to interpret, as pandemic- related
staffing fluctuations in public and private education have distorted the normal
seasonal hiring and layoff patterns.
Since February 2020, employment is down by 310,000 in local government education, by 194,000 in state government education,
and by 172,000 in private education.
Employment in health care changed little in September (-18,000). Job
losses occurred in nursing and residential care facilities (-38,000) and
hospitals (-8,000), while ambulatory health care services added jobs (+28,000).
Employment in health care is down by 524,000 since February 2020, with nursing
and residential care facilities accounting for about four-fifths of the
loss. In September, employment showed
little change in financial activities and in other services. Average hourly earnings for all employees on
private nonfarm payrolls rose by 19 cents to $30.85 in September, following
large increases in the prior 5 months. In September, average hourly earnings of
private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 14 cents to
$26.15. The data for recent months suggest that the rising demand for labor
associated with the recovery from the pandemic may have put upward pressure on
wages. However, because average hourly earnings vary widely across industries, the large
employment fluctuations since February 2020 complicate the analysis of recent
trends in average hourly earnings. (See tables B-3 and B-8.) In September, the average workweek for all
employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 0.2 hour to 34.8 hours. In
manufacturing, the average workweek was unchanged at 40.4 hours, and overtime
edged up by 0.1 hour to 3.3 hours. The average workweek for production and
nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 0.1 hour to
34.2 hours. (See tables B-2 and B-7.)
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for July was revised up
by 38,000, from +1,053,000 to +1,091,000, and the change for August was revised
up by 131,000, from +235,000 to +366,000. With
these revisions, employment in July and August combined is 169,000
higher than previously reported. (Monthly revisions result from additional
reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last
published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors.) _____________ The Employment Situation for
October is scheduled to be released on Friday, November 5, 2021, at 8:30 a.m.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Impact on September 2021 Household and | |
Establishment Survey Data
| | | |
Data collection for both surveys was affected by the pandemic. In the
establishment survey, | |
more data continued to be collected by web than in months prior to the
pandemic. In the | |
household survey, for the safety of both interviewers and respondents,
in-person interviews | |
were conducted only when telephone interviews could not be done. |
| | | As
in previous months, some workers affected by the pandemic who should have been
classified | | as
unemployed on temporary layoff were instead misclassified as employed but not
at work. | |
However, the share of responses that may have been misclassified was
highest in the early | |
months of the pandemic and has been considerably lower in recent months.
Since March 2020, | | BLS
has published an estimate of what the unemployment rate might have been had
misclassified | |
workers been included among the unemployed. Repeating this same
approach, the seasonally | |
adjusted unemployment rate in September 2021 would have been 0.1
percentage point higher than | |
reported. However, this represents the upper bound of our estimate of
misclassification and | |
probably overstates the size of the misclassification error. |
| | |
More information about the impact of the pandemic on the two surveys is
available at | |
www.bls.gov/covid19/employment-situation-covid19-faq-september-2021.htm. |
|___________________________________________________________________________________________________|. Employment Situation Technical Note. Table A-1.
Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age. Table A-2.
Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age. Table A-3.
Employment status of the Hispanic or Latino population by sex and
age. Table A-4. Employment status of the civilian population
25 years and over by educational attainment.
Table A-5. Employment status of
the civilian population 18 years and over by veteran status, period of service,
and sex, not seasonally adjusted. Table
A-6. Employment status of the civilian
population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted. Table A-13. Employed and unemployed persons
by occupation, not seasonally adjusted.
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization. Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force
and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted. Table B-1.
Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry
detail. Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all
employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally
adjusted. Table B-3. Average hourly and weekly earnings of all
employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally
adjusted. Table B-4. Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and
payrolls for all employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector,
seasonally adjusted. Table B-5. Employment of women on nonfarm payrolls by
industry sector, seasonally adjusted.
Table B-6. Employment of
production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry
sector, seasonally adjusted(1). Table
B-7. Average weekly hours and overtime
of production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls by
industry sector, seasonally adjusted(1).
Table B-8. Average hourly and
weekly earnings of production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm
payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted(1). Table B-9.
Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for production and
nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector,
seasonally adjusted(1). Access to
historical data for the "A" tables of the Employment Situation News
Release. Beta. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of
Labor Force Statistics PSB Suite 4675 2 Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC
20212-0001. Telephone: 1-202-691-6378
www.bls.gov/CPS Contact CPS. U.S.
Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Current Employment Statistics PSB Suite 4860
2 Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC 20212-0001.
5. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/08/business/economy/jobs-report-september-2021.amp.html
The gain of 194,000 in September
showed the continuing grip of the latest coronavirus wave, though unemployment
fell to 4.8 percent. September was
another weak month for job growth. By
Ella Koeze. Job growth slowed to the
year’s weakest pace last month as the latest coronavirus wave dashed hopes of
an imminent return to normal for the U.S. economy. Employers added just 194,000 jobs in
September , the Labor Department said Friday, down from 366,000 in August — and
far below the increase of more than one million in July, before the highly
contagious Delta variant led to a spike in coronavirus cases across much of the
country. Leisure and hospitality businesses, a main driver of job growth
earlier this year, added fewer than 100,000 jobs for the second straight
month. “Employment is slowing when it
should be picking up because we’re still on the course set by the virus,” said
Diane Swonk, chief economist for the accounting firm Grant Thornton. The economic news is not all gloomy. The
unemployment rate fell sharply to 4.8 percent, and wages again rose strongly as
companies outside the most Covid-affected industries snapped up available
workers, and paid a premium to do so. The government revised its estimate of
August job growth upward, and economists said the September figures would have
looked stronger had it not been for statistical quirks in measuring
public-school hiring. Tk tk. The share of people who have looked for work
in the past four weeks or are temporarily laid off, which does not capture
everyone who lost work because of the pandemic. But even the good news came with caveats.
The unemployment rate declined in part because fewer people were in the labor
force, a sign that the hiring challenges that have bedeviled employers all year
won’t be quickly resolved. Rising wages could add to concerns about inflation.
And the conflicting signals could complicate decisions for the Biden
administration and for the Federal Reserve , which is weighing when to begin
pulling back support for the economy.
It is possible that the recent slowdown is a Delta-driven blip and will
soon fade — or, indeed, may already be largely in the past. The data released
on Friday was collected in mid-September, when the Delta wave was near its
peak. Since then, cases and hospitalizations have fallen in much of the
country, and more timely data from private-sector sources suggests that
economic activity has begun to rebound. If those trends continue, people on the
sidelines could return to the labor force, and hiring should begin to pick
up. “This report is a glance in the
rearview mirror,” said Daniel Zhao, an economist at the career site Glassdoor.
“There should be some optimism that there should be a reacceleration in
October.”. But it is also possible that
the damage done by the pandemic will take longer to heal than economists had
hoped. Supply-chain disruptions have been unexpectedly persistent, and shifts
in consumer behavior during the pandemic may not soon reverse. In surveys, many
workers say they are reconsidering their priorities and do not want to return
to their old ways of working.
Policymakers at the Fed are hoping that the Delta disruptions will prove
short-lived. Fed officials have signaled that they will soon begin to pull back
their support for the economy by slowing their purchase of bonds, something
they could announce as soon as November. The September jobs report will
probably not derail those plans, which officials have said were based on
cumulative job gains and not a single month’s data. The United States has
regained more than 17 million jobs since the worst depths of the pandemic. The Biden administration, too, is focused on
the longer term. In remarks at the White House on Friday, President Biden
highlighted the drop in the unemployment rate and other signs of progress, while
conceding he would like to see more rapid job creation in the months
ahead. “When you take a step back and
look at what’s happening, we are making real progress,” Mr. Biden said. “Maybe
it does not seem fast enough. I would like to see it faster, and we’re going to
make it faster.”. Government, education
and health care lost jobs. By Ella
Koeze. One reason for optimism is that
the Delta variant’s economic impact, while significant, has been somewhat
contained. Construction companies and manufacturers reported strong job growth
in September, despite supply-chain difficulties, and retail hiring rebounded
after two months of declines. The U.S.
blacklists the NSO Group, an Israeli spyware firm. Deere says it won’t resume talks after
striking workers reject an agreement.
The New York Sun, a defunct newspaper, plans a comeback after a
sale. The biggest drag on employment in
September was in the public sector. Government payrolls shrank by 123,000 jobs,
with most of the losses in education. But economists said that decline probably
reflected the way the Labor Department accounts for seasonal patterns, which
the pandemic disrupted. On an unadjusted basis, federal, state and local
government employment actually grew by close to 900,000 workers in September.
Because that’s fewer than in a typical September, the seasonal adjustment
formula interprets it as a loss in jobs.
But by any measure, job growth has slowed significantly since earlier in
the year. And the data released on Friday provided a stark reminder of the
power the pandemic still holds over the economy, and of the long road ahead
even once it is over. There are five million fewer people on U.S. payrolls than
in February 2020, and 2.7 million people have been out of work for six months
or more, the standard threshold for long-term unemployment. Yet job openings
are at a record high, and many employers report having a hard time filling
positions. Long-term unemployment has
been consistently falling. September
was meant to be the month the hiring logjam began to abate. Expanded unemployment
benefits , which many businesses blamed for discouraging people from looking
for work, ended nationwide early last month. Schools reopened in person in much
of the country, which should have made it easier for parents to return to work.
Rising vaccination rates were meant to make reluctant workers feel safe enough
to resume their job searches. As recently as August, many economists circled
September as the month when workers would flood back into the job market. Instead, the labor force shrank by nearly
200,000 people. The pandemic’s resurgence delayed office reopenings, disrupted
the start of the school year and made some people reluctant to accept jobs
requiring face-to-face interaction. At the same time, preliminary evidence
suggests that the cutoff in unemployment benefits has done little to push
people back to work. Share of those
ages 25 to 54 who are in the labor force (employed, unemployed but looking for
work or on temporary layoff). By Ella
Koeze. “I am a little bit puzzled, to
be honest,” said Aneta Markowska, chief financial economist for the investment
bank Jefferies. “We all waited for September for this big flurry of hiring on
the premise that unemployment benefits and school reopening would bring people
back to the labor force. And it just doesn’t seem like we’re seeing
that.”. The Status of U.S. Jobs. The pandemic continues to impact the U.S.
economy in a multitude of ways. One key factor to keep an eye on is the job
market and how it changes as the economic recovery moves forward. September jobs report: Employers added just
194,000 jobs in September , showing the continuing grip of the virus, though
unemployment fell to 4.8 percent.
Analysis: The most important thing to take away from September jobs
report? It’s not as bad as it looks .
College students in demand: Seniors and graduates are again being sought
after as companies revive recruiting, underscoring the economic premium that
comes with a diploma . Worker
shortages: Missouri scrapped federal pay to the unemployed, saying it kept
people out of the labor market. But so far, workers still seem to be choosy
. Workers’ increasing mobility: With
new opportunities and a different perspective from the pandemic, workers are choosing
to leave their jobs in record numbers .
Ms. Markowska said more people might begin to look for work as the Delta
variant eased and as they depleted savings accumulated earlier in the pandemic.
But some people have retired early or have found other ways to make ends meet
and may be slow to return to the labor force, if they come back at all. In the meantime, people available to work
are enjoying a rare moment of leverage. Average earnings rose 19 cents an hour
in September and are up more than $1 an hour over the last year, after a series
of strong monthly gains. Pay has risen even faster in some low-wage
sectors. Leisure and hospitality wages
are still well outpacing overall wages.
By Ella Koeze. Many businesses
are finding that higher wages alone aren’t enough to attract workers, said
Becky Frankiewicz, president of the Manpower Group, a staffing firm. After
years of expecting employees to work whenever they were needed — often with no
set schedule and little notice — companies are finding that workers are now
setting the terms. “They get to choose
when, where and in what duration they’re working,” Ms. Frankiewicz said. “That
is a role reversal. That is a structural change in the workers’ economy.”. Arizmendi Bakery, a cooperative in San
Rafael, Calif., recently raised its wages by $3 an hour, by far the biggest
increase in its history. But it is still struggling to attract applicants
heading into the crucial holiday season.
“There are many, many, many more businesses hiring than there used to
be, so we’re competing with many other businesses that we weren’t competing
with before,” said Natalie Baddorf, a baker and one of the owners. The bakery has managed to hire a few people,
including one who began this week. But other workers have given their notice to
leave. The bakery, which has been operating on reduced hours since the pandemic
began, now has enough business to return to its original hours, but cannot find
enough labor to do so. “We’re talking
about cloning ourselves,” Ms. Baddorf said.
6. https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-business-united-states-health-economy-c9189de30b0cf807689e83f5e56d218d
By PAUL WISEMANOctober 9, 2021
GMT. FILE - In this Sept. 22, 2021 file
photo, a hiring sign is placed at a booth for prospective employers during a
job fair in the West Hollywood section
of Los Angeles. U.S. job growth slowed
sharply last month as the highly contagious delta variant disrupted economic
activity and employers struggled to find workers. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose
Sanchez). FILE - In this Sept. 22, 2021
file photo, a hiring sign is placed at a booth for prospective employers during
a job fair in the West Hollywood section
of Los Angeles. U.S. job growth slowed
sharply last month as the highly contagious delta variant disrupted economic
activity and employers struggled to find workers. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose
Sanchez). WASHINGTON (AP) — September
wasn’t exactly the robust month for hiring that many had expected and hoped
for. With the delta variant still
disrupting the economy and employers struggling to find enough workers, the
gain for the month amounted to 194,000 jobs — not even half of what economists
had expected. In August, the economy had added a modest 366,000 jobs. Taken
together, hiring for the past two months marked a steep drop-off from the
962,000 jobs that were added in June and the 1.1 million in July. The job market has endured wild swings since
COVID-19 hammered the United States beginning in March 2020, triggering a short
but harsh recession that erased 22 million jobs. Since then, employers have
added back 17 million jobs as huge infusions of federal aid put money in people’s
pockets and the rollout of vaccines gave many the confidence to return to
shops, restaurants and bars — at least before the delta variant erupted. ADVERTISEMENT. Last month, private-sector businesses added
317,000 jobs, down from 332,000 in August and from a January-July average of
553,000. The leisure and hospitality sector, which includes the hotels,
restaurants and bars that were most devastated by the pandemic, added 74,000
jobs. Though that figure was up from 38,000 in August, it fell far short of the
January-July average of 296,000 a month.
Friday’s employment news wasn’t all bad. The Labor Department revised up
its hiring estimate for July and August up by a combined 169,000 jobs. And the
unemployment rate dropped to 4.8% in September from 5.2% in August. In normal times, 194,000 jobs would be
considered a decent monthly gain. But as Robert Dye, chief economist at the
Comerica banking company, noted: “These are not normal times. A further
disappointing result in October would suggest that this is a fundamentally
different labor market than what we thought a few months ago.”. DELTA TAKES A TOLL. From January through July this year,
employers had added a sizzling average of more than 640,000 jobs a month. Then
delta hit. COVID-19 cases began rising again and weakening the economic
rebound. Job growth decelerated in August and September. Since mid-September,
though, confirmed COVID cases have been dropping, possibly setting the stage
for the job market’s recovery to regain momentum. “This is quite a deflating report,” said
Nick Bunker, director of economic research at the Indeed Hiring Lab. “The hope
was that August was an anomaly, but the fact is, the delta variant was still
with us in September. One optimistic interpretation is that COVID-19 case
counts are receding, so future months should be stronger. But the reality is
that we are still in a pandemic.”.
The unemployment rate tumbled to 4.8%, the lowest level since March
2020. But the reasons for the drop were a mix of good and not-so-good. ADVERTISEMENT. The good: The number of people who reported
that they were employed jumped by 526,000 last month. And those who reported
being jobless fell by 710,000. The
not-so-good: One reason the unemployment rate slid was that 183,000 people
stopped looking for work last month and were no longer counted among the
jobless. The share of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one —
the so-called labor force participation rate — slipped to 61.6% in September.
Before the pandemic, the participation rate had exceeded 63%. Economists don’t know exactly why so many
Americans have chosen to stay on the labor market sidelines even as demand for
workers surges. Some may have lingering fears about becoming infected while
handling public-facing jobs. Others are
struggling with childcare arrangements at a time when school schedules are so
uncertain. Some have chosen early retirement or are taking time to rethink
their careers after spending time locked down with their families during the
pandemic. HELP WANTED. Hiring has slowed partly because companies
simply can’t find nearly as many workers as they need. “Labor availability remains the biggest
challenge to hiring right now,” Wells Fargo economists Sarah House and Michael
Pugliese said in a research note. In
July, employers posted a record 10.9 million job openings and struggled to fill
them. Businesses had hoped the labor
shortages would ease and the jobless would look more eagerly for work after the
federal government last month ended enhanced aid for the unemployed, including
an extra $300 a week on top of state benefits. But the end of federal aid
doesn’t appear to have had much of an effect — so far. Likewise, supply shortages, caused mainly by
the unexpected speed with which the economy rebounded from last year’s
coronavirus recession, have prevented companies from being able to operate at
full strength. SCHOOL SQUEEZE. September’s overall hiring was pulled down
by the loss of 144,000 jobs at local public schools. The drop, however,
reflected the way the Labor Department adjusts the numbers to account for
seasonal fluctuations. The upshot:
Schools actually were hiring — though less than seasonal models had suggested
they would — perhaps because of previous COVID-related closings or shortages of
available teachers. “As we feared,
fewer teachers were hired than in typical years despite many schools reverting
to in-person learning,” Lydia Boussour and Gregory Daco, economists at Oxford
Economics, said in a research note. “This corroborates anecdotal evidence of
schools struggling to find qualified teachers amid lingering virus fears and
early retirements.”. IMPROVING
and Hispanic workers all benefited from last month’s job market. For whites, the ranks of the employed rose
by 326,000. The number of unemployed fell by 436,000. And the unemployment rate
dipped from 4.5% to 4.2%. For Black
Americans, the number of people with jobs rose by 104,000. The jobless fell by
187,000. And the unemployment rate slipped from 8.8% to 7.9%. On a percentage
basis, employment for African Americans grew twice as fast in September as it
did for whites — 0.6% versus 0.3%. For
Hispanics, the improvement was more modest: The number of employed rose by
86,000. The number of unemployed slipped by 2,000. And the unemployment rate
ticked down from 6.4% to 6.3%. ___.
7. https://www.businessinsider.com/september-jobs-report-194000-payrolls-unemployment-rate-down-to-48-2021-10?amp
US Edition. Chevron icon. Economy.
An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email. Joe Raedle/Getty Images. The US added 194,000 jobs in September,
badly missing the 500,000-payroll estimate and slowing even further from dismal
August hiring. The unemployment rate
fell to 4.8% from 5.2%, a beat of estimates.
See more stories on Insider's business page . Another month of the Delta wave, another
disappointing jobs report. US businesses added fewer jobs than forecast in
September, signaling the recovery was still on the ropes as fall began. The country gained just 194,000 nonfarm
payrolls last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday morning. That
fell badly short of the 500,000-payroll estimate from economists surveyed by
Bloomberg. At the same time, August job growth was revised to 366,000 from
235,000 payrolls. The data signals
hiring faltered again last month. Although the print marks a ninth straight
month of job additions, it more importantly shows a slowdown from even the
dismal growth seen in August. The
household survey, which is used as the basis for the unemployment rate, showed
much better news than the headline non-farm payroll numbers. The number of
unemployed Americans dropped by a healthy 710,000, leaving roughly 7.7 million
workers unemployed by the time the government's survey period ended in
mid-September. According to that
survey, employment rose by 526,000. That combination led to a
better-than-expected drop in the unemployment rate to 4.8% from 5.2%, handily
beating the median forecast of a 5.1% rate.
Tap for full mobile experience.
Another promising sign: The average hourly wage increased by 19 cents,
or 0.6%, between August and September to $30.85. That beat the average forecast
of a 0.4% gain. The average wage has taken on increased importance in recent
months as businesses struggle to rehire amid the unusual labor shortage. While
some firms have waited for more Americans to rejoin the workforce, others have
raised pay to attract workers and quickly fill openings. Broadly, the Friday report shows a labor
market moving slower toward a full recovery amid the Delta wave hitting its
peak. Daily case counts hit a record high on September 7 and started to decline
through the second half of the month. Since the jobs report's survey period
ended halfway through the month, it missed the weeks in which cases began to drop. If the slide in new cases holds, October job
gains could be even stronger, as the pace of recovery has closely mirrored the
virus's spread. The Delta wave is widely believed to have dented job growth in
August as some economic restrictions were reinstated and Americans' hopes for
the recovery cratered . The Friday
report includes insights beyond the broad job gains and the unemployment rate.
It reveals where hiring accelerated, which sectors fell behind, whether more
Americans entered the workforce, and how the pandemic continues to roil the
labor market. The leisure and
hospitality sector added the most jobs throughout September, with an addition
of 74,000 payrolls. That sector had counted for much of the hiring recovery in
the spring and summer before drastically slowing down to a near-halt in
August. Local government education shed
144,200 jobs, according to the report, making it the biggest loser of the
month. However, BLS noted that this is a bit of an anomaly — the algorithm used
to adjust the numbers for seasonal patterns in hiring and layoffs expect a big
surge in hiring at the start of the school year, but the vagaries of remote and
hybrid learning over the last two years threw those typical patterns into chaos
in 2021. The public school sector actually added over 600,000 jobs on a
non-seasonally adjusted basis, which is still less than the seasonal adjustment
expected. The U-6 unemployment rate —
which includes Americans marginally attached to the workforce and those working
part-time for economic reasons — dipped to 8.5% from 8.8%. Finally, the labor-force participation rate
moved slightly lower, to 61.6% from 61.7% in August, showing that some
Americans stopped looking for work through the month. September saw the federal
government's boost to unemployment insurance lapse nationwide, after 26 states
had ended the federal benefit prematurely, leaving recipients with weaker
assistance amid the Delta surge. The $300-per-week boost ended on September 6
and filings for UI aid have hovered at elevated levels since , suggesting the
expiration did little to encourage job takeup. . * Copyright © 2021 Insider Inc. All rights
reserved. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our
Terms of Service and Privacy Policy .
8. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/10/08/economy/september-jobs-report/index.html
By Anneken Tappe, CNN
Business. New York(CNN Business). America's economic recovery has hit a
roadblock: US employers added only 194,000 jobs in September, another troubling
sign that Covid is disrupting the economy.
It marked the second-straight month in which the US economy added far
fewer jobs than expected. Jobs growth slowed down dramatically in August . The unemployment rate declined to 4.8% in
September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said Friday, down from 5.2% in
August. Joblessness declined across the board, with the Black unemployment rate
falling the most of any group -- to 7.9% from 8.8% in August. But if you're an optimist, there is reason
to be hopeful about the future: The surveys behind the jobs report were
completed around the middle of September when Covid infections began to plateau.
They have been on a steady decline since mid-September, a reason to be hopeful
about job growth in October. Have you
lost your pandemic unemployment benefits? Tell us about it . And the report did have some good news: The
disappointing August report was revised higher by 131,000 jobs, which means
employers added 366,000 the month before last. (Even so, the August report
remained far below analysts' initial expectations.). "The weak jobs report shouldn't be a
surprise given the survey for it was taken near the peak of the Delta variant
wave on September 12," said Robert Frick, corporate economist at Navy
Federal Credit Union. "Hundreds of thousands of jobs that could have been
added in the leisure and hospitality industry alone had to wait until
coronavirus infections and deaths dropped, as is happening now.". Daniel Zhao, senior economist at Glassdoor
wouldn't even go as far as calling the report a mixed bag. "On the one hand, this shows us how big
the impact from the Delta variant really was... but hopefully with the Delta
wave receding the September report will be the worst of it," he told CNN
Business. Mixed signals. In the late summer, rising Covid-19
infections from the Delta variant kept people at home. Many grew wary of
spending time in large groups. Hiring
in restaurants and bars was thin last month as customers avoided travel and
dining. Leisure and hospitality employers added just 74,000 jobs last month,
far underperforming the industry's
monthly average gain of 197,000 this year. The leisure and hospitality
industry bore the worst of the pandemic-linked layoffs last year. Another sector that didn't do great in
September was education. Employment in local government education dropped by
144,000 and another 17,000 in state government education. Education is a major
employer of women, so that added concerns about equality in the labor market
recovery. Women lost 26,000 jobs last month, while men gained jobs. But there's some seasonal weirdness at work,
the BLS warned in its report. Because the back-to-school hiring that normally
occurs in September was lower this year, the seasonally adjusted jobs numbers
showed a decline. "Recent
employment changes are challenging to interpret, as pandemic-related staffing
fluctuations in public and private education have distorted the normal seasonal
hiring and layoff patterns," the BLS said. See more.
We already know this pattern from last year, said Zhao, so it shouldn't
have come as a surprise. "I think
many schools are still running with a leaner workforce than before the
pandemic," Zhao said. Hiring
picked up at the end of the month, though, according to Frick, who expects that
trend to accelerate through October.
This jobs report was also important for the Federal Reserve. The central
bank announced last month that it is getting ready to roll back its huge
pandemic stimulus program by tapering its monthly asset purchases. During the September monetary policy update,
Fed Chairman Jerome Powell said he didn't need the jobs report to be a
"knock out" because he believes the labor market recovery was coming
along nicely. Some of his colleagues, however, might still want to see further
improvements, Powell said at the time.
While America's labor market is still not back to its pre-pandemic
strength, it has made up a lot of lost ground. Businesses are having a hard
time finding staff, which is pushing up wages. Average hourly earnings over the
12-month period ending September grew by 4.6%, the biggest increase since
February. Whether Friday's jobs gains
will be enough to satisfy the policymakers remains to be seen. The Fed doesn't
meet in October. The next central bank meeting is in early November, with its
policy decision to be announced on November 3.
9. https://blog.dol.gov/2021/10/08/5-numbers-from-the-september-jobs-report
The .gov means it’s
official. Federal government websites
often end in .gov or .mil. Before sharing sensitive information, make sure
you’re on a federal government site.
The site is secure. The https://
ensures that you are connecting to the official website and that any
information you provide is encrypted and transmitted securely. • By: Janelle Jones • October 8, 2021. Today’s jobs report from the Bureau of Labor
Statistics , much like the August report, shows a steady and consistent
economic recovery, but with room for even stronger gains in certain areas.
Employment rose by 194,000 and the unemployment rate dropped from 5.2% to 4.8%.
Private sector growth was even stronger than those numbers indicate, with an
increase of 317,000. But that growth was offset by a weak month in the
government sector. The labor force participation rate is also hovering
stubbornly at a basically steady 61.6%. To truly capture our full economic
potential, that number needs to rise.
The need for bold economic investment is as urgent as ever, and
President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and the bipartisan infrastructure
framework can accelerate our path to sustained growth and competitiveness, with
focused efforts to lift up communities that have been historically slow to
achieve economic stability in the aftermath of a crisis. 4.8%(rate).
Before the American Rescue Plan passed, the Congressional Budget Office
projected that a return to an unemployment rate of 4.8% would not occur until
2023. Historic growth since then has put us in a much, much better place than
expected. While individual months may fluctuate to some degree, and certain
sectors may grow or lag as a result of a variety of factors, the trend since
February is one of rapid recovery.
191,000 . This was the 8-month
peak in the daily coronavirus case rate on Sept. 1. The reference period for
this report closely followed that peak, as cases were dropping but remained
elevated. We won’t have an economic
recovery without first beating the pandemic. Public health must remain our
priority and employer vaccine requirements are working to bring case numbers
down and get more people back to work. Employer vaccine requirements, including
those of the federal government, and supports like paid time off for
vaccination are good for business and good for the prospects of our economy. If you need a vaccine or a booster (or know
someone who does) check out vaccines.gov to find a vaccination site near
you. Wages grew by 19 cents per hour on
average, or 0.6%. Wage growth is good news for workers, especially those who
have suffered stagnant wages for years. However, the rate of wage growth slowed
this month. This means that while recovery efforts are taking hold, it’s no
substitute for developing policies to build on economic growth and increase
worker power in the long term.
-0.9%. We have kept a close eye
on the unemployment rates by race, and the Black unemployment rate came down
almost a full point since last month, from 8.8% to 7.9%. That’s significant,
but we know that not all of that drop is because workers found jobs. Some also
left the labor force. Sustained work to eliminate racial gaps will lead to
decreases in the Black unemployment rate for the right reasons. The unemployment rate also came down for
whites, from 4.5% to 4.2%, and remained relatively unchanged for Asians (4.2%)
and Hispanics (6.3%). Unemployment disparity trends across race and ethnicity
mirror what we’ve seen in previous recessions and recoveries, but with a
commitment to more inclusive policies , we can make this a moment where
economic justice and equity is more fully realized than in the past. Government sector employment is down 123,000
jobs since August, which includes losses in local education support personnel
such as crossing guards and cafeteria workers. These are the essential workers
who are still, even now, helping us maintain our way of life and our children’s
future through tremendous adversity. Local schools are on the front line in
fighting COVID resurgence and these job losses will be a focus as we move
forward. Recovery continues, but the
recent COVID resurgence illustrates the challenges that still remain. Behind
these numbers are difficult day-to-day choices that workers and their families
are making about their health, their jobs and their household budgets.
Everything we do should be aimed at easing those burdens and giving them the
tools to emerge from this pandemic stronger than before.
10. https://fortune.com/2021/10/08/september-jobs-report-300000-below-expectations-complicates-fed-tightening/amp/
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below. Almost 72% of Shiba Inu coin is
owned by just ten ‘whale’ wallets—and one of them is removing coins
quickly. How a risky bet on the Shiba
Inu coin made this warehouse manager a millionaire. ‘I’m afraid we’re going to have a food
crisis:’ The energy crunch has made fertilizer too expensive to produce, says
Yara CEO. Nonfarm payrolls increased
194,000 last month after an upwardly revised 366,000 gain in August, a Labor
Department report showed Friday.
Subscribe to Fortune Daily to get
essential business stories straight to your inbox each morning. The U.S. added fewer jobs than forecast for
a second month in September, signaling weakness in the labor market recovery
and complicating a potential decision by the Federal Reserve to begin scaling
back monetary support before year end.
Nonfarm payrolls increased 194,000 last month after an upwardly revised
366,000 gain in August, a Labor Department report showed Friday. The
unemployment rate fell to 4.8%, while average hourly earnings jumped. The U.S. added fewer jobs than forecast for
a second month in September, signaling weakness in the labor market recovery
and complicating a potential decision by the Federal Reserve to begin scaling
back monetary support before year end.
Nonfarm payrolls increased 194,000 last month after an upwardly revised
366,000 gain in August, a Labor Department report showed Friday. The
unemployment rate fell to 4.8%, while average hourly earnings jumped. The median estimate in a Bloomberg survey of
economists was for a 500,000 rise in September payrolls. Consecutive months of sluggish job growth
indicate a tug of war between employers — starved for workers to meet demand —
and candidates have been slow to return to the workforce. Nonetheless, school
reopenings and the end of expanded federal unemployment benefits should lead to
a pickup in hiring in coming months at a time when companies are boosting
pay. The jobs figures risk not
satisfying the Federal Reserve’s “substantial further progress” criteria for
labor market improvement, indicating the central bank could delay its plan to
begin tapering asset purchases by year-end.
Chair Jerome Powell said after last month’s policy meeting that “a
reasonably good employment report” for September would be needed meet that
test. Vaccine mandates put into place
by employers and governors in states including California and New York in
recent weeks could also be contributing to churn in the labor market and adding
to hiring challenges. Pinterest. © 2021 Fortune Media IP Limited. All Rights
Reserved. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our Terms of Use and
Privacy Policy | CA Notice at Collection and Privacy Notice | Do Not Sell My Personal Information | Ad Choices . FORTUNE is a trademark of Fortune Media IP
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in the federal government. Learn about
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Agency reviews application. The
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contact applicants directly to schedule interviews. You may be interviewed by a panel,
in-person, video or phone interview, and there may be more than one interview
round. For example, an applicant may have a phone interview and then an
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Finding and getting a job can be
a challenging process. Knowing more about job search methods and application
techniques can help. To begin looking for jobs in your area, search by job
title at CareerOneStop . Or, post your resume and register your job search with
your state job bank. State Job Banks -
Search your state to locate job openings in your area. . Occupational Outlook Handbook - Learn about
hundreds of career fields. Find information on educational requirements, growth
rates, median pay, and more. State,
Regional, and Local Resources - Locate Department of Labor programs and
services near you. If you have recently
lost your job, visit CareerOneStop's Worker ReEmployment section. It has
information on job searching, benefits, and training options after a
layoff. Learn about occupations to help
you plan your future (for grades K-12).
Watch videos about federal jobs.
Get help entering the job market.
If you’re age 16 to 24, GetMyFuture is for you. It has resources to help
you:. Learn about Job Corps , a free
educational and vocational training program. It helps people ages 16 - 24 with
a low income learn a trade, earn a high school diploma or GED, and get help
finding a job. The Senior Community
Service Employment Program (SCSEP) offers
job training for older Americans . The program provides training for
unemployed seniors with a low income.
Find information about and for women in the workforce at the Department
of Labor Women’s Bureau . The Resources page has information about :. Avoid Job Scams. While some companies want to help you find a
job, others are more interested in taking your money. Learn how to recognize
scams and file a complaint:. Work at
home schemes to avoid. You are
self-employed if you operate a trade, business, or profession either by
yourself or with a partner. Starting
and Financing a Small Business - Explore opportunities and get tips to help you
succeed. Health Insurance - Explore
coverage options for the self-employed.
Are you thinking about basing your business out of your home? The Small
Business Administration's 10 Steps to Start Your Business includes the licenses and permits you need to
run a home-based business. If you use a
portion of your home for business, you may be able to take a home office tax
deduction . Learn what to watch out for
to avoid work-at-home scams . In one common scam, you may be tricked into
paying to start your own internet business . These scammers will keep asking
you to send money for more services related to this fake business opportunity.
To file a complaint about a scam, contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
. If you’re a federal employee looking
for information on teleworking, visit www.telework.gov . Note: The federal government never charges a
fee for information about, or applications for, government jobs. You can search
and apply for federal government jobs for free at USAJOBS . The government offers many programs to help
vets find and keep civilian jobs. Job
and Training Resources for Military and Veterans. CareerOneStop's Veteran and Military
Transition Center can help you:. Build
your job-search skills. VA.gov's
Careers and Employment section connects you to information and resources
to:. Employment resources by
state. Interstate occupational license
recognition options for military spouses. Learn what it will take to get
licensed in your new state when you transfer.
The Veteran Readiness and Employment Program (VR&E) (formerly the Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment
Program ) helps active duty and vets. It's for those whose service-connected
disability impacts their ability to work. It can help you find new work, return
to your old job, or start a business. It provides help with:. Find Federal Jobs for Veterans. Federal Apprenticeships for Veterans helps service members and veterans find
high-skill, good-paying apprenticeships.
VA for Vets has virtual job boards for Department of Veterans Affairs,
federal, and civilian openings. Federal
Government Employment walks you through the steps to apply for a job on
USAJOBS. USAJOBS is the federal government's jobs portal. Veterans' Preference Advisor offers guidance
on veterans' preference in federal hiring.
Develop Your Work and Job-Seeking Skills. The American Job Center in your area. Find job tips and resources from the
Campaign for Disability Employment's What Can You Do? website. There's
information for families, educators, and employers too. Ticket to Work trains Social Security disability
recipients age 18 - 64 who want to work. It's free and voluntary. Find resources to help you move from school
to work . Check out Job Corps . It's a
free residential education and job training program for young adults. It
accommodates participants age 18-24 with disabilities. JAN, the Job Accommodation Network helps
you:. Learn about your rights under the
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Visit the Office of Disability Employment Policy website. It explains
the laws that protect workers with disabilities from job discrimination . Getting a Job in the U.S. as a Foreign
Worker. Based on your skills,
circumstances, and the job that you plan to do, you may be able to come to the
U.S. as either a:. Temporary visitor
for business. Under certain circumstances, you may also be
able to work in the U.S. if you’re a foreign student or an exchange
visitor. Get a Work Visa. As a foreign worker, you will need a visa to
get a job in the U.S. Each type of visa has unique requirements, conditions,
and time limits. Visit the U.S.
Citizenship and Immigration Services' (USCIS)
Working in the U.S. web page for an overview of each worker category and
type of visa. Estimated wait time for a
visa interview. As a temporary foreign
worker in the U.S., you will not be denied a visa or be punished by the U.S.
government because you have exercised your rights under U.S. laws. Learn your rights and protections. If you
violate the terms of your work visa, it could be revoked. You could be
deported, arrested, or denied re-entry into the U.S. If you think you or someone you know is
being brought to the U.S. for human trafficking, get help now . If you’re in the U.S. and have questions
about visas and immigration, visit the
USCIS Contact Center . If you’re in another country, contact your
nearest international immigration office
. Do you have a question? Ask a real person any government-related
question for free. They'll get you the answer or let you know where to find it.
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to the official website and that any
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8. https://cybersecurityguide.org/resources/cybersecurity-jobs/
The latest cybersecurity jobs
report. This guide contains everything
you need to know to get up to speed on the rapidly growing cybersecurity job
market. The guide is intended to provide enough “at-a-glance” information, but
also give enough depth to be useful in finding the latest cybersecurity job
opportunities. Cybersecurity jobs are
exciting. The fast-paced field that is perfect for anyone who loves a challenge
and the thrill of problem-solving. According to data collected by the Bureau of
Labor Statics (BLS), the demand for cybersecurity jobs like information
security analysts will grow by as much as 31 percent over the next ten
years. Ad. cybersecurityguide.org is an
advertising-supported site. Clicking in this box will show you programs related
to your search from schools that compensate us. This compensation does not
influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other information published
on this site. website. When you think about it, the above average
growth in cybersecurity jobs makes sense. As technology becomes more and more
intertwined with everyone’s day to day lives, the need for experienced
cybersecurity professionals increases. .
And while the future cybersecurity jobs projections forecast more
openings, the truth is that even today there are not enough well-qualified
experts to go around. The cybersecurity
job market has grown so rapidly over the past several years, that applicants
usually have lots of options. Due to
the lack of trained professionals, those who pursue a career in cybersecurity
can expect plenty of opportunities, high paying salaries, and great
benefits. The cybersecurity field
includes a wide range of different jobs from entry-level up to executive
management and everything in between.
An entry-level security professional may find themselves working as a
security analyst in a SOC (security operations center). As their career
progresses they may become a senior security analyst or work on an incident
response (IR) team. Those interested in
programming and software design can pursue a career as a security software
developer . Individuals interested in
pairing passions of law enforcement and technology may find a good fit in a
computer forensics career. Computer forensics analysts work directly with both
law enforcement and private firms to investigate cases. Executive management roles for cybersecurity
professionals include chief privacy officer (CPO) and chief information
security officer (CISO) . The outlook
for cybersecurity careers is extremely positive, making it a great option for
anyone looking to enter the field. According to ISC2.org there are approximately
2.93 million cybersecurity positions open around the globe. In the same document released by ISC2, the
top identified areas of need for people with
cybersecurity expertise included security awareness, risk assessment,
security administration, network monitoring, incident investigation and
response, intrusion detection, cloud computing security, and security
engineering. Entry-level cybersecurity
jobs. As with any career, education is
a key element of entering the workforce. There are many different educational
paths that individuals can take to learn the tools of the trade. Pursuing a cybersecurity associate’s degree
or bachelor’s degree in cybersecurity is an excellent place to start. Many
universities will have specialized programs for cybersecurity, but a computer
science degree will also be beneficial.
For people looking to make their way into management roles, there are
newer opportunities to obtain a graduate-level certificate in cybersecurity or
computer science. . While there is no
substitute for a traditional degree, certifications and experience will also
play a major role in landing a job within the cybersecurity field. . CHECK OUT OUR FULL CYBERSECURITY
Besides a bachelor’s or master’s degree from an accredited university,
there are additional certifications which may help a job seeker to secure
employment in the cybersecurity field. .
According to a Burning Glass cybersecurity hiring report , approximately
60 percent of cybersecurity positions require that the applicant have at least
one certification. The following are a few of the most popular certifications a
cybersecurity technician can complete.
. Certified Ethical Hacker :
Available only to cybersecurity technicians with two years of experience or
more, the Certified Ethical Hacker certification is designed to teach a
cybersecurity technician how to think like a hacker. This certification is best
suited for anyone who would like to become a penetration tester. . Certified Information Systems Security
Professionals (CISSP) — A CISSP certification can be obtained by any person
with five years or more of experience in the field of cybersecurity. Throughout
the course students will learn how to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities in
web-based systems. . Certified
Information Systems Auditor — The CISA is designed to signify expertise for
those that, as a regular part of their work, audit, control, monitor, and
assess their organization’s information technology and business systems. Network+ – This is a certification designed
to teach students the basics of networking as well as industry standard
cybersecurity best practices. Network security, network infrastructure and
network troubleshooting will all be taught.
Security+ – Generally considered one of the most important cybersecurity
certifications, the Security+ program teaches students how to manage risks,
locate vulnerabilities in a computer system and understand cryptography as it
relates to security. Other topics in the certification program include threat
analysis and hacking mitigation techniques. .
Licensed Penetration Tester (LPT) – The LPT is one of the most advanced
certifications in the cybersecurity industry. It’s only awarded to technicians
who have extensive experience in the industry and who’ve proven themselves
capable of operating under pressure. The idea behind the LPT certification is
that any technician who holds this certificate is capable of responding quickly
and efficiently to a real-time cybersecurity breach. . While these are some of the most common
certifications that cybersecurity professionals may acquire, there are many
other options available. . “One of the
things that we teach in our certificate program and in our MOOC, is how to
develop a reading program so that you stay current, how to join professional
organizations to continue to network. The bottom line, it’s a field that you
must love because you’re going to be studying constantly, reading constantly,
growing constantly expanding your mind.”.
— Barbara Endicott-Popovsky , executive director of the Center for
Information Assurance and Cybersecurity at the University of Washington. Some employers may offer on the job training
and certification programs. This is one way for a cybersecurity professional to
gain new skills and advance within an organization. Cybersecurity 101 : This guide provides the
nuts and bolts for getting started with a cybersecurity career. Learn more. Small business guide : All small business
owners should be taking cybersecurity seriously. This guide will help get
started. Learn more. Certification
guide : Getting industry-specific certifications is critical to career
advancement in cybersecurity. This guide provides a good backgrounder on what
the certifications are all about. Learn more.
Centers for Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity : This guide is all
about the Centers for Academic Excellence in Cybersecurity, which is a program
organized by the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security
to set standards for higher education programs. Learn more .
Free (or inexpensive) online learning resources are a great way to begin
your cybersecurity journey. Before
deciding whether or not to spend money on formal education, these online classes
can introduce students to the basics of the cybersecurity field. They can also
be beneficial after landing that first job in cybersecurity. Since technology is always changing, the
techniques used in the field will change as well. Online learning websites can
help bridge the gap between what was learned in the classroom and what new
techniques have been discovered. Some online learning websites will also
provide a certificate of course completion which is good proof to potential
employers about the desire to find continuing education opportunities. Cybrary.it
Cybrary was created as a cybersecurity workforce training platform. It
currently offers dozens of training modules across a wide range of topics. Some
of the courses are free, while others require a subscription to the service.
The courses range from specific topic areas, such as understanding malware, to
certification prep courses. .
Coursera.org : Coursera is a digital platform that makes courses available
to the public from over 200 of the world’s leading universities. The programs
available range in size, commitment, and rigor. Everything from a single topic
course to certification, degree, and micro-master’s tracks are available. There
is even a course on finding a cybersecurity job and the cybersecurity job
interview process from the University of Georgia. KhanAcademy.org : Khan Academy is a global
digital learning platform that offers classes in specific topic areas. The best
part is that the content is high-quality and free. Khan Academy offers a number
of cybersecurity classes ranging from intro-level content to more advanced
concepts. Khan Academy’s cybersecurity listings can be found here . OpenSecurityTraining.info : Like the others
mentioned here, OpenSecurityTraining.info is a free resource that provides
in-depth video and text-based resources in the forms of specific skills
training. The goal of the project is to make cybersecurity and information
technology training available to all. .
Udemy.com: Udemy is a global education platform that allows teachers and
subject matter experts to easily connect with students. Udemy’s content is
delivered in videos and courses range in level of detail and rigor. There are
hundreds of hours of cybersecurity-related content to choose from. The courses
range from basic, intro to cybersecurity to specifics like how to prepare for
certification exams. While students have to pay to access the courses, there
seems to be an endless supply of affordable options. . StackSkills.com : Stack Skills is a learning
platform that packages courses into topic areas that track with digital media
skills in specific domains such as marketing, finance, and IT security. Lynda.com Lynda, a LinkedIn company, is a
subscription-based service that provides thousands of hours of training across
multiple skills that are in-demand in the labor force right now. Specific to
cybersecurity, Lynda.com offers more than 1,000 course training options ,
ranging from beginner to expert. . edX.org Like Coursera, mentioned above, edX
is an online learning platform that offers courses from leading universities
from around the world. The courses are divided into a number of different
programs, ranging from single course offerings in specific topics, to bachelor
and master’s degree tracks, to industry certifications. Find edX’s
cybersecurity course offerings here.
While some jobs will require a graduate degree in computer science or
information security, it is possible to land an entry-level position within the
field of cybersecurity. Entry-level security professionals can expect to handle
lower-level security matters such as log monitoring, maintaining backups, and
managing updates. There is such a high
demand for workers with cybersecurity expertise, that many of the professors
teaching in cybersecurity associate’s degree programs report that many of their
students already have jobs waiting when they graduate. An increasingly popular way to join the
cybersecurity workforce, especially for people with a background in a related
field like computer science or information technology is participate in a
cybersecurity boot camp or graduate certification program. Cybersecurity boot camps are designed as
intensive training experiences broken up over several weeks or months. The boot
camp training and coursework can be offered by a private boot camp company or
training service. Increasingly, and in an effort to help close the
cybersecurity skills gap, boot camp credentials are also being offered by some
of the nation’s top universities. LEARN MORE ABOUT CYBERSECURITY BOOT CAMPS
. Top universities with
well-established cybersecurity programs are also offering graduate certificate
programs. These programs are designed for experienced students that are looking
for a deeper dive into a specific cybersecurity topic area. Usually several
courses long, the cybersecurity graduate certificate programs can help make job
applicants look more competitive, or help prepare certification participants
for more advanced roles within the profession. LEARN MORE ABOUT CYBERSECURITY
decided to create a graduate certificate in cybersecurity, which is a bridging
program, so you don’t have to have any preparation in computing, or in
cybersecurity to go into that program. We give you some foundational courses,
then we teach you computer networking followed by ethical hacking and
pentesting. When you finish the courses you receive a certificate and you’re
ready to get into our master’s program.”.
— Hossein Sarrafzadeh , professor and chair of the cybersecurity
department at St. Bonaventure University. .
One entry-level job option is to become an information security analyst.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, professionals usually have a
bachelor’s degree before obtaining an entry-level job as an information
security analyst. The median wage of information security analysts in 2018 was
$98,350 with the lowest ten percent earning less than $56,000. Some of the
duties listed by the Bureau of the Labor Statistics for an information security
analyst include:. Prepare reports that
document security breaches and the extent of the damage caused by the
breaches. Monitor their organization’s
networks for security breaches and investigate a violation when one occurs. LEARN MORE ABOUT A CAREER AS A SECURITY
ANALYST . For professionals more
interested in offensive security rather than defensive security, a role of
junior penetration tester may be more fitting. Penetration testers are hired by
an organization to test out their security controls. A penetration tester will take an offensive
approach and attempt to break into an organization’s network. According to
Payscale.com , the average salary for a junior penetration tester is
$70,000. For reasons of national defense,
the US federal government is one of the largest employers of cybersecurity
professionals. That’s why this next section is a deep-dive into how to find
government cybersecurity jobs. Security
clearance. The US Office of Personnel
Management (OPM) serves as the principal human resources agency and personnel
policy administrator for the Federal Government. . According to the OPM, the federal workforce
comprises an estimated 2.1 million civilian workers. For perspective, this is
on par with the largest US employer, Walmart. The next largest employer,
Amazon, has about 1.3 million employees globally. The reasons for choosing to work for the
federal government rather than private enterprise will vary with each
individual. Every job seeker must assess their needs, values, and individual
circumstances to determine whether government service is right for them. . Working for the federal government provides
opportunities not available anywhere else. The government is responsible for
protecting our environment, strengthening the nation’s security, ensuring the
safety of our skies, helping kids get a good education, and investigating
federal crime. People that want to make a significant contribution in these
areas are attracted to federal jobs in agencies such as the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA), the Transportation Security Agency (TSA), the
Department of Education (ED), and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).
. While the federal government offers a
competitive pay scale (see the General Schedule section below), many people are
attracted to government work because of the job security and superior benefits.
Layoffs of government workers do happen, but the government is not nearly as
susceptible to market forces as are private companies. . In many respects, working for the federal
government is a trade-off. Government employees trade the potential for
striking it rich, say like getting in on the ground floor of the latest tech
sensation, for meaningful, reliable service to their country while providing a
good living for their family. . Health
insurance – The various health plans under this program offer health insurance
for the employee, spouse, and children under 26. Dental and vision insurance — Federal
employees can choose from several different plans to cover themselves, their
spouse, and their unmarried, dependent children up to age 22. Life insurance — Employees can choose
coverage starting at one year’s salary up to more than six times your salary
and can get coverage on the lives of their spouse and eligible children
too. Long term care insurance — This
program provides long term care insurance to help pay for costs of care when an
employee can no longer perform everyday tasks such as eating or dressing and
bathing themselves due to a chronic illness, injury, disability, or aging. Flexible spending accounts — New or current
federal employees can set up healthcare and dependent care flexible spending
accounts. “So I went to a national lab
expecting to just be here for a couple of years until I found out where my true
passion was, and then lean more heavily into that. And it’s been almost 11
years now, and I’m not really looking anywhere else. I really love the autonomy
you get at Argonne and the national lab as a whole, it’s a very interesting mix
of all three of those, where I still have that impact. The pay is still very
rewarding and competitive, and I still get that academic autonomy to pursue
whatever I want to from a cyber perspective.”.
Unlike private companies that often need employees only at specific
locations, the federal government has job openings in every state and many
foreign countries. The State Department alone has embassies or consulates in
180 countries. Most government jobs are based outside of the nations’ capital,
Washington, DC. One of the most attractive aspects of working for the federal
government is choosing a career that allows you to live in your desired
location. . Training. The federal government recognizes the need
for a well-trained workforce. Their willingness and ability to provide
top-notch training is a notable benefit for many employees. Even workers with
aspirations to find their place in the private sector often spend several years
working for the government to take advantage of the training. . The Federal Virtual Training Environment
(FedVTE) is a no-cost online, on-demand cybersecurity training system for
government personnel and veterans. FedVTE contains more than 800 hours of
training on topics such as ethical hacking and surveillance, risk management,
and malware analysis courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. In the federal hiring process, eligibility
is based on inclusion in a particular group of people an agency wants to hire.
These groups, called hiring paths, include classifications such as current
federal employees, veterans, recent graduates, or someone from the general
public. . Eligibility has nothing to do
with work experience, skills, or other qualifications. A candidate may be
eligible because they belong to a specific hiring path — veterans, for example — but may not be qualified for some open
positions for which they are eligible to apply. . Each job announcement lists “who may apply”
– that’s the hiring path – and “qualifications” to help applicants understand
if they meet the job’s requirements. A candidate must be both eligible – belong
to one of the groups specified in the job announcement – and be qualified with
the right experience and skills. . Many
individuals will qualify for more than one hiring path, but applying for jobs
in a more general category will not benefit the applicant. For example, current
federal employees are often given preference for some positions. If a current
federal employee applies to an “open to the public” job, they will have to
compete against the general public. Their status as a federal employee does not
earn them a preference, and the field of applicants will likely be more
extensive. Finding the right job within the most restrictive hiring path, the
path for which a candidate is afforded preferred status is generally
advantageous. . “By the way, our
graduates from our CAE programs are given hiring preference by the federal
government. That has appeal to students that wouldn’t mind relocating to DC or
working for state and local government.”.
— Barbara Endicott-Popovsky , executive director of the Center for
Information Assurance and Cybersecurity at the University of Washington. Many positions are open to more than one
hiring path. In that case, a current federal employee could apply and still
benefit from their preferred status, since even though the general public is
welcome to apply, the preferred status of all eligible hiring path applicants
would be recognized. . Any US citizen
or national can apply for jobs that are open to the public. Federal agencies
may hire non-U.S. citizens in rare cases when the annual Appropriations Act ,
the Immigration Law, and the agency’s internal policies allow it. Veterans who served on active duty in the
military and received an honorable discharge may be eligible for veterans’
preference, and they can apply for other veteran-specific positions. For
positions that include a veterans preference option, disabled vets are eligible
to receive a 10-point preference and non-disabled 5 points. FOR RELATED
INFORMATION, CHECK OUT OUR VETERAN’S CYBERSECURITY GUIDE. Members of the National Guard, or applicants
that are willing and able to join the National Guard, may be eligible to apply
for federal jobs located within a National Guard unit. The National Guard and
Reserves set their own qualification requirements and are not subject to the
appointment, pay, and classification rules in Title 5 , United States Code.
However, they are subject to the veterans’ preference discussed above. You may be eligible for a Federal Senior
Executive Service position if you meet all five of the Executive Core
Qualifications (ECQs). Many departments and agencies use these ECQs in the
selection, performance management, and leadership development for executive
positions. The five ECQs are:. Family
of overseas employees. This hiring
program is for family members of federal employees or uniformed service members
working or have worked overseas. Eligibility does not entitle an applicant to a
job within the Federal Government; however, agencies can hire an eligible
applicant directly without the applicant having to compete with the public.
They must still apply and meet qualification standards and additional
requirements, such as a background investigation. Applicants that have served with the Peace
Corps or AmeriCorps VISTA as a volunteer for at least one year may qualify for
non-competitive eligibility. This service means that a federal agency can hire
them outside of the usual competitive examining process. The Merit Promotion program lets a current
or former federal employee apply for a job without having to compete with the
general public or people with Veterans’ Preference. Instead, these current
employees compete with other competitive service employees. Military spouses. Federal agencies are authorized to use the
military spouse non-competitive hiring process when they seek to hire a member
of the armed forces’ spouse. This process includes a spouse of a 100 percent
disabled service member who is disabled due to a service-connected injury, or a
spouse of a service member killed while on active duty. Current students or recent graduates may be
eligible for federal internships and job opportunities through the Pathways
program. There are three different paths available:. Individuals with disabilities. Federal programs grant special hiring
authority to government agencies providing an optional and potentially quicker
way to hire individuals with disabilities. Applying under these programs offers
an exception to the traditional competitive hiring process. Applicants can
apply for jobs using this exception if they have an intellectual disability, a
severe physical disability, or a psychiatric disability. Native Americans. American Indians or Alaskan Natives who are
members of one of the federally recognized tribes may be eligible for Indian
preference. With Indian preference, applicants may receive preference over
non-Indian applicants when seeking jobs with the Indian Health Service and Indian
Affairs. This rule includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Bureau of Indian
Education, and some positions within the Assistant Secretary – Indian
Affairs. The payscale for federal
employees. The General Schedule (GS) is
the primary pay scale for federal employees. While there are alternative pay
schedules for federal workers, about 70 percent of the civil service positions
fall under the GS system. This is especially true for employees in
professional, technical, administrative, or clerical jobs. There are 15 grades
in the system, ranging from GS-1 to GS-15. There are also ten steps within each
of the 15 grades. The grade level and step assigned to a position determine the
pay for that job. Grade Levels. Candidates should not expect that they will
be required to start at a GS-1 and ascend from there. Many federal employees
begin their careers at a GS-5 level or higher. The following provides an
overview of where various jobs fall within the GS structure. Positions beyond GS-15 are part of the
Senior Executive Service. The table
below indicates the pay scale for Federal Government General Schedule positions
in 2020. Only the first and last steps are shown to indicate the pay range for
each grade level. . Federal government
General Schedule positions in 2020. The
best way to find government jobs is through the USAJOBS website. This
government website is a clearinghouse for all GS positions. It includes an
online application process along with hints, tips, and guidelines for finding
the best possible job for each candidate. .
Before applying for a job on USAJOBS, each candidate will need to create
an account and fill out an application. There are resources for uploading a
resume as well. The search feature allows candidates to search thousands of
open positions and is made manageable by intuitive filters. Website features
include the ability to create and save searches and save jobs that are of
interest. . Once the candidate has
found the right job, in the right location, their application can be submitted
to the hiring manager at the appropriate agency through the website. If the
candidate makes the agency’s shortlist, the hiring manager will contact them
for an interview. The process of getting hired by the government is often a
lengthy one. Many open positions receive thousands of applications, and it
takes time for the hiring manager to sort through them all. . Candidates can find jobs within the federal
government at any agency. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department
of Energy are two examples of agencies that often look for cybersecurity
professionals to join their ranks. However, job seekers can find many
cybersecurity positions at the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
(CISA). . CISA’s purpose is to build
the national capacity to defend against cyber-attacks and work with the federal
government to provide cybersecurity tools and incident response services to
safeguard the ‘.gov’ networks that support government departments’ essential
operations and agencies. . A search of
CISA open positions will likely yield over 100 jobs. Most CISA positions are
for grade levels GS-13 to GS-15. They include roles such as:. Chief of Strategy, Policy, and Plans. Many of these CISA positions are needed at multiple
locations, and some are telework jobs where the candidate can live anywhere in
the US. . Each year CISA participates
in a variety of career fairs, webinars, and hiring events. They seek to hire
candidates with a background in cybersecurity, human resources, infrastructure
security, and risk assessment. The OPM
and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have worked with private industry
and academia to develop the Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Strategy . The
purpose of this strategy is to help the federal government build a
cybersecurity workforce pipeline; recruit, hire, develop, and retain top
cybersecurity talent. CyberCareers.gov
was created as part of the Federal Cybersecurity Workforce Strategy to provide
a platform for cybersecurity job seekers to have special online access to
tools, resources, and a guide to the cybersecurity workforce within the Federal
Government. Links to specific job opportunities will take the candidate back to
the USAJOBS website for the application process. . Security clearances for cybersecurity
jobs. Not all government jobs require a
security clearance, but many do. Everyone employed by the federal government
undergoes a basic background investigation. The investigation ensures that all
federal employees are “reliable, trustworthy, of good conduct and character,
and of complete and unswerving loyalty to the United States.”. Additionally, federal employment positions
that include access to sensitive information require a security clearance. This
requirement includes individuals employed by private firms in the capacity of a
contractor for the federal government. This clearance must be obtained to
determine the applicant’s trustworthiness and reliability before granting them
access to national security information. .
Cybersecurity salaries. When
thinking about finding the right cybersecurity degree or certification, it is
helpful to understand some specific cybersecurity job requirements. Each
organization or company will have its own unique requirements when hiring
information security professionals.
Whether a security professional is planning to work for the federal
government or simply looking to land a job in the private sector, a criminal
background check and drug test will most likely be required. If there is
something on a professional’s record, it’s always best to be upfront with the
potential employer rather than have it come out during the background
check. Sample job descriptions. Certain companies will require specific
certifications, while others will list them as a plus. As a rule of thumb,
there is no such thing as too many certifications. The selected candidate must have knowledge
of network and cloud-based security and familiarity with virtualization and
VMware. The candidate must also possess
the ability to analyze assets and identify and remediate vulnerabilities. This individual must have the flexibility to
perform a variety of different tasks concurrently, by using self-motivation and
sound planning, organization, and scheduling skills. They must also be able to communicate
clearly orally and in writing and work well both individually and within a team
environment. Strong knowledge of
operating system internals, assembly language, and reverse engineering
techniques. Thorough working
understanding of the security industry and knowledge in identifying credible,
malware analysis techniques relative to current and emerging threats. Strong communication (written and verbal)
with the ability to brief/communicate information in a concise, effective
manner to a wide range of audiences with minimal oversight. Ability to use static and dynamic methods to
analyze a file using a debugger disassembler and other tools in a Virtual
Machine (VM). Strong verbal and written
communication skills. Proficiency in
forensic techniques and tools (e.g., X-Ways, EnCase, FTK Suite,
Cellebrite). Experience with scripting
languages to automate investigative and routine functions. Experience with Microsoft, Apple, and
Linux-based operating systems.
Experience with server, workstation and mobile device hardware and
software. Available for occasional
DIGITAL FORENSICS. Many people dream of
having the ability to work from the comfort of their home. Or perhaps, some
just want the ability to travel without having their job hold them back.
Fortunately for those in cybersecurity careers, it’s possible to find a job
that is either completely or partially remote.
The great thing about the internet is that it has granted many people
the freedom from being tied to their desks in an office. There are some jobs that will still require
that individuals are onsite. For example, if you are a penetration tester and
part of your job is testing physical controls, your presence at the customer
site will be a vital part of your role.
On the other hand, an individual tasked with reverse engineering a piece
of malware may be able to do so from anywhere in the world. There are plenty of tools ranging from
remote access software to virtual private networks, that allow professionals to
be on their organization’s network without physically being in the same
geographical location. “In today’s
world, nearly every business, regardless of size, needs help with cybersecurity.
If you expand that view across the nation and the world, it is staggering the
number of security professionals required to fill the need.”. — Ryan Sporrer , cybersecurity instructor at
Western Iowa Tech . Some job sites,
such as Indeed, will allow job seekers to type the word “remote” into the
location search. This will typically produce job postings that are not locked
into a specific location. In addition, there are some job searching websites
that allow individuals to search through a database of strictly remote
positions. Two websites that help job
seekers search out remote positions include: Flex Jobs and Skip The Drive. Another option for remote work is freelancing.
Working for an organization permanently is not a good fit for everyone. Having
the freedom to choose which projects you work on and having the ability to
create your own schedule is certainly appealing. Freelancing is a popular option for
cybersecurity professionals who want these benefits. Websites such as Upwork
and Freelancer are two popular websites which can help professionals get
started freelancing. It’s safe to say
that wherever technology exists, there is a need for cybersecurity. However,
much like with any major industry there will be certain locations, or “hubs” where
jobs in that field are more prevalent or higher-paying. Not surprisingly, Washington D.C. has one of
the highest concentrations of cybersecurity job openings according to analytics
done by Indeed and CyberSeek . This is likely due to the number of government
agencies in that area. While these government agencies have their own job
openings, you’ll also find companies who contract for the government, such as
Booz Allen Hamilton, close by as well.
Another major hub includes New York City. With New York City also being
the financial capital of the US, it makes sense that cybersecurity is a big
business in that area. Somebody needs to protect that data! Now, just because a city has a lot of
cybersecurity jobs, doesn’t mean it will pay the highest. San Francisco ranks
the highest in cybersecurity salaries at around $148,621. However, that number
isn’t adjusted for the pricey cost of living in San Francisco, so that’s one
more thing to keep in mind. According
to TheSoftwareReport.com , Symantec which is based in Mountain View, California
was ranked the leading provider of cybersecurity software and services.
FireEye, another California-based company, was ranked in second place. In order to find local cybersecurity jobs in
your area, you can use the location-based search feature on sites such as
Monster, ZipRecruiter, Indeed, LinkedIn, and CareerBuilder. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics
(BLS), in 2019 the median pay for a cybersecurity technician was $99,730 per
year, or $47.95 per hour. For context, the median annual wage in the United
States is just $39,810. . The lowest
paid 10 percent of cybersecurity workers earn $57,810 per year or less. The
highest paid 10 percent of cybersecurity workers earn $158,860 per year or
more. . BLS data provides detailed
information about the salary for a cybersecurity professional, depending on
which industry that they work in. These are the median annual wages for various
industries, as measured in May of 2019. .
As is the case in many industries, cybersecurity managers typically make
more than cybersecurity technicians. According to the BLS the median annual
salary for a computer and information systems manager is $146,360 per year.
That equates to $70.37 per hour. . The
following five states are the largest employers of cybersecurity technicians.
Total employment numbers and the mean salary are provided for each state.
. Florida — 6,630 — $91,580.
The following five cities are the largest employers of cybersecurity
technicians. Included is the total number of cybersecurity technicians employed
in that city. . Some employers may
offer on the job training and certification programs. This is one way for a
cybersecurity professional to gain new skills and advance within an
organization. Once again, CyberSeek.org is a useful resource as it shows which
cybersecurity positions are entry level and which require more experience.
. It’s also important to point out that
in many cases, cybersecurity may be one part of the job but not the entire job.
Some organizations expect a cybersecurity worker to also fill a broader role as
an IT professional. Tasks may include troubleshooting and fixing computer
systems, setting up new systems and maintaining the security of the network. . Additional perks. Besides an excellent salary, there are
several other benefits associated with a career in cybersecurity. .
Work from home — 2020 has brought about a work from home revolution all
across America, with many jobs now being done outside of the office. However, cybersecurity
technicians have been enjoying work from home benefits for years. One anecdote
tells the story of a cybersecurity technician who has been working from home
for 8 years without visiting the office once!
High job satisfaction — An ICS2 study has found that 71 percent of all
cybersecurity technicians report being satisfied with their job and 36 percent
report being very satisfied. Cybersecurity technicians have an important role
to play and the work that they do directly contributes to keeping an
organization’s digital infrastructure safe. .
Plenty of job variety — Repetitive jobs can quickly become tedious and
unsatisfying. Thankfully, no two days are the same for a cybersecurity
technician. There are constantly new threats to defend against and new skills
to learn. Cybersecurity is very dynamic and cybersecurity technicians are
constantly engaged on the job. .
Example cybersecurity careers with salaries . The following are some of the most common
job types within the field of cybersecurity, and their respective salaries. All
salary information is provided by CyberSeek.org . . Computer security incident responder — In the event of a data breach or a hack the
incident responder is the first person to get a call. An incident responder is
responsible for identifying the scope of the attack and responding to it as
quickly as possible. Penetration tester
— Also known as an “ethical hacker,” a
penetration tester looks for vulnerabilities in a company’s digital
infrastructure. Their job is to find an exploit before a hacker does. Security administrator — A security
administrator is responsible for maintaining the security and functionality of
a company’s computer systems and networks. It’s typically a high level job and
the administrator must be familiar with many different systems. Security analyst — The security analyst is
responsible for ensuring that security best practices are followed at a
corporation or organization. As new security systems are released, it may be up
to the analyst to update their organization’s infrastructure. Average annual
salary — $96,000. Security architect —
A security architect is responsible for designing a computer network and all of
the other digital infrastructure that a high tech company needs to operate efficiently.
Security architects are highly paid, due to the complexity and importance of
their work. Security code auditor — A
security code auditor analyzes code to check for potential vulnerabilities. An
auditor typically has extensive experience in programming and network
infrastructure, and this is not an entry level position. Security consultant — A company may engage a
security consultant when they have a problem that their in-house cybersecurity
team cannot solve. Security consultants are typically familiar with many areas
of cybersecurity, including penetration testing, network infrastructure and
programming. Security engineer — Out of
all cybersecurity professions, security engineers are typically paid the most.
Their job involves building a secure computer system and ensuring that there is
no chance for a hacker to compromise the system and steal data. More
information is. Security specialist —
The security specialist maintains a network and upgrades it as needed. They may
also perform security audits to ensure a network is safe against attack. How cybersecurity degree level affects
salary . The following three sections present
information about how the education level of a job applicant can affect the
salary they earn. . Bachelor’s degree
holders typically earn the lowest salary in the cybersecurity field. According
to Payscale , cybersecurity professionals with a bachelor’s degree earn an
average annual salary of $70,232. This is an average salary, not a starting
salary. . In terms of an entry level
position, the The National Association of Colleges and Employers has found that
the starting salary for a cybersecurity professional with a bachelor’s degree
is $62,200 per year. . As a cybersecurity
technician with a bachelor’s degree gains experience they’ll begin to earn a
better salary, especially once they have 10 years or more of experience.
However, a bachelor’s degree may keep a technician from advancing within an
organization. Many upper management positions require a master’s degree. . Besides industry experience and advanced
certifications, the best way to increase a cybersecurity salary is to complete
a master’s degree program. . According
to Payscale , the average annual salary for a cybersecurity professional with a
master’s degree is $86,858. That’s an increase of about $16,000 per year, over
what a bachelor’s degree holder can earn. .
The National Association of Colleges and Employers has a similar
finding. They report that the average salary for a master’s degree holder is
$80,400, which is $18,000 more than a bachelor’s degree holder. . The following information from Payscale is
based on an employee who has a doctor of science in computer science. This is a
degree that qualifies someone to work in the cybersecurity field. . Based on the data below, it’s possible to
see how a Ph.D. holder may earn $10,000 to $20,000 more than a non-Ph.D.
holder. . The cybersecurity industry as
a whole suffers from a lack of qualified personnel. This supply and demand
mismatch is only likely to increase, as the world goes increasingly digital and
even more computer infrastructure is built out.
. According to a Burning Glass
cybersecurity hiring report ,. “The
number of cybersecurity job postings has grown 94 percent since 2013, compared
to only 30 percent for IT positions overall. That’s over three times faster
than the overall IT market.” .
Furthermore, there are only 2.3 employed cybersecurity technicians for
every available position. That’s only half as many candidates as is typical. On
average, across the United States there are 5.8 employed workers for each job
opening. These findings illustrate a large supply and demand mismatch. . The Burning Glass report also indicates that
within the field of cybersecurity, public cloud security and internet of things
(IoT) are the fastest growing industries. Cybersecurity workers with expertise
in these fields can expect to find many employment opportunities. . For even more projections about
cybersecurity job growth we can turn to the BLS. According to BLS estimates
,. “Employment of information security
analysts is projected to grow 31 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than
the average for all occupations.” . One
of the key drivers in hiring for cybersecurity professionals is the amount of
data that companies are collecting today. Data breaches are frustratingly
common and many large companies want to hire cybersecurity professionals to
build more secure systems. . The
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies has released data
which shows that the demand for cybersecurity professionals is growing twelve
times faster than the average demand for workers in the United States. . By some estimates there could be as many as
3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity positions by 2021. Cybersecurity could easily be labeled as one
of the best jobs in America. Job demand is high today and is only projected to
grow in the future. Salaries are well above average and experienced technicians
can easily make more than $100,000 a year. .
national employment data resource maintained by the federal government. The
report above cites several pages within the BLS database. Burning Glass State of Cybersecurity Hiring
Report : Burning Glass is a data analytics software company that has created a
comprehensive cybersecurity hiring report.
Federal Cybersecurity Workforce
Strategy : This document was created by the federal government to help define
the nation’s cybersecurity capacity and to increase the cybersecurity workforce
pipeline. ISC2 Cybersecurity Workforce
Report : ISC2 is a global cybersecurity professional organization that
publishes annual workforce reports.
National Initiative for Cybersecurity Careers and Studies : This report,
Veterans: Launch a New Career in Cybersecurity was specifically created for
veterans, but it also contains useful and actionable information for all. CompTIA Cybersecurity Career Pathway : This
report, from the Computer Technology Industry Association, maps certification
level to career opportunities. It also provides information on their
cybersecurity certifications, which are common in the industry. EC Council : This organization offers a
number of well-regarded certifications within the cybersecurity space including
the certified ethical hacker, certified penetration tester, and cybersecurity
for business.
9. https://www.jccc.edu/student-resources/career-development/explore/career-info-sites.html
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governments open job applications at different times of the year. Thus, it is
important that you stay updated about when applications for various govt jobs
start, so that you can start applying as soon as possible. Moreover, starting
your application early allows you to give more time to your application, remove
errors that you have made, and you would also be able to attach all the documents
on time. These reasons necessitate early and quick updates about govts jobs and
ilmkidunya does just that. We constantly update our website so that you know
when job applications open and what are the respective dates of deadline for
job applications. Keep visiting this webpage to learn more about government
jobs. Eligibility Requirements:. A large number of Govt jobs in Pakistan are
announced every year to simplify the complexity of a candidate’s life. The job
advertisements also include the eligibility criteria for making candidates
aware of all the academic requirements. These requirements are checked by the
candidate to understand if they can apply for the given job or not. The
eligibility requirements of the latest jobs in Pakistan 2021 are determined
based on the following aspects:. The
educational qualifications and experience are different for each job post.
These requirements are mentioned in the advertisement. Moreover, the age, academic records, and
other credentials are also responsible for selecting eligible candidates. Qualification Specifications:. The latest govt jobs in Pakistan bring ease
to the life of people with the help of astonishing perks and benefits. The
specifications mentioned in the advertisement are quite helpful for the
candidates to avail the opportunity perfectly. Thus, the candidates can apply
for a specific job post according to the mentioned specifications. All govt
jobs in Pakistan are different and present distinct specifications. Let’s some
significant factors regarding the qualification specifications of these
jobs:. The educational requirements of
each job post vary according to the post scale. For instance, a matric degree is required in
some jobs like foreman, assistant foreman, etc. However, the educational requirement for the
job of stenotypist, clerk, etc. is an intermediate degree. Age Relaxation:. Government jobs in Pakistan today play a
vital role in making the life of people blissful. These jobs provide job
relaxation to the candidates for the sake of their ease. The age relaxation
facility for several jobs in various provinces is different. Let’s discuss the
details of the age relaxation facility offered in these jobs:. In the latest announcement, the age
relaxation of up to 15 years is allowed. This age relaxation in the upper age
limit is announced for the job positions in the province of Punjab. Q: Which government job positions are
recently declared? Ans:More than 9000
job vacancies are declared this year for the sake of people’s convenience. The
prestigious organizations offering various job positions include:. Q: Why are people highly attracted to govt
jobs? Ans: The minimum educational
requirement depends on the job's nature. Some jobs are offered in which a
candidate with a Matric or Intermediate degree is allowed to apply. However, in
some jobs bachelor’s degree is compulsory. These requirements are mentioned in
the advertisement along with the job position.
Q: Which documents should be submitted by the candidates to apply for
these jobs? Q: How can we stay updated
about the latest govt jobs? Ans:You can
download the application form from the official websites of govt jobs.
Following are the steps to complete this process:. First of all, open the specific job
announcement for which you want to apply.
After that, scroll down to the section showing the application form
download option. Q:What type of
assessments are conducted for govt jobs?
Ans:The test pattern for each job is different. The assessment is based
on two types of tests that include written tests and interviews. The written
tests are organized by different govt institutions to select eligible
candidates. Q:What is the procedure of
fee submission in case of applying for govt jobs? Ans:The candidates have to submit the fees
by following the instructions mentioned in the advertisement. The fee is
usually submitted to the State Bank of Pakistan. Additionally, the fee can also
be submitted to the National Bank of Pakistan.
Q:What are the instructions mentioned in the advertisement about the fee
slip? The candidates have to bring the
original slip with them during the interview.
Q:How can the candidates claim for counting experience? Ans:Documented evidence is required by each
department for the consideration of experience. The evidence will only be
accepted if it is certified by the concerned appointing authority. Written Tests and Interview:. The latest government jobs in Pakistan
assist people to earn handsome salaries and make their future bright. To get
these jobs, the candidates need to pass the written test and interview. If the
candidates could not take the required marks in the written test then they
would not be qualified for the interview as well. Let’s discuss the
specifications of written tests and interviews:. The written test organized by each institute
is divided into two categories. These categories are objective and subjective
papers. The test can be descriptive or
subjective. Moreover, objective-type questions or MCQs can also be asked in the
exam. However, in most cases, the test
is a combination of both objective and subjective type questions. In some exams, negative marking is also done
against each wrong attempt. The
candidates after passing the written test are invited for the interview. The candidates need to obtain at least 50%
marks in the interview for getting the job.
The interview schedules are uploaded on the website. The call-up letter
can be downloaded for getting details of the interview. Shortlisting Procedure of Candidates for
Interview:. Today govt jobs in Pakistan
are highly recommended for the candidates who intend to make their career
successful. The candidates are shortlisted for the interview by following an
organized procedure. The process of shortlisting the candidates is done based
on the following factors:. Academic
performance. Marks obtained in the
written test organized by the govt institute.
The minimum percentage of the academic career required for getting these
jobs is approximately 60%. However, the passing percentage of written tests
organized by several institutions is normally 40%. Thus, if the candidates
successfully attain the requisite percentage in both academic career and
written test, then they will be shortlisted for the final interview. To get the
desired job, the aspirants have to pass the interview as well. Advantages of Govt Jobs:. Government jobs in Pakistan 2021 are highly
preferred by the candidates due to their unlimited advantages. There are
various advantages of getting a Govt job in terms of impressive salaries,
allowances, medical, etc. Let’s discuss all the advantages offered by these
jobs in detail:. The employees can get
their fixed salaries on time without any difficulty. The retired employees are facilitated with
pensions. The workload in these jobs is
negligible. The candidates do not need
to worry about mortgages by taking advantage of housing facilities in these jobs. Free healthcare facilities are also provided
to the employees. Application
Submission Procedure:. A lot of
facilities are offered to the candidates through Govt jobs in Pakistan 2021.
That is why more people attract to these job opportunities. You can easily
apply for Govt jobs in Pakistan 2021 via online resources. The official
websites allow people to submit their forms without any difficulty. People can
apply for their desired job position within a few minutes through online
websites. The steps of the application submission procedure are as follows:. First of all, download the application form
from the official websites of government jobs.
After doing so, fill the form with all the requisite details and
information. These details include NIC, name, date of birth, etc. Scan the requisite documents and upload the
scanned files. Pay the mentioned amount
of fee if the challan form is required by the organization. The fee can be
submitted to any branch of the State Bank of Pakistan. The fee can also be
submitted to the National Bank.
Recruitment Rules:. Government jobs
in Pakistan are regarded as a perfect option for candidates who are looking for
a successful future ahead. There are some recruitment rules for hiring eligible
candidates. It is quite difficult for the candidates to qualify for these jobs.
A great number of new govt jobs in Pakistan are announced for offering more
career opportunities to the candidates. The recruitment rules of these jobs are
given below:. The candidates need to
fill the forms with accurate information. In case of providing wrong information
will lead to a direct rejection of the application. The candidates are selected for the jobs if
they meet the eligibility criteria of the applied jobs. The candidates should bring the fee deposit
receipt at the time of the interview. They are allowed to give interviews
without having the original fee slip.
The candidates are invited for interviews if they have cleared the
written test by obtaining the required marks.
16-Apr-2021. 15-Apr-2021. Start Test.
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Create CV. Categories Government Private Federal
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List of Top 15 Schools in
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6. https://www.ready.pk/
Government jobs in pakistan 2021
with new jobs updates and advertisement can be view at Pakistan top jobs
Portal. It is a great facility for all job seekers who are looking for jobs in
pakistan army and in other departments.
There are many recent jobs bank 2021 in govt sector where many employees are
already working in pakistan motorway police and federal government jobs in
pakistan. On this govt jobs platform a many govt jobs in pakistan for teachers
and railway jobs ads are also upload.
Ready.pk is Pakistan's fastest growing career website. This website
contains all the latest govt jobs from all over Pakistan. The job listing is
updated on a daily basis from all leading newspapers such as Jang, The News,
Nawai Waqt, DAWN, Express, Dunya and more. We post government jobs from all
departments. One very important aspect of this website is that you can
subscribe to latest government jobs alert so you can get all the new government
jobs information directly to your email.
You are also encouraged to download our mobile app that focused on
latest job ads from all departments of government. All contains jobs from NTS,
Pak Army, Navy, Rescue 1122, Teachers jobs and more. Our website is also
regularly updated with latest career advice and news about jobs and careers in
Government of Pakistan. Stay updated with us and also share this job portal in
Pakistan with your friends and family. Because if you are looking for the best
Government jobs website in PAKISTAN then you are at right place. After visiting
www.ready.pk you will agree that best place to search got jobs is
ready.pk. Ready.pk is proud to be
posting all the latest jobs from all Government in Pakistan departments. Most
of Pakistanis want to achieve some great official career. The Govt services
provide a great opportunity for all sections of society to grow and get a
better living option. We suggest that all students or professional must keep
checking this website to get latest updates on regular basis. Most Government departments take job tests
before job interviews. So these job tests are always very important if you are
really serious about the job. These tests may contain questions from general
knowledge to subject level tests, IQ tests and language tests. We at ready.pk
intend to help you excel in the job tests. So use these online tests to prepare
yourself for the dream job. Are you
looking for Government jobs? Are you
really curious about getting latest job updates? Let us solve this problem. Career Opportunities. There are hundreds of departments and
companies established by the Government that offer careers in various verticals
that may suit most of individual interests and qualification. Here on this
website, we endeavor to list all the possible new vacancies offered by any
department at every level. Though the list is mostly very extensive, but only
very few jobs might get missed. So we highly recommend that you scan ready.pk
on a regular basis to get all the updated job listings in time. Government jobs in Pakistan Latest today
updated on our website on a daily basis in which you can apply according to
your education and skills in different organizations of government in different
cities. The mission of ready.pk is to provide you all the latest career
opportunities in the government sector of Pakistan at one place. Our team works
tirelessly to find all the latest government jobs in all cities of Pakistan and
we post those jobs here at one place. Whether you are looking for jobs in Pakistan newspaper are looking for job adverts of all newspapers
in the last days you'll find them all here.
We cover new jobs in Pakistan from all government departments and
companies so that our young people can get the best possible career advice and
apply accordingly. All you have to do is to keep in touch, keep visiting this
page and will definitely find some jobs that are relevant to your study,
experience and mental approach. This website is indeed the most updated website
for New Government jobs in Pakistan 2021. The job listing for all the
government departments throughout Pakistan is updated here on a daily basis,
without any delays. Moreover, we also
have a all the social links Facebook , LinkedIn , Twitter and a wonderful
mobile app that you can use to remain in touch on the go and get all new
vacancy information live all the time. There are thousands of new job
opportunities in Government sector being announced by various departments
across all cities in Pakistan. We are doing our best to keep you all updated on
all the latest options. If you are
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jobs sections as below:. Download Mobile
App. Ready.pk is ready to give you the
best experience on your mobile phone. So try it now and stay updated.
7. https://www.ilmkidunya.com/jobs/industry/govt-service
Find list of all latest jobs in
Government sector of Pakistan. Many
candidates want to apply for the government jobs because of the prestige it
carries. If you are looking for information about Govt Jobs in Pakistan then
ilmkidunya is going to provide you all the details that you need. Each year,
announcements and advertisements are released for job positions in the
government. To be employed in a government job is a lucrative opportunity and
it will pay you off in the long run. Every province offers a job in the
provincial government to eligible candidates. All the applicants have to compete
with each other and on the basis of merit and skill the applicants will be
chosen for the job. If you want to learn more about Govt Jobs 2021 then why not
go through this webpage to find or learn about vacancies that suit your wants
and needs? Continue exploring! How to
Find Govt Jobs. It is difficult to find
details about government jobs easily, thus we went over loads of information
and synthesized all the places you can look up for job listings in the
government. Firstly, ilmkidunya posts all the Latest Govt Jobs for all
applicants to see. For example, below this webpage you can find concise details
about jobs that have been posted by different provincial governments and other
information like job title, vacancies, last date for application etc. are all
given. In addition to this, you can also learn about new job vacancies from the
provincial governments official website; the posts about new jobs are all added
there first, so that aspiring candidates can start working on their
applications early on. For example, if you live in Punjab and want to become
part of the government/civil services sector of Punjab then you have to apply
for PPSC jobs. Lastly, another way you can find Latest Government Jobs in
Pakistan is by reading job listings in Newspapers. Latest Govt Jobs Updates 2021. In order to apply for Govt Jobs, you have to
be agile and keep a check on when the job openings occur. Different provincial
governments open job applications at different times of the year. Thus, it is
important that you stay updated about when applications for various govt jobs
start, so that you can start applying as soon as possible. Moreover, starting
your application early allows you to give more time to your application, remove
errors that you have made, and you would also be able to attach all the
documents on time. These reasons necessitate early and quick updates about
govts jobs and ilmkidunya does just that. We constantly update our website so
that you know when job applications open and what are the respective dates of
deadline for job applications. Keep visiting this webpage to learn more about
government jobs. Eligibility
Requirements:. A large number of Govt
jobs in Pakistan are announced every year to simplify the complexity of a
candidate’s life. The job advertisements also include the eligibility criteria
for making candidates aware of all the academic requirements. These
requirements are checked by the candidate to understand if they can apply for
the given job or not. The eligibility requirements of the latest jobs in
Pakistan 2021 are determined based on the following aspects:. The educational qualifications and
experience are different for each job post. These requirements are mentioned in
the advertisement. Moreover, the age,
academic records, and other credentials are also responsible for selecting
eligible candidates. Qualification
Specifications:. The latest govt jobs
in Pakistan bring ease to the life of people with the help of astonishing perks
and benefits. The specifications mentioned in the advertisement are quite
helpful for the candidates to avail the opportunity perfectly. Thus, the
candidates can apply for a specific job post according to the mentioned
specifications. All govt jobs in Pakistan are different and present distinct specifications.
Let’s some significant factors regarding the qualification specifications of
these jobs:. The educational
requirements of each job post vary according to the post scale. For instance, a matric degree is required in
some jobs like foreman, assistant foreman, etc. However, the educational requirement for the
job of stenotypist, clerk, etc. is an intermediate degree. Age Relaxation:. Government jobs in Pakistan today play a
vital role in making the life of people blissful. These jobs provide job
relaxation to the candidates for the sake of their ease. The age relaxation
facility for several jobs in various provinces is different. Let’s discuss the
details of the age relaxation facility offered in these jobs:. In the latest announcement, the age
relaxation of up to 15 years is allowed. This age relaxation in the upper age
limit is announced for the job positions in the province of Punjab. Q: Which government job positions are
recently declared? Ans:More than 9000
job vacancies are declared this year for the sake of people’s convenience. The
prestigious organizations offering various job positions include:. Q: Why are people highly attracted to govt
jobs? Ans: The minimum educational
requirement depends on the job's nature. Some jobs are offered in which a
candidate with a Matric or Intermediate degree is allowed to apply. However, in
some jobs bachelor’s degree is compulsory. These requirements are mentioned in
the advertisement along with the job position.
Q: Which documents should be submitted by the candidates to apply for
these jobs? Q: How can we stay updated
about the latest govt jobs? Ans:You can
download the application form from the official websites of govt jobs.
Following are the steps to complete this process:. First of all, open the specific job
announcement for which you want to apply.
After that, scroll down to the section showing the application form
download option. Q:What type of
assessments are conducted for govt jobs?
Ans:The test pattern for each job is different. The assessment is based
on two types of tests that include written tests and interviews. The written
tests are organized by different govt institutions to select eligible
candidates. Q:What is the procedure of
fee submission in case of applying for govt jobs? Ans:The candidates have to submit the fees
by following the instructions mentioned in the advertisement. The fee is
usually submitted to the State Bank of Pakistan. Additionally, the fee can also
be submitted to the National Bank of Pakistan.
Q:What are the instructions mentioned in the advertisement about the fee
slip? The candidates have to bring the
original slip with them during the interview.
Q:How can the candidates claim for counting experience? Ans:Documented evidence is required by each
department for the consideration of experience. The evidence will only be
accepted if it is certified by the concerned appointing authority. Written Tests and Interview:. The latest government jobs in Pakistan
assist people to earn handsome salaries and make their future bright. To get
these jobs, the candidates need to pass the written test and interview. If the
candidates could not take the required marks in the written test then they
would not be qualified for the interview as well. Let’s discuss the
specifications of written tests and interviews:. The written test organized by each institute
is divided into two categories. These categories are objective and subjective
papers. The test can be descriptive or
subjective. Moreover, objective-type questions or MCQs can also be asked in the
exam. However, in most cases, the test
is a combination of both objective and subjective type questions. In some exams, negative marking is also done
against each wrong attempt. The candidates
after passing the written test are invited for the interview. The candidates need to obtain at least 50%
marks in the interview for getting the job.
The interview schedules are uploaded on the website. The call-up letter
can be downloaded for getting details of the interview. Shortlisting Procedure of Candidates for
Interview:. Today govt jobs in Pakistan
are highly recommended for the candidates who intend to make their career
successful. The candidates are shortlisted for the interview by following an
organized procedure. The process of shortlisting the candidates is done based
on the following factors:. Academic
performance. Marks obtained in the
written test organized by the govt institute.
The minimum percentage of the academic career required for getting these
jobs is approximately 60%. However, the passing percentage of written tests
organized by several institutions is normally 40%. Thus, if the candidates
successfully attain the requisite percentage in both academic career and written
test, then they will be shortlisted for the final interview. To get the desired
job, the aspirants have to pass the interview as well. Advantages of Govt Jobs:. Government jobs in Pakistan 2021 are highly
preferred by the candidates due to their unlimited advantages. There are
various advantages of getting a Govt job in terms of impressive salaries,
allowances, medical, etc. Let’s discuss all the advantages offered by these
jobs in detail:. The employees can get
their fixed salaries on time without any difficulty. The retired employees are facilitated with
pensions. The workload in these jobs is
negligible. The candidates do not need
to worry about mortgages by taking advantage of housing facilities in these
jobs. Free healthcare facilities are
also provided to the employees.
Application Submission Procedure:.
A lot of facilities are offered to the candidates through Govt jobs in
Pakistan 2021. That is why more people attract to these job opportunities. You
can easily apply for Govt jobs in Pakistan 2021 via online resources. The
official websites allow people to submit their forms without any difficulty.
People can apply for their desired job position within a few minutes through
online websites. The steps of the application submission procedure are as
follows:. First of all, download the
application form from the official websites of government jobs. After doing so, fill the form with all the
requisite details and information. These details include NIC, name, date of
birth, etc. Scan the requisite
documents and upload the scanned files.
Pay the mentioned amount of fee if the challan form is required by the
organization. The fee can be submitted to any branch of the State Bank of
Pakistan. The fee can also be submitted to the National Bank. Recruitment Rules:. Government jobs in Pakistan are regarded as
a perfect option for candidates who are looking for a successful future ahead.
There are some recruitment rules for hiring eligible candidates. It is quite
difficult for the candidates to qualify for these jobs. A great number of new
govt jobs in Pakistan are announced for offering more career opportunities to
the candidates. The recruitment rules of these jobs are given below:. The candidates need to fill the forms with
accurate information. In case of providing wrong information will lead to a
direct rejection of the application.
The candidates are selected for the jobs if they meet the eligibility
criteria of the applied jobs. The
candidates should bring the fee deposit receipt at the time of the interview.
They are allowed to give interviews without having the original fee slip. The candidates are invited for interviews if
they have cleared the written test by obtaining the required marks. 16-Apr-2021. 15-Apr-2021.
Start Test. Subscribe.
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8. https://www.pakgovtjobs.pk/
Private Jobs. Welcome to PAKGOVTJOBS.PK, Pakistan’s No. 1
Jobs Alert website. We update daily Government Jobs, Private Jobs, Results, and
Educational News. Candidates can directly apply for a job from the given links,
without any extra ads. Candidates can easily search for Govt jobs in Lahore,
Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Balochistan. We update all jobs
including:. Pak Govt Jobs – Jobs In
Pakistan 2021. PAKGOVTJOBS.PK is
Pakistan’s No. 1 Jobs Alert website for daily Jobs Updates. We are in this
field since 2018, and We started Job website for Pakistan. We started
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We also provide job updates from Jobs in Karachi, Jobs in Lahore, Jobs in
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Jobs, Results, in various sectors such as Bank, Railway, Pak Army Jobs, FIA
Jobs, Wapda Job, Nadra Jobs, PAF Jobs, and free Govt Jobs alert only at one
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description. 5. We have Multiple
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Which Government Jobs are available in Pakistan? FIA Jobs, Join Pakistan Navy Jobs, Pakistan
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Constable Jobs, Sub Inspector, Head Constable, Inspector, Bank Jobs, Clerk,
Computer Operator Jobs, etc. How to
Apply for Govt Jobs in Pakistan? Visit
PakGovtJobs.pk website, then click Govt Jobs Section and get the Latest Govt
Jobs details. Click and visit your qualification and designation based Govt
Jobs notification. Read the detailed advertisement and click the ‘Apply Online’
link to register your details online and pay the application fee on or before
the closing date. Why Government Jobs the
Best in Pakistan? Government Jobs are
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Government Jobs separated into different categories like Education-wise
Govt Jobs, Cities-wise Government Jobs, Latest Government Jobs Info,
Organization-wise Government Jobs, and you can also check at
PAKGOVTJOBS.PK. Pak Army Civilian Jobs
2021 – Apply Now November 3, 2021. Govt
Jobs in Pakistan 2021 at National Archives Of Pakistan – Apply November 3, 2021. KPITB Jobs 2021 Apply Online – New
Advertisement Apply Now November 3, 2021.
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10. https://paperads.com/company/federal-government_10766
Looking for jobs in Federal
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Prime Minister, Pakistan. Our New Year Resolution is to wage Jihad
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technical assistance of TVET SSP (Funded by European Union, Federal Republic of
Germany and Royal Norwegian Embassy and implemented by GIZ). ©
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Skip to main content. This website uses cookies to improve user
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military to transition successfully to a civilian career. This tool was built with input from more
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people enrolled in the Google IT Support Professional Certificate, and part of
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designed to help you maximize the skills and experiences you gained in the
military to transition successfully to a civilian career. This tool was built with input from more
than 1,500 military spouses and provides resources to guide you as you forge
your path. Update your resume and more
with resources designed to help you maximize the skills and experiences you
gained in the military to transition successfully to a civilian career. This tool was built with input from more
than 1,500 military spouses and provides resources to guide you as you forge
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All resources. By clicking
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its programs. Your information will be used in accordance with Google Privacy
Policy and you may opt out at any time by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of
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8. https://www.monster.com/
9. https://www.careeronestop.org/JobSearch/job-search.aspx
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govt jobs in pakistan
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2. https://www.jobz.pk/government-jobs-4/
We have no data for this page,
because it isn't accessible for our crawler.
3. https://njp.gov.pk/
Pakistan's National Jobs
Portal. National Job Portal (NJP) is
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4. https://pakistanrailway.pk/government-jobs-2021-matric-base-at-national-archives-of-pakistan/amp/
Government Jobs 2021 Matric Base
At National Archives of Pakistan has been announced. Last date to apply is 17th
November, 2021. All those candidates who are eligible for National Archives of
Pakistan jobs must apply to avail this golden chance. Age relaxation will be
admissible according to the rules. No TA/ DA is paid for interview / Test.
Address is National Archives of Pakistan, Block-N, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad.
The Postal code is 44000. Total number of vacancies are 29. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited
to appear in the test / interview. No
TA / DA will be admissible for appearing in test / interview. Excise And Taxation Jobs Punjab. آپ کو اپلائی کرنےمیں مشکل پیش آ رہی تو کیمنٹ
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پتا دیں آپ کو فارم ای میل کر دیا جائے گا۔.
Government Jobs in Jhelum Today.
Govt Jobs in Jhelum Today At Pak Army Equipment Stores Depot
Jhelum. KPK Government Jobs At KPK
Livestock & Dairy Development & Medical Teaching Institution. Today govt Jobs Lahore At Punjab Municipal
Development Fund. Government Jobs
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Commandos Karachi Hyderabad Sukkur Jobs PTS Result.
5. https://pakistanrailway.pk/govt-jobs-in-pakistan-2021-at-ministry-of-science-and-technology/amp/
Govt Jobs in Pakistan 2021 At
Ministry Of Science and Technology has been announced. Last date to apply is 15
November 2021. If anyone wants to apply for more than one post. Then he/ she
must submit separate application. The department reserves the right to increase
or decrease posts or to stop the recruitment process at any stage. Government
employer route their applications through proper channel & submit NOC with
the application. Address is Account Officer (DB), Ministry of Science &
Technology, 1 – Constitution Avenue, Sector G-5/2, Islamabad. The Postal code
is 44000. Education require is PhD, MS, M.Phil, Bachelor, Intermediate, Matric,
Literate. 01. آپ کو اپلائی کرنےمیں مشکل پیش آ رہی تو کیمنٹ
میں پتا دیں آپ کی رہنمائی کر دی جائے گئی-اگرآپ کو درخواست فارم چائیے تو کیمنٹ میں
پتا دیں آپ کو فارم ای میل کر دیا جائے گا۔.
Government Jobs in Jhelum Today.
Govt Jobs in Jhelum Today At Pak Army Equipment Stores Depot
Jhelum. KPK Government Jobs At KPK
Livestock & Dairy Development & Medical Teaching Institution. Today govt Jobs Lahore At Punjab Municipal
Development Fund. Government Jobs
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6. https://www.pakgovtjobs.pk/
Private Jobs. Welcome to PAKGOVTJOBS.PK, Pakistan’s No. 1
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Which Government Jobs are available in Pakistan? FIA Jobs, Join Pakistan Navy Jobs, Pakistan
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Jobs, and you can also check at PAKGOVTJOBS.PK. Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2021 – Apply Now
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Advertisement Apply Now November 3, 2021.
7. https://www.pakgovtjobs.pk/federal-government-jobs-in-pakistan-2021/
Federal Government Jobs in
Pakistan 2021 Advertisement. Federal
Government Jobs in Pakistan 2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Public Sector
Organization Jobs at Karachi and Lahore. Both male and female candidates can
apply through the application form. Federal Government has released the latest
vacancies in Monitoring Officer, Project Assistant, Naib Qasid, and
Driver. Those candidates who have
Bachelors’s degree are eligible to apply for these Federal Government Jobs In
Pakistan 2021. Candidates can also read the full advertisement before applying
for these Jobs in Pakistan. The Last date to apply is 12 November 2021. Apply Now: Rawalpindi Medical University
jobs 2021 – Jobs in Rawalpindi 2021.
Read More: Today Govt Jobs in Pakistan 2021. How to apply for Federal Government Jobs in
Pakistan 2021? Interested Male and
Female Candidates can send their CV/Resume along with relevant documents send
to the given mailing address before the last date. Original documents should be produced at the
time of the interview. Categories
Government Jobs , All Over Pakistan Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs , Blog , Jobs in
Islamabad , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Master's
Degree , Pak Army Jobs. Pak Army
Civilian Jobs 2021 – Apply Now November 3, 2021. Govt Jobs in Pakistan 2021 at National
Archives Of Pakistan – Apply November 3, 2021.
KPITB Jobs 2021 Apply Online – New Advertisement Apply Now November 3,
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Government jobs in pakistan 2021
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Government jobs in Pakistan are
very popular. There are a lot of people who want them. When it comes to getting
a government job in Pakistan, there are certain criteria that must be met. For
the majority of people, the dream job is in one of Pakistan’s large government
departments. But there are also some people who want to work for a smaller
government department. There are some
positions that everyone can apply for, even if they have a degree from a
university outside of Pakistan. These positions only require a bachelor’s
degree. Some of them go higher and require doctorate degrees or three years of
experience, but not all of them. Which
Government Job is Best in Pakistan?
Teacher: The responsibility of the teacher is to provide the best
quality education possible to their students. A teacher should know how to
teach the kids and be good at it. They should always make learning fun for the
kids. Doctor: There are many
responsibilities that come with being a doctor. Some doctors focus just on the
illness, giving out medicine. Other doctors focus on both mental and physical
health. Others might spend most of their time doing research for new treatments
and medicines to help those who are ill.
HR Manager: The HR Manager is a position in the company that is
responsible for making sure that the company has employees who are required.
The HR Manager will make hiring decisions and ensure that any new employees are
properly trained. It’s their job to make sure that the company has workers with
the ability to do the job even when they aren’t available. Armed Forces: It is the responsibility of an
armed force officer to not only protect and serve the people but also to
protect the nation from forces that threaten its security. Armed force officers
must be in excellent physical health, possess a high degree of emotional
maturity, and be able to handle stressful environments. Software Engineer: The responsibility of the
software engineer is to design, develop, and debug programs. They also work on
developing updates and ensuring that all the functions on an application keep
running smoothly. ASF Jobs 2021 Airport
Security Force – (Apply Online). The
airport security force is an organization for the defense of airports in the
country. It is a well-disciplined organization. Their main focus on the
protection of the aviation industry from un-lawful activities. It mainly
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Application Form at www.mes.gov.pk. The
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earn huge rewards at the same time. IB jobs are the best …. KRL Jobs 2021 Advertisement (Apply Online
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posts. Punjab Food …. Rescue 1122 Jobs
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Being a salient part of emergency services that strive to serve our
country. The Rescue 1122 body functions in the Punjab province. Now, the organization
is back with its Rescue 1122 Jobs to cater to …. Punjab University Jobs 2021 – Apply
Online. Everyone looks up to the jobs
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the same. A teacher wishes to get a post in an institute with a …. Pakistan National Shipping Corporation
(PNSC) Jobs 2021. Every year PNSC only
hires a dozens of people who are energetic and enthusiastic to work for them.
PNSC Jobs is announced by Pakistan National Shipping Corporation. It is
responsible for providing efficient shipping services ….
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7. https://www.jobz.pk/part-time-jobs/
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8. https://jobee.pk/part-time-jobs
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9. https://m.facebook.com/jobs/job-opening/4131912200270964/
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10. https://www.jobs-ups.com/parttime
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CDL A (HazMat REQ)Tractor-Trailer Truckload Driver Dedicated 7. Warehouse Worker - Package Handler. Warehouse Worker - Package Handler. Warehouse Worker - Package Handler. Warehouse Worker - Package Handler. Warehouse Worker - Package Handler. 901 South Portland Avenue, OKLAHOMA CITY, OK
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fitness &
1. https://familyconnect.org/education/expanded-core-curriculum/recreation-fitness-and-leisure/
Overview of Assistive Technology
for Families with a Visually Impaired Child.
Kitchen Appliance Accessibility for Families with Children Who Are
Blind. Home. What Are Recreation, Fitness, and
Leisure? Recreation and leisure are
terms often used interchangeably. Both relate to what people choose to do in
their free time; time that is not otherwise used for work, school, or other
activities like appointments and chores. Leisure time is any free time that can
be used to pursue personal interests. Recreation is an individual’s preferred
pleasurable and enjoyable activities in which they engage during leisure
time. Recreational activities can be
sedentary in nature, like knitting, chess, playing musical instruments, or
social networking in person or on the computer. It can also be active and
enhance physical fitness and well being. Examples of active recreation include
walking, skiing, dancing, bowling, hiking, rock climbing, boating, bicycling,
weightlifting, and goalball. Why Teach
Recreation, Fitness, and Leisure as a Specific Area? Children with visual impairments, blindness,
or deafblindness need systematic and purposeful instruction beyond the general
education curricula to gain the skills necessary to be independent, productive,
educated members of society. Recreation, fitness, and leisure are some of the
instructional areas that need to be addressed.
Knowledge of recreation, fitness, and leisure provides critical support
to a wide range of student capacities in the areas of social interaction,
orientation and mobility, independent living, and self-determination. Developing recreation, fitness, and leisure
skills can have far-reaching positive effects on the lives of people with
visual impairments. Research has shown that
recreation is an important factor in quality of life for everyone, including
people with disabilities. People who engage in recreational activities will
likely benefit by having improved cardiovascular function, better ability to
sleep, improved self-esteem, increased stamina, and decreased stress levels,
all of which not only improve quality of life but also have positive benefits
for other activities. Beyond the health
and wellness benefits of physical fitness touted in the media, when one’s body
is more accustomed to the different types of physical movements inherent in recreation
and fitness activities, that person generally has better flexibility, strength,
and stamina. With improved physical fitness, independent living skills are
easier to perform and less stressful on the body. In addition, recreation is a
highly social phenomenon organized around friendships or family groups, and
these social interactions buffer the effects of stress on health. With this in
mind, recreational activity that increases physical activity and improves
fitness should be encouraged. How Do Teachers
of Students with Visual Impairments (TVIs) Approach Instruction? Recreation and fitness for children with
visual impairments cannot be learned by passively observing others at play.
Recreation must be intentionally and systematically taught with disability-specific
techniques and safety in mind. The foundation for recreation can be learned in
physical education (PE) courses with accommodations and adaptations. Children
with visual impairments benefit from learning the components of recreation and
fitness in PE because many other components of the expanded core curriculum are
also covered to some extent during the course of the year. By participating
with classroom peers, students with visual disabilities learn the foundational
sport and fitness skills that enhance the lives of all children. They are also
empowered to make the self-determined decisions necessary to have control over
their free time and make life-long health choices. Teachers of students with visual impairments
approach instruction in this area by providing students with specific
information about recreation and leisure activities. They also collaborate with
PE teachers and other professionals to determine how activities can be adapted
for these students to maximize their opportunities for independent
participation and learning. For example,
a tee might be used in softball instead of having the ball tossed to the
student, or a beeper ball might replace the standard ball. For activities like basketball, things such
as tape can be placed on the ground to mark the boundaries of the court, and a
beeper can be placed on the basketball hoop to help the student identify its
location. These students can also be introduced to sports that have been
specifically created for those who are blind and visually impaired, such as
goalball and beep baseball. Teachers of
students with visual impairments also support recreation by describing the
activities in which the student’s peers are participating. They model those
activities for the student and school staff who work directly with the student
in other areas. The teacher of students
with visual impairments might teach the student how to play games that
classroom peers are playing or show the student how the activities can be
adapted. For example, braille might be added to playing cards, or friends might
read game materials to the student. The
teacher of students with visual impairments can also orient the child to the
school playground or PE field and show the child how to use various play areas and
equipment. During direct instruction,
teachers of students with visual impairments or orientation and mobility
instructors (O&Ms) describe the recreational activities in which people
around them are participating. In
addition to verbal descriptions, tactile maps and diagrams can be used to teach
layouts of various activities. Examples include a tactile map of a baseball or
football field that may indicate the different player positions. Even if youths who are blind and visually
impaired choose to not participate in every sport or recreation activity on
their own time, they should learn what the rules are and how to play them.
Knowing the rules of different games and keeping abreast of sports offers a
student with visual impairments opportunities for social interactions with
peers. Remembering that recreation,
fitness, and leisure skills encompass more than physical activities, students
with visual disabilities should be introduced to a variety of hobbies they may
find interesting. Even if a student chooses to not participate in a hobby over
the long term, the student will have a greater understanding of how people
spend their free time and be able to participate in conversations about these
activities. The overall goal of the teacher of students with visual impairments
is to help the student identify recreation, fitness, and leisure activities
that he or she enjoys and can pursue throughout life. How Can We Support Instruction in
Recreation, Fitness, and Leisure in Schools?
As with all people, regardless of ability or personal interests,
recreation, fitness, and leisure skills are an important expanded core
curriculum area that supports the sense of both well-being and quality of life
for students who are blind and visually impaired. Because these students have
difficulty seeing how others spend their free time, teachers of students with
visual impairments and O&M instructors systematically and purposefully help
these children discover and learn about activities they may enjoy. Participating in recreation, fitness, and
leisure helps youths with visual impairments develop social, career, and
problem-solving skills. Engaging in this expanded core curriculum area also
increases self-esteem, self-determination, and overall health. Students who are challenged and achieve
goals they thought might be impossible or too difficult, develop confidence
which positively impacts all areas of their lives. To that end, teachers of
students with visual impairments should be aware of how to adapt a variety of
recreational activities for these children and work with PE instructors to
ensure that they are included in their PE classes. We do not want youths with visual
impairments to be idle bystanders in life; they should be engaged in
recreation, fitness, and leisure activities alongside their peers to ensure
they learn the skills necessary to make purposeful and self-determined life
choices. Empowering people toward
greater independence and lifelong success by providing curated information and
resources to assist children, parents, job seekers, adults, and older people
who are blind or visually impaired.
Donate to APH. Youtube.
2. https://www.bu.edu/fitrec/
Open: 6 a.m.–11 p.m. FitRec
Blog. Sign Your FitRec User
Agreement. Be sure to sign your user
agreement before your first visit to FitRec to ensure you have access to the
facility. Beginners. Families.
Busy Bodies. Discover all the
ways we can fit into your day. FitRec
offers hundreds of classes and facilities you won’t find elsewhere, including
aerial dance, rock climbing, and one of the best competition pools in Boston.
Plus with insurance reimbursement and tuition remission for faculty and staff,
you can stop workout boredom without breaking the budget.
3. https://www.curry.edu/student-life/sports-and-recreation
Levin Library. Curry Bookstore. Contact Athletics. Contact Alumni Relations. Employment.
Curry College offers a variety of programs in order to provide the
entire campus with the opportunity to stay active. There is something for
everyone on campus! Students can be found at all hours of the day working out
in the Fitness Center, attending one of
our many group exercise classes , or even having a tug-of-war on the Student
Center Lawn! For people more interested
in organized activities, we offer a variety of Intramural activities at varying
levels of competitiveness. Our Club Sports program also gives students the
opportunity to compete against other schools in sports not offered as one of
our 15 NCAA sports. It is our mission
to provide quality programs that enrich the collegiate learning experience and foster
a lifetime appreciation in wellness, recreational sports, and activities
through friendly competition, fair play, teamwork, diversity and
integrity. Meet an Admission
Counselor. NOTICE OF
NON-DISCRIMINATION: Curry College is committed to providing equal opportunity
in employment and education to all employees, students, and applicants. No
employee, student or applicant shall be discriminated against or harassed on
the basis of race, religion, color, sex, age, ethnic or national origin or
ancestry, veteran status, physical or mental disability, pregnancy, sexual
orientation, gender identity or expression, genetic information, veteran or
military status, membership in Uniformed Services, or any category protected by
applicable state and federal laws. Curry College does not discriminate on the
basis of any protected class in administration of its educational policies,
admissions policies, scholarship and loan program, and athletic and other
school-administered programs. Similarly, Curry College is committed to making
its programs and campus accessible to its visitors and compliant with all
applicable non-discrimination laws. See Commitment to Non-Discrimination .
4. https://www.bsc.edu/campus/fitness/index.html
We have no data for this page,
because it isn't accessible for our crawler.
5. https://camosun.ca/services/fitness-recreation
Providing services to help you
stay active, build resilience and to help minimize stress. Students can book workout sessions for free, and register for fitness classes and
personal training . . Child Care
Services. Camosun College is located in
beautiful Victoria, British Columbia with campuses on the Traditional
Territories of the Lekwungen and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples. We acknowledge their welcome
and graciousness to the students who seek knowledge here.
6. https://www.hawkeyecollege.edu/wellness/fitness-recreation
Thursday, October 28. Join women from a variety of industries and
professions to discuss issues facing women and how we can support one
another. We understand that you have a
very busy lifestyle, but it's important to be active and stay healthy! That's
why we offer a variety of fitness options for students, faculty, and staff at
Hawkeye—personal trainers, group fitness classes, an outdoor recreational
FitGround, intramurals, club sports, and more!
The Health Education and Services Center is a great place to burn
calories and build muscle while creating new friendships with others just like
you! So what are you waiting for? Dig out your tennis shoes and get ready to
bust a move! If campus is closed, the
Health Education Services Center is also closed. This includes weather-related
closings. See the Academic Calendar for scheduled college closings .
7. https://www.utm.utoronto.ca/athletics/fitness-and-recreation
UTM offers a variety of fitness
and recreational programming to meet your needs, interests and goals. Learn
more about each program below: . In accordance with the Province of Ontario
Passport Certificate Regulation and effective September 22, 2021, all
participants accessing indoor sport, recreation and fitness facilities must be
fully vaccinated (2 doses plus 14 days).
The regulation can be found here
. Please note that all Sport & Rec
participants of indoor programming are required to show proof of vaccination
and complete a screening on the day of your visit. Can't make it in person? Not to worry, we
offer group fitness classes, consultations and person training virtually. Visit
our Virtual Programs page for more information.
8. https://www.mcla.edu/student-life/fitness-recreation/index.php
Fitness & Recreation - Move
It! MCLA has many ways for you to stay
fit. The Campus Center houses a Fitness Center; gymnasium; a dance complex for
activities including dance, boxing, Aikido, and aerobics; and locker rooms. . Intramurals are a very popular, accessible
way to get exercise, have fun, and make new friends. Sign up for one
or more of our many intramural teams .
Day-trip and picnic at The
Cascades or Natural Bridge . Or challenge yourself to hike Mount Greylock or the Appalachian Trail. . Did you say snow? Ski or snowboard at nearby
Jiminy Peak , Mount Snow or Berkshire East , all less than an hour
away. Or take a weekend trip up North Route 100, Skier's Highway, to Stratton , Bromley , Magic Mountain , Okemo , Killington and so many more! Yes, we
have snow. Sunday 12:00
Noon to 8:00 p.m. Holiday hours will be
updated on social media. Follow us on Instagram at TrailblazerStrength or on Facebook at MCLA
Fitness Center. . All users must
complete the NEW Fitness Center Waiver via dynamic forms before using the facility. . Users will scan in with their MCLA ID card
when entering the facility and scan out again when leaving to
maintain an accurate record for contact tracing. . Each time you scan into the Trailblazer
Fitness Center, you agree to the following:
. I confirm I do not have any
COVID-19 symptoms and have not been knowingly exposed to COVID-19. If the above status changes, I agree not to
visit the facility until symptoms are gone or I have been tested
negative for COVID-19. I agree to wear
a face covering/mask, keep a minimum of 6 feet between myself and other users while in the
Fitness Center or on the track, and to
adhere to any other
proactive measures of safety implemented by the College. I agree to disinfect all equipment before
and after use. . Safety & Hygiene
. All users and workers are required to
wear a mask/face covering. . Paper towels, wipes, cleaner, and hand
sanitizer will be provided. . The Track
. The track is accessed on the
first floor of the Campus Center, in the hallway where you exit the Centennial Room
at the opposite end. . We are excited
to have members of our MCLA community use our amazing new facility! If you have any questions or
need assistance, please reach out to Deb Raber, Coordinator of the Fitness Center,
at Deborah.Raber@mcla.edu . .
9. https://www.chapman.edu/students/life/fitness-and-wellness/index.aspx
Our Purpose: Chapman Fitness
& Recreation Services enhances the student experience by promoting healthy
lifestyles and creating opportunities for social interaction and community.
Fitness & Recreation Services manages three facilities and coordinates
programs, events, and services on campus, online, and throughout Southern
California. Henley Hall Fitness Center,
Argyros Fitness Center, and Doti-Struppa Rock Wall will remain closed until
further notice. See the COVID Reopening Guide for details. Please visit the Rec
Portal for free programming and resources such as GroupX On-Demand and at-home
fitness and wellness resources.
GroupX. Chapman students can
participate in GroupX classes at Henley Hall Fitness Center. View the schedule
and register for your spot on the Rec Portal.
Henley Hall Fitness Center.
6,000 square feet of student-only space for fitness and recreation in
the Henley Hall. Featuring a spin studio for indoor cycling and a multipurpose
room for GroupX! August 24-29: Monday-Sunday: 10am-6pm; Starting August 30:
Monday-Thursday: 7am-11pm; Friday 7am-8pm; Saturday: 10am-6pm; Sunday 10am-8pm. Julianne Argyros Fitness Center. 4,000 square foot fitness center with
strength, cardio, and multipurpose equipment. The Julianne Argyros Fitness
Center opens August 30. The Fall 2021 Operating Hours: Monday-Thursday:
6am-8pm; Friday: 6am-6pm; Saturday-Sunday: Closed. Doti-Struppa Rock Wall. The Doti-Stuppa Rock Wall is a 51-foot tall
climbing wall located in the Sandhu Residence Hall. Climbers of all levels of
experience are welcome! Open Recreation
Hours. Intramural Sports. Fitness & Recreation Services collaborates
with many campus partners to provides resources and events that contribute to
students’ holistic wellness. To learn more about maintaining wellness in your
daily life, visit the centralized website below.
10. https://www.heartland.edu/fitnessRec/
Check In/Operations. • You are asked to do a self-assessment
symptom check before entering. Email:
federal government
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5. http://www.fgeha.gov.pk/career/
DOWNLOAD HERE. The Syllabus for the
written test of BPS-17 posts scheduled on 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th June can
be seen here. Download. Services of Staff Required on Regular Basis
=> Dated: 20-05-2021 => Challan Form can be download here =>Status:
Closed => To Apply Online Click here
Please. Note: Interested candidates
shall have to submit Challan Form prior to the Application Form submission. The applicants who applied against the Post
of Naib Qasid (BS-02)against advertisement dated 05-02-2021 does not require to
apply against above advertisement.
Services of Staff Required on Regular Basis => Dated: 22-04-2021
=> Challan Form can be download here =>Status: Closed. CORRIGENDUM4 => Dated: 15-03-2021 =>
Challan Form can be download here =>Status: Closed:: Last date: 30-03-2021 Note: BS-09 to
BS-16 only. CORRIGENDUM3 => Dated:
10-03-2021 => Challan Form can be download here =>Status: Closed :: Last date: 23-03-2021 Note: BS-01 to
BS-07 only. CORRIGENDUM1 => Dated:
05-02-2021 => Challan Form can be download here =>Status: Closed::. Services of Staff Required on Regular Basis
=> Dated: 05-02-2021 => Challan Form can be download here =>Status:
Closed::. Chief Engineer (BS-20). Recruitment of Chief Planner / Chief
Engineer (BS-20) on Regular Basis => Dated: 02-12-2020 => Challan Form can be downloaded from
here =>Status: Closed. With
reference to the Written Test held on 22nd October, 2020 (Thursday) at Pakistan
Sports Complex Islamabad, the Test Results can be seen here:-. GIS Expert.
Services of Staff Required on Regular Basis => Dated: 08-09-2020
=> Challan Form can be download here =>Status: Closed. Services of Staff Required on Regular Basis
=> Dated: 06-09-2020 => Challan Form can be download here =>Status:
Closed. NOTE: Previous advertisement
regarding Recruitment of FGEHA dated 24-06-2020 and 28-08-2020 are hereby
withdrawn. Interested candidates shall have to apply fresh. Staff Required => Dated: 24-06-2020 =>
Status : Closed. Extension for the
services of Supervisor & Security Guard => Dated: 16-06-2020 =>
Status : Closed. News &
Updates. 17 Sep, 2021 Lists of
Allottment to JOURNALIST IN G13,G14.
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belts, Parks, Playgrounds, Green areas etc at Sector G?13 & G-14
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maintenance &
repairmanufacturing & warehousereal estateanimal carebusiness
operationspersonal care & servicessports
1. https://limblecmms.com/blog/mro-maintenance-repair-and-operations/
Mobile Maintenance App Asset
Management Work Orders Preventive Maintenance PdM (IOT Sensors). What does MRO stand for? Getting your
company to take MRO seriously How companies benefit from MRO Five main types of
MRO Managing Maintenance, Repair, Operations with a CMMS MRO for University
Campus Management MRO for a Wastewater Treatment Facility Careers in MRO The
work you do matters. Maintenance,
Repair, And Operations: Getting company buy-in with MRO. The maintenance industry is chronically
undervalued. Far more than just “fixing things,” Maintenance, Repair, and
Operations (MRO) is an entire field of study. Nothing else a business does
matters if it fails to execute on MRO. How can you deliver value if your
infrastructure is falling apart? In
action, MRO looks very different from industry to industry — even from business
to business. Failing to prioritize MRO leads to the same big problems
everywhere: stockouts, downtime, safety incidents, and more. On the flip side, if you know how your
company should define and measure the impact of its MRO, it is a million times
easier to make your case for bigger staff, bigger budgets, new equipment – the
list goes on. We’re here to help you make that happen. By the end of this article, you’ll get a
better understanding of MRO strategies, best practices, industry career paths,
and ways to leverage CMMS data to prove the value of proactive MRO management
to key stakeholders. What does MRO
stand for? The term MRO stands for
Maintenance Repair and Operations. This includes everything the maintenance
crew does to keep your facility (and the equipment inside it) in good operating
condition. In other words, the main goal of MRO is to keep your business
operations running smoothly. . We know
that you know how important MRO is. But that doesn’t mean everyone in your
company understands this. (Did someone say “Finance”?). Getting your company to take MRO
seriously. Picture a run-down factory.
The lights are flickering. Loose, frayed wires are hanging about. And there are
suspicious puddles of goo under the machinery. Production has been down on your
highest selling product for weeks because you haven’t been able to get the
budget approved for a crucial repair for one of the machines that produces it.
What a bummer. Now, picture a clean,
well-maintained facility. The warehouse is organized neatly and everything is
running smoothly. In fact, everything’s been running so smoothly that you’ve
had above-average production volume — and the sales numbers to match it! This
is the dream. That’s the difference
between a company that neglects MRO and a company that takes it seriously. But
it’s only possible when you get the support you need from other departments.
. Again, you know this. But how do you
get buy-in from the rest of your company?
It’s all about how you tell the story.
In the following sections, we will introduce the concepts behind that
story. Then we will show you how to use a CMMS — in this case, Limble — to pull
the exact figures for your company to make the argument even more compelling.
Armed with that information, you will find departments are more readily on your
side. How companies benefit from
MRO. Companies that prioritize MRO
management will have better control over processes that affect their cash flow
(at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about, right?). This next section
is full of useful tips to help you illustrate just how important your work is
to overall business success. Keep
disruptions to a minimum. When
equipment breaks down suddenly, it costs the company a lot of money. By
managing your MRO effectively, you can reduce the frequency of unplanned
downtime because you’ll be able to work proactively. You can make sure you’ve
got the right parts, equipment, and staff to keep things moving when and where
you need them. Good news for you:
You’re the hero! When faced with a problem that stops business in its tracks,
it’s you and your team that have the goods to fix it. With a CMMS like Limble,
you can back your story up with hard proof. Now you’ve got back to show that 1)
your team has been on top of preventive maintenance; 2) that you’ve stocked
inventory properly; 3) that they’ve reduced the amount of time it takes to
respond to problems; and 4) that they’re solving problems faster than ever.
Now, you have the leverage to reframe any situation in your favor. . The
script flips from “why isn’t maintenance keeping this running?” to “everything
breaks at some point — thank goodness we’ve got a capable maintenance team to
take care of it”! . Good news for your
company: Business gets to keep moving! Downtime is expensive — like, really
expensive. If you can reduce downtime, that means money keeps moving. And
that’s precisely what your company leaders want. With a CMMS like Limble, you
can set up custom dashboards that generate reports on exactly how much money
you’re saving your company by reducing downtime. Send ‘em upstairs weekly,
monthly, quarterly, or however often you need to. It won’t take long for
Management to notice how effective you and your team are. Keep your inventory in the sweet spot. Inventory management can be a tricky thing.
You don’t want to have too much, and you don’t want to have too little.
Ideally, you want to keep your inventory levels just right as much as possible.
. Holding too much inventory at one
time means wasted money. On the other hand, stockouts can lead to costly
downtime — and you never know how long it’ll take to get back up and running
again. Either way, it’s expensive. But effective MRO management can help you
hit the sweet spot. Good news for you:
Your job gets way more manageable if you’ve got the right supplies on hand at
all times. When you’ve got the right stuff, you can make sure things keep
running on time. A CMMS like Limble can tell you when parts in your storeroom
are already reserved for other jobs. It will also alert you when stock is low
on parts, how many you need to reorder, and from whom. It can even alert you
when you get parts back in stock so you can pick up where you left off. Good news for your company: There are
significant cost savings found in properly managed inventory levels. And any
time you can save money instead of spending it will make your Finance team
happy. If you’ve got the right parts on hand, you can avoid downtime and
address maintenance requests right away. Likewise, you can also work toward
decreasing stock on items you rarely use. Why spend money on parts you don’t
need? In Limble, you can set a “ stale threshold ” which will let you know when
you can retire an inventory part if it hasn’t been used within a specific time
frame that you set. This is a big one.
Wouldn’t it be nice to follow a predictable schedule of repairs to catch
problems before they happen, instead of waiting until after you’ve got a
disaster on your hands? Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Maintenance and repairs are inevitable in
any industry. However, depending on which maintenance strategy you use ,
maintenance costs and benefits can vary greatly. No matter the situation, it’s pretty
much always better to be ahead of a problem rather than behind it. Good news for you: Once again, your job is
much easier when you can avoid as many problems as possible. When things run as
expected, you and your team can be much more effective at your jobs. Inside
Limble, you can set up automatically generated tasks, so nothing falls through
the cracks. You can even set those tasks to be assigned to specific
technicians, so it automatically shows up on their to-do list when it’s time to
do the work. And if something changes, you can easily reprioritize or reassign
tasks with a simple drag-and-drop. .
Good news for your company: There’s more cost savings potential here
too. While you can’t expect everything to run perfectly all the time, it’s much
better when the company’s only got to repair a critical piece of equipment,
rather than having to replace it entirely. With a CMMS, you can track your
company’s transition from reactive maintenance to proactive maintenance.
Limble’s way of doing this is with custom dashboards. You can generate reports
that show the number of hours worked on preventive maintenance tasks vs.
unplanned tasks and show how breakdowns are declining over time. The perk? You
can easily show Management exactly how effective you and your team are at
saving them money regularly. Did we get
the point across? Maybe this will move the needle if they still don’t believe
you after showing them all the data. Check this out: Peerless Research Group
runs an annual MRO survey , and its findings pretty much confirm what we just
talked about – 94% of businesses think that MRO is important for their
organization. (Sorry if you work for
one of the 6% of companies who don’t. Good news: There’s a labor shortage, so
you can probably find a good job somewhere else.). Five main types of MRO. 1) Production equipment repair and
maintenance. You can’t sell goods
without the machinery that creates the end product (we call this MRO inventory
or MRO supplies). Over time, wear and tear of production equipment causes
malfunctioning, delays, downtime, and other setbacks. These setbacks can hurt
both profits and brand reputation in industries that depend a lot on equipment
(like manufacturing). What does MRO
look like in a manufacturing setting? You’ve got routine maintenance, emergency
repairs, inventory control, vendor management, and regularly monitoring the
condition of your equipment (with the help of some additional — you guessed it,
equipment!). To minimize breakdowns and
delays, more and more businesses are switching from reactive to preventive and
may also be implementing predictive maintenance . On top of that, they are
combining proactive maintenance strategies with a modern CMMS solution to stay
on top of all of their maintenance KPIs . Keep reading to get all the gritty
details on how a CMMS can do all the heavy lifting for you. . Production can’t start if your materials
can’t find their way from the warehouse to the front of the production line.
You’ve got equipment (like a forklift or a pallet positioner) to get it to the
right spot at the right time. But if they are broken, you are in trouble. We
call these items your “material handling equipment”; it’s the things that get
parts from point A to point B so you can make the goods that your company
sells. Here’s an example. If your
conveyor systems and robotics arms are poorly maintained and experience a
malfunction, you’ve now got a production line that will indefinitely sit idle
waiting for material because there’s a break in your production line process. Material handling equipment encompasses a
range of different machinery. While some of the equipment might not be directly
involved in the production, they are still essential elements that ensure a
stable production process – and should be treated as such. 3) Tools and consumables. What about all the little, day-to-day things
that keep equipment running properly? We’re talking tightening screws, greasing
up a sticky wheel, and cleaning up sawdust and debris. These tasks, although small
and mundane, play a big part in keeping your shop running smoothly. . To make it all happen, you need the right
equipment to get the job done. This equipment is referred to as MRO tools and
consumables:. power tools (drills,
electric saws, grinders, sanders…).
hand tools (wrenches, sockets, pliers, cutters, clamps,
screwdrivers…). consumable items
(adhesives, lubricants, sandpaper, welding rods…). What about the raw materials themselves? We’re glad you asked! Raw materials and
other production items eventually become the end product your company sells by
way of the manufacturing process. When
it comes to production items, inventory control is of supreme importance. If
you’ve got all the parts, you can assemble them, sell them, ship them, and
you’re on your way! However, if you have all the parts except even one of them,
production is halted — which means no sales. Bad news for everyone. 4) Infrastructure maintenance. Like everything else, building infrastructure
needs regular maintenance, too. It won’t matter how well-maintained everything
is inside your manufacturing plant if the building is falling apart. . It could look like this: The parking lot
needs new asphalt, or your team won’t have anywhere to park. The plumbing needs
to be updated so it’s up to code, or no one will have a bathroom to use. The
HVAC system should be upgraded to one that’s more energy-efficient, or you’re
going to hear about the enormous bill — stuff like that. But this is where things can start to look a
little different, based on how your company wants to handle them. Sometimes,
companies have an in-house maintenance team to handle MRO. Other times,
companies want to contract out MRO to a third party. There are benefits and
drawbacks both ways. Better qualified
and experienced staff. MRO strategy is
better integrated across systems.
Drawbacks:. Have to stock MRO
inventory yourself, which comes at a cost.
More time to focus on primary business functions (and not get bogged
down with maintenance jargon). Can hire
service techs with skills specialized to the maintenance required (instead of a
jack-of-all-trades). Buying leverage —
it’s much easier to make a deal with a service provider or vendor, making this
approach very cost-effective.
Drawbacks:. You’re not always
getting the best talent. MRO service providers won’t always tell you if they
can’t do something. So they’ll outsource the job to a provider that often costs
more and has less experience. Response
time can be slow. If you’ve got an emergency, you want it fixed ASAP, but an MRO
service provider may not be able to respond right away. Redundancy and duplication of efforts. With
outsourced MRO, it’s harder to see if you’ve got two guys working on the same
thing, which may be unnecessary and costly (a good CMMS will help you avoid
running into this, too). The direction
you choose will largely depend on your budget, available staffing, what’s in
your leasing agreement, and how much control your company wants over the
maintenance process. 5) Supply chain
management and procurement. Your team
has many suppliers that get you the parts you need to make the products your
company sells — potentially hundreds of thousands of suppliers. Some items are
more important (“critical”) than others. And if you find yourself in a pickle,
you’ll want to make sure you’ve put some time and energy into building positive
relationships with those suppliers.
That’s where a Supplier Relationship Management program comes into play.
For example, what happens if your factory runs out of that one specific screw
that goes with every product you manufacture? You might be, well — screwed.
. Having a good relationship with the
supplier who supplies that screw might come in handy to help get your hands on
critical parts on short notice if you’ve got orders to fulfill. It’s a “scratch
my back, and I’ll scratch yours” kind of deal. Being able to solve problems
like this in real-time is an extremely valuable skill for your company. Part of effective MRO management is making
sure that there are no broken links in your supply chain that could stop
production. This comes full circle with inventory control and supplier
relations: making sure you’ve got the right parts on hand to make your products
and that you’ve got a supplier on your side who can help you if you don’t. Using a CMMS like Limble is the best way to
manage MRO. You can easily keep tabs on planned maintenance schedules, set up
an efficient inventory system, and stay in control of all maintenance-related
costs. It might sound biased coming from us, but we firmly believe that
implementing CMMS is necessary for proactive, efficient, and cost-effective
asset management. Sometimes it can seem
like managing all the work you have to do is a full-time job in itself.
Maintenance calendars, budgets, work orders — it’s a lot to keep track of. A
CMMS like Limble can do the heavy lifting for you. Automated planned maintenance. As you know, it’s much easier to fix
something when you can catch the problem before you head into disaster
territory. Implementing a preventive maintenance program can help you do that —
but it’s much easier said than done.
One of Limble’s most powerful features is the ability to help you
automate preventive maintenance schedules. No more paper, no more whiteboards,
no more Excel spreadsheets. . Enter a
preventive maintenance routine once and never have to think about it
again. Attach a standard operating
procedure checklist. Receive automated
notifications when a PM is created or due.
View all open work and upcoming PM schedules on our easy-to-use
calendar. Quickly change due dates by
simply dragging and dropping within the calendar. See all completed work on the asset’s
maintenance log. The best part is that
Limble requires little to no training to use. Watch how easy it is to build a
PM in Limble: . Limble can easily track
all of your Work Orders and Tasks for you. And with Limble’s mobile-friendly
app, you can see all the work that’s queued up, in progress, or completed on
any device. View all of your Tasks,
including WOs, PMs, and Work Requests.
Set Task priority, so the right work gets done first. View a calendar of current and upcoming
Tasks. View critical KPIs such as
actual completed work, time spent, and planned vs. unplanned work. No more tracking down a technician to give
you the status of the work. You can say goodbye to the long walks to look for
forms at the office. Now, it can all be on your phone. Work requests come through many different
channels: phone, email, someone complaining directly at you, etc. All these
channels of communication help your team solve problems quickly. But it can be
tough to manage when the information doesn’t end up in one central hub. With a robust Work Request system , you can
receive requests in a way that helps your team get the work done much
faster. Avoid the vast majority of
duplicate work requests. Provide
instant feedback to requestors that the solution to their problem may already
be in progress. Facilitate instant
communication between requesters on similar requests. Configure sensitivity levels and scope, so
only requests in specific areas are compared against each other. Managing spare parts inventory. Inventory can be an expensive
pain-in-the-side if not handled strategically. A CMMS can help. On average Limble users reduce their
inventory cost by 17%. Let’s take a look at how. Not sure what parts you have in stock or
where they are being used? Don’t know when your parts will run out or if your
technicians will have the necessary parts to do their jobs? Limble’s parts management features can help
you solve those problems and more:.
Quickly see if a part is in stock from inside a Work Order. Access real-time inventory updates as Work
Orders or PMs use parts. Instantly view
forecasting for a part to see how many parts you’ll use within the next year,
and clear out inventory you don’t ever use.
Find out where your parts are going, who uses them most often, and what
it costs. Managing all of your
vendors. Keeping track of all your vendors
can be tough (is that drawer full of business cards really working for you?).
With Limble CMMS, Vendors are fully and seamlessly integrated into your
maintenance system:. Store all Vendor
information (names, addresses, emails, phone numbers, contracts, etc.) within
Limble. Push out purchase orders
directly to your vendors from Limble.
Associate Vendors to Assets they maintain or Parts they supply. Automatically maintain a record of a
Vendor’s time, Parts used, Invoices, and other desired data. Maintain an all-time history of all Work
Orders that the Vendor has completed for your company. Gain insights into how much money you are
spending on the Vendor. Assigning
work. Of course, we can’t forget all
the people that help you get all the work done. Can you imagine being a
one-person show? No way. . It’s tough
to keep track of who’s doing what when you’ve got a big team. With Limble, you
can:. Have work orders auto-assigned to
the right technicians based on data in the work request. Drag-and-drop to reassign work if team
members are out or if staffing changes.
Automatically track how many hours your technicians are working and how
much work they are completing with Custom Dashboards. Inspire team camaraderie, encourage
productivity, and enjoy a little healthy competition with Custom Dashboards
that show how many tasks each team member has completed. All of that being said, no two businesses
are the same, so no two companies will manage their MRO the same. Here are a
couple of examples to paint the picture for you. MRO for University Campus Management. College and university campuses are unique
when it comes to MRO because there are so many wildly different kinds of
facilities on campus. You’ve got state-of-the-art science labs, multiple
athletic fields, acoustically-engineered performing arts halls, dormitories
full of emotional support animals, medical facilities where people’s lives are
on the line — the list goes on. Top
priorities. The name of the game is
keeping everything running at all times so that students, faculty, and staff
can focus on education without interruption. No one wants to show up on the
first day of Fall semester to find the HVAC system blowing hot air into their
lecture hall. It’s history class, not a 300-person sauna. But with the wide variety of facilities on a
large campus, there’s an opportunity for a lot of things to go wrong at any
given time, and that gets really busy. .
What day-to-day looks like. Work
requests. Lots of work requests. A campus maintenance team will get a broad
span of requests that could include anything from moving a whiteboard or
painting a room to adjusting the power supply on lasers that blast atoms
apart. If there’s any hope of tackling
all those work requests, it’s imperative that your team has a way to record and
track the tasks in a central hub. This makes it so everyone has the same
information. Everyone on your team can know what needs to be done, how urgent
it is, and who should be working on it.
With a digital Work Request system, this becomes a much simpler task. If
you are not ready for a CMMS, you can look into free maintenance ticketing
systems as a temporary solution . Did
we mention that campus maintenance is extremely busy? As much as a campus
maintenance team would love to do all planned maintenance perfectly on
schedule, it usually isn’t in the cards. The team falls behind in routine
maintenance, which leaves room for things to break down… which further gets in
the way of routine maintenance. A vicious cycle, indeed. Additionally, each department on campus has
wildly different needs to match the space they occupy. This might seem obvious,
but when you think about the volume of people that a campus maintenance team
serves, it’s enough to make your brain scramble. . Imagine — everyone comes hollering at you
with their problems, and it’s your job to fix them. It’s your job to sort
through all the noise, identify the most critical issues, develop a strategic
solution, and deploy your team to tackle the challenge. . Good news: despite the many challenges of
campus management, working at a university can be gratifying. You are literally
providing the infrastructure that makes it possible for breakthrough research to
happen and for an up-and-coming generation to find their sense of purpose. MRO for a Wastewater Treatment
Facility. Water — one of life’s most
precious resources. As it turns out, water requires a lot of maintenance to
keep communities and their constituents safe and healthy. Top priorities. The main goal is to keep critical systems
running correctly at all times. Wastewater must get treated according to
regulations to ensure public health and safety. When it doesn’t … Houston, we
have a problem. When wastewater isn’t
handled properly, it can lead to hazardous situations like the spread of
disease, ingesting toxic chemicals, and beyond. What starts as a maintenance
issue at one wastewater plant can quickly devolve into a public health crisis.
The stakes are high. What day-to-day
looks like. All MRO best practices
revolve around preventive maintenance, but here, it’s the rule of law. Preventative maintenance in a wastewater
treatment plant occurs regularly, with some tasks occurring weekly, monthly,
quarterly, or annually. The goal is to continue providing communities with
safe, clean water. An added benefit is that it extends the life of the
equipment and reduces costs that come with breakdowns. . In a wastewater treatment plant, everything
is governed by a calendar that is connected to sensors and alarms. If something
goes wrong, the maintenance team is quickly alerted. When it comes to repairing
a problem, every action has a specific what-to-do-next checklist. The team,
although small, is highly skilled and well-versed on every piece of equipment
so they know how to tackle problems when they happen. [FREE PRINTABLE CHECKLIST]. You Will Get:. [1.] A PDF file you can print out. Top challenges in the industry. Now — just because we are prioritizing
preventive maintenance doesn’t mean that there aren’t things out of our control
that throw a wrench in your day-to-day plans.
One of the unique challenges in a wastewater treatment facility is
dealing with ever-changing government regulations. It’s your job to translate
those updates into infrastructure.
Here’s an interesting story: In 2009, Atlanta experienced some epic
flooding . There was a wild storm with multiple days of heavy rainfall. The
volume of the water was more than the local sewage system could handle. To make
matters worse, old sewage systems in this area combined runoff with domestic
sewage and industrial wastewater all in the same pipes. When the sewers
overflowed, it exposed the community to untreated human waste and toxic
industrial chemicals. An overflowing
sewer. Source: US Geological Survey.
This type of combined sewer overflow (CSO) is an example of outdated
infrastructure that creates real challenges for wastewater maintenance crews.
All you maintenance people out there who update these essential systems and
keep clean water running out of our faucets — you’re the real heroes. . Wondering what a career in MRO might look
like? If you’re interested, we have some good news. Nearly 60% of MRO
professionals will retire within the next decade. Even now, companies are
struggling to find the talent they need — which means there’s a massive demand
for qualified professionals in this line of work. Considering this, here’s a look at what a
career trajectory in MRO might look like for you in an enterprise-level
organization:. The exact set of
available roles and their duties will depend on the size of the maintenance
team and what industry we are talking about. .
Over the years, we covered each of those job positions in quite depth.
Many of them have significant overlap. Still, if it is a career you are
considering, it is worth knowing the difference. Each of the articles we link to below
discusses required skills, main duties and responsibilities, and average salaries.
Let’s start from the bottom:. maintenance
director . This is not an end-all be-all list, but it
covers all of the standard positions you can find in a maintenance department.
Creating a balanced maintenance team is easier said than done, especially with
the looming labor shortage. . For more
information on how to build a cohesive team that matches the needs of your
organization, read our How To Organize A Maintenance Department guide. Work performed under maintenance, repair,
and operations affects every aspect of the business. It’s easy to take for
granted, but you are the ones who keep things moving. As we say at Limble,
you’re the unsung heroes whose impact is felt far and wide. A CMMS will make your department more
effective and tell the story to the company about how much value you’re
producing. At Limble, we want to help make your life easier and help you tell a
story that gets the company on your side. Learn more about Limble by setting up
a demo or getting started with a free trial .
I am really grateful for you , it is really worthy article. Thanks a
lot. June 10, 2021, 6:57 am. Feel free to browse more through Limble
blog. Most of our content is related to MRO in one way or another 🙂. July 1, 2021, 9:06 am. I have read peer-reviewed scholarly articles
and everything in my textbook on MRO and was just not getting it. Frustration
and confusion shut me down from writing my paper. THANK YOU! Now it all makes
sense, and I finally get it. October 4,
2021, 10:43 am. Thanks for sharing this blog. MRO’s strategy
is an important part of most manufacturing and service businesses. Even if
these items aren’t considered as a direct part of the assembled product, they
help maintain appropriate operating standards, thereby ensuring that all
different areas of the business have the functions required for normal
operation. Great for smaller or larger
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reliability. Steps we've learned over
years working with thousands of customers.
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1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamabad
Edit. This article is about the capital city of
Pakistan. For other uses, see Islamabad (disambiguation) . romanized : . Islām Ābād) is the capital city of Pakistan,
and is administered by the Pakistani federal government as part of the
Islamabad Capital Territory . It is the ninth-largest city in Pakistan, while
the larger Islamabad–Rawalpindi metropolitan area is the country's third-largest
with a population of about 4.1 million people. [6] Built as a planned city in
the 1960s to replace Karachi as Pakistan's capital, Islamabad is noted for its
high standards of living, [9] safety, [10] and abundant greenery. [11]. 33°41′35″N 73°03′50″E /
33.69306°N 73.06389°E / 33.69306;
73.06389 Coordinates :. .pk. The master plan for the city was designed by
Greek architect Constantinos Apostolou Doxiadis and divides the city into eight
zones, including administrative, diplomatic enclave , residential areas,
educational and industrial sectors, commercial areas, as well as rural and
green areas which are administered by the Islamabad Metropolitan Corporation
with support from the Capital Development Authority . Islamabad is known for
the presence of several parks and forests, including the Margalla Hills
National Park and the Shakarparian . [12] It is home to several landmarks, with
the most notable one being the Faisal Mosque , the largest mosque in South Asia
[13] and the fifth-largest in the world. Other landmarks include the Pakistan
National Monument and the Democracy Square . [14] [15] [16]. Islamabad is a Gamma+ city as rated by the
Globalization and World Cities Research Network . [17] It has the highest cost
of living in Pakistan, and its populace is dominated by middle and upper middle
class citizens. [9] [18]. The city is
home to twenty universities, including Bahria University , Quaid-e-Azam
University , PIEAS , COMSATS University and NUST . [19] The city is rated as
one of the safest in Pakistan, and has an expansive RFID -enabled surveillance
system with almost 2000 active CCTV cameras. [10] [20]. The name Islamabad means City of Islam. It
is derived from two words: Islam and abad. Islam refers to the religion of
Islam , Pakistan's state religion , and -abad is a Persian suffix meaning
cultivated place, indicating an inhabited place or city. [21] According to a
history book by Muhammad Ismail Zabeeh , a school teacher from Arifwala known
as Abdur Rehman Amritsari proposed the name of the city. [22]. Occasionally in writing, Islamabad is
colloquially abbreviated ISB. Such usage originated in SMS language , in part
due to the IATA location identifier for Islamabad International Airport . Islamabad Capital Territory , located on the
Pothohar Plateau of the northern Punjab region , is considered one of the
earliest sites of human settlement in Asia. [23] Some of the earliest Stone Age
artefacts in the world have been found on the plateau, dating from 100,000 to
500,000 years ago. Rudimentary stones recovered from the terraces of the Soan
River testify to the endeavours of early man in the inter-glacial period. [24]
Items of pottery and utensils dating back to prehistory have been found.
[25]. Excavations by Dr. Abdul Ghafoor
Lone reveal evidence of a prehistoric culture in the area. Relics and human skulls have been found
dating back to 5000 BCE that indicate the region was home to Neolithic peoples
who settled on the banks of the Swaan River , [23] and who later developed
small communities in the region around 3000 BCE. [24] [26]. The Indus Valley Civilization flourished in
the region between the 23rd and 18th centuries BCE. Later the area was an early
settlement of the Aryan community which migrated into the region from Central
Asia . [23] Many great armies such as those of Zahiruddin Babur , Genghis Khan
, Timur and Ahmad Shah Durrani crossed the region during their invasions of the
Indian subcontinent . [23] In 2015–16, the Federal Department of Archaeology
and Museums, with the financial support of National Fund for Cultural Heritage,
carried out initial archaeological excavations in which unearthed the remains
of a Buddhist stupa at Ban Faqiran, near the Shah Allah Ditta caves, which was
dated to the 2nd to the 5th century CE. [27].
The popular Shrine of Meher Ali Shah was completed immediately before
construction began on the future capital city just east of the shrine. . Islamabad's urban form was designed to be
radically different from typical South Asian cities, and features spacious
avenues in a forest-like setting. Main
article: Developments in Islamabad.
When Pakistan gained independence in 1947, the southern port city of
Karachi was its provisional national capital. In 1958, a commission was
constituted to select a suitable site near Rawalpindi for the national capital
with particular emphasis on location, climate, logistics, and defence
requirements, along with other attributes. After extensive study, research, and
a thorough review of potential sites, the commission recommended the area
northeast of Rawalpindi in 1959. [28] [29] In the 1960s, Islamabad was
constructed as a forward capital for several reasons. [30] Karachi was also
located at the southern end of the country, and exposed to attacks from the
Arabian Sea . Pakistan needed a capital that was easily accessible from all
parts of the country. [28] [31] Karachi, a business centre, was also considered
unsuitable partly because of intervention of business interests in government
affairs. [32] The newly selected location of Islamabad was closer to the army
headquarters in Rawalpindi and the disputed territory of Kashmir in the north.
[23]. Greek firm of architects, led by
Konstantinos Apostolos Doxiadis , designed the master plan of the city based on
a grid plan which was triangular in shape with its apex towards the Margalla
Hills . [33] The capital was not moved directly from Karachi to Islamabad; it
was first shifted temporarily to Rawalpindi in the early 60s, and then to
Islamabad when essential development work was completed in 1966. [34]. The Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metrobus was built
in 2015 to connect Islamabad with neighbouring Rawalpindi . Islamabad has attracted people from all over
Pakistan, making it one of the most cosmopolitan and urbanised cities of
Pakistan. [35] As the capital city it has hosted a number of important
meetings, such as the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation summit
in 2004. [36]. In October 2005, the
city suffered damage due to the 2005 Kashmir earthquake which had a magnitude
of 7.6. [37] Islamabad has experienced a series of terrorist incidents
including the July 2007 Siege of Lal Masjid (Red Mosque), the June 2008 Danish
embassy bombing , and the September 2008 Marriott bombing . [38] In 2011, four
terrorism incidents occurred in the city, killing four people, including the
murder of the Punjab Governor Salmaan Taseer . [39]. Construction of the Rawalpindi-Islamabad
Metrobus , the region's first mass transit line, began in February 2014 and was
completed in March 2015. The Rawalpindi Development Authority built the project
at a cost of approximately Rs 24 billion, which was shared by both the Federal
government and the provincial government of Punjab. [40]. 33°26′N 73°02′E /
33.43°N 73.04°E / 33.43; 73.04 at
the northern edge of the Pothohar Plateau and at the foot of the Margalla Hills
in Islamabad Capital Territory . Its elevation is 540 metres (1,770 ft). [41]
[42] The modern capital and the ancient Gakhar city of Rawalpindi form a
conurbation , and are commonly referred to as the Twin Cities. [43] [32]. To the northeast of the city lies the
colonial era hill station of Murree , and to the north lies the Haripur
District of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa . Kahuta lies on the southeast, Taxila , Wah
Cantt , and Attock District to the northwest, Gujar Khan , Rawat, and Mandrah
on the southeast, and the metropolis of Rawalpindi to the south and southwest.
Islamabad is located 120 kilometres (75 mi) SSW of Muzaffarabad , 185
kilometres (115 mi) east of Peshawar and 295 kilometres (183 mi) NNW of Lahore
. The city of Islamabad expanses an
area of 906 square kilometres (350 sq mi). [44] A further 2,717 square
kilometres (1,049 sq mi) area is known as the Specified Area, with the Margala
Hills in the north and northeast. The southern portion of the city is an
undulating plain. It is drained by the Kurang River, on which the Rawal Dam is
located. [45]. Islamabad has a humid
subtropical climate ( Köppen : Cwa), with five seasons: Winter
(November–February), Spring (March and April), Summer (May and June), Rainy
Monsoon (July and August) and Autumn (September and October). The hottest month
is June, where average highs routinely exceed 38 °C (100.4 °F). The wettest
month is July, with heavy rainfalls and evening thunderstorms with the
possibility of cloudburst and flooding. The coolest month is January. Islamabad's micro-climate is regulated by
three artificial reservoirs: Rawal , Simli , and Khanpur Dam . The latter is
located on the Haro River near the town of Khanpur , about 40 kilometres (25
mi) from Islamabad. Simli Dam is 30 kilometres (19 mi) north of Islamabad. 220
acres (89 ha) of the city consists of Margalla Hills National Park . Loi Bher
Forest is situated along the Islamabad Highway , covering an area of 1,087 acres
(440 ha). [46] The highest monthly rainfall of 743.3 mm (29.26 in) was recorded
during July 1995. [47] Winters generally feature dense fog in the mornings and
sunny afternoons. In the city, temperatures stay mild, with snowfall over the
higher-elevation points on nearby hill stations, notably Murree and Nathia Gali
. The temperatures range from 13 °C (55 °F) in January to 38 °C (100 °F) in
June. The highest recorded temperature was 46.6 °C (115.9 °F) on 23 June 2005
while the lowest temperature was −6 °C (21.2 °F) on 17 January 1967. [48] [49]
Light snowfall sometimes happens on the peaks of the hills visible from the
city, though this is rare. [50] Snowfall does not occur in the city itself. On
23 July 2001, Islamabad received a record-breaking 620 mm (24 in) of rainfall
in just 10 hours. It was the heaviest rainfall in Islamabad in the past 100
years and the highest rainfall in 24 hours as well. [51] [52]. See also: Mayor of Islamabad , Islamabad
Metropolitan Corporation , and Capital Development Authority (Islamabad). The Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT)
Administration , generally known as ICT Administration or Islamabad
Administration , is the civil administration as well as main law and order
agency of the Federal Capital. The
local government authority of the city is the Islamabad Metropolitan
Corporation (IMC) with some help from Capital Development Authority (CDA),
which oversees the planning, development, construction, and administration of
the city. [56] [57] Islamabad Capital Territory is divided into eight zones:
Administrative Zone, Commercial District, Educational Sector, Industrial
Sector, Diplomatic Enclave, Residential Areas, Rural Areas and Green Area. [58]
Islamabad city is divided into five major zones: Zone I, Zone II, Zone III, Zone
IV, and Zone V. Out of these, Zone IV is the largest in area. [55] Zone I
consists mainly of all the developed residential sectors while Zone II consists
of the under-developed residential sectors. Each residential sector is
identified by a letter of the alphabet and a number, and covers an area of
approximately 2 km × 2 km (. 1+1⁄4 mi).
The sectors are lettered from A to I, and each sector is divided into four
numbered sub-sectors. [59]. Main
article: Sectors of Islamabad. Series
A, B, and C are still underdeveloped. The D series has seven sectors (D-11 to
D-17), [55] of which only sector D-12 is completely developed. This series is
located at the foot of Margalla Hills. [58] The E Sectors are named from E-7 to
E-17. [55] Many foreigners and diplomatic personnel are housed in these
sectors. [58] In the revised Master Plan of the city, CDA has decided to
develop a park on the pattern of Fatima Jinnah Park in sector E-14. Sectors E-8
and E-9 contain the campuses of Bahria University , Air University , and the
National Defence University . [60] [61] [62] The F and G series contains the
most developed sectors. F series contains sectors F-5 to F-17; some sectors are
still under-developed. [55] F-5 is an important sector for the software
industry in Islamabad, as the two software technology parks are located here.
The entire F-9 sector is covered with Fatima Jinnah Park. The Centaurus complex
is a major landmark of the F-8 sector. [58] G sectors are numbered G-5 through
G-17. [55] Some important places include the Jinnah Convention Centre and
Serena Hotel in G-5, the Red Mosque in G-6, the Pakistan Institute of Medical
Sciences, the largest medical complex in the capital, located in G-8, [58] and
the Karachi Company shopping center in G-9.
The H sectors are numbered H-8 through H-17. [55] The H sectors are
mostly dedicated to educational and health institutions. National University of
Sciences and Technology covers a major portion of sector H-12. [58] The I
sectors are numbered from I-8 to I-18. With the exception of I-8, which is a
well-developed residential area, these sectors are primarily part of the
industrial zone. Two sub-sectors of I-9 and one sub-sector of I-10 are used as
industrial areas. CDA is planning to set up Islamabad Railway Station in Sector
I-18 and Industrial City in sector I-17. [58] Zone III consists primarily of
the Margalla Hills and Margalla Hills National Park . Rawal Lake is in this
zone. Zone IV and V consist of Islamabad Park, and rural areas of the city. The
Soan River flows into the city through Zone V. [55]. Main article: Islamabad-Rawalpindi
metropolitan area. When the master plan
for Islamabad was drawn up in 1960, Islamabad and Rawalpindi, along with the
adjoining areas, was to be integrated to form a large metropolitan area called
Islamabad/Rawalpindi Metropolitan Area. The area would consist of the
developing Islamabad, the old colonial cantonment city of Rawalpindi, and
Margalla Hills National Park, including surrounding rural areas. [63] [64]
However, Islamabad city is part of the Islamabad Capital Territory , while
Rawalpindi is part of Rawalpindi District , which is part of province of Punjab
. [65]. Initially, it was proposed that
the three areas would be connected by four major highways: Murree Highway,
Islamabad Highway , Soan Highway, and Capital Highway. However, to date only
two highways have been constructed: Kashmir Highway (the former Murree Highway)
and Islamabad Highway. [64] Plans of constructing Margalla Avenue are also
underway. [66] Islamabad is the hub all the governmental activities while
Rawalpindi is the centre of all industrial, commercial, and military
activities. The two cities are considered sister cities and are highly
interdependent. [63]. See also: List of
tallest buildings in Islamabad. Islamabad's architecture is a combination of
modernity and old Islamic and regional traditions. The Saudi-Pak Tower is an
example of the integration of modern architecture with traditional styles. The
beige-coloured edifice is trimmed with blue tile works in Islamic tradition,
and is one of Islamabad's tallest buildings. Other examples of intertwined
Islamic and modern architecture include Pakistan Monument and Faisal Mosque .
Other notable structures are: Secretariat Complex designed by Gio Ponti , Prime
Minister's secretariat based on Mughal architecture and the National Assembly
by Edward Durell Stone . [29]. The
murals on the inside of the large petals of Pakistan Monument are based on
Islamic architecture. [67] The Shah Faisal Mosque is a fusion of contemporary
architecture with a more traditional large triangular prayer hall and four
minarets, designed by Vedat Dalokay , a Turkish architect and built with the
help of funding provided by King Faisal of Saudi Arabia . [68] The architecture
of Faisal Mosque is unusual as it lacks a dome structure. It is a combination
of Arabic, Turkish, and Mughal architectural traditions. [69] The Centaurus is
an example of modern architecture under construction in Islamabad. The seven
star hotel was designed by WS Atkins PLC .The newly built Islamabad Stock
Exchange Towers is another example of modern architecture in the city.
[70]. According to 1998 census, the
mother tongue of the majority of the population is Punjabi at 68%, and the
major dialect is Pothohari , 15% of the population are Pashto speakers, while
18% speak other languages. [73] Similarly according to 1998 census, the total
migrant population of the city is 1 million, with the majority (691,977) coming
from Punjab . Around 210,614 of the migrated population came from Sindh and
rest from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Kashmir . Smaller populations emigrated
from Balochistan , and Gilgit–Baltistan . [74]. The majority of the population lies in the
age group of 15–64 years, around 59.38%. Only 2.73% of the population is above
65 years of age; 37.90% is below the age of 15. [75] Islamabad has the highest
literacy rate in Pakistan, at 88%. [76] 9.8% of the population has done
intermediate education (equivalent to grades 11 and 12). 10.26% have a bachelor
or equivalent degree while 5.2% have a master or equivalent degree. [77] The
labour force of Islamabad is 185,213 [78] and the unemployment rate is 15.70%.
[79]. Islam is the largest religion in
the city, with 95.43% of the population following it. Christianity is the
second largest religion is with 4.34% of the population following it. The
Christians are concentrated mainly in the urban areas. Hinduism is followed by
0.04% of the population according to the 2017 census. [80] [81] [82]. Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited. Islamabad is a net contributor to the
Pakistani economy, as whilst having only 0.8% of the country's population, it
contributes 1% to the country's GDP. [83] Islamabad Stock Exchange , founded in
1989, is Pakistan's third largest stock exchange after Karachi Stock Exchange
and Lahore Stock Exchange , and was merged to form Pakistan Stock Exchange .
The exchange had 118 members with 104 corporate bodies and 18 individual
members. The average daily turnover of the stock exchange is over 1 million shares.
[84]. According to the World Bank 's
Doing Business Report of 2010, Islamabad was ranked as the best place to start
a business in Pakistan. [85] Islamabad's businesses are Pakistan's most
compliant for paying tax dues. [86] As of 2012 [update] , Islamabad LTU (Large
Tax Unit) was responsible for Rs 371 billion in tax revenue, which amounts to
20% of all the revenue collected by Federal Board of Revenue. [87]. Islamabad has seen an expansion in
information and communications technology with the addition two Software
Technology Parks , which house numerous national and foreign technological and
information technology companies. Some jobs have relocated from India to
Islamabad. [88] Awami Markaz IT Park houses 36 IT companies, while Evacuee
Trust house 29 companies. [89] Islamabad will see its third IT Park by 2020,
which will be built with assistance from South Korea . [90]. Main article: Culture of Islamabad. Islamabad is home to many migrants from
other regions of Pakistan and has a cultural and religious diversity of
considerable antiquity. Due to its location on the Pothohar Plateau, remnants
of ancient cultures and civilisations such as Aryan , Soanian , and Indus
Valley civilisation can still be found in the region. A 15th-century Gakhar fort,
Pharwala Fort is located near Islamabad. [91] [92] Rawat Fort in the region was
built by the Gakhars in 16th century and contains the grave of the Gakhar
chief, Sultan Sarang Khan . [92].
Saidpur village is supposedly named after Said Khan, the son of Sarang
Khan. The 500-year-old village was converted into a place of Hindu worship by a
Mughal commander, Raja Man Singh . He constructed a number of small ponds: Rama
kunda, Sita kunda, Lakshaman kunda, and Hanuman kunda. [93] The region is home
to a small Hindu temple that is preserved, showing the presence of Hindu people
in the region. The shrine of Sufi mystic Pir Meher Ali Shah is located at Golra
Sharif , which has a rich cultural heritage of the pre-Islamic period.
Archaeological remains of the Buddhist era can also still be found in the
region. [94] The shrine of Bari Imam was built by Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb .
Thousands of devotees from across Pakistan attend the annual Urs of Bari Imam.
The event is one of the largest religious gatherings in Islamabad. In 2004, the
Urs was attended by more than 1.2 million people. [95]. The Lok Virsa Museum in Islamabad preserves
a wide variety of expressions of folk and traditional cultural legacy of
Pakistan. It is located near the Shakarparian hills and boasts a large display
of embroidered costumes, jewellery, musical instruments, woodwork, utensils and
folkloristic objects from the region and other parts of Pakistan. [96]. Faisal Mosque is an important cultural
landmark of the city and that attracts many tourists daily. Faisal Mosque built
in 1986, was named after the Saudi Arabian King, Faisal bin Abdul Aziz . [97]
It also serves the purpose of accommodating 24,000 Muslims that pray at this
mosque. Faisal Mosque that is designed
by the Turks and financed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia includes calligraphy
of Quranic Versus along the walls of the mosque. One of the landmarks for tourists is the
Pakistan Monument built in 2007 located in Islamabad. This tourist attraction
represents the patriotism and sovereignty of Pakistan. The design is shaped as
a dome with petal-shaped walls that are engraved with arts portraying
Pakistan's other tourist landmarks such as the Badshahi Mosque ,
Minar-e-Pakistan and Lahore Fort . [98].
Islamabad holds some of Pakistan's most prestigious museums such as Lok
Virsa Museum , Institute of Folk and Traditional Heritage Shakarparian Park and
prominent galleries such as the National Art Gallery and Gallery 6. The Islamabad Museum contains many relics
and artifacts dating back to the Gandhara period of the region, an intriguing
fusion of Buddhist and Graeco-Roman styles. The living culture of Islamabad and
Pakistan is best explored at Lok Virsa Museum , as well as the Institute of
Folk and Traditional Heritage in Shakarparian Park. Islamabad is built upon civilization and
architecture that ranges from the 10th Century to the modern era. As Islamabad
is situated on the Potohar Plateau , the remains of civilization descending
from stone-age era include the Acheulian and the Soanian traditions and these
are tourist landmarks. Islamabad has an array of historic landmarks that
reflect the Hindu civilization that dates back to the 16th Century with
examples such as Saidpur . Saidpur that is situated in Islamabad has progressed
from a village to a sacred place that includes temples where the Hindu Mughal
Commanders worshipped. [99]. Margalla
Hills National Park is located in the North sector of Islamabad and is in close
proximity to the Himalayas . The National Park includes of picturesque valleys
and scenic hills that include various wildlife such as Himalayan goral ,
Barking deer and leopards . Flanked by wildlife and vegetation, Margalla Hills
National Park also includes accommodation and camping grounds for tourists. Quaid-i-Azam University. Islamabad boasts the highest literacy rate
in Pakistan at 98%, [76] and has some of the most advanced educational
institutes in the country. [100] A large number of public and private sector
educational institutes are present here. The higher education institutes in the
capital are either federally chartered or administered by private organisations
and almost all of them are recognised by the Higher Education Commission of
Pakistan . High schools and colleges are either affiliated with the Federal
Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education or with the UK universities
education boards , O/A Levels, or IGCSE . According to Academy of Educational
Planning and Management's report, in 2009 there were a total of 913 recognised
institutions in Islamabad (31 pre-primary, 2 religious , 367 primary, 162
middle , 250 high, 75 higher secondary and intermediate colleges, and 26 degree
colleges ). [101] There are seven teacher training institutes in Islamabad with
a total enrolment of 604,633 students and 499 faculty. [101]. National University of Sciences and
Technology. The Gender Parity Index in
Islamabad is 0.93 compared to the 0.95 national average. There are 178 boys only
institutes, 175 girls only, and 551 mixed institutes in Islamabad. [101] Total
enrolment of students in all categories is 267,992; 138,272 for boys and
129,720 for girls. [101] There are 16 recognised universities in Islamabad with
a total enrolment of 372,974 students and 30,144 teachers. [101] Most of the
top ranked universities; National University of Sciences and Technology ,
COMSATS Institute of Information Technology and Pakistan Institute of
Engineering & Applied Sciences , also have their headquarters in the
capital. [19] The world's second largest general university by enrolment ,
Allama Iqbal Open University is located in Islamabad for distance education.
Other universities include Air University , Bahria University , Center for
Advanced Studies in Engineering , Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and
Technology , Hamdard University , National University of Computer and Emerging
Sciences , Capital University of Science & Technology , National Defence
University , Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University, National University of Modern
Languages , Iqra University , International Islamic University , Virtual
University of Pakistan , Muhammad Ali Jinnah University , The University of
Lahore , Abasyn University , and The Millennium University College . Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences. Islamabad has the lowest rate of infant
mortality in the country at 38 deaths per thousand compared to the national
average of 78 deaths per thousand. [102] Islamabad has both public and private
medical centres. The largest hospital in Islamabad is Pakistan Institute of
Medical Sciences (PIMS) hospital. It was established in 1985 as a teaching and
doctor training institute. PIMS functions as a National Reference Center and
provides specialised diagnostic and curative services. [103] The hospital has
30 major medical departments. [104] PIMS is divided into five administrative
branches. Islamabad Hospital is the major component with a 592-bed facility and
22 medical and surgical specialties. [105].
The Children's Hospital is a 230-bed hospital completed in 1985. It
contains six major facilities: Surgical and Allied Specialties, Medical and
Allied Specialties, Diagnostic Facilities, Operation Theatre, Critical Care
(NICU, PICU, Isolation & Accident Emergency), and a Blood Bank. [106] The
Maternal and Child Health Care Center is a training institute with an attached
hospital of 125 beds offering different clinical and operational services.
[107] PIMS consists of five academic institutes: Quaid-e-Azam Postgraduate
Medical College, College of Nursing, College of Medical Technology, School of
Nursing, and Mother and Child Health Center. [108]. PAEC General Hospital and teaching
institute, established in 2006, is affiliated with the Pakistan Atomic Energy
Commission. [109] The hospital consists of a 100-bed facility [109] and 10
major departments: Obstetrics and Gynecology , Pediatric , General Medicine ,
General Surgery , Intensive Care Unit / Coronary Care Unit , Orthopedics ,
Ophthalmology , Pathology , Radiology , and Dental Department. [110] Shifa
International Hospital is a teaching hospital in Islamabad that was founded in
1987 and became a public company in 1989. The hospital has 70 qualified
consultants in almost all specialties, 150 IPD beds and OPD facilities in 35
different specialisations. [111] According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics
of the Government of Pakistan, in 2008 there were 12 hospitals, 76 dispensaries
, and five maternity and child welfare centers in the city with a total of
5,158 beds. [112]. Islamabad is
connected to major destinations around the world and domestically through
Islamabad International Airport (IIAP) . [113] The airport is the largest in
Pakistan and is located outside Islamabad in Fateh Jang . The new airport
inaugurated on 20 April 2018, spread over 19 square kilometers with 15
passenger boarding bridges, including facilities to accommodate two
double-decker Airbus A380s, the world's largest airplane, 15 remote bays and 3
remote bays for Air cargo. [113].
Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metrobus near The Centaurus. The Rawalpindi-Islamabad Metrobus is a 24 km
(14.9 mi) bus rapid transit system that serves the twin cities of Rawalpindi
and Islamabad in Pakistan. It uses dedicated bus lanes for all of its route
covering 24 bus stations. This service
covers a huge distance from city Saddar, Rawalpindi to Pak-Secretariat,
Islamabad. This service is very reliable and consistent, and the labour force
as well as students are using this government provided service on a daily
basis. It has reduced the time consumption by reducing the route. Now this bus
service is being extended to more areas in Islamabad that include areas near
G-13 and H-12. Work is being done to keep it along the Kashmir Highway.
[114]. People use private transport
like Taxis , Careem , Uber , Bykea , and SWVL for local journeys. In March
2016, Careem became functional in Islamabad and Rawalpindi with taxi
services. M-2 Motorway is 367 km (228
mi) long and connect Islamabad and Lahore. [115] M-1 Motorway connects
Islamabad with Peshawar and is 155 km (96 mi) long. [115] Islamabad is linked
to Rawalpindi through the Faizabad Interchange , which has a daily traffic
volume of about 48,000 vehicles. [116].
Islamabad has a multipurpose sports complex opposite Aabpara . It
includes Liaquat Gymnasium for indoor games, Mushaf Squash Complex and Jinnah
Sports Stadium for outdoor games, which is a venue for regular national and
international events. 2004 SAF Games were held in the stadium. Some other
sports venues of Islamabad include Diamond Club Ground , Shalimar Cricket
Ground and Islamabad Golf Club. There
is another multipurpose sports complex in the F6 Markaz. It has tennis courts,
a basketball court with fibre-glass boards and a Futsal ground which introduced
artificial turf to the people of Islamabad.
Major sports in the city include cricket , football , squash , hockey ,
table tennis, rugby and boxing . [117] The city is home to Islamabad United ,
which won the first ever Pakistan Super League in 2016 and second title in 2018
, [118] [119] and Islamabad All Stars, which participates in the Super Kabaddi
League . Islamabad also has various
rock climbing spots in the Margalla Hills. [120]. Located in Islamabad, Pakistan, the Faisal
Mosque is the largest mosque in South Asia and the fourth largest mosque in the
world. Built in the year 1986, it was named after the late king of Saudi Arabia
, Faisal Bin Abdul Aziz, who backed and financed the construction. [122]. The most famous and oldest hiking track of
Islamabad is Trail 3. It starts from the Margalla road sector F-6. The trail is
exhausting to some extent, due to steep hills. The course leads to the point
where it goes up to the Viewpoint and is about a 30 – 50 minutes track. After
the Viewpoint it continues for another easy-going 45 – 60 minutes and reaches
the Pir Sohawa, where there are two restaurants for food, The Monal and La
Montana. In total, it is approximately a one-hour and thirty minute walk.
[123]. Located in Islamabad, the
Pakistan National Monument is a representation of the four provinces and three
territories of the nation. Designed by the famous architect, Arif Masood, this
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2. https://www.britannica.com/place/Islamabad
#WTFact Videos. This Time in History. Britannica Explains. verifiedCite. While every effort has been made to follow
citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Please refer to the appropriate style
manual or other sources if you have any questions. By The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica |
View Edit History. Islamabad, city, capital of Pakistan , on the Potwar
Plateau , 9 miles (14 km) northeast of Rawalpindi , the former interim
capital. The city’s site was chosen by
a commission in 1959 after Karachi was found unsuitable as the capital.
Construction began in 1961 with an effort to blend traditional Islamic
architecture with modern patterns and requirements. Such world-renowned names
in town planning and architecture as Konstantínos Doxiádes, Edward Durell Stone
, and Gio Ponti have been associated with the city’s development. It is a
compact city (area 25 square miles [65 square km]), lying at elevations ranging
from 1,500 to 2,000 feet (450 to 600 metres). The second phase of construction
ended with completion of the Secretariat, Pakistan House, President’s House,
National Assembly Building, Grand National Mosque, and housing for government
staff. The University of Islamabad was established in 1965 and the People’s
Open University (later renamed the Allama Iqbal Open University) in 1974. The
war with India in 1971 slowed construction temporarily. World Cities. Obelisks, skyscrapers, and carnivals are
just a few of the fixtures that make these cities famous. Test your knowledge
of big cities and their features. The
urban area is divided into eight zones: administrative, diplomatic, residential,
institutional, industrial, and commercial areas, a greenbelt, and a national
park . It includes an Olympic village and gardens and dairy, poultry, and
vegetable farms, as well as such institutions as the Atomic Research Institute
and the National Health Centre. The name Islamabad (“City of Islam,” or “City
of Peace”) was chosen to reflect the country’s ideology . The planned capital area of 350 square miles
(906 square km) is an expanse of natural terraces and meadows surrounding the
city. A further 1,400 square miles (3,626 square km) of hinterland, known as
the Specified Areas, is subject to planning control, with the Margala Hills,
3,000 to 5,000 feet (900 to 1,500 metres) high, in the north and northeast. The
southern portion is an undulating plain. It is drained by the Kurang River, on
which the Rawal Dam forms a lake holding about 50,000 acre-feet (61,650,000
cubic metres) of water. Pop. (2017) city, 1,009,832; capital area,
2,001,579. The Editors of Encyclopaedia
Britannica This article was most recently revised and updated by Adam Zeidan ,
Associate Editor. Pakistan. Its capital is Islamabad, in the foothills
of the Himalayas in the northern part of the country, and its largest city is
Karachi, in the south on the coast of the Arabian Sea.…. Potwar Plateau. ,
tableland in Rāwalpindi, Attock, and Jhelum districts, Punjab Province,
Pakistan. Lying between the Indus and Jhelum rivers and bounded on the north by
the Hazāra Hills and on the south by the Salt Range, its varied landscape is
constantly affected by erosion. Its elevation varies from 1,000 to…. Rawalpindi.
, city, Punjab province, northern
Pakistan. It was the capital of Pakistan from 1959 to 1969. The city lies on
the Potwar Plateau 9 miles (14 km) southwest of Islamabad, the national
capital. Rawalpindi (“Village of Rawals”) occupies the site of an old village
inhabited by the….
3. https://www.cda.gov.pk/
ISLAMABAD. CDA and ICT nominated three Members
designated committee to prevent and report on encroachment. Progress review meeting on Islamabad Metro
Bus project - Peshawar Morr to New Islamabad International Airport. CDA to establish first public sector
cochlear Implant centre of country in the Federal Capital. Construction of cycling tracks at various
places in Islamabad. Medical Equipment
(Single Stage Two Envelop Procedure). etc.
Providing/Fixing Intercom Exchange for Government Hostel P/Lodges
Directorate, Islamabad. etc. Providing
/ Replacement of AC Compressor and
Up-gradation of Old / Defective Electric wiring System at Various Offices at
Pak Secretariat Building Islamabad.
etc. Our Building Control service
provides assistance from design to completion of the building and ensures that
buildings are built in accordance with the ICT Building Control Regulations.
4. https://qau.edu.pk/
6549 graduates receive degrees at
QAU Convocation. 6549 graduates receive
degrees at QAU Convocation. President
Dr Arif Alvi on Tuesday, terming intellectual excellence the key to match the
pace of global advancement, said Pakistan needed to achieve an edge in applied
… ». Youth’s mental health directly
impacts economic growth. Speakers of a
two-day international virtual conference stressed in-depth research on youth’s
mental health saying that the mental health of the young population has a …
». Special Assistant to the Prime
Minister (SAPM) on Youth Affairs visits Quaid-i-Azam University. Special Assistant to the Prime Minister
(SAPM) on Youth Affairs Muhammad Usman Dar visited Quaid-i-Azam University
(QAU) here on Thursday. He met with the Vice Chancellor, … ». Call for Papers A National Conference on
National Integration and Cultural Assimilation. Revised Dates: October 26-27,
2021 Organized by NIHCR and NIPS, Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad,
Pakistan. Message from VC. Quaid-i-Azam University (QAU) is the premier
seat of learning in Pakistan, known for its research and excellence in
teaching. Consistently ranked top academic institution by Higher Education Commission. A separate office of the Students' Financial
Assistance (OSFA) is established in Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad in
collaboration with HEC to provide financial help/Scholarships to the
meritorious ..... more >>.
Quaid-i-Azam University promotes higher education within the country
while encouraging Pakistani nationals and extends it to the foreign nationals
seeking entrance to the University. The University is rated amongst the best
institutions of the region and follows the Higher Education Commission's (HEC)
criteria to entertain the foreign students. HEC, in collaboration with various
administrative agencies Read more >>.
In the wake of fundamental improvements being introduced in the system of
Higher Education in Pakistan, the
credit, respect, recognition of research and scholarly publications, career development and
financial gains are now linked with ...... Read More. This University was established as
University of Islamabad under an Act of National Assembly passed in July, 1967.
It started teaching and research program for M.Phil & Ph.D. degrees. Later
on, it was decided to start M.Sc. degree program for graduates from all regions
of the country, based on regional quota. The University was housed initially in
rented buildings in Satellite Town, Rawalpindi and moved to its permanent >> More.
5. https://islamabadairport.com.pk/
6. https://wikitravel.org/en/Islamabad
We have no data for this page,
because it isn't accessible for our crawler.
7. https://www.comsats.edu.pk/
Constitution, Functions and
Powers of the Authorities of the COMSATS University Islamabad Statutes,
2019. The Constitution and Procedure of
Representation Committee for Appointments to the Senate COMSATS University
Islamabad Statutes, 2019. The Contents
of and the Manner of Presenting Annual Report by the Rector before the Senate
COMSATS University Islamabad Statutes, 2019.
Constitution and Procedure of the Emergency Committee COMSATS University
Islamabad Statutes, 2019. The Powers
and Duties of the Officers and Teachers of COMSATS University Islamabad
Statutes, 2019. Terms and Conditions of
Service and Procedure for the Appointment of the Rector COMSATS University
Islamabad Statutes, 2019. Terms and
Conditions of Service and Procedure for the Appointment of Principal Officers
COMSATS University Islamabad Statutes 2019.
Terms and Conditions of Service and Procedure for the Appointment of the
Pro-Rectors COMSATS University Islamabad Statutes 2019. Terms and Conditions of Service and
Procedure for the Appointment of the Campus Directors COMSATS University
Islamabad Statutes 2019. Election of
Teachers for the Membership of Senate, Syndicate, Academic Council and
Representation Committee for Appointments to the Senate COMSATS University
Islamabad Statutes, 2019. Electoral
Rolls for Election of University Teachers for the Membership of Statutory
Bodies of COMSATS University Islamabad (Disposal of Claims). USAID-funded Merit and Needs-based
Scholarship Program Invitation of Applications for Alfalah Scholarship Scheme
Session 2021-22 Tabeer Scholarship Program Punjab 2021 (Phase-II) UNDERGRADUATE
Available Visiting Faculty Pool for CUI Lahore. Prof. Dr. Muhammad T. Afzal. I feel honored to lead the COMSATS
University Islamabad (CUI) as Rector and share with you my vision for CUI,
which has always been an innovative institution of learning and development.
Our focus in the coming years will be to transform CUI to meet the challenges
of a rapidly changing technological environment as well as societal needs
through the best affordable academic programs at par with leading global
standards, within Pakistan. In short, we envision making CUI "the
University of Choice" in Pakistan and across Asia. Although an ambitious
vision, but I believe that the talent, skill and experience available at CUI
will enable us to achieve success with dedication and hard work. In the years to come, we will extend
out-reach of CUI by adding new campuses capable of catering to the high-quality
education needs of a larger canvas of aspiring students and researchers. In
this regard, we will also encourage public-private partnerships which will pave
the way forward and yield impactful results...
Read More. Walk in Interview 03
November, 2021. Scholarship 03
November, 2021. Invitation of
Applications for Pak-USAID Scholarship for Fall 2021 Intake(Only Female Student
of Engineering and IT Discipline of MS Program). Walk in Interview 20 October, 2021. Walk in Interview 20 October, 2021. Scholarship 04 October, 2021. Scholarship 30 September, 2021. Invitation of Applications for Pak-USAID
Scholarship for Fall 2021 Intake(Only Female Student of Engineering and IT
Discipline of MS Program). MoU 13
September, 2021. 23. Medical Imaging and Diagnostics Lab, NCAI in
Collaboration with SSBC ORIC COMSATS University Islamabad is conducting a
Five-Day Workshop on "Experience AI". Dunya TV covering the speech during Minister
Mr. Shibli Faraz Visit at CUI Islamabad.
The CUI was established in 1998, as a project of the Commission on Science
and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS), which is an
inter-governmental organization with 21 member states in three
continents... The above-mentioned
social media links are official.
8. https://ictadministration.gov.pk/
9. https://www.iiu.edu.pk/
Biological Sciences. Iqbal International Institute for Research
& Dialogue. The foundation of the
Islamic University, Islamabad was laid on the first day of the fifteenth
century Hijrah i.e. Muharram 1, 1401 (November 11,1980). This landmark of the
beginning of the new Century symbolizes the aspirations and hopes of the Muslim
Ummah for an Islamic renaissance. The university was created to produce
scholars and practitioners who are imbued with Islamic ideology, whose
character and personality conforms to the teachings of Islam, and who are capable to cater to the economic,
social, political, technological and intellectual needs of the Muslim Ummah ...
10. https://ist.edu.pk/
About IST. Admissions.
Aeronautics and Astronautics Electrical Engineering Materials Science
and Engineering Mechanical Engineering Avionics Engineering Space Science
Applied Mathematics & Statistics Humanities & Sciences. Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering
Electrical Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Mechanical Engineering
Avionics Engineering Space Science Applied Mathematics & Statistics National
Centre for Remote Sensing & Geo Informatics Humanities & Sciences. Research.
IST Ground Station Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization
(ORIC) Journal of Space Technology Journal Quality Ranking System (JQRS) 7th
International Conference on Aerospace Science & Engineering. Astronomy Resource Center (ARC) Space
Systems Lab (SSL) Artificial Intelligence & Computer Vision Lab (iVision)
Wireless & Signal Processing Lab (WiSP) Geospatial Research & Education
Lab (GREL) Scanning Electron Microscopy Lab (SEM) Cyber & Information
Security Lab (CISL) Bio-signal processing & Computational NeuroScience lab
(BiCoNeS) Center for Vibration Testing and Condition Monitoring Advanced
Manufacturing Facility Electronics and Embedded Systems Lab (EESL). National Centers. COVID-19 Report Form.
current job market
1. https://www.astoncarter.com/en/insights/articles/job-market-trends-and-insights-for-2021
Job Market Trends and Insights
for 2021. 2020 was a year of challenge
and change. Career and business predictions made early in the year seemed to
quickly fall by the wayside in the face of a global pandemic. However, not every prediction from last year
was a complete miss. COVID-19's impact on the job market actually accelerated
pre-existing trends such as flexible schedules for employees, more remote work
options and a rise in contingent workforces.
Remote work is here for good. The
trend toward a more remote workforce has been a steady drumbeat over the last
decade as advanced communication technology has become more broadly used by
businesses. Many employers have
concerns that abandoning an in-person work environment sacrifices company
culture, team building and executive oversight. Regardless, many companies were
forced to explore remote employment offerings to adjust to the new reality of a
continually changing workplace.
Although this transition has been uncomfortable for many, most employers
have found that productivity hasn’t slipped as a result of the change.
Additionally, new communication cadences and management methodologies for
project delivery have emerged in response to the surge in virtual work, making
it easier to keep work remote.
Contingent labor will continue its rise in prevalence. Change management was a popular topic across
the entire economy in 2020, with responsive organizations benefiting from
early-mover advantages. A need for
flexibility manifested with a renewed reliance on contingent labor. As
employers struggled to adjust to new virtual onboarding cadences and
methodologies, leaning on third-party vendors for staffing and HR consultancy
became an attractive option. Hiring
managers and job seekers can both expect to reap the benefits of flexible
hiring models as they continue to emerge throughout 2021. Leaning into
contingent labor will open new possibilities for workforce and career options
around the globe. Hiring processes will
require additional resources and attention.
There are many reasons it takes longer to communicate during virtual
meetings than in-person meetings. This
efficiency gap has put a strain on the hiring process. As the hiring cycle
moved from in-person to virtual, many businesses quickly found their HR and
L&D departments unprepared and understaffed to meet new remote onboarding
and training requirements. .
Organizations that upgraded their virtual hiring protocols and remained
efficiently engaged with incoming prospects stood out to high-value candidates
as impressively effective organizations.
In 2021, job seekers and employers alike should regard organizational
responsiveness — including maintaining virtual candidate touchpoints throughout
the hiring process — as a key competitive advantage in attracting top
talent. As the shocking immediate
impacts of COVID-19 recede into the rearview mirror of the new year, the most
resilient businesses will continue to lead. Organizations now recognize the
importance of a risk-based approach in strategic planning, with a deliberate
emphasis placed on sound risk-and-compliance practices . For job seekers with finance and accounting
experience, 2021 will continue to present high-value opportunities to develop
or showcase skills related to risk and compliance. For employers, reorienting
business as usual to incorporate risk-based approaches will help to develop
effective response reflexes. This will be essential to navigating upcoming
change, including new regulatory frameworks that can be expected from President
Biden's administration. Roles will
become increasingly hybridized.
Traditionally, workers benefit from developing increasingly specialized skills
during boom times but are advised to fall back on varied experience to weather
more challenging job markets. 2020
disrupted this pattern. Some industries surged while others lurched to a near
halt. Certain specialized employee skills — such as risk, compliance and remote
team management — became even more desirable. But even in areas where the job
market remained tight, sweeping adjustments to managerial methods required
employees to harness every skill in their toolbox. Out of necessity, accountants became project
managers. Financial analysts became data scientists. Expect that emphasis on
hybrid roles to continue as employers bring in new candidates who can keep up
with the trend of continuous change.
For hiring managers, it’s a good year to explore candidate profiles for
evidence of versatility. For job seekers, 2021 is a great time to expand
existing skills and grow in new directions.
If you're looking to test the job market this year, explore Aston Carter
job postings . And if your company
needs to build out a sound hiring strategy in 2021, reach out to Aston Carter
for guidance . Read More
2. https://www.forbes.com/sites/gadlevanon/2021/08/17/the-top-trends-in-americas-job-market/amp/
Marcus by Goldman Sachs | Paid
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Forbes may share this information with its advertising, analytics, and social
media partners, who may use it with information you have provided to them in connection
with their services. For more
information: Privacy Statement. Manufacturing. Getty Images. The U.S. labor market is going through
extraordinary times: historically fast job growth, severe labor shortages
despite a still-high unemployment rate, and the epic shift to remote work. As
the fallout from Covid-19 continues, here are the most important U.S. job
market trends. 1. Remote work is here to stay. Seventeen
months after the beginning of the pandemic, most employers believe that remote
work does not negatively affect workers’ productivity , and perhaps even
improves it. As a result, a growing share of firms expects to permanently shift
to remote work models. perhaps the biggest legacy of Covid-19. There has also
been a large increase since before the pandemic in the share of office-job ads
that mention remote work. This has been especially noticeable in
computer-related and finance and insurance occupations. The increase also
occurred in office support and clerical occupations that were rarely done
remotely before the pandemic. 2. Employers are geographically expanding
their potential employee pools. The shift to remote work allows employers to
hire workers in cheaper labor markets and save on labor costs. In 2018, less
than 40 percent of Silicon Valley tech company jobs ads were posted outside of
that area. Now it is about two thirds. Most of the increase occurred during the
pandemic, around the shift to remote work.
The employment outlook. 3. Job growth is historically fast, but
employment is far from recovered. Job
growth surged in 2021, especially during June and July, as in-services
industries continued to re-open. The unusually strong growth in recent months
is constrained to industries such as leisure and hospitality, mining, personal
care, and education (both public and private). Most other sectors have grown in
the past six months at roughly their prepandemic rates. As a result, the number
of jobs in July was still 5.7 million below February 2020 levels. Compared to
most other advanced economies, the economic recovery from the pandemic was much
stronger in the US. 4. Some industries will not fully recover
this year – or in 2022. While there is a lot of uncertainty about permanent
trends in automation and consumer tastes, several industries are unlikely to
recover to prepandemic employment levels before 2023. These industries include,
nonresidential construction, parts of retail trade, business- and work-related
transportation, commercial banking, business and facilities-support services
and nursing and residential care. The rapid spread of the virus in other
countries suggests that international tourism will be very slow to
recover. 5. The rapid increase in the number
infections had no impact on July’s job numbers. Those figures were gathered the
week of July 12, before the full impact of the delta variant surge. Going
forward we do expect the new wave of infections to negatively impact economic
activity in in-person services. We expect job growth to slightly slow as a
result, but to remain relatively strong.
6. Older people staying home
will slow employment recovery. As older Americans, more vulnerable to COVID-19,
may experience a longer and more isolated period of social distancing, they are
likely to cut back on spending on in-person services more than younger people.
In several consumption categories, such as travel, lodging and restaurants,
older households are responsible for a disproportionately high share of
spending. Full job-recovery may take longer in these industries. Labor shortages. 7.
Severe labor shortages will persist despite high unemployment. Labor
markets are extremely tight because of the unusual dynamics of the pandemic.
The combination of a demand surge and stagnant labor supply created historic
recruiting difficulties from April through July. The share of employers with
unfilled positions was the highest ever, according to July’s National
Federation of Independent Business survey. At the same time, the share of workers
voluntarily quitting their jobs, and the time to fill open positions, are also
elevated. Recruiting and retention difficulties are more pronounced in low-paid
jobs, especially in blue-collar and manual services occupations. 8.
Many potential workers are on the sidelines. Despite the very tight
labor market, labor force participation is still well below prepandemic rates.
Most noticeably, the labor force participation rate in the 65+ age group is 2.5
percentage points below its prepandemic level, erasing a decade of continuous
improvement before COVID-19. 9. Employers are reacting. Data from online
job ads show that because of severe labor shortages, employers have downskilled
requirements in job postings, and are offering more sign-on bonuses, higher
starting salaries and more on-the-job training. 10.
Some pandemic-related supply constraints will loosen in the fourth
quarter. Elevated federal unemployment benefits are gradually expiring and will
fully expire by September. Lower unemployment benefits are likely to bring back
many workers to the labor market. Women of color are still disproportionally
out of work. If schools return to normal in-person attendance, more women will
rejoin the labor force. This may result in some easing in labor shortages. 11. A
shrinking working-age population is limiting the labor supply. In the past
decade, the growth rate of the number of working-age people has been gradually
declining. In 2020, for the first time in U.S. history, the figure itself
declined. But the overall narrative about the slowing growth rate in the
working-age population masks two opposing educational trends. The number of
working-age people with a bachelor’s degree is solidly and uninterruptedly
increasing by about 2 percent annually. On the flip side, the number of workers
without bachelor’s degrees, who are willing to take blue collar and manual
services jobs, is shrinking. This will increase the likelihood of a labor
shortage among blue-collar and manual services occupations for this coming
decade. 12. Automation and productivity may surge. After
a decade of historically-slow labor productivity growth, one must be cautious
about predicting the opposite trend. But the events of 2020 and 2021 may indeed
fuel stronger automation and other cost-savings actions from employers. First,
after massive layoffs during the early months of the pandemic, some have
learned to operate with fewer workers by using more automation and other
process improvements. 2021’s severe labor shortage and accelerating wages may
have incentivized other employers to do the same. Finally, the accelerated
digital transformation of both business and consumer activities makes it easier
to eliminate routine jobs. Wage growth
and inflation. 13. Wage growth is the fastest in 20 years. Much
of the wage acceleration comes from blue collar and manual services
occupations. Between March and July 2021, average hourly earnings increased at
an annual rate of 17 percent in the leisure and hospitality sector and by 14.7
percent in transportation and warehousing. Some service-related companies set
up their own minimum wage at $15 per hour. Wage growth for management and
professional occupations remains below 3 percent. 14.
Rapid new-hire wage growth could compress salaries. When the wage
premium for experience shrinks or even turns negative, more-experienced workers
feel that their pay advantage is no longer significant. Such salary compression
can lead to higher labor turnover as these workers can often find new jobs at higher
wages in a tight labor market. 15. Inflation is making a comeback. After being a
non-issue in wage determination for several decades, strong inflation in 2021,
and perhaps 2022, is likely to push wages higher. In a more extreme, and less
likely, scenario, high inflation and severe labor shortages could lead to a
wage-price spiral, where higher prices and wages feed each other, leading to
faster growth in both. U.S. regional
variation. 16. The coasts are further behind in job
recovery. Pandemic job losses were much bigger in the Northeast and Pacific
regions, where the spread of the virus occurred earlier, and state-mandated
social distancing measures were more restrictive. Job losses were larger in
vacation destinations, where hard-hit industries such as travel, lodging, and
dining comprise a large share of the economy.
17. The donut effect. Because of
the pandemic, fewer people are going into the office and spending money in city
centers, while more people have moved to cheaper housing markets. Within large
U.S. cities , households, businesses and real estate demand have moved from
dense central business districts toward lower density suburban zip codes. Get the best of Forbes to your inbox with the latest insights from
experts across the globe. Gad
Levanon. I work at The Conference
Board, where I oversee the Labor Market Institute and the Help Wanted OnLine©
program. I’m also an adjunct professor in the economics department. …Read More.
I work at The Conference Board, where I oversee the Labor Market
Institute and the Help Wanted OnLine© program. I’m also an adjunct professor in
the economics department at NYU. Before coming to The Conference Board, I
worked at the Israeli Central Bank. I received my PhD in economics from
Princeton University. Managing Supply
In The Face Of Unprecedented Inefficiency.
Now Is The Time To Unleash The Power Of Cities And States To Build Back
Better. Rare Earths From Coal Ash Using
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How Manufacturers Are Managing Demand Spikes. You've reached your limit of free
articles. Subscribe to continue reading.
3. https://toggl.com/blog/career-trends-2021
Written by James Elliott. 2020 was one of the most turbulent years on
record for the job market. Many businesses simply couldn’t survive when the
pandemic hit, with millions of people across the globe finding themselves
looking for a new role. But it didn’t end in 2020, with some interesting career
trends extending into 2021. . But don’t
be fooled, large scale economic events don’t just lead to job losses they also
lead to job changes. As the market moves around them, candidates pivot into new
careers, reskilling themselves in the process.
In this article, we’re going to dive deep into the current career trends
the job market is seeing in 2021. We’ll start by defining exactly what we mean
by career trends, before assessing the shift in role profiles we see from our
very own recruitment software. . Put
simply, a career trend is when the job market sees a change in demand for a
certain set of skills. If we observe a positive trend, this leads to the market
carving out a new and defined career path around those skills. In a negative
trend, we see the number of opportunities to enter a traditional career reduce.
. It’s easy to pick out some recent
examples of this. As technology has
expanded in the past 15 years, the rise in demand for Data Scientists has
exploded as part of a positive trend.
Nowadays, there’s a whole career path set out for those wanting to work
in data science, supported by university degrees tailored to give graduates the
skills they need to enter the market.
Adversely, as the discipline of data science continues to rise, we see
traditional careers in data entry reduce as automated solutions become the
norm. You typically see negative career trends born out of a positive career
trend elsewhere. . It’s always worth
keeping an eye on upcoming career trends to boost your career longevity and
maximize your earning potential. . What
Does the Current Job Market Look Like?
While there are some differences country-to-country, the job market is
starting to look more favourable than in 2020. Many see a stabilizing of jobs
as countries begin to emerge from winter lockdowns and get their COVID
vaccination programs underway. In the
UK, for example, the Office for National Statistics recorded five consecutive
months of job gains going into May 2021. Granted, this is still around 750,000 fewer
people in employment compared to pre-pandemic Britain, but it’s a step in the
right direction. . Around the world,
the US employment rate also rose to 58% in April 2021, up from 54.6% in June
2020, with Australia’s unemployment rate continuing to fall despite ending
their job keeper subsidy program. But
that optimism has to be taken with a pinch of salt. The world’s economy is
still in a precarious position as we carefully move out of the pandemic. A
surge in a particular variant or the potential of a harsh 2021 winter could
spin the market away from its recovery. .
So, how are things looking? In a nutshell, uncertain. Everyone has their
fingers and toes crossed for a continued improvement in job numbers while
staying very aware of the dangers of future pandemic waves. How Has COVID Impacted the Job Market? Even though we all hope COVID isn’t here to
stay long term, it’s fair to say the effects of the pandemic will be felt well
into the future. Here are some of the critical ways the pandemic has changed
the job market forever. . Digital over
everything. If companies hadn’t already embraced digital, you can bet they have
now. Especially in retail and hospitality, the need to develop and engage
customers through digital channels was critical for survival. For the job market, this meant an instant
requirement for skilled digital professionals. Software developers, digital
marketers and IT analysts were massively in demand, especially for those
companies going through rapid change.
What’s in demand? – Jobs in the digital and technological sectors. Gig economy. The tactical use of digital
skills has always played into the hands of contractors and freelancers. With
the pandemic, as the short term demand for those skills rose, so did the
opportunities for talented digital professionals. We don’t expect that to change with the long
term uncertainty in the market either, and as long as there is a strong demand
for temporary roles, skilled talent won’t need to look for permanent
positions. What’s in demand? –
Temporary jobs that allow companies to hire talented professionals while
limiting costs. Flexible working.
Especially for those office-based employees, the pandemic led to an instant
shift from office life to working from home. As the pandemic continued,
employees got comfortable working from home and began reaping the benefits of
more time with their families and a non-existent daily commute. Employees now want to work flexibly by
default by being afforded the choice to decide when they work from home and
when they head to a physical office. The job market has to respond to that,
with employers needing to embrace a way of working that matches a hybrid
lifestyle. . What’s in demand? – Jobs
that give freedom to employees on where and how they work. At Toggl Hire, we have a unique insight into
the job market. Given that our tool is the perfect solution for creating
dynamic and bespoke skills tests for candidates, we’ve gained insight into the
hottest job roles on the market. . Not
only that, we get to see how candidates respond to those roles and what it
means for the latest trends in the job market. Based on our data, here are some
of the most interesting career trends we’ve observed in 2021. . #1. The Most and Least In-Demand Jobs. Let’s
start with a good old fashioned popularity contest. Based on the number of
tests created in the first half of 2021, we see the following roles as the most
popular on the market right now. .
Node.js Backend Developer. This
fits pretty well with our observations of the market in general, with digital
roles heading to the front of the queue. But that digitalization doesn’t happen
on its own. Customers need support through their digital transitions, and
that’s why we also see a lot of demand for Customer Support roles too. On the other side of this, we see a lot of
niche developer skills tests created in small volumes. Whilst we don’t think
this is representative of them being not in demand, it does point to very
specialized roles not being as popular as generic ones. . However, we do see a scarcity of jobs in
other departments. For example, copywriter and SEO roles skills tests are being
created less and less frequently as the year progresses. It’s hard to know
exactly why this is, but it may point to businesses investing in shorter-term
digital marketing strategies, such as ads, to drive immediate sales. What does this mean for career trends? – As
we’ve seen, jobs in the digital and customer service sectors are there to be
had, and if you’re considering a career move, there’s plenty of opportunities
out there. #2. Fastest & Slowest
Growing Jobs. When it comes to career
growth, in line with the market in general, we’ve observed a bit of a mixed
bag. From the skills tests we see created in Toggl Hire, tests in areas such as
development and product management ebb and flow but ultimately sit flat across
the year. . When you look at research
in the market, one of the key areas of growth observed is in e-commerce. Whilst
a lot of external studies focus on the logistical talent required to service
digital consumers, we see significant growth in product, development and
customer service tests being created. .
Interestingly, we see fluctuations for these types of roles, with large
volume increases in January & March this year. We feel this lines up with
our predictions on temporary workers, with organizations bringing in personnel
for short, sharp assignments. . On the
other hand, we’ve seen little growth, and in fact a slight decline, in the
number of tests created for HR & Finance professionals. Whilst it’s not
easy to say exactly why this is, we imagine most organizations have this talent
set in place and don’t need to expand those departments to cope with digital
scaling. . Business Administrators. What does this mean for career trends? –
Whilst jobs in finance and HR will always be required, those markets aren’t as
buoyant as they could be. If you’re looking for an immediate career change,
they might be areas to avoid. #3. Most
Saturated Jobs. Of course, when it
comes to any particular job role, the supply and demand are rarely matched.
Saturated jobs are the ones where hiring managers receive the highest volume of
test applications for an individual role. .
At Toggl Hire, we find the following roles to be the most popular, each
drawing over 1000 test-takers per vacancy.
BI Analyst. Naturally, there’s a
big dependency on how well vacancies are advertised to drive a high volume of
applications. Saying that we see consistent popularity for those roles across a
number of customers. But, why are these
roles so popular? . It’s a good
question with no definitive answer. But we think the generic nature of people,
project, and product-focused roles make candidates believe the tests are easier. Unlike software development tests where very
particular skills are needed, Product Management, People Operations and Account
Management roles lean more heavily on soft skills that more candidates possess. And similarly to our most and least in demand
analysis, where we see the least saturation is in the very niche developer
roles. Roles that command particular language expertise or years of seniority
see fewer candidates taking on a skill test.
Alongside this, we know that there’s a lack of supply in certain
developer roles, leading to a reduced talent pool in general. What does this mean for career trends? –
Technical development roles are not only in demand, but there’s also a lack of
applicants. Even if you don’t meet every requirement for a technical role, it
may be worth applying to get your foot in the door. . #4. Biggest & Smallest Skills Gaps. Lastly, we crunched the numbers from the
first six months of Toggl Hire usage to bring to light where we see skills gaps
across different roles. Skills gaps refer to the pass rate of a particular
test, proving whether the general applicant pool has what it takes to
pass. To get us started, we’ll pull out
a very specific example. Remember that super popular Product Manager role we
covered earlier on? Well, here’s the interesting thing, of all the test takers,
less than 1% reached the 80% pass benchmark to pass the test. . That looks like a huge skills gap to us and
lines up with our thoughts from earlier regarding speculative applications for product-based
roles. Community Managers. Adversely, we’ve seen some roles where
applicants are smashing the tests. To us, this suggests the quality of
applicants, and thus their level of skill is really high. Roles like this with
a smaller skills gap include:.
Marketing Associates. What does
this mean for career trends? – Career paths with skills gaps give applicants
the best chance of success, provided they have the skills required. If you’re
fancying a career change, consider specializing in an area where the
competition is low and the skills gap is wide.
Naturally, as part of the bespoke nature of Toggl Hire , each business
can tailor the difficulty of their skills tests and set their own associated
pass grade. That means even for roles where typically the skills gap is low,
you can create a test that’s specific to your business needs and assess future
hires accordingly. . Our Predictions
for 2022 & Beyond. We think that
the growth in digital roles is here to stay, with the digital experience likely
to remain essential for customers when they return to retail stores and
hospitality venues. Even without COVID, big strides were already being made in
AI, robots, and automation. We’d expect that to continue as well, with
product-based roles continuing to grow to support all that development. . For career trends, that also means much of
the same. Careers in digital and technology continue to be super popular for
school leavers and graduates, with more and more traditional roles (such as
finance) requiring an aptitude for digital fluency. As the world becomes more and more remote,
the use of intuitive, flexible and cost-effective software will continue to
grow, leading to more openings for product and customer experience designers.
Alongside that, businesses have to maintain the people element of their
organizations, so expect an even more significant shift from helpdesk support
to client success for those in customer-facing roles. Summary.
Despite the job market taking a battering from the pandemic, there’s
reason to be optimistic for those looking to start a new career. As the working
world looks forward to 2022, the job market is becoming more and more digital
and demands flexibility in how and where we all work. For us at Toggl, we see this reflected in
our skills testing data. All of the most in-demand jobs sit firmly within the
digital and technology spaces, with the specialist roles struggling due to a
lack of skilled talent. Traditional roles in HR and finance have seen slight
declines this year, but it’s not certain whether that will extend into the
future or it’s just a minor blip. For
those looking for a new career, the best opportunities surely lie within the
digital world, either in working technically to build solutions or supporting
customers in leveraging technology to maximize their success. . 5 Steps to an Effective Remote Employee
Selection Process. With more companies
and employees going remote, there’s a new challenge for modern businesses –
hiring remote workers. Here’s a simple 5-step process to establish a great
employee selection process. Is
Technical Screening the Secret Quality Hiring Weapon? It is not uncommon to find resumes and cover
letters that stretch the truth of one’s capabilities. In a highly competitive
market, it only makes sense that everyone will do whatever it takes to stand
out – even if that means adding in a technical skill you aren’t actually a
master at. For employers, sifting. How
to Hire World-Class Marketers Using Skills-based Testing. Finding a good job is not an easy task.
Finding good employees is even harder. Here’s our process for hiring
world-class marketers, using Toggl Hire skills-based testing.
4. https://www.consumeraffairs.com/job-market-trends
Finance News. The job market has shown its topsy-turvy
side again. A new report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics published on
Tuesday shows that while the total number of job openings actually declined in
August, a record 4.3 million workers actually quit their jobs. Following a high in July, the number of job
openings declined to 10.4 million on the last business day of August. Hires
decreased to 6.3 million and separations held steady at around 6 million. . Bitcoin ETFs to become publicly available
next week at New York Stock Exchange.
CFPB reminds consumers about mortgage forbearance options as pandemic
rages on. Email. By entering your email, you agree to sign up
for consumer news, tips and giveaways from ConsumerAffairs. Unsubscribe at any
time. The Labor Department said Monday
that the number of job openings in the U.S. exceeded 10 million in June. The
figure topped economists’ expectations of 9.1... Businesses continued a rapid pace of rehiring
in July. The Labor Department reports that the economy added 943,000 jobs last
month, better than most econom... In a
report released Thursday, the Department of Labor said that new applications
for unemployment benefits fell to a new pandemic low last week. “In t...
Jobs increased by 850,000 in June.
It was a little easier to find a job last month. The U.S. economy added
850,000 jobs in June, showing that Americans who have been looking for jobs are
fin... The number of posted job
listings hit a record high of 9.3 million in April, according to the Labor
Department’s Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JO... More Americans returned to work last month,
but not as many as economists expected. The Labor Department reports employers
filled 559,000 jobs last month....
Continue reading. Unemployment
continues to decline, but some employers are having trouble finding
workers. In what could be another sign
of life getting back to normal, first-time claims for unemployment benefits
dipped below 500,000 for the first time since the... If you’ve been looking for a job, your
chances of finding one last month were the best since the coronavirus
(COVID-19) shut down the economy 12 months ago... Continue reading. Surging COVID-19 cases are taking a toll on
the job market. The nation’s economy
lost jobs last month for the first time since April, when the coronavirus
(COVID-19) pandemic threw the economy into lockdown. The Labor Department reports that nonfarm
payrolls shrank by 140,000 in December. To find the main source of the damage,
one needs to look no farther than the hospitality industry. These
COVID-19-sensitive businesses -- particularly restaurants -- lost nearly a
half-million jobs. December marked the
end to what had appeared to be a recovering job market. The economy began
adding jobs in May and had restored more than 12 million jobs until last
month. Despite the setback, two numbers
remained unchanged last month. The number of people who were out of work
remained at 10.7 million, and the unemployment rate was unchanged at 6.7
percent. In addition to the huge loss
of jobs in the hospitality industry, private education shed 63,000 jobs and
45,000 government jobs disappeared.
Some industries added jobs. On
the plus side, retailers added 121,000 jobs in December, even as more holiday
sales moved to online channels. More than half the gain came at general
merchandise stores and warehouses.
Employment in business and professional services grew by 161,000 last
month, but a large number of those jobs were temporary in nature. Construction
added 51,000 jobs in December, but employment in the industry is 226,000 below
its February 2020 level, just before the pandemic. Economists say the employment report shows
there was a need for the coronavirus stimulus/aid bill Congress passed last
month. It includes an extra $300 a week in unemployment benefits and a one-time
$600 direct payment to every American.
President-elect Biden has served notice that more aid/stimulus will be
coming in the weeks ahead now that Democrats control the White House and both
chambers of Congress. The nation’s
economy lost jobs last month for the first time since April, when the
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic threw the economy into lockdown.The... The economy continued to add jobs in July,
but it was at a much slower rate than in May and June. The Labor Department
reports that there were 1.8 million...
The economy added 4.8 million jobs in June. On the heels of a shocking increase in jobs
in May, the Labor Department reports that the U.S. economy added 4.8 million
jobs in June as businesses began t...
Continue reading. In a report
that turned conventional wisdom on its ear, the Labor Department says the
economy actually added jobs in May after millions of people were laid... As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to hold
the economy hostage, the number of first-time unemployment insurance filers in
the U.S. rose another 3.84 million in the last week, moving the total number of
claims across the 30 million mark. .
However, there’s a small silver lining in that report -- the latest
total is a decrease of 603,000 from the previous week's revised level . . There’s another sliver of good in the
state-by-state unemployment filings, too. For the week ending April 25, only
seven U.S. states showed increases in the number of filings. . This is a welcome relief for the states.
When the pandemic hit, unemployment insurance funding and staffing at the state
level was at an all-time low, forcing the states to play catch-up. A new study
from the Economic Policy Institute suggests that for every 10 people who were
able to file an unemployment claim, there were another three or four who
weren’t successful, as well as two more who didn’t apply because they thought
it was too difficult. For those who
were able to get through the filing process, U.S. Secretary of Labor Eugene
Scalia says they are now getting what they were promised. . “All 50 states are now delivering the $600
additional weekly unemployment benefit provided by the CARES Act,” Scalia in a
statement regarding Unemployment Insurance claims. “The Department has
disbursed more than three-quarters of a billion dollars to States to help them
deliver this relief as quickly as possible as Americans follow the guidance of
public health officials to ‘slow the spread.’”. Gallup went a little further down the rabbit
hole to try and find just how close to home pandemic-related unemployment has
hit. In a recent study , its researchers found that:. Nearly one in every three Americans have
experienced either a temporary layoff, permanent job loss, reduction in hours,
or reduction in pay as an extent of the coronavirus situation; . Eighteen percent have experienced more than
one of these disruptions; and. The
hardest-hit population sector are those in the lower income brackets. Among
pre-epidemic annual household incomes of less than $36,000 annually, 14 percent
report being temporarily laid off, 4 percent have been permanently let go, and
32 percent have seen a loss of income.
The long look ahead. Projections
for when America will be back at full speed with workers at desks, travelers on
planes, and people hugging and high-five’ing again is anyone’s guess. . However, as to the workers-at-desks question,
the prospect doesn’t bode well. In a separate survey, Gallup found that a
record-high 25 percent of employed U.S. adults think it’s possible that they’ll
be laid off in the next year -- just a year after a 45-year low of 8 percent
was registered for the same question. .
Scalia’s viewpoint isn’t quite as blunt, but he says there’s one key
element that is likely to make a significant impact. “Looking ahead, as workplaces reopen, we
must ensure that individuals transition from unemployment back into the workforce,”
Scalia said. “Key to this process will be workplace safety. The Occupational
Safety and Health Administration has been at the forefront of workplace safety
since January, delivering important resources and guidance to businesses to
help them keep workers safe, and investigating and responding to worker
complaints.”. As the COVID-19 pandemic
continues to hold the economy hostage, the number of first-time unemployment
insurance filers in the U.S. rose another 3.84 millio... By Gary Guthrie. The Labor Department reports that there were
4.4 million initial claims for unemployment benefits in the last week, meaning
more than 26 million people hav...
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5. https://www.naceweb.org/job-market/trends-and-predictions/
An update on our commitment to
the Black Community and anti-racism >>.
Key Takeaways From NACE21. Over
the course of the week-long NACE21 conference, it became clear that several
topics—such as the new normal, professionalism, and career readiness—weighed
most heavily on attendees. Internship
Experience the Top Differentiator When Choosing Between Otherwise Equal Job
Candidates. Employers report that
internship experience is the most influential factor they consider when
deciding between two otherwise equally qualified job candidates. The Attributes Employers Seek on Students’
Resumes. With fewer employers screening
job candidates by GPA, it is increasingly important that college graduates
demonstrate certain key attributes on their resumes. Percentage of Employers Screening College
Graduates by GPA Drops Sharply. College
Hiring Rebounds to Increase 7.2%.
College hiring appears to have rebounded from the fall as employers now
expect to hire 7.2% more new graduates from the Class of 2021 than they did
from the Class of 2020. Class of 2019
Outcomes: Salary Differentials Between Degree Levels Erode. There is a trend toward an erosion in salary
differentials among the degree levels, according to results of NACE’s Class of
2019 First-Destination Survey. Amid
Accelerated Shifts in the Job Search, Much Remains the Same. Even though the job search environment has
undergone substantial shifts over the last five years—accelerated more recently
by the COVID-19 pandemic—core aspects are intact. Paid Internships More Likely for Those Who
Visit the Career Center. Pandemic
Prompted Significant Changes to Recruiting Methods, Not Schedules. Employers were more likely to make changes
to their recruiting methods than they were to their recruiting schedule for the
2020-21 academic year. The Use of and
Attendance in Virtual Career Fairs Climbs Sharply. The percentages of career centers offering
virtual career fairs and employers taking part in them has climbed steeply this
fall. College Graduate Hiring Plans
Flatten Out for Class of 2021. Although
college hiring has indeed been hard hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, steps
employers have taken have allowed them, at least to this point, to blunt its
potential full impact. Percentage of
Recruiting Planned for Spring Up 3 Percent.
Employers reported conducting 68 percent of their recruiting in the fall
this year, with the remaining 32 percent planned for the spring. Job Market Ratings Point to Stable
Economy. Respondents to the Job Outlook
2020 and the Job Outlook 2019 surveys had a somewhat similar view of the
overall college job market, with both rating it as “very good.”. Employer Geography, Campus Recruiting, and
Post-Graduation Outcomes. Why do
post-graduation employment outcomes differ across universities, even among
those of similar selectivity? Russell Weinstein, University of Illinois,
explored this and related questions in forthcoming research focused on campus
to company proximity. Here, he shares highlights from that research. Bachelor’s Grads Expected to Account for 83
Percent of Hires. It’s no surprise that
bachelor’s degree graduates are expected to account for slightly more than 83
percent of Class of 2020 hires.
Employers Plan to Increase College Hiring by 5.8 Percent. Employers plan to hire 5.8 percent more new
college graduates from the Class of 2020 than they did from the Class of 2019
for positions in the United States.
Intern Status: Job-Search Timing, Pay Expectations Differ. There are differences by internship status
in the ways that students approach the job search and their expectations for
their starting salaries. Job Offers for
Class of 2019 Grads Impacted by Internship Experience. The job offer rate for the Class of 2019 was
strongly tied to internship experience and the pay status of those
internships. Offer Rate Points to Best
Job Market Since 2007. Industry Hiring
Plans Further Proof of Strong Market.
Converting Interns, Co-ops Into Full-Time Hires on the Rise. Employers Bumping Up Fall Recruiting for the
Class of 2020. Employers are preparing
for a robust recruiting season this fall, which is in line with results of
recent research that highlight the growing focus on fall recruiting. Updated Projections Show College Hiring Up
10.7 Percent. Employers amended their
fall 2018 hiring projections and now to increase hiring of new college
graduates by nearly 11 percent, according to NACE’s Job Outlook 2019 Spring
Update. Internship, Co-op Hiring
Projections Show Gains. This year’s
hiring outlook for interns and co-ops is expected to continue the trend of
positive movement seen over the past three years. International Student Hiring Climbs. More than 28 percent of employers plan to
hire Class of 2019 international students, representing a nearly 5 percent gain
from last year. The Industries Most
Interested in Top Majors. Engineering
Majors Once Again Among Those Most in Demand.
This year, engineering majors have returned to the list of those most in
demand at the bachelor’s degree level.
The Link Between Job Market Rating, Reassessing Needs. Employer Ratings Indicate Strength of Job
Market. U.S. College Hiring to Increase
by Almost 17 Percent. Employers plan to
hire 16.6 percent more new graduates from the Class of 2019 than they did from
the Class of 2018 for positions in the United States. Young Professionals Increasingly Value
Work-Life Balance. As a rising number
of professionals are prioritizing a healthier work-life balance, savvy
organizations are valuing employee performance and happiness more than when and
where work is done. Data Reveal
Differences in Benefit Importance by Class.
Employers Expect to Be Active, Hiring in Fall 2018. Employers report that they will be active on
campus this fall hiring college students for internships and co-ops, and new
graduates from the Class of 2019 for full-time positions. Demand Greatest for Bachelor’s Grads,
Business Majors. The composition of
Class of 2018 hires by degree includes more than 80 percent of these new
college hires having a bachelor’s degree.
Recruiting Stable for Master’s-Level Jobs. Business schools are seeing a stable
recruiting market for M.B.A. and specialized master’s programs compared with
the same time period last fall. College
Hiring Projection Dips 1.3 Percent.
Employers plan to hire 1.3 percent fewer graduates from the Class of
2018 for U.S. positions than they did from the Class of 2017. Hiring Projections for Internships, Co-ops
Up Slightly. Hiring of International
Students Continues Decline. Continuing
a slide that has occurred in recent years, the percentage of employers that
will hire international students has hit a new low. Management Consulting Top-Paying Industry
for Class of 2018. Business Majors
Dominate List of Top Majors in Demand.
Eight of the 10 top majors in demand by employers at the bachelor’s
degree level fall in the business category, continuing a shift away from
high-tech majors. Employers See Job
Market Shifting From Good to Very Good.
Job Outlook 2018: College Hiring to Increase by 4 Percent. Employers plan to hire 4 percent more new
graduates for their U.S. operations from the Class of 2018 than they did from
the Class of 2017. Students’ Post-Grad
Plans Show Confidence in Job Market.
The post-graduation plans from the Class of 2017 resemble those for the
pre-recession Class of 2007 more closely than any other class in 10 years. AI and Automation: Our Changing World of
Work. We are in an era of artificial
intelligence. What impact will technology have on jobs? What must industry and
academia do to change the world of work?
Job Outlook: Fall Recruiting for the Class Of 2018. Employer hiring plans for fall recruiting
for the Class of 2018 look very promising, according to NACE’s Job Outlook 2017
Spring Update. Job Outlook: The Degrees
and Majors Most in Demand. Nearly all
respondents to NACE’s Job Outlook 2017 Spring Update plan to hire
bachelor’s-degree graduates, and more than half expect to hire master’s
grads. Job Outlook: Employers Maintain
Fall Hiring Projections. The latest
hiring outlook for the Class of 2017 shows that employers are holding steady
with the original hiring projections they provided last fall. Employer Demand for Graduates by Degree
Level. Demand for graduates at all
degree levels has remained remarkably consistent from last year, according to
results of NACE’s Job Outlook 2017 survey.
Expanding the Academic Record: Revolutionizing Credentials. Aligning Higher Education Credentials. The centrality of higher education
credentials in job attainment is at the forefront of the national higher
education policy discussion. Job
Outlook: Hiring for U.S. Jobs Expected to Be Flat. Hiring for U.S. openings for Class of 2017
graduates is expected to be relatively flat as employers plan to hire 5.8
percent more new graduates this year.
Employers Rate Job Market for Class of 2017 as “Good”. Even though the hiring projection for new
college graduates appears flat, most employers view the job market for college
graduates in a positive light. Are More
Computer Science Grads Becoming Entrepreneurs?
The percentage of computer science grads employed in a traditional
setting dropped even though their median salary climbed. Where did these grads
go? Report: On-Campus Recruiting, Job
Postings for M.B.A. Students. A slight
majority of schools reported an increase in on-campus recruiting activity for
full-time positions compared with the same time period last spring, according
to recent research by the M.B.A. Career Services & Employer Alliance. Employers Had Most Interest in Hiring
Engineering, Business Majors in Spring.
Employers responding to NACE’s Job Outlook 2016 Spring Update survey
expressed the most interest in hiring engineering, business, computer science,
and accounting majors. Hiring Up for
Class of 2016 Graduates, but Projections Trimmed From Last Fall. Employers expect to hire 5.2 percent more
new graduates from the Class of 2016 than they hired from the Class of 2015,
according to NACE’s Job Outlook 2016 Spring Update report. These current hiring
projections are down from the 11 percent increase employers originally reported
through the Job Outlook 2016 survey last fall.
Dispelling the Myths Surrounding a Liberal Arts Education. Recent research by Richard
Detweiler—president of the Great Lakes Colleges Association and founder of the
Global Liberal Arts Alliance—makes a direct link between the undergraduate
liberal arts experience and success in career and life. Employers Project Brisk On-Campus Recruiting
Activity This Spring. Indications from
employers responding to NACE’s Job Outlook 2016 survey combined with recent job
market data point to expectations of brisk recruiting activity on college
campuses this spring. International
Student Hiring to Level Off. The
percentage of respondents with plans to hire international students has leveled
off somewhat this year, according to NACE’s Job Outlook 2016 survey report.
Less than one-third of respondents report plans to hire these particular
graduates, down slightly from 34.2 percent in 2015 and 33.8 percent in
2014. OP-ED: College and the Job
Market: Is the Love Affair Over? The
notion that a college education pays off in the form of much higher wages has
also been the justification for having individuals and their families pay more
of the costs over time. Yet new graduates in recent years have struggled to get
their careers and their adult lives going, no doubt in part due to the
lingering effects of a weak job market since the Great Recession. Benchmarking Four-Year Degree Completions
Between the Pre- and Post-Recession Periods.
Factors Associated With Job-Search Success. How does major, gender, and internship
experience affect college students’ job-search success? NACE takes a closer
look at data from its 2014 Student Survey for more in-depth information to help
answer that question. Post-Recession
Employment for Young College Graduates: An Analysis. Are today’s college graduates finding
employment in jobs appropriate to their educational level or are they
increasingly underemployed? This article takes a look at the data to analyze
the current level of college graduate “underemployment” and to compare the
current situation to previous periods to determine if there is a clear trend
developing. Post-Recession Employment
for Young College Graduates: A Literature Review. The idea prevails that there is a high
unemployment and underemployment for new college graduates. But a closer
analysis of the available literature tells a different story. The Changing Landscape of Graduate Business
Education: New Opportunities for Recent Graduates. The recent growth in the number and variety
of specialized master’s programs in business schools may be the answer to
providing students with opportunities in many competitive industries after
graduation. The tool gives students an edge in their career search. Job and Employer Preferences of Advanced
Degree Students. NACE Careers. NACE believes in a world that is inclusive
in approach and where equal opportunities and equitable outcomes exist for all.
Read NACE’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement at
www.naceweb.org/dei-statement .
6. https://www.luc.edu/quinlan/about/newsandevents/archive/shifts-in-marketplace-amid-pandemic.shtml
Seven job market and human
resources trends during COVID-19.
Executive Lecturer Dennis Nirtaut (pictured) and his fellow human
resources professors share their insights on market shifts and what students
should consider during this time. Among
its many impacts, the COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the job market
and the human resource issues that are top-of-mind for businesses. The timing
could not be worse for the Class of 2020 as many new graduates are looking for
jobs or experiencing delayed or rescinded job offers. . Below, Quinlan human resources professors
Dow Scott, Arup Varma, Dennis Nirtaut, and Peter Norlander share their insights
on the current state of the job market, and touch on issues including
compensation, education, and unemployment stigma. 1. Job markets may shift indefinitely. “There are a lot of uncertainties as we deal
with the pandemic, but what we do know is that things will not be the same
again,” says Professor Arup Varma. He is currently studying the COVID-19
pandemic’s effects on the market. “The
job market is going to shrink. Bars, hotels, restaurants, air travel, cruises,
they’re gone for now. People are going to be scared to be in confined spaces,
with lots of people around. For
students, this is a very difficult time. Internships will largely vanish for
the foreseeable future. A lot of regular jobs will not survive, and people will
have to be self-driven.”. Contract work
may also become less desirable, says Executive Lecturer Dennis Nirtaut.
“Contract workers have found themselves out of work with no safety net, and now
they know they don't like this type of employment,” he says. “However, as the
economy comes back, employers may attempt to hire more contract workers because
of the uncertainty of the future. It'll be interesting to see what happens.”. Fortunately, the pandemic will strengthen
some sectors. “Technology will play much bigger role than it did in the past,”
says Varma. “AI and robotics may emerge in larger roles in restaurants,
classrooms, and other settings. So, people with training in AI or robotics will
have a much bigger market.”.
Additionally, Nirtaut believes that remote work may become more
normalized because of the pandemic. “Remote work has been growing for a long
time, and suddenly everybody's been cast into working remotely,” he says.
“People may want to do this all the time, and jobs will need to shift to meet
this desire.”. 2. Unemployment rates
will rise. Quinlan professors
anticipate further increases in the unemployment rate as long as the recession
caused by COVID-19 continues. . “If
companies have open positions, those positions will likely stay open to save
money. Depending on how long the situation lasts, many companies will
eventually have to lay people off and reduce workforce,” says Professor Dow
Scott. Nirtaut adds that “an unemployment rate of 8-15% for the remainder of
the year likely. In 2021, we can start to go back to where we were before
assuming we can beat this virus.”. 3.
Job seekers are at a disadvantage. For
graduating students, their job search may be especially stressful. “I'm
expecting that some employers will cancel or defer job offers,” says Nirtaut.
“And for graduating students who don't have an offer in hand, the job market
won't be very good in the short term.”.
Perhaps most concerning for Assistant Professor Peter Norlander are the
unemployment stigmas for those attempting to re-enter the market. “People who
are unemployed or have gaps in their resumes are penalized by hiring managers.
These job seekers are seen not just as incompetent but also as insincere,
unlikable people.”. Norlander advises
to trying fill any gaps caused by unemployment by attending continuing
education classes, volunteering with nonprofits, or taking on an activity that
can go on their resume. “Job seekers can demonstrate that they’ve continued to
gain knowledge, learn, and grow during this time.”. 4. Professionals should retrain to be
essential. Even in the crisis,
opportunities will emerge. “We have to retrain to be essential,” says Varma.
“Even in human resources, people will increasingly shift to essential fields
like healthcare. All career advisors should be asking students to think about
where the job market is going and earn the relevant skills to be hired.”. Graduate school may be a natural next step
for young professionals and more experienced professionals who want to advance.
“People may attend graduate school to help them stand out more in the market,”
says Nirtaut. “We might see an uptick in graduate students that matches the
2008 recession when people went to back to school.”. 5. Compensation in taking various
forms. Scott, who is studying
compensation during the pandemic, is finding that companies are providing
benefits and rewards for employees in many different ways. “Generally, businesses are trying to both
stay in business and fulfill a social responsibility to support their employees
during this crisis,” he says. “They want to be able to jump back into business
quickly once the virus has run its course.”.
Some businesses are encouraging employees to use their paid sick leave
to ensure continued income or laying off employees but maintaining their
healthcare. “There are real extremes with this,” says Scott. 6. Equitable compensation is gaining
attention. According to Norlander, this
pandemic is an opportunity to shine a light on how the U.S. does not adequately
support domestic labor, the caring professions, or stay-at-home parents. Before the pandemic, much of this work was
done by women and people of color without compensation or with low
compensation. Now that everyone is being encouraged to stay home, people are
seeing which professions are really the backbones of society – starting with
essential workers, healthcare workers, teachers, and childcare workers. “We don't have systems and compensation that
we need for true equity, but now people are more aware of the need,” says
Norlander. 7. Remote work is changing
the workplace. A remote workforce is
changing human resources and how employees interact with each other. “Staff management has changed, and human
resources can help with this,” says Varma. “Staff members need more than the
presence of a manager to encourage productivity now. Both managers and staff
also have to be very intentional about building relationships and seeking out
mentors –it’s harder when we’re not in the office.”. Business Career Services.
7. https://www.feedough.com/employment-trends-2019/
by Shubhangi Srinivasan. As an employer, you expect more from your
team to stay on top of the game. Your employees also expect more from your
organization. To stay on top of the competition in today’s market, it is
important that you find and retain the right talent in your organization. Effectively doing so, though, remains a
challenge. New emerging employment trends, as well as trends that been
identified over the past few years can help you embrace new ways of thinking
about your workforce and evaluate your hiring process. Staying up to date with
employment trends allows you do that in an effective manner. We’ve made your job easier and compiled
employment trends that have impacted businesses and will continue to do so this
year:. According to a survey on global
trends conducted by LinkedIn, 92% of the surveyed HR professionals and hiring
managers are now focused on soft skills because they are considered more
important than hard skills . 80% said that soft skills are important to help
the business grow, and 89% said that the lack of soft skills was a let-down in
the bad hires. According to World
Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2018 , while soft skills such as
empathy, emotional intelligence, creativity, communication skills etc cannot be
compared to a degree, “they enable people to leverage their uniquely human
capabilities. The only downside to this
is that soft skills cannot be gauged by a resume or an interview. 68% of the
surveyed said that they would assess soft skills through social cues picked up
during an interview. The increasing use of AI can also help assess soft skills
in candidates in the near future. Work
Flexibility. Not too long ago, being
able to work from home was rare and was considered a perk. But times are changing,
and work flexibility is becoming a norm. According to the survey conducted by
LinkedIn, compared to only 25% of employees in 2013, 31% of the employees
preferred flexible work arrangements in 2017.
Technology is partly responsible for this shift in work flexibility.
Emails, conference calls, instant messaging etc. have enabled employees to stay
in touch with their co-workers, should a work-related emergency needed
attending to. Since 2016, there has been an increase by 78% of job posts that
also provide work flexibility.
Employees also need a better balance between work and personal life, and
work flexibility allows them to do so. Flexibility has also allowed
organizations to save costs on locations. For instance, Dell has saved an
average of $12 million per year with its flexible work programme. The #MeToo movement might have begun in
2017, but the discussions have continued and will continue well into 2019. As
an employer, you are morally and legally obligated to protect your staff from
all kinds of bullying and workplace harassment. As an employee, it is your duty
to help foster and maintain a safe and supportive corporate culture. To do so,
sexual harassment policies and training need to be up-to-date. According to the LinkedIn report, 71% of
professionals globally agree that harassment prevention is a very important trend
for the present and future of hiring and HR. Overcoming harassment and creating
a supportive work culture calls for a combination of policies and action.
Improved diversity and inclusion at all levels of your organization can go a
long way in creating a safe environment where employees feel safe asking for
help. Diversity in Hiring. Diversity in hiring has always been a trend,
and it’s not new by any means. In fact, 78% of businesses already believe in
having a diverse workforce, and this trend in employment is not going to slow
down anytime soon. One takeaway from
Amazon’s high-profile error in an effort to hire a diverse workforce is that
there is no simple fix for improving diversity. In 2018, Amazon built an AI
hiring tool, which backfired when it started discriminating against women. When
an attempt was made to fix it to identify top talent, the AI became more biased
than any reasonable person, making it useless.
Diversity in the workplace is an asset for both businesses and their
employees. In an era of globalization that 2019 is shaping to be, diversity is
more than just gender, race or ethnicity. It’s also about educational
backgrounds, religious and political beliefs, sexual orientations, cultures and
even disabilities. According to a recent
survey by Harvey Nash , organizations need to improve gender diversity by 60%,
ethnicity and culture inclusivity by 41% and LGBTQIA+ representation by 14%.
All-Round inclusivity at your workplace is shown to result in better
productivity and can help you achieve higher profits. Bias in the workforce can lead to several
controversies. In a standard interview, unconscious bias may seep in by giving
away information like gender, age, race or even alma mater. To avoid this, the
first wave of the interview can be done without these pieces of information, by
purely sticking to the abilities and achievements of candidates. This allows a diverse workforce that can be
built on merit. Pre-hire tests, anonymously written aptitude tests, interviews
over phone calls or via chatbots can help to eliminate any kind of bias,
conscious or unconscious, allowing you to hire blindly. Implementing AIs in the Recruitment
Process. 2 out of 3 candidates are
comfortable interacting with artificial intelligence apps to answer initial
questions in the application and interview process. With AIs becoming more and more popular in
the recruitment process , it is important now more than ever, to tailor your
application to the position and company that you wish to apply for. Tools such
as keyword scanners mean that having a well-tailored CV can be the only
difference between having your application being passed on to the next stage or
discarded. A recruitment chatbot or
conversational agent is an AI that is designed to mimic conversations during a
recruitment process. It works the same way that AI assistants like Alexa, Siri
or Google Assistant would work, by understanding natural language and choosing
how to respond. According to a survey
by Allegis , 58% of candidates are comfortable interacting with an AI for
initial questioning during the application process, and 66% of candidates are
comfortable interacting with AI for interviewing and scheduling. Analytics has the power to transform the HR
function, from recruitment and workforce planning to performance management and
employee engagement. In 2019, predictive analytics are being increasingly used
by organizations to refocus their workforce planning lens from a qualitative
one to a quantitative one, which enables them to understand how much every
employee is worth to the organization.
Predictive analytics allow the employer to view the employees as a
valuable asset to the organization. It also lets you understand which employee
or department has been underperforming and which areas can be improved for the
company’s growth by providing training or moving employees to different
departments to increase productivity.
According to Deloitte’s Human Capital Trends Report 2018 , although 85%
of the surveyed acknowledged the importance of predictive analytics, only 42%
indicated that their organizations were ready to implement analytics at work.
Collecting performance data and matching it against assessment creates a
feedback loop that allows you to refresh your employees’ profile
continuously. Following multiple data
breaches at restaurants, stores, and streaming services and just about every
other industry in the year 2018, data privacy has been a major issue. While
some states in the US have already issued stricter data privacy regulations
than the federal government has, attempts are being made to secure data in all
industries. Even big names like
Facebook came under fire for their issues regarding data privacy . This shows
that despite all the advancements that technology has made in the past, our
data is still at risk. The new technology suggests that flux and complexity
that big organizations are experiencing will continue well into 2019, despite
attempts at securing data. PayScale
asked 93,000 people how well they thought they were getting paid, relative to
the overall job market. Two-thirds of the surveyed were wrong with their
assessment and most of them believed that they were being underpaid. This
problem arises because employees often don’t know how much their co-workers are
getting paid, and this can cause trust issues within the workplace. According to LinkedIn , pay transparency has
increased by 136% since 2014 . The objective of pay transparency is to ensure
that every employee is being paid fairly for the work they put in. Pay
transparency ensures that companies tackle inequalities such as gender pay
gaps. It also helps in building trust in the workplace and underpinning efforts
of a diverse and inclusive workforce. Unemployment
rates have been steadily falling since 2010 and at the end of 2018, the
unemployment rate was below 4%. This means that there are now more job openings
than unemployed people. But while this may be good news for job seekers, it’s
not so great for recruiters because this has made the process of recruitment
harder. According to a survey by
Criteria , hiring demands show no signs of slowing down in 2019. In fact,
hiring volume has already increased by 2.3% from 2018 to 2019. Companies are offering to train and recruit
in non-traditional ways, and with flexibility becoming an important factor, job
seekers now have more options and higher chances of landing a job than
ever. As of July 2018, wages were
officially at their peak and showed no signs of slowing down in the
ever-inflating economy. Despite the falling rate in unemployment, wages had
been stagnant for a long time. But according to the Bureau of Labour Statistics
, the current wage growth is the fastest it has been in 9 years and shows no
signs of slowing down in 2019 if recruiters want to attract the best candidates
for the job. Job seekers in 2019 look
for more than just a job; they look for benefits, pay, flexibility and
development opportunities. According to data from Glassdoor , the pay is the
motivator for 67% of the candidates. More organizations are joining the wage
growth trend in employment in order to attract and retain better talent in
their workforce. Training will be a
critical focal point in 2019. In fact, according to MRI Network Performance
Management Study , when designing successful and meaningful training programs,
it is important to have the ability to attract and retain top talent, you must
keep in mind the talent that you have worked within the past. Most candidates who are trained are natural
learners with a passion for continuous self-development, and they make for
happier and engaged employees. To support and nurture this nature in employees,
they should be provided with the right workplace culture and environment.
Without that, top talents will seek it elsewhere. Appealing to Job Seekers. Not only is the job market extremely
competitive for job seekers, but it is also competitive for organizations and
recruiters alike. Companies will have to do more to make their job offers
attractive to their employees. In 2019, organizations will focus on trying to
make that happen by emphasizing on the company’s workplace culture. As much as an interview is about finding a
candidate who will be the right fit for your company, it is also about finding
the right company whose workplace culture , wages and opportunity appeal to the
job seekers. Employees no longer work just for the money; they want to thrive
and be happy at their workplace. Flexibility, holidays and bonuses are a great
way to make the job more appealing.
According to LinkedIn , job seekers research the reputation of an
organization before they can apply for a job with them. Employer branding is
one of the most important factors in play here. In a world of rapid change, it is important
to embrace transformation and keep an open mind regarding the latest trends of
today. In 2019, employers are expected to gain new approaches to work and
improved workplace cultures that will lead to better levels of innovation and
productivity among employees. Enabling
people to work in a collaborative and supportive environment where they can
solve problems together and come up with creative and effective solutions to
their lines of business is the key to retaining top talent in the workforce. For a long time, closing the skills gap was
a constant worry on every hiring manager’s mind. The gap between the skills
that job seekers have and the ones that the recruiters need has only been
widened by the increasingly competitive landscape of hiring. To tackle this, companies
are considering recruiting ‘alternative’ candidates for positions in 2019. An alternative candidate is someone who is
not the perfect candidate envisioned by the recruiters, but also someone who is
willing to, and can be trained to learn the necessary skills on the job. As
more people apply for jobs that are somewhat out of their field, hiring
alternative candidates is bound to become a more popular trend in the
future. Bottom-Line? 2019 has so far, and will continue to bring
about a lot of changes in employment trends for both companies and candidates.
The way we look for jobs means that companies will have to adapt to changing
technologies and cultures, as well as match the expectations of a whole new
generation of job seekers. That being said, employment trends are ever-changing
and it is not possible to implement every single trend in the way your
organization functions. But if you recognize the areas that need to be improved
and focus on that, it will be easier to keep up with changing trends in
employment. Go On, Tell Us What You
Think! Did we miss something? Come on! Tell us what you think about our
article on employment trends in the comments section. Shubhangi Srinivasan. A literature enthusiast, an avid reader, a
blogger and an experienced social media marketer. She loves to travel whenever
she can and has an eye for all things aesthetic. February 10, 2021 at 12:53 pm. Great blog indeed!! One thing is sure –
technology will shape most of next year’s recruiting trends, just like it did
this year. In an ever-evolving and tech-driven world, recruiters will
inevitably rely on virtual support.
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8. https://www.roberthalf.com/research-and-insights/career-development/job-market
Skip to main content. This website uses cookies to improve user
experience. By clicking any link on this page, you are giving your consent for
us to use cookies. Read more . The job
market is more complex than ever because of new technologies, globalization, an
emerging generation of workers and many other factors. These powerful forces
can affect your career goals — and your ability to reach them. So it's
important to understand the latest job market trends. Robert Half can help you
stay up to date on these trends, spot job opportunities and dodge obstacles in
your professional path. Job
Market. By Robert Half on October 24,
2021 at 4:00pm. Job Market. Searching for entry-level jobs? Here are 15
positions you might consider by specialization, along with a link to their
projected starting salaries. By Robert
Half on October 12, 2021 at 4:45pm. Job
Market. Looking for a job? Read about
our award-winning job search app and how it can help you in your hunt for an
opportunity that’s right for you. By
Robert Half on October 11, 2021 at 4:00pm.
Job Market. The U.S. added
194,000 jobs, and the unemployment rate dropped to 4.8%. Read more about the
September 2021 jobs report. By Robert
Half on October 8, 2021 at 8:00am. Job
Market. Discover a list of job search
sites that can be your first step to finding your next great role, including an
introduction to Robert Half’s website.
By Robert Half on October 7, 2021 at 4:30pm. Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Chile China
France Germany Hong Kong Japan Luxembourg Netherlands New Zealand Singapore
Switzerland UAE United Kingdom.
9. https://insight.kellogg.northwestern.edu/article/labor-market-pandemic-trends/amp
Benjamin Friedrich.
Despite hopes for a strong economic recovery in 2021, the U.S. labor
market is still clawing back its pandemic job losses. to your inbox. We’ll send you one email a week with content
you actually want to read, curated by the Insight team. Sign up here. With COVID case numbers rocketing back up,
it may be awhile before the U.S. labor market picture comes clearly into view,
says Benjamin Friedrich , an assistant professor of strategy at the Kellogg
School who researches labor and personnel economics. But while the short-term economic picture is
highly uncertain, and dependent on the pandemic’s trajectory, it is clear that
several long-term changes to the labor market are already in motion. “Instead of asking when the job market will
fully recover,” he says, “we need to think about how the pandemic triggered or
accelerated trends in the labor market.”.
Workplace Flexibility Is Here to Stay.
Without a doubt, the pandemic’s greatest impact on employment has been
the rapid and widespread adoption of remote work. In Friedrich’s view, workers
gaining more flexibility in how, where, and when they work is a shift that’s
here to stay. Prior to COVID, few
companies were experimenting with workplace flexibility . One of the main
reasons was that firms struggled to calculate what it would cost them, in terms
of communication and efficiency, to have employees working across locations.
While some companies had success with dispersed international teams, Friedrich
says that overall, most lacked data on how to make it work. “I don’t think this kind of persistent
change would have happened without the pandemic,” he says. “Beforehand, there
was little need, and it seemed like a costly thing to do. This was the
disruption needed to spur experimentation and investment in home offices, as
well as widespread adoption of technological improvements in communication and
virtual teamwork.”. The open question
for companies now is how much flexibility to retain as workers return to the
office. “Companies will have to better
describe what type of work and what kind of flexibility model is most valuable
and least costly to production,” he says. “We are already seeing dispersion in
companies’ willingness to offer remote and hybrid work, which will be an
important job characteristic in attracting and retaining talent.”. At the same time, hybrid work could raise
new challenges for companies’ DEI efforts. If, for example, women are more
likely to work from home, the situation gets complicated should remote work
hurt their chances of career advancement.
At least now companies will have better data to start to tackle some of
these challenges. Speaking of data. The last year has accelerated the role that
data analytics plays in how companies make decisions regarding their
workforces—from talent acquisition and training to team safety and
well-being. “The pandemic has led to a
rapid increase in the availability of data, including Zoom communications,
online tests for recruiting, and remote monitoring technology,” Friedrich says.
“There’s growing demand by firms to put this information to use in improving
operations.”. For example, many
companies are using survey tools to stay informed about employee engagement and
to get feedback that can help them design hybrid workplaces. “For example, people analytics can help
leaders understand communication networks within the company, including which
team members would benefit most from personal versus virtual interactions,”
Friedrich says. They are also looking
to data to help with recruiting, promotions, and DEI goals. People analytics
can help identify underlying biases in pay and promotions, task assignments,
mentoring opportunities, and other areas where inequities can surface. “We are seeing wage pressure building among
big competitors. It’s hard to motivate people at a minimum wage, so just
distinguishing yourself from other competitors can be a useful strategy.”. Should Americans Be Worried about Inflation
Right Now? Nursing Shortages Cause Real
Harm to Patients. Policymakers Should Pay Attention. “Data collected by new remote monitoring
technology may also help to assess performance and could be used for incentive
pay for some jobs,” Friedrich says. “Overall, I think this usage of data for
talent management is here to stay and has huge growth potential.”. The Job Shift Is Real. Over the last 18 months, both market turmoil
and deep uncertainty have led employers in many industries to shed millions of
jobs. While Friedrich is confident that employment will continue to tick up
over time, it is not yet clear which jobs will come back and which are gone for
good. Research shows that in many
cases, automation creates “tasks shifts” rather than job losses. For example,
as companies reduced business travel, virtual-meeting technology improved,
leaving professionals with more time to spend on other aspects of their jobs
such as research and analysis. “Some of
the job shift will require occupational change,” Friedrich says. So while some
of the hospitality jobs might never come back, more programmers, technicians,
and engineers will be required to design and maintain that virtual meeting
technology. Similarly, the shift
towards e-commerce “means lower labor demand in retail stores and supermarkets,
and increased demand for warehouses and transportation workers.”. Thankfully, the U.S. labor market is
relatively dynamic, with a highly mobile workforce able to adapt to new
positions. The flipside of this dynamism, however, is a trend that has already
begun to play out—companies having trouble retaining workers. “Some survey evidence is pointing to a high
willingness among American workers to change jobs,” Friedrich says. Although people are typically hesitant to
leave their jobs in a crisis, long periods of remote work coupled with
caregiving and schooling have left many workers burned out and ready to hit
reset—at a new organization, or in a new industry. The pandemic accelerated increases to hourly
wages in lower-paying jobs, especially in the retail and service industries.
For example, some of the largest online and big box chains like Amazon, Best
Buy, Costco, and Target all raised their minimum wages to $15 or $16 per hour,
more than double the federal minimum wage .
Friedrich believes that two forces have triggered the rise of retail’s
minimum wage: strong pandemic profits and anticipation of impending regulatory
changes. With retail chains needing to
staff up as the economy opens and customer demand grows, those that can pay
more are doing so in order to be more attractive to workers. “We are seeing wage pressure building among
big competitors,” Friedrich says. “It’s hard to motivate people at a minimum
wage, so just distinguishing yourself from other competitors can be a useful
strategy.”. As for regulatory changes,
twenty-five states have raised their minimum wages in 2021, and President Biden
has increased federal contractors’ minimum wages through a recent executive
order . They are even calling out
competitors, such as Walmart , for paying as low as $11 in some places, despite
having an average minimum wage of $15 per hour. This pressure to standardize
wages could help to lift them across the U.S.
And what of the delta variant, currently upending companies’ best laid
return-to-work plans? How might that affect wages in the short term? It
depends. “This will lead to a slower
recovery of labor supply, especially in areas with lower vaccination rates,
where more people may also get sick and miss work time,” Friedrich says. “This
may not necessarily lead to further increases in wages, though, because
consumer demand—and hence labor demand—may also fall in areas with larger delta
outbreaks.”. Careers. COVID Has Accelerated These 4 Labor Market
Trends. Podcast: Our Most Popular
Advice on Improving Relationships with Colleagues. Social Impact. Podcast: Attract Rockstar Employees—or
Develop Your Own. Podcast: How Music
Can Change Our Mood. A Broadway
songwriter and a marketing professor discuss the connection between our
favorite tunes and how they make us feel.
10. https://www.usnews.com/news/economy/articles/2021-10-07/the-labor-market-is-undergoing-a-seismic-shift-as-markets-await-septembers-jobs-report
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full time
1. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/full-time
1 : employed for or involving
full time full-time employees full-time work.
: working the full number of hours considered normal or standard. : done during the full number of hours
considered normal or standard.
2. https://fulltime.thefa.com/
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3. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/amp/english/full-time
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4. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/full-time
noun. the number of hours in a period, as a day,
week, or month, considered customary for pursuing an activity, especially
working at a job: The factory now operates on full time. QUIZ.
ARE YOU A TRUE BLUE CHAMPION OF THESE "BLUE" SYNONYMS? We could talk until we're blue in the face
about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you
should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful
terms. Question 1 of 8. full-thickness flap , full-thickness graft ,
full-throated , full tilt , full tilt, at , full time, full-timer , full toss ,
full trailer , full twist , full-wave rectifier. working or operating the customary number of
hours in each day, week, or month: a full-time housekeeper; full-time
production.Compare part-time .
Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged
Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2021.
How to use full time in a sentence.
5 simple ways to get your home in order, from ‘Clean Mama’ Becky
Rapinchuk |Lindsey Roberts|February 4, 2021 |Washington Post. A full time return to the office and work
once the coronavirus crisis has subsided is unlikely, according to the findings
of a new global study. Coronavirus
pandemic has more employers experimenting with four-day work week |jim cooper|February
1, 2021 |Digiday. Chief among them is a
revised formula that gives more consideration to an institution’s total number
of students, instead of focusing on those attending full time. Colleges, students will have easier access
to second round of stimulus funds, but bureaucracy remains |Danielle
Douglas-Gabriel|January 15, 2021 |Washington Post. The counselors, who work full time and earn
$50,000 to $65,000 a year, including benefits, stop by to check in with
students stocking the dairy case at Walmart or working a shift at a Sonic
Drive-In. How to raise rural enrollment
in higher education? Go local. |Laura Pappano|December 4, 2020 |Washington
Post. Robin Kemp lost her news job in
Clayton County, Ga. — but she kept reporting the news. It paid off on election
week. |Reis Thebault|November 10, 2020 |Washington Post. Anti-Fluoriders Are The OG Anti-Vaxxers
|Michael Schulson|July 27, 2016 |DAILY BEAST.
Anti-Fluoriders Are The OG Anti-Vaxxers |Michael Schulson|July 27, 2016
|DAILY BEAST. But give the Kingdom
credit for its sense of mercy: The lashes will be administered only 50 at a
time. In Defense of Blasphemy |Michael
Tomasky|January 9, 2015 |DAILY BEAST. “I
think for trans men who are dating every time they hook up they have another
coming out,” Sandler said. Grindr’s
Trans Dating Problem |David Levesley|January 9, 2015 |DAILY BEAST. As far as I can tell, this magazine spent as
much time making fun of French politicians as it did of Muslims or Islam. Harry Shearer on The Dangerous Business of
Satire |Lloyd Grove|January 8, 2015 |DAILY BEAST. It ended on a complaint that she was 'tired
rather and spending my time at full length on a deck-chair in the garden.'. The Wave |Algernon Blackwood. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club,
v. 2(of 2) |Charles Dickens. The
vision—it had been an instantaneous flash after all and nothing more—had left
his mind completely for the time. The
Wave |Algernon Blackwood. About this
time the famous Philippine painter, Juan Luna (vide p. 195), was released after
six monthsʼ imprisonment as a suspect.
The Philippine Islands |John Foreman.
I hate to be long at my toilette at any time; but to delay much in such
a matter while travelling is folly. the
end of a football or other matchCompare half-time. adverb full time. full-timer, noun. Collins English Dictionary - Complete &
Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition ©
William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006,
2007, 2009, 2012.
5. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/full-time
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6. https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/full-time
If you do something full-time,
you spend most of your available time doing it. Working full-time usually means
spending around forty hours a week doing your work. You can be employed at a full-time job, or
you can be a full-time student. Some people are full-time parents, and you
might hope to be a full-time artist or a full-time musician one day. In all of
these examples, people use the majority of their waking hours (at least during
the work week) focusing on one thing. This term dates from the late 1800s. adjective.
half-time. underemployed. Sign up now (it’s free!). Whether you’re a teacher or a learner,
Vocabulary.com can put you or your class on the path to systematic vocabulary
improvement. My Account.
7. https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/full-time_2
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9. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full-time
Full-time job , employment in
which a person works a minimum number of hours defined as such by their
employer. Full-time mother , a woman
whose work is running or managing her family's home. Full-time father , a father who is the main
caregiver of the children and is generally the homemaker of the household. This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title
Full-time. If an internal link led you
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registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , a non-profit
10. https://www.workforcehub.com/glossary/fte-full-time-equivalent/
What is FTE? FTE or Full-Time Equivalent is a metric that
quantifies an employer’s number of full-time employees regardless of how many
hours each employee works. It was created to measure part-time employment in
terms of full-time hours. In other words, an employer who has both full-time and
part-time workers can quantify all hours worked in terms of full-time
employment. One full-time employee is
classified as 1.0 FTE. A part-time employee who works half-time (according to
the employer’s or regulator’s definition of full-time weekly hours) is .5
FTE. How does an employer calculate
FTEs for a calendar year? The IRS gives
the following instructions:. “To
determine its workforce size for a year an employer adds its total number of
full-time employees for each month of the prior calendar year to the total
number of full-time equivalent employees for each calendar month of the prior
calendar year and divides that total number by 12.”. The FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act) doesn’t
define full-time employment. Therefore, the FLSA generally applies equally to
full-time and part-time employees. Some state employment laws take workforce
size and full-time vs part-time employment into account. Employers should
understand state and local laws that require them to define full-time
employment at their company. The laws may involve meals/breaks , fair workweek
or PTO obligations. As mentioned
previously, the FLSA doesn’t specify how many work hours qualifies for
full-time employment. The IRS, however, does put a number on it to regulate ACA
provisions including the ACA shared responsibility payment and some small
business tax credits. The Affordable
Care Act (ACA) contains provisions that only apply to Applicable Large
Employers or ALEs. An ALE is an employer with 50 (or more) full-time employees. For the purposes of determining ALE status,
the IRS defines a full-time employee as one who works on average 30 hours per
week or 130 hours per month (or more).
If an employer has at least 50 full-time employees, including full-time
equivalent employees, on average during the prior year, the employer is an ALE
for the current calendar year, and is therefore subject to the employer shared
responsibility provisions and the employer information reporting
provisions. Internal Revenue
Service. When you analyze staffing in
terms of hours worked rather than number of employees, it gives a more accurate
picture of business performance. Write
job descriptions. Assign staffing to
projects, business functions, multiple locations or facilities. Identifying Full-Time Employees, Internal
Revenue Service. What is timekeeping
software? Timekeeping software helps employers track employee work time.
Employees punch in and out for shifts with an integrated hardware clock or an
online portal. Timekeeping software automates shift clocking. It can replace
paper timecards and generic spreadsheets. Current timekeeping software products
are cloud-based. Most vendors have a no-contract subscription-type business
model.…. What are accruals? In the HR
world, accruals generally refer to time off, sick leave and vacation time that
‘accrues’ as an employee works for the organization. For example, a company may
offer four days of paid leave per quarter. When the employee has worked for six
months, the have accrued eight days of paid….
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jobs report today
2021 july jobs report.
1. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/08/06/business/economy/july-2021-jobs-report.amp.html
The gain of 943,000 was the best
showing in nearly a year, and unemployment was 5.4 percent, the lowest since
the pandemic began. By Ella Koeze. The American economy roared into midsummer
with a strong gain in hiring, overcoming trouble in matching workers with
openings, as the recovery appeared to take firmer hold. Employers added 943,000 jobs in July, the
Labor Department reported Friday, with restaurants and bars leading the way. It
was the best monthly performance in nearly a year, and it was accompanied by a
sharp drop in the unemployment rate to 5.4 percent, the lowest since the
pandemic began, from 5.9 percent. One
cloud loomed over the buoyant numbers: The data was collected in the first half
of last month, before the Delta variant of the coronavirus exploded in many
parts of the country. Experts warn that a sustained outbreak could pose a
threat to industries just regaining their footing. The unemployment rate dropped in July. The share of people who have looked for work
in the past four weeks or are temporarily laid off, which does not capture
everyone who is out of work because of the pandemic. By Ella Koeze. Nevertheless, after sizable jumps in
employment in May and June, July’s showing reinforced the case that the
recovery is proceeding, helped by healthy consumer spending, trillions of
dollars in government support and a pickup in business investment. “It’s an unambiguously positive report,”
said Michael Gapen, chief U.S. economist at Barclays. “Labor market conditions
are strong. Unemployment benefits, infection risks and child care constraints
are not preventing robust hiring.”. For
the Federal Reserve, July’s data is likely to increase confidence that the
economy is on a solid track. The Fed
has held interest rates near zero since March 2020 and is buying up bonds each
month, policies meant to keep near-term and longer-term interest rates low and
fuel borrowing and spending. The job gains will give the central bank more
confidence that the economy is doing well, keeping it on track to announce a
plan to slow bond-buying in the coming months.
In remarks delivered from the White House, President Biden hailed the
report as a reflection that his policies, too, were having a crucial impact,
including efforts to encourage workers to get coronavirus vaccinations. “Doubtlessly we’ll have ups and downs along
the way as we continue to battle the Delta surge of Covid,” Mr. Biden said.
“What is indisputable now is this: The Biden plan is working, the Biden plan
produces results, and the Biden plan is moving the country forward.”. Jobs grew across industries, except in
retail. With upward revisions of the
figures for May and June, nearly 2.5 million jobs have been added in the last
three months, putting the economy three-quarters of the way toward restoring
the 22.4 million positions wiped out at the pandemic’s start. “Business is unbelievable,” said Tom Gimbel,
chief executive of LaSalle Network, a recruiting and staffing firm in Chicago.
“It shows me that companies are very optimistic.”. Leisure and hospitality businesses, which
were devastated last year as bars and restaurants closed, were the biggest
contributors to July’s hiring, adding 380,000 to their payrolls. That included
253,000 positions in food and drinking establishments, along with jobs in
lodging and in arts, entertainment and recreation. Unusually for a summer month, July also
produced a substantial increase in education jobs. Instead of letting teachers
go as they had in the past, schools kept more workers on the payroll, elevating
the seasonally adjusted numbers.
Image. A rainy July school day
in North Carolina. Many schools across the country have stepped up hiring after
some were closed by the pandemic’s disruptions.Credit...Cornell Watson for The
New York Times. Local governments added
221,000 education jobs, after a jump in June, and private institutions tacked
on 40,000. Manufacturing and
construction showed more modest increases, hampered by higher prices for goods
and a shortage of components like semiconductors. Retail jobs declined slightly
after two months of big gains. But employment in professional and business
services jumped by 60,000, a sign that the white-collar sector is on the
upswing. “Companies are continuing to
hire salespeople in numbers that I’ve never seen,” said Mr. Gimbel of LaSalle
Network. “The huge demand is entry to midlevel, with salaries ranging from
$45,000 to $90,000. It’s the rebirth of the middle manager.”. For much of the year, companies have
reported challenges in filling openings as they tried to keep up with consumer
demand and rebuild their staffs — an anomaly in a labor market still far from
full employment. “You have to make
twice as many calls to find candidates,” said Carmen Smith, chief people
officer at Coyote Logistics, a Chicago subsidiary of UPS. “The talent market is
very tight.”. The labor force
participation rate improved slightly.
Share of the working-age population who are in the labor force
(employed, unemployed but looking for work or on temporary layoff). Among those in their prime working-age
years, which are defined as 25 to 54, the labor participation rate — those
working or seeking work — rose to 81.8 percent from 81.7 percent. The Fed is
hoping to see that figure climb back toward its February 2020 level, which was
82.9 percent . Ms. Smith said Coyote
brought aboard 100 new employees in July and plans to add 300 later this year,
primarily in sales, operations, marketing, and finance. “We’re going into our
busiest season, and business looks strong,” she added. Wages for leisure and hospitality jobs are
still outpacing overall pay. One factor
in the nation’s hiring upturn may be more attractive wages. Average hourly
earnings rose 4 percent in July from a year earlier, and wages for nonsupervisory
and production workers — which can give a clearer reading on what’s happening
for typical workers — have climbed 4.7 percent over the past year. Covid’s impact on the supply chain
continues. The pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of the global supply
chain and made all kinds of products
harder to find. In turn, scarcity has caused the prices of many things to go
higher as inflation remains stubbornly high .
Almost anything manufactured is in short supply. That includes
everything from toilet paper to new cars
. The disruptions go back to the beginning of the pandemic, when factories in
Asia and Europe were forced to shut down and shipping companies cut their
schedules. First, demand for home goods
spiked. Money that Americans once spent on experiences were redirected to
things for their homes. The surge clogged the system for transporting goods to
the factories that needed them — like computer chips — and finished products piled up because of a
shortage of shipping containers . Now, ports are struggling to keep up. In North
America and Europe, where containers are arriving, the heavy influx of ships is
overwhelming ports. With warehouses full, containers are piling up at ports.
The chaos in global shipping is likely to persist as a result of the massive
traffic jam . No one really knows when
the crisis will end. Shortages and delays are likely to affect this year’s
Christmas and holiday shopping season , but what happens after that is unclear.
Jerome Powell, the Federal Reserve chair, said he expects supply chain problems
to persist “likely well into next year.”.
Those figures have been skewed by who has and hasn’t returned to the job
market, but they are pointed in the right direction, from the Fed’s
perspective. At the same time, there is
a contentious debate about whether the safety net erected to get jobless
workers through the pandemic may now be keeping them out of the labor market.
Twenty-six states, all but one led by Republicans, have moved to end a
$300-a-week federal unemployment benefit supplement before it expires in
September. There is little evidence in
the data available so far that the cutoff has significantly expanded the pool
of job candidates. But Salman Chaudhry, general manager of five vacation
lodgings in Ocean Springs, Miss., said the early elimination of the federal
supplement in his state in June, as well as higher wages, had enticed job
seekers. “Our number of applications
have gotten up,” he said. “We have found more people who are willing to work
now.”. For Mr. Chaudhry and other
business owners, the biggest wild card is now the Delta variant. “We’ll wait
and see what Delta does to our business, but as of right now we still haven’t
seen the effects,” Mr. Chaudhry said. “We’ve had some cancellations, but not at
the level when Covid first hit.”.
Nationwide, hotel occupancy seems to have dipped slightly in recent
weeks, according to STR, an industry analytics firm. And Chase card spending in
some travel and entertainment categories has fallen, Jesse Edgerton and Peter
B. McCrory, economists for J.P. Morgan, wrote on Friday. “Most notably, airline spending has fallen
almost 20 percent from a recent peak in mid-July, a larger decline than during
the severe winter Covid wave,” the economists wrote. “By contrast, restaurant
spending has softened only modestly and thus far much less than in the winter
wave.”. Image. Workers at a restaurant in Atlanta last
month. Leisure and hospitality businesses led the way in July’s surge of
hiring.Credit...David Walter Banks for The New York Times. There is turbulence on the horizon. Events
including the New York International Auto Show, which was to have opened later
this month in Manhattan, have recently been canceled. Mask requirements have
been reintroduced indoors in many areas as well. Should restrictions on dining return, or
schools close again, these sectors would be hard hit. A downturn in travel
hiring is likely, too, should cases spike further. “If Delta becomes a concern, it will likely
constrain spending and activity and potentially hiring in all of the same
service sectors,” said Mr. Gapen, the Barclays economist. “It does present some
downside risk.”. Profit returned to
prepandemic levels at Poor Boy Lloyd’s restaurant in Baton Rouge, La., as
downtown offices filled up again after a year of remote work, the owner, Fred
Taylor, said. In fact, Mr. Taylor had trouble keeping up with the resurgence in
customers while being short staffed.
But in the last week, he said, he had lost nearly 75 percent of his
usual sales as Delta variant cases multiplied in the area. Uncertainty about the course of the virus is
making it hard to know how much to invest in hiring and training more workers,
Mr. Taylor said. “It’s hard to operate
with a fluctuating income,” he said. “The costs are going to be higher. The
electricity is going to be the same, the rent is going to be the same, and you
don’t have the money to pay it.”.
2. https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf
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USDL-21-1799 8:30 a.m. (ET) Friday, October 8, 2021 Technical information: Household data: (202) 691-6378 *
cpsinfo@bls.gov * www.bls.gov/cps Establishment data: (202) 691-6555 *
cesinfo@bls.gov * www.bls.gov/ces Media contact: (202) 691-5902 *
PressOffice@bls.gov THE EMPLOYMENT
nonfarm payroll employment rose by 194,000 in September, and the unemployment
rate fell by 0.4 percentage point to 4.8 percent, the U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics reported today. Notable job
gains occurred in leisure and hospitality, in professional and business
services, in retail trade, and in transportation and warehousing. Employment in
public education declined over the month.
This news release presents statistics from two monthly surveys. The
household survey measures labor force status, including unemployment, by
demographic characteristics. The establishment survey measures nonfarm
employment, hours, and earnings by industry. For more information about the
concepts and statistical methodology used in these two surveys, see the
Technical Note. Household Survey
Data The unemployment rate fell by 0.4
percentage point to 4.8 percent in September. The number of unemployed persons
fell by 710,000 to 7.7 million. Both measures are down considerably from their
highs at the end of the February-April 2020 recession. However, they remain
above their levels prior to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic (3.5 percent
and 5.7 million, respectively, in February 2020). (See table A-1. See the box
note at the end of this news release for more information about how the
household survey and its measures were affected by the coronavirus
pandemic.) Among the major worker
groups, the unemployment rates for adult men (4.7 percent), adult women (4.2
percent), Whites (4.2 percent), and Blacks (7.9 percent) declined in
September. The jobless rates for
teenagers (11.5 percent), Asians (4.2 percent), and Hispanics (6.3 percent) showed little change over the month.
(See tables A-1, A-2, and A-3.) Among
the unemployed, the number of permanent job losers declined by 236,000 to 2.3
million in September but is 953,000 higher than in February 2020. The number of
persons on temporary layoff, at 1.1 million, changed little in September. This
measure is down considerably from the high of 18.0 million in April 2020 but is
374,000 above the February 2020 level. The number of reentrants to the labor
force decreased by 198,000 in September to 2.3 million, after increasing by a
similar amount in August. (Reentrants are persons who previously worked but
were not in the labor force prior to beginning their job search.) (See table
A-11.) The number of long-term
unemployed (those jobless for 27 weeks or more) decreased by 496,000 in
September to 2.7 million but is 1.6 million higher than in February 2020. The
long-term unemployed accounted for 34.5
percent of the total unemployed in September. The number of persons jobless
less than 5 weeks, at 2.2 million, changed little. (See table A-12.) The labor force participation rate was little
changed at 61.6 percent in September and has remained within a narrow range of
61.4 percent to 61.7 percent since June 2020. The participation rate is 1.7 percentage points
lower than in February 2020. The employment- population ratio, at 58.7 percent,
edged up in September. This measure is up from its low of 51.3 percent in April
2020 but remains below the figure of 61.1 percent in February 2020. (See table
A-1.) In September, the number of persons
employed part time for economic reasons, at 4.5 million, was essentially
unchanged for the second month in a row. There were 4.4 million persons in this
category in February 2020. These individuals, who would have preferred
full-time employment, were working part time because their hours had been
reduced or they were unable to find full-time jobs. (See table A-8.) The number of persons not in the labor force
who currently want a job was 6.0 million in September, little changed over the
month but up by 959,000 since February 2020. These individuals were not counted
as unemployed because they were not actively looking for work during the last 4 weeks or were unavailable
to take a job. (See table A-1.) Among
those not in the labor force who wanted a job, the number of persons
marginally attached to the labor force
edged up to 1.7 million in September, following a decline in the prior month. These individuals wanted and
were available for work and had looked for a
job sometime in the prior 12 months but had not looked for work in the 4
weeks preceding the survey. The number of discouraged workers, a subset of the
marginally attached who believed that no jobs were available for them, was
450,000 in September, little changed from the
previous month. (See Summary table A.)
Household Survey Supplemental Data
In September, 13.2 percent of employed persons teleworked because of the
coronavirus pandemic, little changed from the prior month. These data refer to
employed persons who teleworked or worked at home for pay at some point in the
last 4 weeks specifically because of the pandemic. In September, 5.0 million persons reported
that they had been unable to work because their employer closed or lost
business due to the pandemic--that is, they did not work at all or worked fewer
hours at some point in the last 4 weeks due to the pandemic. This measure is
down from 5.6 million in August. Among those who reported in September that
they were unable to work because of pandemic-related closures or lost business,
15.5 percent received at least some pay from their employer for the hours not
worked, little changed from the prior month.
Among those not in the labor force in September, 1.6 million persons
were prevented from looking for work due
to the pandemic, little changed from August. (To be counted as unemployed, by
definition, individuals must be either actively looking for work or on
temporary layoff.) These supplemental
data come from questions added to the household survey beginning in May 2020 to
help gauge the effects of the pandemic on the labor market. The data are not
seasonally adjusted. Tables with estimates from the supplemental questions for
all months are available online at
www.bls.gov/cps/effects-of-the-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic.htm. Establishment Survey Data Total nonfarm payroll employment increased by
194,000 in September. Thus far this year, monthly job growth has averaged
561,000. Nonfarm employment has increased by 17.4 million since a recent trough
in April 2020 but is down by 5.0 million, or 3.3 percent, from its pre-pandemic
level in February 2020. In September, notable job gains occurred in leisure and
hospitality, in professional and business services, in retail trade, and in
transportation and warehousing. Employment in public education declined over
the month. (See table B-1. See the box note at the end of this news release for
more information about how the establishment survey and its measures were
affected by the coronavirus pandemic.)
Employment in leisure and hospitality increased by 74,000 in September,
with continued job growth in arts, entertainment, and recreation (+43,000).
Employment in food services and drinking places changed little for the second
consecutive month, compared with an average monthly gain of 197,000 from January through July. Employment in
leisure and hospitality is down by 1.6 million, or 9.4 percent, since February
2020. Professional and business services
added 60,000 jobs in September. Employment continued to increase in
architectural and engineering services (+15,000), management and technical
consulting services (+15,000), and computer systems design and related services
(+9,000). Employment in professional and business services is 385,000 below its
level in February 2020. In September,
employment in retail trade rose by 56,000, following 2 months of little change.
Over the month, employment gains occurred in clothing and clothing accessories
stores (+27,000), general merchandise stores (+16,000), and building material
and garden supply stores (+16,000). These gains were partially offset by a loss
in food and beverage stores (-12,000). Retail trade employment is 202,000 lower
than its level in February 2020.
Employment in transportation and warehousing increased by 47,000 in
September, in line with gains in the prior 2 months. In September, job gains
continued in warehousing and storage (+16,000), couriers and messengers
(+13,000), and air transportation (+10,000). Employment in transportation and
warehousing is 72,000 above its pre-pandemic level in February 2020. Employment in the information industry
increased by 32,000 in September. Gains occurred in motion picture and sound
recording industries (+14,000); in publishing industries, except Internet
(+11,000); and in data processing, hosting, and related services (+6,000).
Employment in information is down by 108,000 since February 2020. In September, social assistance added 30,000
jobs, led by a gain in child day care services (+18,000). Employment in social
assistance is 204,000 lower than in February 2020. Employment in manufacturing increased by
26,000 in September, with gains in fabricated metal products (+8,000),
machinery (+6,000), and printing and related support activities (+4,000). These
gains were partially offset by a decline
of 6,000 in motor vehicles and parts. Manufacturing employment is down by
353,000 since February 2020.
Construction employment rose by 22,000 in September but has shown little
net change thus far this year. Employment in construction is 201,000 below its
February 2020 level. In September,
employment in wholesale trade increased by 17,000, almost entirely in the
durable goods component (+16,000). Employment in wholesale trade is down by
159,000 since February 2020. Mining
employment continued to trend up in September (+5,000), reflecting growth in support
activities for mining (+4,000). Mining employment has risen by 59,000 since a
trough in August 2020 but is 93,000 below a peak in January 2019. In September, employment decreased by 144,000
in local government education and by 17,000 in state government education. Employment changed
little in private education (-19,000). Most back-to-school hiring typically
occurs in September. Hiring this September was lower than usual, resulting in
a decline after seasonal adjustment.
Recent employment changes are challenging to interpret, as pandemic- related
staffing fluctuations in public and private education have distorted the normal
seasonal hiring and layoff patterns.
Since February 2020, employment is down by 310,000 in local government education, by 194,000 in state government
education, and by 172,000 in private education.
Employment in health care changed little in September (-18,000). Job
losses occurred in nursing and residential care facilities (-38,000) and hospitals
(-8,000), while ambulatory health care services added jobs (+28,000).
Employment in health care is down by 524,000 since February 2020, with nursing
and residential care facilities accounting for about four-fifths of the
loss. In September, employment showed
little change in financial activities and in other services. Average hourly earnings for all employees on
private nonfarm payrolls rose by 19 cents to $30.85 in September, following
large increases in the prior 5 months. In September, average hourly earnings of
private-sector production and nonsupervisory employees rose by 14 cents to
$26.15. The data for recent months suggest that the rising demand for labor
associated with the recovery from the pandemic may have put upward pressure on
wages. However, because average hourly earnings vary widely across industries, the large
employment fluctuations since February 2020 complicate the analysis of recent
trends in average hourly earnings. (See tables B-3 and B-8.) In September, the average workweek for all
employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 0.2 hour to 34.8 hours. In
manufacturing, the average workweek was unchanged at 40.4 hours, and overtime
edged up by 0.1 hour to 3.3 hours. The average workweek for production and
nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls increased by 0.1 hour to
34.2 hours. (See tables B-2 and B-7.)
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for July was revised up
by 38,000, from +1,053,000 to +1,091,000, and the change for August was revised
up by 131,000, from +235,000 to +366,000. With
these revisions, employment in July and August combined is 169,000
higher than previously reported. (Monthly revisions result from additional
reports received from businesses and government agencies since the last
published estimates and from the recalculation of seasonal factors.) _____________ The Employment Situation for
October is scheduled to be released on Friday, November 5, 2021, at 8:30 a.m.
(ET). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ | | | Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Impact on September 2021 Household and | |
Establishment Survey Data
| | | |
Data collection for both surveys was affected by the pandemic. In the
establishment survey, | |
more data continued to be collected by web than in months prior to the
pandemic. In the | |
household survey, for the safety of both interviewers and respondents, in-person
interviews | |
were conducted only when telephone interviews could not be done. |
| | | As
in previous months, some workers affected by the pandemic who should have been
classified | | as
unemployed on temporary layoff were instead misclassified as employed but not
at work. | |
However, the share of responses that may have been misclassified was
highest in the early | |
months of the pandemic and has been considerably lower in recent months.
Since March 2020, | | BLS
has published an estimate of what the unemployment rate might have been had
misclassified | |
workers been included among the unemployed. Repeating this same
approach, the seasonally | |
adjusted unemployment rate in September 2021 would have been 0.1
percentage point higher than | |
reported. However, this represents the upper bound of our estimate of
misclassification and | |
probably overstates the size of the misclassification error. |
| | |
More information about the impact of the pandemic on the two surveys is
available at | |
www.bls.gov/covid19/employment-situation-covid19-faq-september-2021.htm. |
|___________________________________________________________________________________________________|. Employment Situation Technical Note. Table A-1.
Employment status of the civilian population by sex and age. Table A-2.
Employment status of the civilian population by race, sex, and age. Table A-3.
Employment status of the Hispanic or Latino population by sex and
age. Table A-4. Employment status of the civilian population 25
years and over by educational attainment.
Table A-5. Employment status of
the civilian population 18 years and over by veteran status, period of service,
and sex, not seasonally adjusted. Table
A-6. Employment status of the civilian
population by sex, age, and disability status, not seasonally adjusted. Table A-13. Employed and unemployed persons
by occupation, not seasonally adjusted.
Table A-15. Alternative measures of labor underutilization. Table A-16. Persons not in the labor force
and multiple jobholders by sex, not seasonally adjusted. Table B-1.
Employees on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector and selected industry
detail. Table B-2. Average weekly hours and overtime of all
employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. Table B-3.
Average hourly and weekly earnings of all employees on private nonfarm
payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. Table B-4.
Indexes of aggregate weekly hours and payrolls for all employees on
private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted. Table B-5.
Employment of women on nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally
adjusted. Table B-6. Employment of production and nonsupervisory
employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally
adjusted(1). Table B-7. Average weekly hours and overtime of
production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls by industry
sector, seasonally adjusted(1). Table
B-8. Average hourly and weekly earnings
of production and nonsupervisory employees on private nonfarm payrolls by
industry sector, seasonally adjusted(1).
Table B-9. Indexes of aggregate
weekly hours and payrolls for production and nonsupervisory employees on
private nonfarm payrolls by industry sector, seasonally adjusted(1). Access to historical data for the
"A" tables of the Employment Situation News Release. Beta.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Division of Labor Force Statistics PSB
Suite 4675 2 Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC 20212-0001. Telephone: 1-202-691-6378 www.bls.gov/CPS
Contact CPS. U.S. Bureau of Labor
Statistics Division of Current Employment Statistics PSB Suite 4860 2
Massachusetts Avenue NE Washington, DC 20212-0001.
4. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/08/06/jobs-report-july-.html
Published Fri, Aug 6 2021 8:30 AM
EDT. Nonfarm payrolls rose by 943,000
in July, better than the 845,000 Dow Jones estimate. The unemployment rate slid to 5.4%, compared
with the 5.7% expectation. Job gains
came fastest in leisure and hospitality, followed by education and professional
and business services. Hiring rose in
July at its fastest pace in nearly a year despite fears over Covid-19's delta
variant and as companies struggled with a tight labor supply, the Labor
Department reported Friday. Nonfarm
payrolls increased by 943,000 for the month while the unemployment rate dropped
to 5.4%, according to the department's Bureau of Labor Statistics. The payroll
increase was the best since August 2020.
Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been looking for 845,000 new jobs
and a headline unemployment rate of 5.7%. However, estimates were diverse amid
conflicting headwinds and tailwinds and an uncertain path ahead for the
economy. Average hourly earnings also
increased more than expected, rising 0.4% for the month and are up 4% from the
same period a year ago, at a time when concerns are increasing about persistent
inflationary pressures. "The data
for recent months suggest that the rising demand for labor associated with the
recovery from the pandemic may have put upward pressure on wages," the BLS
said in the report, though it cautioned that the Covid impact is still skewing
data and wage gains are uneven across industries. Markets reacted positively to the report,
with the Dow and S&P 500 hitting new record highs at the open Friday
morning. "It feels like a
Goldilocks report. You have not too hot in terms of wages, but not too low in
terms of job gains," said Beth Ann Bovino, chief U.S. economist at S&P
Global Ratings. The drop in the
headline unemployment rate looked even stronger considering that the labor
force participation rate ticked up to 61.7%, tied for the highest level since
the pandemic hit in March 2020. A separate calculation that includes
discouraged workers and those holding jobs part-time for economic reasons fell
even further, to 9.2% from 9.8% in June.
"This not only was a strong jobs report by nearly every measure, it
also signals more good things to come," said Robert Frick, corporate
economist at Navy Federal Credit Union.
As has been the case for the past several months, leisure and
hospitality led job creation, adding 380,000 positions, of which 253,000 came
in bars and restaurants. The sector took the hardest hit during the pandemic
but has been showing consistent gains during the economic reopening. The unemployment rate for leisure and
hospitality tumbled to 9% in July from 10.9% in June and compared to 25% a year
earlier, though there are still about 1.8 million fewer workers than prior to
the pandemic. Wages in the sector rose 1.2% month over month and are up 3.1%
from a year earlier. Education also
showed strong gains, with 261,000 new hires. The BLS cautioned, however, that
the pandemic has distorted the sector's numbers and likely elevated the number
for July. That also left private payrolls
up 703,000 for the month, about in line with expectations. Professional and business services
contributed 60,000, and transportation and warehousing added 50,000. Sectors
also showing increases were other services (39,000), health care (37,000), manufacturing
(27,000), information (24,000), financial activities (22,000) and mining
(7,000). Retail posted a loss of 6,000 while construction and wholesale trade
were flat. The numbers come amid a rush
of new coronavirus cases in the U.S. and around the world, with the most
serious illnesses happening in areas with larger unvaccinated populations. The
increase has raised fears that it could slow economic activity in a recovery
that began in April 2020 and has shown resilience despite the periodic flareups
of Covid cases. At the same time, the
U.S. is fighting a continuing battle with a scarcity of labor. Job placement site Indeed estimated there
were 9.8 million job openings as of July 16, far more than the 8.7 million
considered unemployed. In a survey of 5,000 job seekers, however, the amount of
those citing health concerns as a reason for not looking for a job declined,
with a growing number citing a lack of need due to a financial cushion as the
top response. The unemployment rate has
tumbled from pandemic high of 14.8% but remains well above the 3.5% before the
crisis. Federal Reserve policymakers have vowed to keep ultra-easy monetary
policy in place until they see stronger signs of full employment, though
Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin on Thursday criticized the central bank, saying it
was risking runaway inflation in its jobs quest. "Although there have been some cracks
in the armor, today's jobs number showed that once again our economy is
incredibly resilient and moving forward," said Ryan Detrick, chief market
strategist for LPL Financial. "This number was really good, but the best
part was it wasn't so strong that the Fed would have to change
policy.". July's job gains added
to an overall positive climate for employment. May's numbers were revised up by
31,000 to 614,000, while the June count increased 88,000 to 938,000, for a
total gain of 119,000. Become a smarter
investor with CNBC Pro. Sign up to
start a free trial today . © 2021 CNBC
LLC. All Rights Reserved. A Division of
NBCUniversal. Data is a real time
snapshot *Data is delayed at least 15 minutes. Global Business and Financial
News, Stocks, Quotes, and Market Data, and Analysis.
5. https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/09/03/jobs-report-august-2021.html
Published Fri, Sep 3 2021 8:30 AM
EDT. Nonfarm payroll growth in August
increased by just 235,000 vs. expectations of 720,000. The unemployment rate fell to 5.2%, in line
with estimates. Leisure and hospitality
jobs were flat during the month after leading the way for much of the
year. Wages rose at a 4.3%
year-over-year clip. Job creation for
August was a huge disappointment, with the economy adding just 235,000
positions, the Labor Department reported Friday. Economists surveyed by Dow Jones had been
looking for 720,000 new hires. The
unemployment rate dropped to 5.2% from 5.4%, in line with estimates. August's total — the worst since January —
comes with heightened fears of the pandemic and the impact that rising Covid
cases could have on what has been a mostly robust recovery. The weak report
could cloud policy for the Federal Reserve, which is weighing whether to pull
back on some of the massive stimulus it has been adding since the outbreak in
early 2020. "The labor market
recovery hit the brakes this month with a dramatic showdown in all
industries," said Daniel Zhao, senior economist at jobs site Glassdoor.
"Ultimately, the Delta variant wave is a harsh reminder that the pandemic
is still in the driver's seat, and it controls our economic future.". Leisure and hospitality jobs, which had been
the primary driver of overall gains at 350,000 per month for the past six
months, stalled in August as the unemployment rate in the industry ticked
higher to 9.1%. Instead, professional
and business services led with 74,000 new positions. Other gainers included
transportation and warehousing (53,000), private education (40,000) and
manufacturing and other services, which each posted gains of 37,000. Retail lost 29,000, with the bulk coming
from food and beverage stores, which saw a decrease of 23,000. "The weaker employment activity is
likely both a demand and supply story — companies paused hiring in the face of
weaker demand and uncertainty about the future while workers withdrew due to
health concerns," Bank of America economist Joseph Song said in a note to
clients. The report comes with the U.S.
seeing about 150,000 new Covid cases a day, spurring worries that the recovery
could stall heading into the final part of the year. "Delta is the story in this
report," said Marvin Loh, global macro strategist for State Street.
"It's going to be a bumpy recovery in the jobs market and one that pushes
back against a more optimistic narrative.". The month saw an increase of about 400,000
in those who said they couldn't work for pandemic-related reasons, pushing the
total up to 5.6 million. "Today's jobs
report reflects a major pullback in employment growth likely due to the rising
impact of the Delta variant of COVID-19 on the U.S. economy, though August is
also a notoriously difficult month to survey accurately due to vacations,"
said Tony Bedikian, head of global markets at Citizens. Still, the news wasn't all bad for
jobs. The previous two months saw
substantial upward revisions, with July's total now at 1.053 million, up from
the original estimate of 943,000, while June was bumped up to 962,000 from
938,000. For the two months, revisions added 134,000 to the initial counts. Also, wages continued to accelerate, rising
4.3% on a year-over-year basis and 0.6% on a monthly basis. Estimates had been
for 4% and 0.3% respectively. An
alterative measure of unemployment that includes discouraged workers and those
holding part-time jobs for economic reasons fell sharply, dropping to 8.9% in
August from 9.6% in July. The labor
force participation rate was unchanged at 61.7%, still well below the 63.3% in
February 2020, the month before the pandemic declaration. Employment also remained well below
pre-Covid levels, with 5.6 million fewer workers holding jobs and the total
workforce still smaller by 2.9 million.
Another key Fed metric, the employment-to-population gauge, stood at
58.5%, up one-tenth of a percentage point from July but still well below the
61.1% pre-pandemic level. The measure looks at total jobholders against the
working-age population. August's
numbers have been volatile in past years and often see substantial revisions.
They come amid other positive signs for employment. Weekly jobless filings have fallen to their
lowest levels since the early days of the pandemic in March 2020, but a large
employment gap remains. It's not that
there aren't enough jobs out there: Placement firm Indeed estimates that there
are about 10.5 million openings now, easily a record for the U.S. labor market.
ZipRecruiter on Friday noted sharp gains in job postings for travel, arts and
entertainment and education, generally signaling that those sectors should see
strong gains ahead. Fed officials are
watching the jobs numbers closely for clues as to whether they can start easing
back some of the policy help they've been providing since the pandemic
started. In recent weeks, central bank
leaders have expressed optimism about the employment picture but said they
would need to see continued strength before changing course. At stake for now
is the Fed's massive monthly bond-buying program, which could start getting
scaled back before the end of the year.
However, if the jobs data gets softer, that could prompt Fed officials
to wait until 2022 before tapering its purchases. Fed officials have been clear
that interest rate hikes will come well after tapering starts. "I still expect them to taper by year
end," said State Street's Loh. "Maybe some of the more aggressive
conversations about something happening in September are off the table. I think
November is still a possibility.".
The Fed meets next on Sept. 21-22.
Become a smarter investor with CNBC Pro. Sign up to start a free trial today . © 2021 CNBC LLC. All Rights Reserved. A Division of NBCUniversal. Data is a real time snapshot *Data is
delayed at least 15 minutes. Global Business and Financial News, Stocks,
Quotes, and Market Data, and Analysis.
6. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/the-avenue/2021/10/14/with-only-194000-jobs-added-septembers-jobs-report-disappoints/amp/
The Avenue. The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ September
jobs report , released last week, showed a decrease of 0.4 percentage points in
the U.S. unemployment rate, from 5.2% in August to 4.8% in September. Total
nonfarm payroll employment increased by 194,000 in September, compared to a
monthly average of 561,000, and the number of unemployed people fell by
710,000. AnthonyMBarr. The number of marginally attached workers increased
by 167,000 and the number of discouraged workers increased by 58,000. The
uptick in marginally attached and discouraged workers suggests that the
official unemployment rate understates how many workers are currently having
trouble finding jobs. Given this difficulty, it is not surprising that the
labor force participation rate (61.6%) has remained static, with BLS reporting
that the rate has “remained within a narrow range of 61.4% to 61.7% since June
2020.” Likewise, the number of workers who are part-time for economic reasons
(4.5 million), meaning workers who would like to be full-time but have had
their hours cut or who cannot find full-time jobs, remained largely unchanged
compared to last month. Finally, the number of people not currently in the
labor force but who want a job (6 million) has also remained largely unchanged. These disappointing jobs numbers further
underscore the mistake of ending the expanded UI program. Unlike the
predictions made by proponents of that measure, scaling back support for
unemployed persons did not lead to a substantial increase in employment. This
is because there are simply not enough jobs currently available, whether
because of ongoing supply chain disruptions in production, the impact of the
Delta variant on consumer demand for services, or various other factors. Table 1 shows the unemployment rate by race
for the three-month period between July and September. The three-month average
unemployment rate for Black workers, 8.3%, while significantly higher than the
U.S. unemployment rate, did decrease as a result of the decline in unemployment
between August and September. Smaller decreases were experienced by workers of
other races and ethnicities. Table 1.
Unemployment Rate by Race, July 2021 to September 2021. Table 2 shows the U.S. unemployment rate by
race, gender, and age from September 2020 to September 2021. When age and race
are factored in, we continue to see that Black teens between the ages of 16 and
19 have the highest unemployment rate over the 13-month period, 17.64%.
However, in September the highest unemployment rate, 17.4%, was experienced by
Latino or Hispanic teens. The labor force participation rate for this group
increased from 31.3% in August to 32% in September. . On Friday, President Biden touted steady
progress, widespread improvement, and increased employment over the first eight
months of his presidency. The president pointed out that the unemployment rate
for Black workers, in September, was below 8% for the first time in 17 months.
However, the unemployment rate for Black workers remains 3.1 percentage points
higher than the national average and 1.9 percentage points above its level in
February 2020. There is still progress to be made in the economic recovery to
return Black workers to their pre-pandemic employment levels. But the goal
should not be solely a return to pre-pandemic levels of employment, a level
that has historically been higher than the national average. The goal should be
to shift labor dynamics and end systemic and structural racism and
discrimination that have led to the racial disparities in employment that we
see today. President Biden also
discussed increased wages. Real average hourly earnings increased 0.4% between
July and August. According to research from the Pew Research Center , despite
the severity of the economic shock created by the COVID-19 pandemic, earnings
of employed workers overall were largely unaffected in part because lower-wage
workers experienced steeper job losses. Research from our colleagues at the
Brookings Institution found that “pandemic-induced job losses hit low-wage
workers much harder than those earning higher wages,” and, “Low-wage jobs have
been the slowest to return.” The president pointed out the decrease in COVID-19
cases toward the end of September and steady progress on the recovery. While
the vaccination rate is increasing and hospitalizations are down, more needs to
be done to get Americans back to work, end the pandemic, and tackle the racial
employment gap. The Avenue. Report.
7. https://www.fxstreet.com/macroeconomics/economic-indicator/nfp
Yohay Elam FXStreet. Another month, another Nonfarm Payrolls
disappointment – the US economy has gained only 194,000 jobs in September, far
below 488,000 expected. Does it derail the Federal Reserve's upcoming
tapering? Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) in the
US rose by 194,000 in September, the data published by the US Bureau of Labor
Statistics showed on Friday. This reading missed the market expectation of
500,000 by a wide margin. On a positive note, August's print of 235,000 got
revised higher to 366,000. Joseph
Trevisani FXStreet. Will the September
US payroll report be the final permission for the Federal Reserve to begin its
long-awaited bond taper? Treasury yields and the dollar have been rising for
three weeks. Equities have been falling since early September. Eren Sengezer FXStreet. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) will
release the September jobs report on Friday, October 8. Following a
disappointing increase of 235,000 in August, investors expect Nonfarm Payrolls
to rebound and rise by 488,000 in September.
The employment section of the US main service sector survey release was
a bit better than expected, 61.9 versus 60 forecasted. The employment index of the main services
sector survey missed expectations in September with 50.2 points, despite
returning to expansion territory, above 49.
Although lagging by nature, the JOLTS indicator keeps making all-time
highs, printing over 10M openings in July as US employers struggle to fill
their payrolls. . Yohay Elam
FXStreet. Disappointing, but not a
disaster – August's Nonfarm Payrolls figures have badly disappointed, yet
mostly related to the Delta covid variant. That shall pass. Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) in the US rose by
235,000 in August, the data published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics
showed on Friday. This reading followed July's increase of 1.05 million but
missed the market expectation of 750,000 by a wide margin. Yohay Elam FXStreet. One million new jobs – when summing up
July's better-than-expected 943,000 and the 88,000 upward revision to June's
figure, this midsummer Nonfarm Payrolls is sizzling hot. Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) in the US rose by
943,000 in July, the data published by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics showed
on Friday. This reading followed June's increase of 938,000 (revised from
850,000) and surpassed the market expectation of 870,000. Yohay Elam FXStreet. Is the lack of a presidential press
conference a sign of strong jobs numbers? In the past two Nonfarm Payrolls
reports, the White House pre-scheduled public appearance by President Joe
Biden. Both figures missed. Nonfarm
Payrolls (NFP) in the US rose by 850,000 in June, the data published by the US
Bureau of Labor Statistics showed on Friday. This reading followed May's print
of 583,000 (revised from 559,000) and came in better than the market
expectation of 700,000. Yohay Elam
FXStreet. Another month, another
increase that would be tremendous before the pandemic – but now it points to a
slow recovery. The world´s largest economy gained only 559,000 jobs in May,
below 664,000 expected and under the marginally higher whisper numbers. ADP´s
data raised estimates. Nonfarm Payrolls
(NFP) in the US rose by 559,000 in May, the data published by the US Bureau of
Labor Statistics showed on Friday. This reading followed April's print of
278,000 (revised from 266,000) and came in worse than the market expectation of
650,000. LIVE: BOE leaves policy rate
unchanged at 0.1%, eyes on Governor Bailey.
The Bank of England (BOE) decided to leave its policy rate unchanged and
disappointed investors who were looking for a 15 basis points rate hike. As
Governor Bailey is delivering his remarks on the policy outlook, GBP/USD trades
deep in the negative territory below 1.3600.
EUR/USD closes in on 2021 lows on unabated dollar strength. EUR/USD came under renewed bearish pressure
during the European trading hours on Thursday and started to edge lower toward
the 2021-low it set at 1.1524 on October 12. Reflecting the broad-based dollar
strength, the US Dollar Index erased Wednesday losses and climbed above
94.20. Gold: Fed-led rebound needs
acceptance above $1782. The Fed’s
tapering occurred as expected and triggered a rebound in gold price, as a $15
billion worth of taper was well priced-in. Further, Fed Chair Jerome Powell’s
patient stance on the interest rate hikes offered additional zest to gold
bulls. Chainlink price needs to break
one barrier to enter triple-digit territory.
Lucid Motors as EV sector jumps on Lyft announcement. NASDAQ: LCID gained 4.03% during Wednesday’s
trading session. Lyft makes an interesting
announcement for EV companies. Amazon-backed Rivian is finally set to go public
at a lofty valuation. NonFarm Payrolls
report measures the number of jobs added or lost in the US economy over the
last month. It is released usually on the first Friday of each month, at 8:30
EST. It is published by the US Department of Labor . This report is important because the US is
the largest economy in the world and its currency (US Dollar) is the global
reserve currency. The many economies peg (tie) their currency's value to the
reserve currency, many commodities such as gold and oil are priced in terms of the reserve
currency and the local economy's debt is priced in terms of its own
currency. The NFP report, because of
its importance to the reserve currency, tends to move all markets: currencies,
equities, treasuries, interest rates and also commodities. It does it so
immediately after the release of the economic data and sometimes so dramatically. The mission of the DOL is to assure the
prosperity of the wage earners, job seekers which includes more than 10 million
employers and 125 million workers in the USA. 180 federal laws and several
federal regulations are the key of the Departament Labor promotion of benefits
and rights. FXStreet Team
FXStreet. BabyPips.com FX-Men Team
FXStreet. The Non Farm Payrolls report
is arguably one of biggest market movers in the Forex. Since the NFP report is
scheduled this coming week, I thought it would be good for us to take a closer
look at this fundamental giant. To
Trade... Those who advocate trading NFP
releases base their advice on a previous preparation and some fundamental
research. The elaboration of some macroeconomical analysis is essential for
successful trading. This research
includes averages of past headline NFP numbers, Weekly Jobless Claims, ISM Industry
Data reports or other employment reports as the ADP or the Challenger. Tracking
these events is fundamental on the preparation of the trades to set up just
after the release. You can check all this data on FXStreet Economic Calendar:
ADP Report, Initial Jobless Claims, ISM Industry Data. A lot more skeptical on the benefits of
trading the event, as you can read in his article “ Step aside the NonFarm
Payrolls release ”, Adrián Aquaro, President at Trader College, says its
importance has decreased a little bit lately:.
“Even if the impact has diminished gradually over time, still generates
huge attention on the markets and it normally drives important monthly trends.
Lately another event (the Fed Monetary Policy Meetings) has been driving
similar attention, thanks mainly to the Interest Rates being at 0%.”. A NonFarm Payrolls Forecast is some
sentiment-based piece of content that tries to predict what the NFP numbers
will be and what impact will they have on the markets. In this page, you'll
find some articles and tools that will help you to understand which could be
the outlook for ADP Report, Unemployment Rate, Average Hourly Earnings, Labor
Force Participation Rate and some other important economic indicators. The ADP (National Employment Report) is an
estimation of nonfarm employment which is based on a survey of thousands of
private sector businesses. One of the biggest differences between NFP data and
ADP data is the sample and methodology of the study. ADP Jobs Report could show us an anticipation
of the NFP's trends. Some outlooks are mainly based on the Jobs Report, in past
data and in other related job indicators like Initial/Continuing Jobless
Claims. Note: All information on this
page is subject to change. The use of this website constitutes acceptance of
our user agreement. Please read our privacy policy and legal disclaimer. Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a
high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree
of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to trade
foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives,
level of experience and risk appetite. The possibility exists that you could
sustain a loss of some or all of your initial investment and therefore you
should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should be aware of
all the risks associated with foreign exchange trading and seek advice from an
independent financial advisor if you have any doubts. Opinions expressed at FXStreet are those of
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or its management. FXStreet has not verified the accuracy or basis-in-fact of
any claim or statement made by any independent author: errors and Omissions may
occur.Any opinions, news, research, analyses, prices or other information
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8. https://finance.yahoo.com/amphtml/news/jobs-report-july-2021-184922622.html
July jobs report: Economy adds
back 943,000 payrolls, unemployment rate falls to 5.4%. U.S. employers added back more jobs than
expected last month, with payroll gains moving in tandem with improving economic
activity and consumer mobility during the recovery. The jobless rate also fell
to the lowest level since March 2020, improving more than expected. . The U.S. Labor Department released its July
jobs report Friday morning at 8:30 a.m. ET. Here were the main metrics from the
report, compared to consensus estimates compiled by Bloomberg:. Change in non-farm payrolls: +943,000 vs.
+865,000 expected and a revised +938,000 in June. Unemployment rate: 5.4% vs. 5.7% expected
and 5.9% in June . Average hourly
earnings, month-on-month: 0.4% vs. 0.3% expected and a revised 0.4% in
June. Average hourly earnings,
year-on-year: 4.0% vs. 3.9% expected and a revised 3.7% in June . At 943,000, payrolls last month grew by the
most since August 2020. Job growth was also upwardly revised for May, coming in
at 614,000 versus the 583,000 previously reported, and for June, with an upward
revision to 938,000 from 850,000. . The
economy, however, is still trying to recoup millions of jobs lost since the
start of the pandemic. On net, the economy has shed 5.7 million payrolls since
March of last year, with much of this deficit still present in the leisure and
hospitality industries. These employers shed a total of nearly 2 million jobs
since the pandemic first brought about shutdowns across the U.S. . Leisure and hospitality employers were again
the leaders in bringing back jobs last month, with payrolls rising by 380,000
to comprise more than a third of the total July jobs gains. In the private
sector, education and health services employment also contributed notably, with
payrolls increasing by nearly 90,000. .
A significant contributor to the July payrolls report also came from
government jobs, especially in education. Overall, government payrolls were up
by 240,000 last month. These increases, however, may overstate the extent of
actual job growth occurring in the sector, given seasonal adjustment issues due
to the pandemic. . "Staffing
fluctuations in education due to the pandemic have distorted the normal
seasonal buildup and layoff patterns, likely contributing to the job gains in
July," the Labor Department said in its report Friday. "Without the
typical seasonal employment increases earlier, there were fewer layoffs at the
end of the school year, resulting in job gains after seasonal adjustment. These
variations make it more challenging to discern the current employment trends in
these education industries." .
Since the June jobs report, the Delta variant has swept across the
country, exacerbating many workers' concerns over becoming infected in the
workplace. Plus, difficulties finding childcare over the summer and the ongoing
support of federal unemployment enhanced benefits have lingered, generating a
confluence of factors that may have kept more individuals sidelined from the
labor market. Still, these factors were not enough to offset the momentum
present across the economy this summer. .
Still, for the economy, bringing back enough workers to meet surging consumer
demand has become a major issue weighing on the overall pace of growth. Job
shortages have hit both the manufacturing and service sectors, with many
employers raising wages to compete for workers. As a result, average hourly
earnings rose by another 0.4% month-on-month, and accelerated more than
expected to a 4.0% year-on-year pace in July. . A 'Help Wanted' sign is posted in front of a
restaurant in Los Angeles, California on May 28, 2021, as many jobs at
restaurants remain unfilled, despite California's high unemployment rate.
(Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images). Heading into Friday's report, other data on
the labor market have been mixed. Encouragingly, the Institute for Supply
Management's July manufacturing and services indexes both showed employment
growth flipped back into expansionary territory after contracting in June.
Weekly initial jobless claims have been choppy, but have largely continued on a
downtrend this summer. However, ADP's closely watched monthly payrolls report
out Wednesday represented a sharp downside disappointment, with private
payrolls rising by just 330,000 compared to the 690,000 consensus estimate.
. For investors, however, a slight
moderation in job growth could be taken as a potential positive for markets, if
it disincentives central bank officials from removing their highly
accommodative monetary policies in the near-term. Federal Reserve Governor
Christopher Waller said earlier this week that he would support announcing
tapering of the central bank's crisis-era bond purchases by September if the
next couple jobs report come in strongly. Likewise, Federal Reserve Vice Chair
Richard Clarida said he would back an interest rate increase in 2023 if the
economic recovery continues on its current trajectory. . "If the ADP is to be believed and employment
growth has slowed again, then that would support the doves who appear to want
to wait until early next year to begin the taper," Paul Ashworth, chief
U.S. economist for Capital Economics, wrote in a note. "The July report,
due this Friday, is especially important because it is the last employment data
the Fed will have ahead of the Jackson Hole Symposium toward the end of this
month.". Read the latest financial
and business news from Yahoo Finance.
Due to EU data protection laws, we (Verizon Media), our vendors and our
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Learn more about our data uses and your choices here .
9. https://www.epi.org/indicators/unemployment/
Every month, the Bureau of Labor
Statistics releases a report on the employment situation for the previous
month. Their release includes data on job growth, unemployment, and wage
growth, which gives us a snapshot of the health of the economy and whether it’s
working for ordinary Americans. 78.0%
Share of prime working-age population with a job. September.
By EPI Staff •
October 8, 2021 Next update: November 5, 2021. Below, EPI economists offer their initial
insights on the September jobs report released today. After a relatively weak
August, only 194,000 jobs were added in September. Read the full Twitter thread here . . The bounce back in local government
education was weaker than expected for schools reopening in September and
seasonally adjusted K-12 employment fell by 144,000. The weaker growth in payroll employment in
September barely registers on the chart, rising by 194,000 jobs. So far this
year, monthly job growth has averaged 561,000. If we can get the virus under
control, the recovery can continue stronger. pic.twitter.com/XfVxkxKtir. Public education employment did in fact rise
with the re-opening of schools in September (see blue line), just not on a
seasonally adjusted basis (red line). The increase was not large enough by
historical standards to offset the seasonal adjustment.
pic.twitter.com/jP236mH9Bx. Read the
full Twitter thread here . . WHOA. THE
DELTA VARIANT LEAVES ITS MARK. We added 194,000 jobs in Sept, and the average
job growth of the last two months (the delta period) was 280,000. This compares
to an average of 889,000 per month in the prior three months. A related aside:
get the jab, folks. 1/. — Heidi
Shierholz (@hshierholz) October 8, 2021.
This is yet another sign that the strong wage growth we have seen in
some industries this year is not a permanent shift in worker bargaining power,
but a temporary result of the (very) unique circumstances of this recovery.
3/. The data underlying the figure. <iframe width="100%"
height="460" src="https://www.epi.org?p=214250&view=embed&embed_template=charts_v2013_08_21&embed_date=20211104&onp=158894&utm_source=epi_press&utm_medium=chart_embed&utm_campaign=charts_v2"
Employment if it had continued growing at the pre-recession level. The data underlying the figure. Notes: Payroll employment growth averaged
202,000 in the 12 months leading up to the pandemic recession.
Population-adjusted employment growth applies population growth in the latest
month since February 2020 to payroll employment and interpolates in the
intervening years. <iframe
width="100%" height="460"
The data underlying the figure.
<iframe width="100%" height="460" src="https://www.epi.org?p=208033&view=embed&embed_template=charts_v2013_08_21&embed_date=20211104&onp=158894&utm_source=epi_press&utm_medium=chart_embed&utm_campaign=charts_v2"
Note: The number of officially unemployed includes the 5.7 million
baseline unemployment level prior to COVID. The number of unemployed but
misclassified includes the 2.7 million estimated undercount of the unemployed
prior to the start of COVID based on Ahn
and Hamilton (2021). The 5.7 million and
the 2.7 million are included in the calculation of those hit by COVID because
job search was made much more difficult by the labor market impacts of the
recession. Totals may not sum due to rounding.
Source: EPI analysis of Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population
Survey public data series. Adapted from Figure A in The economy President-elect
Biden is inheriting (Shierholz 2021).
<iframe width="100%" height="460"
Workers are experiencing longer and longer periods of unemployment:
Number of workers at each level of unemployment duration, by month, February
2020–September 2021. The data
underlying the figure. Note: Data are
seasonally adjusted. Seasonally adjusted data for Less than 5 weeks, 5-14
weeks, 15-26 weeks, and 27+ weeks are provided by BLS. Seasonally adjusted data
are not available for 52+ so we applied the ratio of not-seasonally adjusted
52+ to not-seasonally adjusted 27+ to the seasonally adjusted 27+ to impute a seasonally
adjusted 52+. Seasonally adjusted data for 27-51 is estimated as the difference
between our estimated 52+ seasonally adjust data and the 27+ seasonally
adjusted data. <iframe
width="100%" height="460"
The data underlying the figure.
<iframe width="100%" height="460"
The data underlying the figure.
<iframe width="100%" height="460" src="https://www.epi.org?p=156798&view=embed&embed_template=charts_v2013_08_21&embed_date=20211104&onp=158894&utm_source=epi_press&utm_medium=chart_embed&utm_campaign=charts_v2"
The data underlying the figure.
<iframe width="100%" height="460"
Download image. A more
comprehensive look at unemployment rates: Unemployment rates for select workers
by race/ethnicity and gender, February 2020, April 2020, August 2021, and
September 2021. The data underlying the
figure. Notes: Data are for workers
ages 20 and older. Racial and ethnic categories are not mutually exclusive;
white and Black data do not exclude Latinx workers of each race. Unemployment
levels are labeled for February, November, and the peak in between. <iframe width="100%"
height="460" src="https://www.epi.org?p=204094&view=embed&embed_template=charts_v2013_08_21&embed_date=20211104&onp=158894&utm_source=epi_press&utm_medium=chart_embed&utm_campaign=charts_v2"
Download image. A more
comprehensive look at employment losses: Employment-to-population ratios for
select workers by race/ethnicity and gender, February 2020, April 2020, August
2021, and September 2021. The data
underlying the figure. Notes: Data are
for workers ages 20 and older. Racial and ethnic categories are not mutually exclusive;
white and Black data do not exclude Latinx workers of each race. Employment to
population levels are labeled for February, April, and the trough in
between. <iframe
width="100%" height="460"
<iframe width="100%" height="460"
Nominal wage growth has been far below target in the recovery:
Year-over-year change in private-sector nominal average hourly earnings,
2007–2021. The data underlying the
figure. <iframe
width="100%" height="460"
The data underlying the figure.
<iframe width="100%" height="460" src="https://www.epi.org?p=152770&view=embed&embed_template=charts_v2013_08_21&embed_date=20211104&onp=158894&utm_source=epi_press&utm_medium=chart_embed&utm_campaign=charts_v2"
<iframe width="100%" height="460"
date. The data underlying the
figure. Source: Bureau of Labor
Statistics, Labor Force Flows: Unemployed to Employed (16 Years and Over) [
LNS17100000 ], and Not in Labor Force to Employed (16 years and over) [
LNS17200000 ], retrieved from FRED (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis). <iframe width="100%"
News from EPI › Jobs report shows more than 25 million workers are
directly harmed by the COVID labor market: Congress must pass the full $1.9
trillion relief package immediately. March
5, 2021 By Elise Gould Economic Indicators.
February 5, 2021 By Elise Gould Economic Indicators. January 8, 2021 By Elise Gould Economic
Indicators. December 4, 2020 By Elise
Gould Economic Indicators. November 6,
2020 By Elise Gould Economic Indicators.
October 2, 2020 By Elise Gould Economic Indicators. September 4, 2020 By Elise Gould Economic
Indicators. Tweets by @EconomicPolicy. EPI is an independent, nonprofit think tank
that researches the impact of economic trends and policies on working people in
the United States. EPI’s research helps policymakers, opinion leaders,
advocates, journalists, and the public understand the bread-and-butter issues
affecting ordinary Americans. Program
on Race, Ethnicity, and the Economy • PREE.
Unequal Power. There’s an
inherent imbalance of bargaining power between employers and employees. Here's
how it impacts your workplace—and our democracy. Policy Agenda. Tax & Spending Explorer. Inequality.is. Economic Analysis and Research Network •
EARN. Donate.
10. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-03/u-s-jobs-post-slowest-gain-in-seven-months-amid-delta-spread
Skip to content. Bloomberg the Company & Its ProductsThe
Company & its Products Bloomberg Terminal Demo Request Bloomberg Anywhere
Remote LoginBloomberg Anywhere Login Bloomberg Customer SupportCustomer Support. Employment declines at dining
establishments, retailers. Email. Sign up
for the New Economy Daily newsletter, follow us @economics
and subscribe to our podcast
. U.S. hiring downshifted abruptly in
August with the smallest jobs gain in seven months, complicating a potential
decision by the Federal Reserve to begin scaling back monetary support by year
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FPSC. The hardcopy generated through the system should be preserved by
the applicant for their own record purpose. Similarly, DO NOT send Bank
Challan/Treasury Receipt (TR) of fee deposit to FPSC. It should be preserved in safe custody by the
applicant and has to be
presented at time of test/examination.
No candidate will be allowed to appear in the test without
original TR showing fee deposited in the bank/treasury by the closing
date of the
consolidated advertisement. Applicants
should apply online immediately without waiting for the closing date of the
advertisement. Before applying online,
please check the advertisement thoroughly and ensure that you fulfil all the
requirements including qualification, age, gender, domicile,
experience etc. for the post you intend to apply. The details of posts as
advertised in the consolidated advertisement can be seen through “jobs” link
available on the website (www.fpsc.gov.pk). Submitting online applications
without having required qualification, experience etc., or submitting
fake/bogus/test online applications may cause serious difficulty for the applicant. For assistance only regarding Online
Application Submission, please call FPSC facilitation centre/helpline 051-111-000-248
during office hours
(Monday to Friday) or E-Mail us at fpsc@fpsc.gov.pk. آخر میں آپ سے درخواست ہے کہ برائے مہربانی کسی
کو رشوت مت دیجئے گا۔ اگر کوئی آپ سے رشوت مانگے کے آپکو امتحان میں پاس کروا دے گا
تو فورا اس کی شکائیت محکمہ کو کریں۔ ہماری دعا ہے کہ اللہ آپ کو کامیاب کرے۔ محنت
کیجئے کامیابی اللہ کی طرف سےہے۔.
Federal Public Service Commission, Agha Khan Road, Sector F 5/1,
9. https://todayjobs.pk/
Test Service : STS. Test Service : NTS , Self. Vacancies: Junior Forensic Scientist for DNA
& Serology, Narcotics, Taxicology, Trace Chemistry, Latent Finger Print,
Questioned Document, Polygraph, Pathology & Histology, Audio Visual
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8040 Jobs have been added in last
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The newspaper ads of vacancy or online vacancy update both are posted in this
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punjab government
jobs in pakistan
1. https://www.jobs.punjab.gov.pk/
We have no data for this page,
because it isn't accessible for our crawler.
2. https://www.jobz.pk/government-jobs-in-punjab.html
We have no data for this page,
because it isn't accessible for our crawler.
3. http://www.pakistanjobsbank.com/Loc/Punjab/
Pakistan Jobs Bank provides you
the ease of viewing all Jobs Ads from various sources like Pakistan's leading
newspapers Daily Jang, Express, Nawa-i-Waqt, The News, Dawn &
The Nation at one single place. Instead of searching the Jobs Advertisements in
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interest quickly. We also maintain an archive of old Jobs Advertisements so
that you may also view them if they are no longer
available to you through the original source. We hope that Pakistan Jobs Bank
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More Jobs by Keywords. The newspaper
ads provided by Pakistan Jobs Bank are collected from Pakistan's leading newspapers
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Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Peshawar, etc. by providing them all www newspaper job
advertisements on a single .com .pk website. This is done as a public service in
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misleading advertisement.
4. https://jobs.com.pk/latest-government-jobs/punjab/
Government Jobs | Federal |
Punjab | Sindh | KP | Balochistan.
Punjab Govt Jobs 2021 with list of all current vacancies and Jobs
opportunities under Provincial Government of Punjab. Punjab Government Jobs in
Pakistan from different Punjab Departments and Punjab Ministries along with
Punjab Govt owned organizations are posted from authentic sources here on
Jobs.com.pk for convenience of job seekers across Pakistan in an easily
accessible manner. Below is the complete list of all Punjab Govt jobs for the current
year where you can find information on how you can apply and register for
various opportunities:. PPSC Jobs
33/2021. PPSC Jobs 32/2021. Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department. PO Box 179 Lahore Public Sector
Organization. Punjab Daanish Schools. Punjab Daanish Schools / DG Khan
District. NLC Jobs 2021. UMT University. NUMS University Rawalpindi. Board of Management QA Industrial Estate
Punjab. PO Box 750 Rawalpindi. PO Box 55 Faisalabad Public Sector
Organization. Khwaja Fareed University
of Engineering & IT RYK. Sialkot
International Airport Ltd. National
University of Computer & Emerging Sciences Lahore. Punjab Daanish Schools. Pakistan Baitul Maal / Shelter Homes (Punjab
Districts). NTS | PTS | OTS | JTS | CTS
| MTS | GTS | GCTS. Contact Us. Finding Jobs in Pakistan just got easier
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5. https://paperads.com/company/government-of-punjab_10360
Looking for jobs in Government of
Punjab Okara then here you got
Government of the Punjab jobs on Paperpk.com Government of Punjab jobs
advertisements 2021 are provided below with date and city. All Punjab
Government jobs are updated daily on PaperAds.com. About Company. Government of Punjab jobs are updated here
on PaperPk.com / PaperAds.com daily from Monday to Sunday. Our dedicated team
update all new Government of Punjab Punjab Government jobs ads from Roznama
Jang, Express, Nawaiwaqt and Dawn newspapers daily in 2021. Government of Punjab Jobs in different
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govt Jobs in Punjab 2021 in Pakistan for all ranks and posts. All Punjab
government jobs published in newspapers ads are provided on PaperPk. Punjab Government jobs 2020 in Pakistan on
paperpk jobs blog. All Government of Punjab jobs published in newspapers ads
are provide here in scanned form searchable by date. Latest govt jobs in Punjab
pk in Lahore, Islamabad , Rawalpindi, Gujranwala , Sialkot , Multan and other
cities printed in Dawn , Jang , Express , Nawa-i-waqt , news and all other
local and international newspapers from Pakistan like Punjab public service commission
and other latest jobs in Punjab like Health and Education.
6. https://www.pakgovtjobs.pk/category/govt-jobs/
Government Jobs 2021: Government
Jobs in Pakistan aspirants get latest 85,000+ govt job updates in Central
Government, State Government, Public Sector Organization, Pakistan Jobs Bank,
Railway Jobs, Pak Army, Pak Navy, Pak Air Force, Government Organizations and
Govt Universities. Government Jobs in
Pakistan 2021. Everyday 24X7,
PakGovtJobs Blog provides Free Govt Jobs Alert of Educational wise Govt Jobs,
Qualification wise Govt Jobs, Central Govt Jobs, and State Govt Jobs and Public
Sector Jobs notification in this Page. Pakistan citizens find your
qualification based government job vacancies like matric base Jobs, 10th Passed
Govt Jobs, 12th Pass Govt Jobs, ITI Jobs, Diploma Jobs, Degree (BA, B.Sc,
B.Com, BBA, BCA, BE) Jobs, Post Graduate (M.Sc, MA, M.Com, MSW, MBA, MCA, ME,
M.Tech, etc.) and all other educational qualified job vacancies available
here. You can get all information about
all govt jobs in Pakistan, govt jobs in all fields such as FPSC jobs, NTS jobs,
PPSC Jobs, FIA Jobs, Pak Army Jobs, Punjab Police Jobs, Online jobs in
Pakistan, Wapda govt Jobs, PAF Jobs, POF Jobs, ASf Jobs, Jobs Bank, Pak Navy
Jobs, Army Jobs, HBL Jobs, OLX Jobs, and so much more. by Pak Govt Jobs. Children Hospital Lahore has announced the
latest Govt Jobs in Lahore 2021. Male and female candidates can apply through
the application form, before the last date. Children Hospital Lahore has
released the latest vacancy in Pharmacist. Those candidates who have at least a
Pharm D education are eligible to apply for these Govt Jobs In … Read
more. Categories All Over Pakistan Jobs
, Government Jobs , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in
Pakistan 2021 , Medical Jobs , Punjab Government. by Pak Govt Jobs. Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2021 has announced
the latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021. Both male and female candidates can apply
through the application form and get these Jobs in Pakistan 2021. Pak Army
Civilian Jobs 2021 has released the latest vacancies in Mess Waiter. Those
candidates who have Primary education are eligible to apply for … Read more. Categories Government Jobs , Jobs in Lahore
, Jobs in Peshawar , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Pak Army Jobs , Popular
Jobs in Pakistan , Primary , Punjab Government , Rawalpindi Jobs. by Pak Govt Jobs. National Archives Of Pakistan Jobs 2021 has
announced the latest Govt Jobs in Pakistan 2021. Both male and female
candidates can apply through the application form and get these Govt Jobs in
Pakistan 2021. National Archives Of Pakistan has released the latest vacancies
in Deputy Director, Preservation Officer, Security Officer, and other vacant
positions are below. Those Candidates who … Read more. by Pak Govt Jobs. KPITB Jobs 2021 Advertisement has announced
the latest Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Technology Board Jobs in Peshawar
2021. Interested Male and Female candidates can online apply at
www.kpitb.gov.pk and get these KPITB Jobs 2021. KPITB Jobs 2021has released the
latest vacancies in Web Developer, Office Boy, Project Manager, Site Engineer,
and other vacant positions are below. Those Candidates who have a bachelor’s
degree … Read more. Categories All Over
Pakistan Jobs , Atomic Energy Commission Jobs , DAE Jobs , Government Jobs ,
Jobs in Peshawar , KPK Government , KPPSC Jobs , Master's Degree , Matric Base
Jobs , Primary. by Pak Govt Jobs. Election Commission of Pakistan ECP Jobs
2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Pakistan. Both Male and Female candidates
can apply online at https://jobs.ecp.gov.pk, before the last date. The Election
Commission of Pakistan has released the 80+ Vacancies in Project Director,
Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager, and other vacant positions are below.
Those candidates who … Read more.
Categories All Over Pakistan Jobs , Faisalabad , Government Jobs , Jobs
in Islamabad , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Master's
Degree , Multan , Popular Jobs in Pakistan , Sindh Government , Teachers
Jobs. by Pak Govt Jobs. Federal Medical Training Institute PIMS Jobs
2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Pakistan. Both Male and Female candidates
can apply through the application form and get these Jobs in Islamabad. PIMS
Jobs 2021 has released the latest 40+ vacancies in Professor, Associate
Professor, Assistant Professor, Senior Registrar, Demonstrator, and other
vacant positions are below. … Read more.
Categories All Over Pakistan Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs , Federal Government
, Government Jobs , Jobs in Islamabad , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in
Pakistan 2021 , Master's Degree , Teachers Jobs. by Pak Govt Jobs. Education Department KPK has announced the
latest Govt Jobs in KPK 2021. Education Department KPK has released the latest
1000+ Vacancies in Computer Operators, Divisional Education Officers,
Instructors, Invigilators, and Office Assistants. Both Male and Female
candidates can apply at EETA Website at www.eeta.org.pk, before the last date.
Those candidates who have at least Bachelor’s … Read more. Categories Jobs in Peshawar , Bachelor's
Jobs , Government Jobs , Jobs in Others Cities , KPK Government , Latest Jobs
in Pakistan 2021 , Master's Degree , Popular Jobs in Pakistan. by Pak Govt Jobs. Rescue 1122 Jobs 2021 has announced the
latest Jobs in Sindh, Karachi. Both male and female candidates can apply online
at https://apply.sts.net.pk before the last date. Sindh Rescue 1122 Jobs has released
the latest 500+ Vacancies in Assistant Directors, Emergency Officers, Naib
Qasid, and other vacant positions are available below. Those candidates who
have at … Read more. Categories Latest
Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , DAE Jobs , Government Jobs , Intermediate Jobs , Jobs
in Karachi , Jobs in Others Cities , Literate Jobs , Master's Degree , Matric
Base Jobs , Middle , Popular Jobs in Pakistan , Primary , Sindh
Government. by Pak Govt Jobs. Sindh Govt Jobs 2021 has announced the
latest Vacancies via SIBA Testing Services STS. Sindh Government has announced
the latest 50000+ vacancies in BPS-05 to BPS-15 in all the
Ministries/Departments. Both male and female candidates can apply online at
https://apply.sts.net.pk before the last date. Those candidates who have at
least Matric education are eligible to apply for … Read more. Categories All Over Pakistan Jobs ,
Bachelor's Jobs , Government Jobs , Hyderabad , Intermediate Jobs , Jobs in
Karachi , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Master's
Degree , Matric Base Jobs , Sindh Government.
by Pak Govt Jobs. Public Sector
Organization has announced the latest Govt Jobs in Islamabad 2021. Both Male
and Female candidates can apply online at
https://vacancies.brightspyre.com/jobs before the last date. Public Sector
Organization Islamabad has released the latest Vacancies in Assistant Manager.
Those candidates who have at least Bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for
these Govt Jobs in … Read more.
Categories All Over Pakistan Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs , Federal Government
, Government Jobs , Jobs in Islamabad , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in
Pakistan 2021. by Pak Govt Jobs. Peoples Primary Healthcare Initiative PPHI
Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Sindh 2021. Interested candidates
can apply online at PPHI Sindh’s official website at https://www.pphisindh.org,
before the last date. PPHI Jobs 2021 has released the latest 200+ Jobs in
Administrator, Anesthetist, Assistant Accounts & Finance, Assistant Admin,
and other vacant positions are below. … Read more. Categories All Over Pakistan Jobs ,
Bachelor's Jobs , Government Jobs , Intermediate Jobs , Jobs in Karachi , Jobs
in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Literate Jobs , Master's
Degree , Matric Base Jobs , Middle , Primary , Sindh Government. by Pak Govt Jobs. Islamia University of Bahawalpur IUB Jobs
2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Pakistan. IUB Jobs 2021 has released the
latest 210+ IUB Lecturers Jobs. Both male and female candidates can apply
online at eportal.iub.edu.pk before the last date. Those applicants who have at
least a Master’s degree are eligible to apply for these jobs … Read more. Categories Government Jobs , All Over
Pakistan Jobs , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Master's
Degree , Punjab Government , Teachers Jobs.
by Pak Govt Jobs. QAED Jobs 2021
has announced the latest Jobs in Punjab. Both male and female candidates can
apply online at http://www.qaed.edu.pk before the last date. QAED Jobs 2021 has
released the latest Jobs in Master Trainers for Teaching of Holy Quran. Those
candidates who have at least Bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for these
Jobs … Read more. Categories Latest
Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , All Over Pakistan Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs , Government
Jobs , Gujranwala , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities , Multan , Popular
Jobs in Pakistan , Punjab Government.
by Pak Govt Jobs. Ministry Of
Foreign Affairs MOFA Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021.
Both male and female candidates can apply through the online application form
at http://prosys.mofa.gov.pk before the last date. MOFA Jobs 2021 has released
the latest 200+ vacancies in Assistant, Cypher Assistant, Stenotypist,
Operational Support, and other vacant positions are below. … Read more. Categories All Over Pakistan Jobs ,
Bachelor's Jobs , Government Jobs , Intermediate Jobs , Jobs in Islamabad ,
Jobs in Karachi , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in
Pakistan 2021 , Master's Degree , Matric Base Jobs , Ministry Jobs in Pakistan
, Popular Jobs in Pakistan , Primary , Punjab Government. by Pak Govt Jobs. Finance Department Jobs In Punjab 2021 has
announced the latest Jobs in Lahore, Punjab. Interested candidates can apply
through the application form and get these Jobs in Finance Department Punjab.
Finance Department Punjab has released the latest vacancies in Corporate
Governance Specialist, and Debt Management Specialist. Those Candidates who
have a Bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for the Latest Finance
Department Punjab … Read more.
Categories Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , All Over Pakistan Jobs ,
Bachelor's Jobs , Government Jobs , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities ,
Master's Degree , Multan , Punjab Government. by Pak Govt Jobs. Agriculture Department Jobs in Punjab 2021
has announced the latest jobs in Punjab. Both Males and Females, Both
Candidates, are eligible to apply online application. Interested candidates
must have a diploma to apply for Agriculture Department jobs in Punjab and get
govt jobs in Punjab. Candidates can read the full advertisement before applying
for these … Read more. by Pak Govt
Jobs. BISP Jobs 2021 Benazir Income
Support Programme has announced the latest Jobs in Islamabad 2021. Both Male
and Female candidates can apply online at www.bisp.gov.pk before the last date.
BISP Jobs 2021 has released the latest Jobs in Project Manager, Provincial
Manager, Capacity Building Coordinator, and other vacant positions are below.
Those Candidates who have Bachelor’s degrees … Read more. Categories Government Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs
, Federal Government , Jobs in Islamabad , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs
in Pakistan 2021 , Master's Degree. by
Pak Govt Jobs. Primary And Secondary
Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Punjab.
Both Male and Female candidates can apply through the application form and get
these Latest Health Department, Punjab Jobs. Those Candidates who have a Matric
to Inter are eligible to apply for the Healthcare Department Punjab Jobs.
Candidates can read the full advertisement before applying for Latest … Read
more. Categories Popular Jobs in
Pakistan , Faisalabad , Government Jobs , Gujranwala , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in
Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Matric Base Jobs , Punjab
Government , Rawalpindi Jobs. by Pak
Govt Jobs. Federal Government Jobs in
Pakistan 2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Public Sector Organization Jobs
at Karachi and Lahore. Both male and female candidates can apply through the
application form. Federal Government has released the latest vacancies in
Monitoring Officer, Project Assistant, Naib Qasid, and Driver. Those candidates
who have Bachelors’s degree are eligible … Read more. Categories Government Jobs , All Over
Pakistan Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs , Blog , Jobs in Islamabad , Jobs in Others
Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Master's Degree , Pak Army Jobs. by Pak Govt Jobs. Rawalpindi Medical University Jobs 2021 has
announced the latest advertisement for Govt Jobs In Rawalpindi 2021. Interested
Male and Female candidates can apply through the application form and get these
RMU Rawalpindi Jobs 2021. Rawalpindi Medical University Jobs 2021 invites
candidates for the post of Senior Registrar. Those Candidates who have a
Bachelor’s to Master’s degree are … Read more.
by Pak Govt Jobs. Punjab Public
Service Commission PPSC Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Medical Officers
Jobs in Punjab 2021. PPSC Jobs 2021 has released the latest 400+ Vacancies in
Medical Officer, Woman Medical Officer, Deputy Director Farm, and Manager. Both
Male and Female candidates can apply for an online application form at PPSC’s
official website at https://ppsc.gop.pk … Read more. Categories PPSC Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs ,
Government Jobs , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in
Pakistan 2021 , Master's Degree , Popular Jobs in Pakistan , Punjab
Government. by Pak Govt Jobs. PCSIR Jobs 2021 has announced the latest 23+
jobs in Islamabad. Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
2021 hired a Network Administrator, Web Developer, Network Technician, and 04
more Positions. Interested candidates can apply through the Online application
form, and get these jobs in Islamabad. Those candidates who have a Literate to
Master’s Degree are eligible to apply. … Read more. by Pak Govt Jobs. NTP Jobs 2021 – National TB Control Program
Jobs 2021 has announced the latest job vacancy in Islamabad. Interested Male
and female candidates can apply through the online application form, and get
these jobs in NTP Islamabad. Those candidates who have Bachelors’s/Masters’s
degree are eligible to apply for these jobs in Pakistan. The Last date … Read
more. by Pak Govt Jobs. PHA Foundation Jobs 2021 has announced the
latest Govt Jobs in Pakistan 2021. Pakistan Housing Authority PHA has released
the latest jobs in Assistant Director, IT Assistant, LDC, Naib Qasid, and other
vacant positions are below. Interested Male and Female candidates can apply
through the Online application form at www.pha.gov.pk. Those Candidates who
have middle … Read more. Categories All
Over Pakistan Jobs , Faisalabad , Government Jobs , Gujranwala , Jobs in
Islamabad , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan
2021 , Punjab Government. by Pak Govt
Jobs. Pak Army Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Commissioned Officer
Jobs in Pakistan. Interested candidates can apply through the online
application form at www.joinpakarmy.gov.pk before the last date. Pak Army Jobs
2021 has released the latest 1050+ vacancies in Commissioned Officer Jobs 2021.
Those candidates who have Intermediate, Bachelor’s, and Master’s degrees are
eligible to apply for Pak … Read more.
Categories Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , All Over Pakistan Jobs ,
Bachelor's Jobs , Government Jobs , Intermediate Jobs , Jobs in Islamabad ,
Jobs in Karachi , Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities , Master's Degree ,
Pak Army Jobs , Popular Jobs in Pakistan , Punjab Government , Quetta Jobs ,
Rawalpindi Jobs , Sindh Government. by
Pak Govt Jobs. WAPDA PESCO Jobs 2021
has announced the latest Head of Internal Audit Jobs in Peshawar 2021.
Interested candidates can apply through the application form and get these Jobs
in PESCO 2021. Those Candidates who have a Master’s degree are eligible to
apply for the Latest PESCO Jobs 2021. Candidates can read the full
advertisement before applying for these jobs in Peshawar. The … Read more. by Pak Govt Jobs. PSEB Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Financial
Officer, and Chief Industry Development Officer Jobs in Islamabad, Punjab, and
Karachi. Both male and female candidates can apply online at
www.pseb.brightspyre.com and get these Pakistan Software Export Board Jobs
2021. Those Applicants who have Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees are eligible to
apply for the PSEB Jobs … Read more. by
Pak Govt Jobs. National Skills
University Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Govt Jobs in Islamabad 2021.
National Skills University has released the latest 55+ vacancies in Professors,
Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Lecturers, and other vacant
positions are below down. Candidates can apply through the online application
form before 18 November 2021. Apply Now: Govt Jobs In Punjab … Read more. Categories Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 ,
Bachelor's Jobs , Government Jobs , Intermediate Jobs , Jobs in Islamabad ,
Jobs in Others Cities , Master's Degree , Matric Base Jobs , Teachers Jobs. by Pak Govt Jobs. Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission PAEC Jobs
2021 has announced the latest Jobs in Pakistan. Both male and female candidates
can apply through the Online application form and get these Jobs in Pakistan
2021. PAEC Jobs 2021 has released the latest vacancies in General Manager,
Manager, Assistant Manager, and AM Maths/Physics. Those candidates who have
Bachelor’s … Read more. Categories All
Over Pakistan Jobs , Atomic Energy Commission Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs ,
Government Jobs , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 ,
Master's Degree , PAEC Jobs , Popular Jobs in Pakistan , Punjab Government ,
Sindh Government. by Pak Govt
Jobs. Govt Jobs In Punjab 2021 has
announced the latest Population Welfare Department Jobs in Punjab 2021.
Interested Male and Female candidates can apply through the application form
and get these Govt Jobs In Punjab 2021. Population Welfare Department Punjab
has released the latest vacancies in Statistical Officer, Data Analyst,
Demographer, and other vacant Positions are below. Those Candidates who have …
Read more. Categories All Over Pakistan
Jobs , Bachelor's Jobs , Government Jobs , Gujranwala , Intermediate Jobs ,
Jobs in Lahore , Jobs in Others Cities , Latest Jobs in Pakistan 2021 , Literate
Jobs , Master's Degree , Matric Base Jobs , Middle , Multan , Punjab
Government. by Pak Govt Jobs. Karachi Shipyard and Engineering Works KSEW
Jobs 2021 has announced the latest Govt Jobs in Karachi 2021. Both Male and
Female candidates can apply online at https://www.karachishipyard.com.pk,
before the last date. KSEW Jobs 2021 has released the latest vacancies in
Supervisor, Machine Operator, Marker, and other vacant positions are below.
Those candidates who have at … Read more.
by Pak Govt Jobs. State Bank of
Pakistan SBP Jobs 2021 has announced the latest jobs in Karachi. State bank of
Pakistan. Interested Male and Female candidates can apply through the
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apply to join. Work and Travel. What is Remote Work? Remote work is on the rise. How do people
work remotely, why do they work remotely and what are some common misconceptions
about remote work? Remote work is on
the rise. While having the ability to work from outside of a corporate office
has been feasible for a few decades, working remotely is only now becoming
mainstream. You may have even heard the
phrase tossed around in casual conversation: “I’m working remotely now!” or
“I’ve been able to travel and take my job with me!” You nod your head as you
listen to these people extol the flexibility of their lifestyles and the
benefits that they’ve seen in their professional lives because they can work
remotely, but you still have a few questions.
What is remote work? Remote work
is a working style that allows professionals to work outside of a traditional
office environment. It is based on the concept that work does not need to be
done in a specific place to be executed successfully. Think of it this way: instead of commuting
to an office each day to work from a designated desk, remote employees can
execute their projects and surpass their goals wherever they please. People
have the flexibility to design their days so that their professional and
personal lives can be experienced to their fullest potential and coexist
peacefully. There has been a cultural
paradigm shift in what society deems to be an appropriate workplace - and
remote work has capitalized off of that newfound freedom. How do people work remotely? There are a variety of ways in which people
can work remotely. That’s the beauty of remote work - people can choose to work
in a way that makes the most sense for their lives. For example, some people have the
opportunity to work remotely for the majority of the working week, but have to
commute to in-person meetings at the office one day a week. On a typical day,
these remote employees work from their home offices or nearby cafés and can
work from their company’s office when it’s necessary. Others rely on coworking spaces to be the
spots where they can get the job done. Coworking spaces act as hubs of productivity,
community, and technology, offering great network connectivity and
opportunities to meet others who work in a multitude of industries. They can be
utilized by people with full-time jobs, freelance careers and even
entrepreneurs who want to rent out an office space for themselves or their small
staff. You might even say that coworking spaces are a halfway point between a
traditional office and a nontraditional workspace, giving you the comfort of
working from home and combining it with the professional amenities and
networking opportunities that you’d find in a corporate environment. Whether
remote employees choose to take advantage of a coworking space in their home
city, or obtain a membership with a coworking collective that has locations
around the world, they reap the benefits of having location flexibility. Some remote workers take full advantage of
the opportunities that a remote working lifestyle gives them. On top of being
able to set their schedules so that they are able to work whenever they are
most productive or creative, some remote employees decide to leave their
traditional routines behind and hit the road. In an effort to open their minds,
achieve greater global understanding and expand their professional network into
a worldwide community, they take their remote work to different countries
around the world, either through work and travel programs or DIY travel
arrangements. Why do people work
remotely? Now that you understand what
remote work is and how people make it happen everyday you might be wondering:
why? Why would someone choose to work outside of an office environment and,
better yet, why would their boss let them?
There are a multitude of benefits to remote work for both employees and
employers, ranging from increased productivity to happier, healthier workers.
Let’s break down a few of the advantages:.
Flexible lifestyle. The most
obvious reason for why people want to work remotely is because it offers them a
more flexible lifestyle. When they aren’t required to be in an office during a
set time frame, remote employees can focus on the things that matter to them
outside of the office. If a remote worker is also a parent, he or she has the
ability to start work earlier in the day so that he or she can be present when
the children get home from school, or take time off during the day for a
doctor’s appointment. Another scenario could be a remote employee who wants to
attain further education in their field. Because they aren’t subject to a
strict schedule in a permanent workplace, a remote employee could pursue a
Master’s degree or continuing education course during the day and double down
on their work in the evening, or vice versa.
Remote employees are notably less stressed and have higher morale than
their in-office counterparts. In a report published by Royal Society for Public
Health in the UK, it was found that 55% of participants felt more stressed as a
result of their commute. By eliminating that commute, and letting remote
employees work in an environment that they’re comfortable in, employers are nurturing
less stressed-out employees. Just take a look at this stat: 69% of remote
workers reported lower absenteeism than non-remote employees according to a
2014 study by PGi. Workers didn’t feel the need to skip out on work without
good reason because they felt engaged and focused within their role instead of
stressed or pressured. Happier, healthier employees produce better work and
feel more committed to their companies. From this perspective, remote work is
just good business. Remote employees
tend to do their best work outside of the office. They are more inspired by
their surroundings and can filter out environmental distractions as they see
fit. In fact, the opportunity to work remotely alone brings a new perspective
to a remote workers’ position. They see it as motivation or a reward for their
excellent work and are stimulated to continue to surpass their goals in order
to continue living the lifestyle that they’ve come to love. One of the most touted arguments for remote
work is the increased productivity that comes with its flexibility. Remote
employees are more likely to put in extra effort intheir jobs, going above and
beyond toget their work done in comparison to in-office employees. According to
the State and Work Productivity Report, 65% of full-time employees believe that
working remotely would increase productivity - and their bosses agree.
Two-thirds of managers who were surveyed reported an increase in overall
productivity from their remote employees.
Remote employees are also great for a company’s bottom line. If a team
is fully-distributed, companies can see decreased overhead from money saved on
costs like rent and office furniture. To put that learning into perspective,
Flexjobs reported that employers can save $22,000 per remote worker per year,
even if their entire team is not remote.
Beyond profit margins and higher-quality, more efficient work, employers
offer remote work opportunities to keep their employees happy and engaged.
Remote work is not just a flash in the pan for employee engagement - nearly 75%
of employees surveyed in a Softchoice study said they would quit their job for
one that offered remote work. That’s something that will make employers who are
interested in talent retention listen in a little closer. Here’s another: in a
survey by TINYpulse , remote employees reported that they were happier than
non-remote employees and also felt more valued within their role. While remote work is becoming more and more
common, it’s true that there are still some misunderstandings about this
working style. Here are the ones that we hear the most often:. Remote workers have trouble
communicating. It’s true that remote
employees are not fixtures in in-person meetings. They aren’t ingrained in
water cooler conversations or happy hour meetups, but they more than make up
for it in their desire to remain connected to the team and be successful in
their work. Video calls are the simplest way to hold meetings as a remote
employee because it acts as a reminder that both parties are human and allows
team members to build virtual relationships. Because remote employees tend to
be self-starters by nature, they also tend to put in extra effort to over
communicate on project statuses, any obstacles they may be facing and extend
congratulations to other team members.
Remote workers are “always-on”.
This is a fear of remote employees and their employers alike. Employees
value working remotely because it gives them the freedom to make their own
schedule - not because it allows their schedule to be 24/7. Employers don’t
want remote employees to work nonstop either, for fear that they’ll burn out
and lose their passion for their position. It’s important in the beginning of a
remote work agreement to work out which hours an employee should expect to be
available and which times of day are more open for flexibility. In addition to
laying down standards for availability, remote teams should set clear
expectations about communication and develop messaging channels for its
members. Remote workers don’t actually
work. We’ve heard this one enough! The
stereotype of a remote worker is that they sit in bed all day in their pajamas,
working once in awhile, but not at the same level as those who commute to the
office each day. We know that this is simply not true. In all of the time that
we have spent with remote workers, we’ve seen a variety of styles: those who
wake up early in the morning for a hike, shower off, and hunker down for a day
of focused creation; and those who get ready for the day as if they were going
to an office setting, polished outfit and all. What we do know is this: remote
workers get sh*t done. How to work
remotely. Sold on this lifestyle? It is
pretty appealing. The idea of waking up and living your life in a way that is
most suited to your personal and professional goals, along with your habits and
idiosyncrasies sounds almost too good to be true. PSA: this way of living is
possible for you, no matter where you’re at in life right now. .
If you’re a full-time employee at a company with a corporate
office:. What is a remote
employee? A remote employee is someone
who is employed by a company, but works outside of a traditional office
environment. This could mean working from a local coworking space, from home,
at a coffee shop, or in a city across the world. This is a multi-step process and not
something that should be jumped into without a bit of thought. You’ll need to
consider your current professional role, your working style, and be prepared to
have in-depth conversations with your
manager about how remote working could work for you and your team. You’ll need
to build up a well-researched business case that is specific to your role in
your organization and use the powers of persuasion to get your boss on board. Don’t
worry, you don’t have to do it alone. We’ll show you how to segue into remote
work, whether you want to do it once a week , or for an entire year. If you’re a freelancer. You’re probably in the best position to work
remotely - congratulations! Think about your clientele and whether it is
necessary to be available for in-person meetings. If you think that more than
80% of your work can be done virtually, then think about a trial remote work
period. Start with one week and build up to longer stretches of time that feel
comfortable to you and your clientele.
As a motivated innovator and self-starter, remote work could be a great
option for you. Before you jump headfirst into a remote working lifestyle,
think about whether your business requires a brick-and-mortar location. For
example, a salon owner would have a difficult time working remotely, while an
online fitness instructor would have a simpler transition. Once you’ve weighed
the pros and cons, take the leap - and consider taking your team along with you
for the ride ! Remote work is still a
relatively new concept in the professional world. With technology advancing at
a faster rate than ever before, old concerns like communication and
productivity tracking have been eradicated and more companies are looking into
offering remote work as an option for their employees. If you’re interested in
living a more flexible lifestyle, or want to pursue a new way of thinking about
personal and professional growth, look into how remote work could work for you. As technology continues to advance, remote
work is becoming more common in a multitude of industries. From those that
you'd expect (tech, freelancing, etc.) to those that are a bit more surprising
(education, healthcare, law), remote jobs can be found in nearly any industry.
If you're looking for a remote job , there's never been a better time to
research your options. Use resources like your professional network, remote job
boards , and lists of fully-distributed companies to begin your search. You never
know what opportunities await! We can’t
wait to see all that you can accomplish once you’re free to live your life on
your terms.
3. https://weworkremotely.com/
We Work Remotely. We Work Remotely is the largest remote work
community in the world. With over 3M visitors, WWR is the number one
destination to find and list incredible remote jobs. View all 57 Customer Support jobs. We strongly encourage employers to embrace
diversity, equity, and inclusion as fundamental values when hiring through We
Work Remotely. Get in touch.
4. https://www.flexjobs.com/
Thanks for checking out FlexJobs!
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5. https://www.flexjobs.com/blog/post/companies-switching-remote-work-long-term/
Join FlexJobs! The pandemic forced many businesses to go
remote, but here are 30 companies that have switched to permanent remote
work. By Emily Courtney. During the coronavirus pandemic, the
transition to working from home was fast and furious for a lot of
organizations. But many companies are now figuring out that permanent remote
work is the future of work—pandemic or not.
Below are 30 companies that have switched to long-term remote work,
along with some of their recent remote opportunities that have been posted to
the FlexJobs database (to see current openings, log in to your FlexJobs
account). FlexJobs is the longtime
leader in helping job seekers find the highest-quality remote, work-from-home,
hybrid, and flexible jobs . You can sign up for premium-level access to our
database of hand-screened job listings, as well as job search and career
webinars, and many other great resources! Learn today how FlexJobs can empower your
job search ! 1. Adobe. Adobe is a software company providing
customer-focused solutions for web-based applications and content development.
An innovative company with a broad range of products and solutions, Adobe is
committed to creating a great place to work for its staff. Remote work plans: Employees will have the
option to work from home approximately 50% of the time and in the office the
remainder of the time. 2. Amazon. As the largest online retailer in the world,
Amazon employs nearly 92,000 employees all over the globe and offers
traditional and e-books, furniture, household items, apparel, electronics,
music, movies, and more. Remote work
plans: In June 2021, Amazon stated that employees whose positions allow them to
work from home can do so two days a week.
3. Apple. Apple and its
associates have reinvented entire industries with the Mac, iPhone, iPad, and
Apple Watch, as well as with services including iTunes, the App Store, Apple
Music, and Apple Pay. Every new product Apple invents, service it creates, or
store it opens is the result of people working together to make each other’s
ideas stronger. Remote work plans:
Apple offers 100% remote work options for some of its roles. As the pandemic
eases and restrictions are lifted, the company will also offer a hybrid work
model. 4. Atlassian. 5. Capital One. Founded in 1988, Capital One is one of the
nation’s top 10 largest banks based on customer deposits and manages nearly 45
million accounts. The company is an award-winning provider of financial
services and products for commercial customers, small businesses, and
consumers. Remote work plans: Capital
One is adopting a flexible hybrid model and will not require employees to be in
the office a certain number of days. Some employees are able to work from home
100% of the time. 6. Coinbase. Remote work plans: Coinbase has become a
“remote-first” company, allowing most staff who want to work remotely to do so
indefinitely. Once pandemic restrictions are lifted, employees who want to
return to the office will be able to for some or all of their working
hours. 7. Dropbox. Remote work plans: Dropbox will let all
employees work from home permanently. Existing office space will become Dropbox
Studios, where people can choose to go in to work. 8. Facebook. 9. Ford Motor Company. Headquartered in Dearborn, Michigan, Ford
Motor Company, founded in 1903, is the fifth-largest automobile manufacturer in
the world and has evolved with a mission to create smarter technology, a sustainable
environment, and stronger communities.
Remote work plans: Employees will be allowed to work from home
indefinitely with flexible hours. Hybrid work will be introduced for group
meetings and projects where needed. 10.
HubSpot. Since launching in 2006,
HubSpot has emerged as the force behind the industry-leading inbound marketing
and sales platform. Headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, with offices
worldwide, HubSpot provides software, support, and services to clients in more
than 90 countries. Remote work plans:
Employees at HubSpot can choose from three options: work from home with an
approved home office setup, work from the office two or fewer days per week, or
work from the office three or more days per week. New employees will have to
choose their option prior to their start date and can change once a year. 11. Lambda School. Founded in 2017 as a revolutionary
alternative to traditional colleges, Lambda School trains students for
high-tech careers with 100% online classes and no upfront costs. Remote work plans: Lambda School has rolled
out a permanent work-from-anywhere policy, and employees can work from anywhere
in the U.S. 12. Lincoln Financial
Group. Lincoln Financial Group offers
its customers a wide range of financial services to meet customers’ needs. Its
core business areas include annuities, life insurance, individual and group
retirement plans, and group benefits, including long-term care protection. 13. LogMeIn. Founded in 2003, LogMeIn is a software
company that simplifies how people connect with each other and the world to
drive meaningful interactions, strengthen relationships, and improve outcomes
for individuals and businesses. Remote
work plans: LogMeIn is moving to a remote-centric workplace model, where
employees can figure out which work arrangement best supports their lifestyle
and mental health. Some will work remotely 100% of the time, and others will
have a hybrid arrangement, with some in-office time as well. A small percentage
of employees will be in the office four to five days per week if their job
requires it. 14. Microsoft. Remote work plans: Employees can work from
home for approximately 50% of their workweek. Managers have the option to
approve full-time, remote work for staff.
15. Nationwide Insurance.
Nationwide Insurance, founded in 1926, is one of the nation’s oldest and
most well-respected insurance agencies. A Fortune 100 company, Nationwide is
recognized as one of the world’s largest financial and insurance services
companies, with statutory assets reaching nearly $160 billion. Remote work plans: The company is making a
permanent transition to a hybrid work model, with a majority of the staff being
able to indefinitely work remotely. 16.
Quora. Founded in 2009, Quora is a
Q&A platform that was created to share and grow the world’s knowledge.
Questions are the cornerstone of Quora—at its core, the company is a place for
people to ask and find answers to these questions. Remote work plans: Quora has adopted a
remote-first policy, allowing nearly all employees to work remotely and
relocate to anywhere the company can legally employ them. The company will
convert its existing office into a coworking space for employees who want to
work there. 17. Reddit. Reddit is an online platform that thousands
of communities utilize to connect and have conversations about a never-ending
variety of topics, including TV or movie fan theories, sports, news, and much
more. Remote work plans: Reddit is
allowing employees to choose permanent remote work, with options for in-office
work in a casual environment. 18.
Salesforce. Remote work plans:
Salesforce has declared the 9-to-5 workday dead and now offers three categories
of flexible work for employees: Flex (only in the office one to three days per
week), fully remote, and office-based (the small number of staff who need to be
available in person four to five days per week). 19. SAP.
SAP is a German-founded and headquartered organization whose name stands
for Systemanalyse und Programmentwicklung, or Systems Analysis and Program
Development. Founded in 1972, SAP provides clients in over 180 countries with
enterprise software and services. 20.
Shopify. Shopify is an ecommerce
company that provides a multichannel, cloud-based commerce platform for small
and midsized companies to design, organize, and manage stores across various
sales channels. 21. Siemens. Started in 1847, Siemens is a global industrial
electrical engineering and electronics corporation that operates nine divisions.
Products include industrial controls, energy-efficient building solutions, wind
turbines, medical imaging technology, and train and subway solutions. 22. Skillshare. Skillshare is an online learning community
that services more than 3 million students. Classes cover areas as diverse as
design, business, crafts, culinary arts, technology, and film. 23. Slack.
Slack offers real-time messaging, archiving, and search services
designed to facilitate team communication so users can quickly and efficiently
stream communication and documents to share with colleagues. Remote work plans: Most Slack employees can
work from home permanently, and Slack is committing to hiring more permanently
remote employees. Recent remote job
openings:. 24. Spotify. A Swedish company, Spotify provides music,
comedy, podcast, and streaming services. Users can play music directly from the
cloud, instead of downloading it to their device, and have access to more than
30 million tracks. Remote work plans:
Spotify recently announced that employees can choose to work in the office,
remotely, or in a company-paid coworking space. 25. Square.
Square began as a small credit card-reading application and now provides
merchants with the ability to manage point-of-sale systems, accept credit card
payments, and sell online. 26.
Twitter. Twitter is an online social
networking and news service that allows people to post messages and interact with
others instantly around the world using short messages. Remote work plans: Employees at Twitter will
be able to work from home indefinitely, going into the office if and when they
choose. 27. Upwork. Upwork is the world’s largest freelance
marketplace offering 2,500 skill categories, with 10 million registered
freelancers and 4 million registered client companies. 28. Verizon. Verizon is an award-winning, global
communications company headquartered in New York, New York, that employs nearly
77,000 associates and maintains over 1,700 retail locations across the United
States. 29. VMware. A subsidiary of Dell Technologies, VMware
specializes in cloud and virtualization software and services. Its products and
services include data center and cloud infrastructure, networking and security,
storage and availability, cloud management, and more. 30. Zoom Video Communications. Zoom Video Communications was founded in
2011 to revolutionize the way teams communicate. Zoom provides modern
enterprise video communications that feature audio and video conferencing,
collaboration, chat, and webinars.
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8. https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/future-of-work/whats-next-for-remote-work-an-analysis-of-2000-tasks-800-jobs-and-nine-countries
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Hybrid models of remote work are likely to persist in the wake of the
pandemic, mostly for a highly educated, well-paid minority of the
workforce. Article (13 pages). Article (13 pages). For many workers, COVID-19’s impact has
depended greatly on one question: Can I work from home or am I tethered to my
workplace? Quarantines, lockdowns, and self-imposed isolation have pushed tens
of millions around the world to work from home, accelerating a workplace
experiment that had struggled to gain traction before COVID-19 hit. Our
future lives and livelihoods: Sustainable and inclusive and growing. Solving the net-zero equation: Nine
requirements for a more orderly transition.
Now, well into the pandemic, the limitations and the benefits of remote
work are clearer. Although many people are returning to the workplace as
economies reopen—the majority could not work remotely at all—executives have
indicated in surveys that hybrid models of remote work for some employees are
here to stay. The virus has broken through cultural and technological barriers
that prevented remote work in the past, setting in motion a structural shift in
where work takes place, at least for some people. Now that vaccines are awaiting approval, the
question looms: To what extent will remote work persist? In this article, we
assess the possibility for various work activities to be performed remotely.
Building on the McKinsey Global Institute’s body of work on automation, AI, and
the future of work, we extend our models to consider where work is performed. 1
1. The future of work in Europe: Automation, workforce transitions, and the
future geography of work , McKinsey Global Institute, June 2020; The future of
work in America: People and places, today and tomorrow , McKinsey Global
Institute, July 2019; Jobs lost, jobs gained: Workforce transitions in a time
of automation , McKinsey Global Institute, December 2017. Our analysis finds
that the potential for remote work is highly concentrated among highly skilled,
highly educated workers in a handful of industries, occupations, and
geographies. More than 20 percent of
the workforce could work remotely three to five days a week as effectively as
they could if working from an office. If remote work took hold at that level,
that would mean three to four times as many people working from home than
before the pandemic and would have a profound impact on urban economies,
transportation, and consumer spending, among other things. The virus has broken through cultural and
technological barriers that prevented remote work in the past, setting in
motion a structural shift in where work takes place, at least for some
people. More than half the workforce,
however, has little or no opportunity for remote work. Some of their jobs require
collaborating with others or using specialized machinery; other jobs, such as
conducting CT scans, must be done on location; and some, such as making
deliveries, are performed while out and about. Many of such jobs are low wage
and more at risk from broad trends such as automation and digitization. Remote
work thus risks accentuating inequalities at a social level. Section 1.
The potential for remote work is determined by tasks and activities, not
occupations. Remote work raises a vast
array of issues and challenges for employees and employers. Companies are
pondering how best to deliver coaching remotely and how to configure workspaces
to enhance employee safety, among a host of other thorny questions raised by
COVID-19. For their part, employees are struggling to find the best home-work
balance and equip themselves for working and collaborating remotely. In this article, however, we aim to
granularly define the activities and occupations that can be done from home to
better understand the future staying power of remote work. We have analyzed the
potential for remote work—or work that doesn’t require interpersonal
interaction or a physical presence at a specific worksite—in a range of
countries, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Mexico, Spain, the United
Kingdom, and the United States. We used MGI’s workforce model based on the
Occupational Information Network (O*NET) to analyze more than 2,000 activities
in more than 800 occupations and identify which activities and occupations have
the greatest potential for remote work.
The potential for remote work depends on the mix of activities
undertaken in each occupation and on their physical, spatial, and interpersonal
context. We first assessed the theoretical extent to which an activity can be
done remotely. This depends on whether a worker needs to be physically present
on-site to do a task, interact with others, or use location-specific machinery
or equipment. Many physical or manual
activities, as well as those that require use of fixed equipment, cannot be
done remotely. These include providing care, operating machinery, using lab
equipment, and processing customer transactions in stores. In contrast,
activities such as information gathering and processing, communicating with
others, teaching and counseling, and coding data can theoretically be done
remotely. Additionally, employers have
found during the pandemic that although some tasks can be done remotely in a
crisis, they are much more effectively done in person. These activities include
coaching, counseling, and providing advice and feedback; building customer and
colleague relationships; bringing new employees into a company; negotiating and
making critical decisions; teaching and training; and work that benefits from
collaboration, such as innovation, problem-solving, and creativity. If
onboarding were to be done remotely, for instance, it would require significant
rethinking of the activity to produce outcomes similar to those achieved in
person. For instance, while teaching
has moved to remote work during the pandemic, parents and teachers alike say
that quality has suffered. Similarly, courtrooms have functioned remotely but
are unlikely to remain online going forward out of concern for legal rights and
equity—some defendants lack adequate connectivity and lawyers, and judges worry
about missing nonverbal cues in video conferences. So we have devised two metrics for remote
work potential: the maximum potential, including all activities that
theoretically can be performed remotely, and a lower bound for the effective potential
for remote work, which excludes activities that have a clear benefit from being
done in person (Exhibit 1). We strive
to provide individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. If you
would like information about this content we will be happy to work with you.
Please email us at: McKinsey_Website_Accessibility@mckinsey.com. To determine the overall potential for
remote work for jobs and sectors, we use the time spent on different activities
within occupations. We find that remote work potential is concentrated in a few
sectors. Finance and insurance has the highest potential, with three-quarters
of time spent on activities that can be done remotely without a loss of
productivity. Management, business services, and information technology have
the next highest potential, all with more than half of employee time spent on
activities that could effectively be done remotely (Exhibit 2). These sectors
are characterized by a high share of workers with college degrees or higher. We strive to provide individuals with
disabilities equal access to our website. If you would like information about
this content we will be happy to work with you. Please email us at:
Remote work potential is higher in advanced economies. The potential for remote work varies across
countries, a reflection of their sector, occupation, and activity mix. Business
and financial services are a large share of the UK economy, for example, and it
has the highest potential for remote work among the countries we examined. Its
workforce could theoretically work remotely one-third of the time without a
loss of productivity, or almost half the time but with diminished productivity.
(Exhibit 3). Other advanced economies are not far behind; their workforces
could dedicate 28 to 30 percent of the time to working remotely without losing
productivity. We strive to provide
individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. If you would like information
about this content we will be happy to work with you. Please email us at:
In emerging economies, employment is skewed toward occupations that
require physical and manual activities in sectors like agriculture and
manufacturing. The potential for time spent on remote work drops to 12 to 26
percent in the emerging economies we assessed. In India, for instance, the
workforce could spend just 12 percent of the time working remotely without
losing effectiveness. Although India is known globally for its high-tech and
financial services industries, the vast majority of its workforce of 464
million is employed in occupations like retail services and agriculture that
cannot be done remotely. Although India
is known globally for its high-tech and financial services industries, the vast
majority of its workforce of 464 million is employed in occupations like retail
services and agriculture that cannot be done remotely. Section 3.
A hybrid model that combines some remote work with work in an office is
possible for occupations with high remote work potential. For most workers, some activities during a
typical day lend themselves to remote work, while the rest of their tasks
require their on-site physical presence. In the US workforce, we find that just
22 percent of employees can work remotely between three and five days a week
without affecting productivity, while only 5 percent could do so in India. In
contrast, 61 percent of the workforce in the United States can work no more
than a few hours a week remotely or not at all. The remaining 17 percent of the
workforce could work remotely partially, between one and three days per week
(Exhibit 4). We strive to provide
individuals with disabilities equal access to our website. If you would like
information about this content we will be happy to work with you. Please email
us at: McKinsey_Website_Accessibility@mckinsey.com. Consider a floral designer. We estimate that
between half and one-quarter of his job can be done remotely. He can take
orders by phone or online and contract for delivery through an app, but floral
arrangement itself requires being in a shop where the flowers are stored in a
refrigerated case and ribbons, moss, vases, and other materials used to create
a floral design are at hand. To make a floral designer’s job more remote would
require dividing his various tasks among all employees in a flower shop. In
contrast, credit analysts, database administrators, and tax preparers, among
others, can do virtually all of their work remotely. In general, workers whose
jobs require cognitive thinking and problem solving, managing and developing
people, and data processing have the greatest potential to work from home.
These employees also tend to be among the highest paid. The ability to work remotely also depends on
the need to use specialized equipment. According to our analysis, a chemical
technician could work remotely only a quarter of the time because much of her
work must be done in a lab housing the equipment she needs. Among healthcare occupations,
general practitioners who can use digital technologies to communicate with
patients have a much greater potential for remote work than surgeons and x-ray
technicians, who need advanced equipment and tools to do their work. Thus,
among health professionals overall, the effective remote work potential is just
11 percent. Even for the same activity,
the context in which a job is done matters. Consider the activity “analyzing
data or information,” which can be done remotely by a statistician or financial
analyst but not by a surveyor. Crime scene analysts and workers who analyze
consumer trends both engage in what O*NET describes as “getting, processing,
analyzing, documenting and interpreting information,” but the former must go to
the location of, say, a murder while the latter can do his work in front of a
computer at home. A travel agent can calculate the cost of goods or services
from a kitchen table, but a grocery clerk does that from behind a counter in a
store. And then there are jobs that
require workers to be on-site or in person more than four days a week. Due to
the physical nature of most of their work activities, occupations such as
transportation, food services, property maintenance, and agriculture offer
little or no opportunity for remote work. Building inspectors must go to a
building or construction site. Nursing assistants must work in a healthcare
facility. Many jobs declared essential by governments during the
pandemic—nursing, building maintenance, and garbage collection, for
example—fall into this category of jobs with low remote work potential. This mixed pattern of remote and physical
activities of each occupation helps explain the results of a recent McKinsey
survey of 800 corporate executives
around the world. Across all sectors, 38 percent of respondents expect
their remote employees to work two or more days a week away from the office
after the pandemic, compared to 22 percent of respondents surveyed before the
pandemic. But just 19 percent of respondents to the most recent survey said
they expected employees to work three or more days remotely. This suggests that
executives anticipate operating their businesses with a hybrid model of some sort, with employees working remotely
and from an office during the workweek. JPMorgan already has a plan for its
60,950 employees to work from home one or two weeks a month or two days a week,
depending on the line of business.
Hybrid remote work has important implications for urban economies. Currently, only a small share of the
workforce in advanced economies—typically between 5 and 7 percent—regularly
works from home. A shift to 15 to 20 percent of workers spending more time at
home and less in the office could have profound impacts on urban economies.
More people working remotely means fewer people commuting between home and work
every day or traveling to different locations for work. This could have
significant economic consequences, including on transportation, gasoline and
auto sales, restaurants and retail in urban centers, demand for office real
estate, and other consumption patterns.
A McKinsey survey of office space managers conducted in May found that
after the pandemic, they expect a 36 percent increase in worktime outside their
offices, affecting main offices and satellite locations. This means companies
will need less office space, and several are already planning to reduce real
estate expenses. Moody’s Analytics predicts that the office vacancy rate in the
United States will climb to 19.4 percent, compared to 16.8 percent at the end
of 2019, and rise to 20.2 percent by the end of 2022. A survey of 248 US chief
operating officers found that one-third plan to reduce office space in the
coming years as leases expire. The
impact of that will reverberate through the restaurants and bars, shops, and
services businesses that cater to office workers and will put a dent in some
state and local tax revenues. For example, REI plans to sell off its new
corporate headquarters before even moving in and instead begin operating from
satellite offices. In contrast, Amazon recently signed leases for a total of
900,000 feet of office space in six cities around the United States, citing the
lack of spontaneity in virtual teamwork.
As tech companies announced plans for permanent remote work options, the
median price of a one-bedroom rental in San Francisco dropped 24.2 percent
compared to a year ago, while in New York City, which had roughly 28,000
residents in every square mile at the start of 2020, 15,000 rental apartments
were empty in September, the most vacancies in recorded history. Nor is residential real estate immune from
the impact of remote work. As tech companies announced plans for permanent
remote work options, the median price of a one-bedroom rental in San Francisco
dropped 24.2 percent compared to a year ago, while in New York City, which had
roughly 28,000 residents in every square mile at the start of 2020, 15,000
rental apartments were empty in September, the most vacancies in recorded
history. Conversely, bidding wars are breaking out in suburbs and smaller
cities as remote workers seek less harried, less expensive lifestyles and homes
with a room that can serve as an office or gym—though it is unclear how
successful companies will be with workers scattered in far-flung locales. Remote workers may also shift consumption
patterns. Less money spent on transportation, lunch, and wardrobes suitable for
the office may be shifted to other uses. Sales of home office equipment, digital
tools, and enhanced connectivity gear have boomed. Whether the shift to remote work translates
into spreading prosperity to smaller cities remains to be seen. Previous MGI
research in the United States and Europe has shown a trend toward greater geographic
concentration of work in megacities like
London and New York and high-growth hubs, including Seattle and Amsterdam .
These locales have attracted many of the same type of younger, highly educated
workers who can best work remotely. It remains to be seen whether the shift to
remote work slows that trend, or whether the most vibrant cities remain magnets
for such people. Is remote work good
for productivity? Ultimately, the answer may determine its popularity,
especially given the long period of waning labor productivity that preceded the pandemic. So far, there is
scant clarity—and widespread contradiction—about the productivity impact. Some
41 percent of employees who responded to a McKinsey consumer survey in May said
they were more productive working remotely than in the office. As employees
have gained experience working remotely during the pandemic, their confidence
in their productivity has grown, with the number of people saying they worked
more productively increasing by 45 percent from April to May. With nine months of experience under their
belts, more employers are seeing somewhat better productivity from their remote
workers. Interviews with chief executives about remote work elicited a mixed
range of opinions. Some express confidence that remote work can continue, while
others say they see few positives to remote work. One impediment to productivity may be
connectivity. A researcher at Stanford University found that only 65 percent of
Americans surveyed said they had fast enough internet service to support viable
video calls, and in many parts of the developing world, the connectivity
infrastructure is sparse or nonexistent. Developing digital infrastructure will
require significant public and private investment. For women in particular, remote work is a
mixed blessing. It boosts flexibility—not needing to be physically co-located
with fellow workers enables independent work and more flexible hours—as well as
productivity, with less time wasted commuting. Yet remote work also may
increase gender disparity in the workplace, exacerbating the regressive effects
of COVID-19. The female workforce in many economies is more highly concentrated
in occupational clusters like healthcare, food services, and customer service
that have relatively low potential for remote work. Previous MGI research on
gender parity found that jobs held by women are 19 percent more at risk than
jobs held by men simply because women are disproportionately represented in
sectors most negatively affected by COVID-19.
Some forms of remote work are likely to persist long after COVID-19 is
conquered. This will require many shifts, such as investment in digital
infrastructure, freeing up office space, and the structural transformation of
cities, food services, commercial real estate, and retail. It also risks accentuating
inequalities and creating new psychological and emotional stresses among
employees, including from isolation. For most companies, having employees work
outside the office will require
reinventing many processes and policies. How long before someone invents the
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9. https://www.bbc.com/worklife/article/20210908-what-bosses-really-think-about-remote-work
Many managers are itching to get
staff back to the office, despite employees championing alternative set-ups.
Why – and how will this change workers' futures? L.
Leaning across their desk to ask a colleague a quick question,
spontaneously heading out for a walk-and-talk brainstorm and knowing that
everyone’s logged on to a stable Wifi connection. These are just a few of the
reasons James Rogers, 26, loves managing their team from the office, instead of
the kitchen table. . “We as a business
are very much office first, and personally I believe we can be a stronger
workforce when based in the office full time,” says Rogers, a digital
public-relations lead in the London branch of a British-American global content
agency. The firm started giving employees the option to return to the office
part-time in April. “Our aim is to have as many of our team back in the office
as often as possible in the coming months.”.
Human-resources experts say Rogers’ attitude is indicative of a broad
trend. Despite numerous global surveys indicating remote working has been a
positive experience for a significant portion of employees, and that many
(though not all) want it to continue , plenty of bosses disagree. In the US, a whopping 72% of managers
currently supervising remote workers would prefer all their subordinates to be
in the office, according to recent research for the Society for Human Resource
Management, seen by BBC Worklife in July. A June poll of UK managers for the
Chartered Management Institute (CMI) showed that about half expected staff to
be in the office at least two to three days a week . In Sweden, data-driven employee engagement
firm Winningtemp, which serves clients in 25 countries, says it’s already
noticing signs of a back-to-the-office push, particularly in markets where
there are high levels of vaccinations. “I see a lot of companies forcing it
right now,” says founder and CEO Pierre Lindmark. “They start saying, ‘OK, now,
you took the second vaccine, you need to be at the office’.”. All this is fuelling debates about why
exactly bosses are turning their backs on remote setups faster than many
experts predicted, what it means for the future of remote work and how it will
impact on employees who want to cling to their pandemic working routines. "We as a business are very much
office-first ... I believe we can be a stronger workforce when based in the
office full time" – James Rogers (Credit: Courtesy of James Rogers). Although the uptick in home working during
Covid-19 proved that employees could be productive outside the office, human
resources experts point out that many managers experienced a loss of control
compared to pre-pandemic times. Reversing remote-working policies and promoting
a back-to-the-office mentality may, at least in part, be down to a keenness to
regain some control. . “If you meet
people, you feel that you can have control,” says Lindmark. “You’re not judging
people by just seeing each other on camera, you’re judging by seeing the
productivity, seeing what’s going on [in the office].”. Now that in many countries lockdowns are
over and vaccination rates are high, he says bosses are making a more
“emotional” choice to get everyone back to the office. But he warns this is
often happening without them looking closely at individual or company-wide
performance during their home-working phase, or having a strategy for how this
will impact on employee experience.
“Managing a remote team is harder. It demands new skill sets. And a lot
of people were thrown into it unready,” adds Maya Middlemiss, an author on
remote working based in Valencia, Spain. “So, it's not surprising in a way that
we're having a backlash and people who didn't adapt well to that from a
management point of view would much rather have everybody back.”. Other observers have taken a less diplomatic
tone, with business and media blogger Ed Zitron recently claiming that many
middle-managers are keen to claw back a sense of status . He says some simply miss
the opportunity to look important as they “walk from meeting to meeting” and
monitor what their teams are up to. “While this can happen over Zoom and Slack,
it becomes significantly more apparent who actually did the work, because you
can digitally evaluate where the work is coming from,” he wrote in a June
newsletter. In the US, a whopping 72%
of managers currently supervising remote workers would prefer all their
subordinates to be in the office.
Unsurprisingly, managers themselves aren’t queuing up to share that
perspective. But pro-office bosses like James Rodgers do accept that “more
visibility” of those they line-manage is a core part of their pro-office
mantra. “Not so that you can micromanage and ‘keep an eye on them’, but so you
can understand where they might need more support,” they argue. “It’s easier to
discern whether a team member might be struggling with a task when they’re sat
in front of you. You just don’t get that visibility when they’re sat 30 or 40
miles away from you in their own home.”.
Aside from visibility, bosses championing a shift from remote working
also tend to highlight the social and creative possibilities for office-based
employees. For instance, ice-breaker chats by the water cooler, in-person
inductions for new hires, team-building after-work drinks and spontaneous
brainstorms. “We did our best over
lockdowns to try and be as creative and free-flowing as possible, but it’s
pretty hard when you have to schedule a call for every single thing,” says
Daniel Bailey, 34, CEO of a London-based footwear-research company that’s
moving into an office in the city’s new Design District in September. “Working
remotely has absolutely massive benefits, [but] I don't think it’ll ever be
better than being in one place together, for the creative process,” he
says. Kerri Sibson, director of the
development company behind the new neighbourhood, says other bosses are
prioritising a return to office spaces for their staff to be able to host and attend
physical networking events again, or connect with other industry professionals
in the same area. “New businesses need to find opportunities for growth that
often come from these chance encounters,” she argues. Pierre Lindmark believes managers' desire
for control is a big part of the call back to offices (Credit: Courtesy of
Pierre Lindmark). Out of sight, out of
mind? . Whatever managers’ motivations
for shifting away from remote work, stating a clear preference for ‘visible’
employees raises important questions about equity in the workforce, if some
staff are still working remotely, or spending a higher proportion of their time
at home than others. Pro-office bosses
like Rogers are often quick to insist that businesses can and should work to
ensure “there are equal experiences and opportunities for the team whether they
are office based or not”. But the Society for Human Resource Management’s
recent survey suggested that around two-thirds of managers of remote staff
believe full-time remote work is actually detrimental to employees’ career
objectives. A similar proportion admit to considering remote employees more
easily replaceable than onsite workers. .
“The adage, ‘out of sight, out of mind’ explains perfectly why this
sentiment exists among people managers and it explains how deeply-ingrained the
idea of face-to-face work is in our culture,” argues Johnny C Taylor, the
organisation’s president and CEO. The
SHRM survey suggested around two-thirds of managers of remote staff believe
full-time remote work is detrimental to employees’ career objectives. Other research suggests some managers still
struggle to trust employees who are working from home. Findings from an online
survey of 200 US executives in August suggested they didn’t have full faith in
a third of their staff to correctly utilise the collaborative remote
technologies needed to make remote working successful. Earlier in the pandemic
research for Harvard Business Review showed that 41% of managers were sceptical
about whether teleworkers could remain motivated in the long-term. Middlemiss warns there’s a “genuine risk”
these kinds of attitudes towards remote office employees will amplify
pre-existing biases, such as those linked to race, class, disability and gender
. Even before Covid-19, women were more likely to request flexible working due
to caring responsibilities, for example, says Middlemiss, and are therefore
likely to be disproportionately affected if companies prioritise retaining or
promoting office staff. . On the
flipside, employment experts predict that despite some managers’ resistance to
remote working, they might simply have to make it an ongoing option as
companies seek to keep and recruit employees.
“The pandemic has proven that employees can successfully work from home,
and they want to continue this flexibility,” says Taylor. “Ultimately, benefits
like telework and flexible schedules are critical to attracting and retaining
top-tier talent, and employers are aware of this.”. “If you could work remotely, for one person,
you can actually remote work for anybody else, including potentially employers
not in your immediate area,” adds Middlemiss. “So, if you know now that’s how
you want to live and work, it's important to be aware that there could be lots
more opportunities open to you.”. Olga
Beck-Friis, co-founder of a Stockholm-based digital legal-advice platform, says
she plans to keep the ability for remote work in place (Credit:
PocketLaw). There is already
overwhelming evidence of increased job-hopping as workers emerge from the
pandemic with a sharper focus on what they want their work and home routines to
look like moving forward. In the US, a new survey from PwC suggests that nearly
two-thirds of workers are on the hunt for a new position , while figures from
leading UK jobs site Totaljobs suggests that more than three-quarters of
Britons are actively searching.
Managers who are continuing to champion remote working are quick to
argue that their approach is already having a positive impact on recruitment.
“We have had developers applying to work for us from France, from the UK, from
Belgium. And that is because we have this flexibility in place,” argues Olga
Beck-Friis, co-founder of a digital legal-advice platform based in Stockholm.
“We currently have no plans to adopt a full-time back-to-work policy.”. Meanwhile, Lindmark at Winningtemp argues
some of the managers who choose to return to the office full-time may end up
reassessing their decisions. He says the switch away from remote working could
have an impact on productivity levels and profitability, if staff choose to
stay in their jobs, yet aren’t on board with their company’s strategy. “If people have been home-working for a long
time and they really enjoy that – coming in, they’re feeling that they are just
controlled... they’re losing autonomy.” Instead, he argues bosses need to take
a closer look at individual and team output and how employees are feeling to
help co-create hybrid models that people are comfortable with. “A flexible work programme... it has to work
mutually for employees, employers and organisations alike,” agrees Taylor at
the Society for Human Resource Management. “There is not a one-size-fits-all
solution. And that’s key.” . But in
London, pro-office manager Rogers remains confident that other companies will
come round to their way of thinking. “I do think there will be a large number
of businesses who underestimate the power of having their workforce together in
one space who may shift their initial stance on moving to remote working in the
future,” they argue. “We found that the majority of our staff were excited
about being back in the office together.”.
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10. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Remote_work
Edit. "Work from home" and
"WFH" redirect here. For other uses, see Work from Home
(disambiguation) and WFH (disambiguation) .
Remote work, also called
telecommuting, distance working, telework, teleworking, working from home
(WFH), mobile work, remote job, work from anywhere (WFA), and flexible
workplace, [1] [2] is a work arrangement in which employees do not commute to a
central place of work, such as an office building , warehouse , or store . History Edit. Telecommuting came to be in the 1970s to
describe work-related substitutions of telecommunication and related
information technologies for travel. [3].
In the 1990s, telecommuting became the subject of pop culture attention.
In 1995, the motto that "work is something you do, not something you
travel to" was coined. [4] Variations of this motto include: "Work is
something we DO, not a place that we GO" [5] and "Work is what we do,
not where we are." [6] Telecommuting has been adopted by a range of
businesses, governments and not-for-profit organizations. Organizations may use
telecommuting to reduce costs (telecommuting employees do not require an office
or cubicle , a space which needs to be rented or purchased, and incurs
additional costs such as lighting, climate control, etc.). Some organizations
adopt telecommuting to improve workers' quality of life, as teleworking
typically reduces commuting time and time stuck in traffic jams . Along with
this, teleworking may make it easier for workers to balance their work
responsibilities with their personal life and family roles (e.g., caring for
children or elderly parents). Some organizations adopt teleworking for
environmental reasons, as telework can reduce congestion and air pollution ,
with fewer cars on the roads.
Teleworkers in the 21st century often use mobile telecommunications
technology such as a Wi-Fi -equipped laptop or tablet computers and smartphones
to work from coffee shops ; others may use a desktop computer and a landline
phone at their home. According to a Reuters poll, approximately "one in
five workers around the globe, particularly employees in the Middle East, Latin
America and Asia, telecommute frequently and nearly 10 percent work from home
every day." [7] In the 2000s, annual leave or vacation in some
organizations was seen as absence from the workplace rather than ceasing work,
and some office employees used telework to continue to check work e-mails while
on vacation.[ citation needed ]. The
practice became much more mainstream during the COVID-19 pandemic , when
millions of workers were forced to start remote working for the first time.
[8]. Terminology Edit. Although the concepts of "telecommuting"
and "telework" are closely related, there is a difference between the
two. All types of technology-assisted work conducted outside a centrally
located work space (including work undertaken in the home, outside calls, etc.)
are regarded as telework. Telecommuters often maintain a traditional office and
usually work from an alternative work site from 1 to 3 days a week. [9]
Telecommuting refers more specifically to work undertaken at a location that
reduces commuting time. These locations can be inside the home or at some other
remote workplace, which is facilitated through a broadband connection, computer
or phone lines, [10] or any other electronic media used to interact and
communicate. [11] As a broader concept than telecommuting, telework has four dimensions
in its definitional framework: work location, that can be anywhere outside a
centralized organizational work place; usage of ICTs (information and
communication technologies) as technical support for telework; time
distribution, referring to the amount of time replaced in the traditional
workplace; and the diversity of employment relationships between employer and
employee, ranging from contract work to traditional full-time employment.
[12]. A person who telecommutes is
known as a "telecommuter", "teleworker", and sometimes as a
"home-sourced", or "work-at-home" employee. A telecommuter
is also called a "telecommuting specialist", as a designation and in
a professional context. Many telecommuters work from home, while others,
sometimes called "nomadic workers" work at coffee shops or other
locations. The terms "telecommuting" and "telework" were
coined by Jack Nilles in 1973. [13]. In
Italy, smart working is defined as an agreement between the parties with no
precise constraints in terms of working hours or workplace and with the
possible use of technology to enable the work to be performed. [14]. 36% of Europeans interviewed by the European
Investment Bank Climate Survey suported teleworking to be favoured to fight
climate change. As of 2012 [update] ,
estimates suggest that over fifty million U.S. workers (about 40% of the
working population) could work from home at least part of the time, [15] but in
2008 only 2.5 million employees, excluding the self-employed, considered their
home to be their primary place of business. [16] The number of employees
reported to have worked from their home "on their primary job" in
2010 has been reported as 9.4 million (6.6% of the workforce), though this
number might include the self-employed. [17] As of 2017, roughly 3.7 million
employees—2.8% of the workforce—work from home at least half the time, Global
Analytics Workplace reports. [18]. In
2009, the United States Office of Personnel Management reported that approximately
103,000 federal employees were teleworking. However, fewer than 14,000 were
teleworking three or more days per week. [19] In January 2012, Reuters ,
drawing from an Ipsos/Reuters poll, predicted that telecommuting was "a
trend that has grown and one which looks like it will continue with 34% of
connected workers saying they would be very likely to telecommute on a
full-time basis if they could." [7] On December 9, 2010, the U.S. Federal
Government passed the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 [20] in order to improve
Continuity of Operations and ensure essential Federal functions are maintained
during emergencies; to promote management effectiveness when telework is used
to achieve reductions in organizational and transit costs and environmental
impacts; and to enhance the work–life balance of workers. For example, telework
allows employees to better manage their work and family obligations and thus
helps retain a more resilient Federal workforce better able to meet agency
goals. [21]. Study results from the
2013 Regus Global Economic Indicator were published in September 2013 and
showed that 48% of business managers worldwide work remotely for at least half
their working week. The study engaged over 26,000 business managers across 90
countries, with 55% of respondents stating that the effective management of
remote workers is an attainable goal. Following the release of the results,
Regus CEO Mark Dixon stated: "The business people we speak with tell us
that trust and freedom play a key role in remote management, and once these are
in place the benefits are clear for all to see: greater productivity, improved
staff retention and lower operating costs." [22] Forrester Research's US
Telecommuting Forecast reporting that 34 million Americans work from home and
the number is expected to reach a staggering 63 million – or 43% of the U.S.
workforce – by 2016. Cisco reports that the company has generated an estimated
annual savings of $277 million in productivity by allowing employees to
telecommute and telework. And Intuit reports that by 2020, more than 40% of the
American workforce, or 60 million people, will be freelancers , contractors and
temp workers. In the UK between 2007 and 2012, the number of employees who
usually work from home increased by 13% - an increase of almost half a million
people, taking the total to over 4 million employees out of a UK workforce of
30 million. [23]. In early 2020, many
companies' employees across the globe were forced to self isolate and work from
home as an alternative due to the global pandemic of COVID-19 . Survey from
Clutch.co showed that 17% of U.S employees worked from home 5 days or more per
week before the pandemic, and the share increased to 44% during the COVID-19
pandemic . [24]. Very few companies
employ large numbers of home-based full-time staff.[ citation needed ] The call
center industry is one notable exception: several U.S. call centers employ
thousands of home-based workers. For many employees, the option to work from
home is available as an employee benefit but most participants only do so a
fraction of the time. [25] Top paid among work-from-home sectors are home-based
physicians and radiologists in which it is suspected that they earn near the
$1,975 median weekly income of physicians, as reported by the U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics, making it a six-figure job. Studies show that at-home workers
are willing to earn up to 30% less and experience heightened productivity.
[26]. Technology Edit. The roots of telecommuting are found in
early 1970s technology that linked satellite offices to downtown mainframes
through dumb terminals using telephone lines as a network bridge. The ongoing
and exponential decreases in cost along with the increases in performance and
usability of personal computers, forged the way for moving the office to the
home. By the early 1980s, branch offices and home workers were able to connect
to organizational mainframes using personal computers and terminal emulation.
Telework is facilitated by tools such as groupware, virtual private networks,
conference calling, videoconferencing , virtual call centre, Voice over IP
(VoIP), and by the decreasing cost of good quality laptop computers. It can be
efficient and useful for companies since it allows workers to communicate over
long distances, saving significant amounts of travel time and cost. As
broadband Internet connections become more commonplace, more and more workers
have adequate bandwidth at home to use these tools to link their home to their
corporate intranet and internal phone networks. The adoption of local area networks promoted
the sharing of resources, and client–server model client–server computing
allowed for even greater decentralization. Today, telecommuters can carry
laptops which they can use both at the office, at home, and nearly anywhere
else. The rise of cloud computing technology and Wi-Fi availability have
enabled access to remote servers via a combination of portable hardware and
software. [27] Furthermore, with their improving technology and increasing
popularity, smartphones are becoming widely used in telework. They
substantially increase the mobility of the worker and the degree of
coordination with their organization. The technology of mobile phones and
personal digital assistant, personal digital assistant (PDA) devices allows
instant communication through text messages, camera photos, and video clips
from anywhere and at any time. [28].
The most common software for remote work are for example: Zoom , Cisco
WebEx , Microsoft Teams , Google Meet , Slack and ZoHo Meeting . Media richness theory Edit. The technology to communicate is not
advanced enough to replicate face-to-face office interactions. Room for
mistakes and miscommunication can increase. According to media richness theory
, face-to-face interactions provide the capacity to process rich information:
ambiguous issues can be clarified, immediate feedback can be provided, and
there is personalized communication (e.g. body language, tone of voice). [29]
Telecommuting requires the use of various types of media to communicate, such
as the telephone and email. Emails have a time lag that does not allow for
immediate feedback; telephone conversations make it harder to decipher the
emotions of the person or team on the phone; and both of these forms of
communication do not allow one to see the other person. [30] Typical
organization communication patterns are thus altered in telecommuting. For
instance, teams using computer-mediated communication with computer
conferencing take longer to make group decisions than face-to-face groups. [31]. Workers tend to be satisfied with
face-to-face interactions, phone conversations, and in-person departmental
meetings to receive communications, but email and the Internet do not add to
their communication satisfaction. [32] This suggests that teleworking may not
have the components for "rich communication" compared to face-to-face
interactions, although one study found that virtual workers in a team were more
satisfied with their technology-mediated communication than their in-person office
communication. [33]. Job characteristic
theory Edit. Some of the potential
benefits and drawbacks of telecommuting can be explained by job characteristic
theory , which proposes that the traits and tasks of the job itself affect
employees' work attitudes and behavior. [34] If five characteristics of a job
are present (skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, and
feedback), then the employee in that job will experience more internal work
motivation, satisfaction with personal growth opportunities, general job
satisfaction, higher job performance, and lower absenteeism and turnover. [34]
[35] Many studies have provided evidence that job characteristics influence
employees' behaviors and attitudes. [36] Additionally, job characteristics can
interact with individual differences to impact employee attitudes and behavior.
[35] [37] Of these five job characteristics, telework specifically changes
autonomy and feedback compared to face-to-face work and can thus influence
employees' behaviors and attitudes. According to Job Characteristics Theory,
changes in autonomy and feedback influence work behaviors and attitudes more
than a change in skill variety, task identity, or task significance. [34]. Autonomy Edit. Autonomy influences experienced responsibility
such that if the job provides freedom, independence, and scheduling
flexibility, the individual should feel responsible for his or her work
outcomes. Telework provides flexibility in scheduling and freedom because being
outside the office gives the worker more choices. Teleworkers do not have to
stick to office routines and can shift work to different times of day. [38]
Telework allows employees the freedom to choose where they work, when they work
and even what they wear to work to allow their best work. [11] Teleworkers may
experience more responsibility to the extent that they feel in control and
accountable for their work. [37] The autonomy of telework allows for lower
work-family conflict. [39] Teleworking provides the freedom to arrange work to avoid
family conflicts. Increased control over life demands [40] is one of its main
attractions. The level of autonomy in
telework felt by the employee depends on a variety of factors, including
scheduling flexibility and the household size. [40] In addition to reducing
work-family conflict, conflicts with activities are also reduced. Increased and
fewer time restrictions freedom allow workers to participate more in
recreational activities, whether social or physical. [11] However, studies also
show that autonomy must be balanced with high levels of discipline if a healthy
work/leisure balance is to be maintained. [41]. Feedback Edit. The job characteristic dimension, feedback,
increases employees' knowledge of results. Feedback refers to the degree that
an individual receives direct and clear information about his or her
performance related to work activities. [35] Feedback is particularly important
so that the employees continuously learn about how they are performing. [37]
Electronic communication provides fewer cues for teleworkers and thus, they may
have more difficulties interpreting and gaining information, and subsequently,
receiving feedback. [38] When a worker is not in the office, there is limited
information and greater ambiguity, such as in assignments and expectations.
[42] Role ambiguity, when situations have unclear expectations as to what the
worker is to do, [43] may result in greater conflict, frustration, and
exhaustion. [38]. Communication personalized
for individual needs is important for feedback interactions. [44] People differ
in their need for communication and their level of social connectedness to
their environment, partially because of personality and temperament
differences. [45] Although the level of communication may decrease for
teleworkers, satisfaction with this level of communication can be higher in
some samples, like those who are more tenured and have functional instead of
social relationships. [33] Feedback and communication can also be affected by a
manager's location. The clarity, speed of response, richness of the
communication, frequency, and quality of the feedback are often reduced when
managers telework. [42]. Skill variety,
task identity, and task significance Edit.
Three of the five job attributes: skill variety, task identity, and task
significance, influence how much employees think their jobs are meaningful.
[37] Skill variety is the degree that a job requires a variety of activities
and skills to complete the task. An increase in skill variety is thought to
increase the challenge of the job. Increasing the challenge of the job
increases the individual's experienced meaningfulness, how much the individual
cares about work, and finds it worthwhile. [34] [37] Telework may not directly
affect skill variety and task meaningfulness for the individual compared to
when he or she worked in an office; however, skill variety and meaningfulness
of individual tasks can increase when working in a group. If the work done at
home is focused on the individual rather than the team, there may be fewer
opportunities to use a variety of skills. [46]. Task identity is the degree that the
individual sees work from beginning to end or completes an identifiable or
whole piece of work rather than only a small piece. Task significance is the
degree that the individual feels his or her work has a substantial impact on
the lives or work of other people within the organization or outside the
organization. [37] [46] Telework may not change the job characteristics of
skill variety, task identity, and task significance compared to working in an
office; however, the presence of these characteristics will influence
teleworkers' work outcomes and attitudes.
Individual difference Edit.
Individuals may differ in their reactions to the job characteristics in
telecommuting. According to job characteristics theory, the personal need for
accomplishment and development (growth need strength) [35] influences how much
an individual will react to the job dimensions of telecommuting. For instance, those
individuals high in growth need strength will have a more positive reaction to
increased autonomy and a more negative reaction to decreased feedback in
telecommuting than those individuals low in growth need strength. Other theories Edit. Telecommuting is a new work situation with a
flexible structure that makes it different from traditional work environments.
[47] Various job design theories, in addition to job characteristics theory,
can help explain the differences between telecommuting and traditional job
settings. Motivator-hygiene theory
Edit. Motivator-hygiene theory [48]
differentiates between motivating factors (motivators) and dissatisfying
factors (hygienes). Factors that are motivators such as recognition and career
advancement may be lessened with telework. When teleworkers are not physically
present, they may be "out of sight, out of mind" to other workers in
the office. [49] Additionally, telework may not always be seen positively by
management due to fear of loss of managerial control. [50] A 2008 study found
that more time spent telecommuting decreased the perception of productivity of
the teleworker in the eyes of management. [51] Hygiene factors, such as work
conditions, may improve when teleworking such that teleworkers have the
flexibility to work in a variety of locations. [47] [49] Thus, telework has
different work motivating factors and dissatisfying factors than office work.
[49]. Social information processing
Edit. Social information processing
suggests that individuals give meaning to job characteristics. [52] Individuals
have the ability to construct their own perception of the environment by
interpreting social cues. [53] This social information comes from overt
statements from coworkers, cognitive evaluations of the job or task dimensions,
and previous behaviors. This social context can affect individuals' beliefs
about the nature of the job, the expectations for individual behavior, and the
potential consequences of behavior, especially in uncertain situations. [53] In
telework, there are fewer social cues because social exchange and personalized
communication takes longer to process in computer-mediated communication than
face-to-face interactions. [54].
Sociotechnical systems theory Edit.
Sociotechnical systems (STS) theory explains the interaction between
social and technological factors. STS examines the relationships between
people, technology, and the work environment, in order to design work in a way
that enhances job satisfaction and increases productivity. [47] Originally
developed to explain the paradox of improved technology but decreased
productivity, [55] the theory can be applied to the design of telework. One of
the principles of STS is minimal critical specification. [56] This principle
states that, unless absolutely essential, there should be minimal specification
of objectives and how to do tasks in order to avoid closing options or
inhibiting effective actions. Telecommuting provides teleworkers with the
freedom to decide how and when to do their tasks. [11] Similarly, teleworkers
have the responsibility to use their equipment and resources to carry out their
responsibilities. This increase in responsibility for their work also increases
their power, [56] supporting the idea that teleworking is a privilege and in
some companies, considered a promotion. [49].
Adaptive structural theory Edit.
Adaptive structuration theory studies variations in organizations as new
technologies are introduced [57] Adaptive structural theory proposes that
structures (general rules and resources offered by the technology) can differ
from structuration (how people actually use these rules and resources). [47]
There is an interplay between the intended use of technology and the way that
people use the technology. Telecommuting provides a social structure that
enables and constrains certain interactions. [58] For instance, in office
settings, the norm may be to interact with others face-to-face. To accomplish
interpersonal exchange in telecommuting, other forms of interaction need to be
used. AST suggests that when technologies are used over time, the rules and
resources for social interactions will change. [57] Teleworking may alter
traditional work practices, [47] such as switching from primarily face-to-face
communication to electronic communication.
Potential benefits Edit.
Advantages overview Edit.
Reduced costs for the employer as homesourced workers often provide
their own telephone equipment and computer systems. Employer also saves on cost of office space. Using homesourced workers that are local to
the area where they are calling precludes the prejudice that is sometimes
created from regional accents, mannerisms and rates of speech. Possible tax advantages for the worker using
part of their home for business purposes.
It provides the employer the ability to provide work to individuals who
through disability are unable to travel to a workplace. According to researcher IDC, homesourcing is
expanding (2006) by about 20% a year and homesourcing is "on track to
explode". [60]. Details Edit. Telecommuting benefits society in economic,
environmental, and personal ways. The wide application of ICTs provides
increasing benefits for employees, especially ones with physical disabilities.
It also leads to a more energy-saving society without adversely impacting
economic growth . [61] Telecommuting offers benefits to communities, employers,
and employees. For communities, telecommuting may offer fuller employment (by
increasing the employability of circumstantially marginalized groups such as
work at home parents and caregivers, the disabled, retirees, and people living
in remote areas), reducing traffic congestion and traffic accidents, relieving
pressure on transportation infrastructure , reducing greenhouse gases ,
reducing energy use, and improving disaster preparedness. [62]. For companies, telecommuting expands the
talent pool, reduces the spread of illness, reduces costs including real-estate
footprint, increases productivity, reduces their carbon footprint and energy
usage, offers a means of complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act of
1990 (ADA) and possibly earning a tax credit, if they're American, reduces
turnover and absenteeism, improves employee morale, enhances
continuity-of-operations strategies, improves their ability to handle business
across multiple time zones , and augments their cultural adaptability. Some
estimates suggest that full-time telework can save companies approximately
$20,000 per employee. [63] According to a study by the Consumer Electronics
Association , telecommuting saves enough energy to power 1 million US
households for a year. [64].
Telecommuting individuals, or more specifically those in "work from
home" arrangements, may find that it improves work–life balance, reduces
their carbon footprint and fuel usage, frees up the equivalent of 15 to 25
workdays a year (time they would have otherwise spent commuting), and saves
thousands of dollars per year in travel and work-related costs. [65] [66]
Half-time telecommuting by those with compatible jobs (40%) and a desire to do
so (79%) would save companies, communities, and employees over $650 billion a
year; the result of increased productivity, reduced office expense, lower
absenteeism and turnover, reduced travel, less road repairs, less gas
consumption, and other savings. [67].
Environmental benefits Edit.
Telecommuting gained ground in the United States in 1996 after "
Clean Air Act amendments were adopted with the expectation of reducing carbon
dioxide and ground-level ozone levels by 25 percent." [68] The act
required companies with over 100 employees to encourage car pools, public
transportation, shortened work weeks, and telecommuting. In 2004, an
appropriations bill was enacted by Congress to encourage telecommuting for
certain Federal agencies. The bill threatened to withhold money from agencies
that failed to provide telecommuting options to all eligible employees. If the 40% of the U.S. population that holds
telework-compatible jobs and wants to work from home did so half of the
time:. The nation would save
280,000,000 barrels (45,000,000 m3) of oil (37% of Gulf oil imports). The energy potential from the fuel savings
would total more than twice what the U.S. currently produces from all renewable
energy sources combined. [69]. In the
UK, it has been estimated that increasing the numbers of employees working from
home could save over 3 million tonnes of carbon pollution each year, in
addition to the economic benefits of cutting costs by GBP 3 billion a year for
UK employers and employees. [70].
During the coronavirus pandemic , when most people in the world had to
shift to telecommuting, global CO2 emissions decreased significantly during the
first few months of lockdown. [71].
However, there are reasons to be cautious about overclaiming the
benefits of remote working and lockdowns which have made domestic consumption
more complicated. For example, the pandemic also led to record sales of
information and communication technologies, duplication of appliances and
moving out of cities to larger homes that had room for home offices. [72] Most
studies find that remote work overall results in a decrease in energy use due
to less time spend on energy-intensive personal transportation. [73]. Job attitudes Edit. According to the job characteristic theory ,
the relationship between characteristics of the job and job satisfaction was
moderately strong. [74] Of the five task characteristics, autonomy has a strong
relationship with job satisfaction such that greater autonomy leads to greater
job satisfaction. [74] Teleworkers may have increased satisfaction due to the
flexibility and autonomy their jobs provide. Teleworkers were found to have
higher satisfaction than office based workers. [75] [49] It was found that
autonomy increased teleworkers' satisfaction by reducing work-family conflicts,
[40] [76] especially when workers were allowed to work outside traditional work
hours and be more flexible for family purposes. [42] Additionally, autonomy
explained an increase in employee engagement when the amount of time spent
teleworking increased. [38] Furthermore, a study from FlexJobs that surveyed
over 3000 people found that 81 percent of respondents also said they would be
more loyal to their employers if they had flexible work options. [77]. Productivity and employee benefits
Edit. Telecommuting has long been
promoted as a way to substantially increase employee productivity. A working-from-home-related
experiment conducted using 242 employees of a large Chinese travel agency by
professors at Stanford and Beijing University found that employees randomly
assigned to work at home for 9 months increased their output by 13.5% versus
the office-based control group. This improvement in output arose from working
9% more hours from saved commuting time and from 3.5% improved efficiency from
quieter working conditions. The study also found that home-workers reported
significantly higher job-satisfaction scores and their quit rates fell by
almost 50%. However, home workers' promotion rates dropped by half due to
apparent performance declines, indicating a potential career cost of
home-working. [78]. Telework
flexibility is a desirable prerequisite for employees. A 2008 Robert Half International
Financial Hiring Index, a survey of 1,400 CFOs by recruitment firm Robert Half
International, indicated that 13% consider telework the best recruiting
incentive today for accounting professionals. [79] In earlier surveys, 33%
considered telework the best recruiting incentive, and half considered it
second best. [80]. Since work hours are
less regulated in telework, employee effort and dedication are far more likely
to be measured purely in terms of output or results. Fewer, if any, traces of non-productive
work activities (research, self-training, dealing with technical problems or
equipment failures) and time lost on unsuccessful attempts (early drafts,
fruitless endeavors, abortive innovations) are visible to employers. Piece
rate, commissions, or other performance-based compensation also become more
likely for telecommuters. Furthermore, major chunks of per-employee expenses
are absorbed by the telecommuter himself - from simple coffee, water,
electricity, and telecommunications services, to huge capital expenses like
office equipment or software licenses. Thus, hours spent on the job tend to be
underestimated and expenses under-reported, creating overly optimistic figures
of productivity gains and savings, some or all of those in fact coming out of
the telecommuter's time and pocket. [81] [82] [83]. International evidence and experience shows
that telework can deliver a broad range of benefits to individuals, employers
and society as a whole. Telework is a shift in the way business is accomplished
which can make a difference overtime. As an example, a recent Australian study
revealed that telework enabled by the National Broadband Network is expected to
add $8.3 billion to Gross Domestic Product by 2020, creating the equivalent of
an additional 25,000 full-time jobs. Around 10,000 of these jobs will be in
regional Australia. When it comes to environment, it has been estimated that if
10 per cent of Australian employees were to telework 50 percent of the time, it
would save 120 million litres of fuel and 320,000 tonnes of carbon emissions.
That rate of telework would also deliver a productivity benefit of between $1.4
billion and $1.9 billion a year. [84].
Turnover intention Edit.
Turnover intention , or the desire to leave the organization, is lower
for teleworkers. [11] Those teleworkers who experienced greater professional
isolation actually had lower turnover intent. [51] One study found that by
increasing feedback and task identity through clear communication of goals,
objectives, and expectations, turnover intent decreased in teleworkers and
quality of work output increased. [85].
Advantages and disadvantages meta-analysis Edit. A meta-analysis of 46 studies of
telecommuting involving 12,833 employees conducted by Ravi Gajendran and David
A. Harrison in the Journal of Applied Psychology, published by the American
Psychological Association (APA), found that telecommuting has largely positive
consequences for employees and employers. [86] [11] In their meta-analytic
study, Gajendran and Harrison found that telecommuting had modest but
beneficial effects on employees' job satisfaction, perceived autonomy, stress
levels, manager-rated job performance, and (lower) work-family conflict.
Telecommuting also reduces turnover intent, or the intention to quit one's job.
Increased job satisfaction, decreased turnover intent and role stress related
to telecommuting partly because of a decrease in work-family conflict.
Additionally, the increase in autonomy from teleworking in turn increases job
satisfaction.[ citation needed ].
Although a number of scholars and managers had previously expressed
fears that employee careers might suffer and workplace relationships might be
damaged because of telecommuting, the meta-analysis found that there are no
generally detrimental effects on the quality of workplace relationships and
career outcomes. Telecommuting actually was found to positively affect
employee-supervisor relations and the relationship between job satisfaction and
turnover intent was in part due to supervisor relationship quality. Only
high-intensity telecommuting (where employees work from home for more than 2.5
days a week) harmed employee relationships with co-workers, even though it did
reduce work-family conflict. A factor analysis showed the overall distribution
of people's experiences and how the advantages and disadvantages of WFH during
the early weeks of the pandemic in Europe can be grouped into six key factors.
The results indicated that most people had a more positive rather than negative
experience of WFH during lockdown. Three factors represent the main advantages
of WFH: (i) work–life balance, (ii) improved work efficiency and (iii) greater
work control. The main disadvantages were (iv) home office constraints, (v)
work uncertainties and (vi) inadequate tools. [87]. Potential drawbacks and concerns Edit. Skill variety has the strongest relationship
with internal work motivation . [36] Jobs that allow workers to use a variety
of skills increase workers' internal work motivation. If teleworkers are
limited in teamwork opportunities and have fewer opportunities to use a variety
of skills, [46] they may have lower internal motivation towards their work.
Also, perceived social isolation can lead to less motivation. [76] It can be
argued that without a work climate or manager nearby, the ability to motivate
oneself is even more important when telecommuting than when working in an
office. Though working in an office has its distractions, it is often argued
that telecommuting involves even greater distractions. According to one study,
children are ranked as the number one distractions, followed by spouses, pets,
neighbors, and solicitors. The lack of proper tools and facilities also serves
as a major distraction, [88] though this can be mitigated by using short-term
coworking rental facilities. Also, some countries such as Romania have tasked
the national labour inspectorate the burden of carrying out checks at
teleworkers’ residences to see if the work environment meets the requirements.
[89]. Face-to-face interactions
increase interpersonal contact, connectedness, and trust [51] Therefore, 54% of
teleworkers thought they lost out on social interaction and 52.5% felt they
lost out on professional interaction in a 2012 study. [76] Teleworking can hurt
working relationships between the teleworker and their coworkers, especially if
their coworkers do not telework. Coworkers who do not telework can feel
resentful and jealous because they may consider it unfair if they are not
allowed to telework as well. [11] [49] However, despite fewer interpersonal
actions and professional isolation, [51] a meta-analysis of telecommuting did
not find support for negative telecommuter-coworker relationships or
telecommuter-supervisor relationships. [11] Employers' largest concerns about
telecommuting are fear of loss of control; 75% of managers say they trust their
employees, but a third say they would like to be able to see them, "just
to be sure". [90]. Employees who
telework may feel pressure to produce more output in order to be seen as
valuable, and reduce the idea that they are doing less work than others. This
pressure to produce output, as well as a lack of social support from limited
coworker relationships and feelings of isolation, leads to lower job engagement
in teleworkers. [38] Additionally, higher-quality relationships with teammates
decreased job satisfaction of teleworkers, potentially because of frustrations
with exchanging interactions via technology. [91] However, coworker support and
virtual social groups for team building had a direct influence on increasing
job satisfaction, [75] [85] perhaps due to an increase in skill variety from
teamwork and an increase in task significance from more working
relationships. The inconsistent
findings regarding telework and satisfaction may be explained by a more
complicated relationship. Presumably because of the effects of autonomy,
initial job satisfaction increases as the amount of telecommuting increases;
however, as the individual telecommutes more, declines in feedback and task
significance lead job satisfaction to level off and decrease slightly. [92]
Thus, the amount of time teleworking influences the relationship between
telework and job satisfaction. Barriers to continued growth of telecommuting
include distrust from employers and personal disconnectedness for employees.
[93] Communication and getting to know other teammates happen naturally when
everyone works in the same space, so in the telework circumstance, employees
and supervisors have to work harder to maintain relationships with co-workers.
[94] This is especially important for new employees so that they learn
organizational habits even when working remotely. [95] Being remote can also
distance people from each other and transfer important conversations to chat
and email. [96] An isolation from daily activities arise of the company and may
be less aware of other things going on to the company and a possible hatred
from other employees arises from other employees who do not telecommute. [97]
Telecommuting has come to be viewed by some as more of a "complement
rather than a substitute for work in the workplace". [98]. Sharing information within an organization
and teams can become more challenging when working remotely. While in the
office, teams naturally share information and knowledge when they meet each
other, for example, during coffee breaks. Sharing information requires more
effort and proactive action when random-encounters do not happen. [96] The
sharing of tacit information also often takes place in unplanned situations where
employees follow the activities of more experienced team members. [99] When
teams are working remotely, it may also be difficult to obtain timely
information, unless the regular sharing of information is taken care of
separately. The situation where team members don't know enough about what
others are doing can lead them to make worse decisions or slow down
decision-making. [100]. Security must
be addressed for teleworkers and non-teleworkers as well. In 2006, a United
States Department of Veterans Affairs employee's stolen laptop represented what
was described as "potentially the largest loss of Social Security numbers
to date". [101] While he was not a telecommuter, this incident brought
attention to the risks inherent in working off-site. Ninety percent of
executives charged with security in large organizations feel that telework is
not a security concern. They are more concerned with the occasional work that's
taken out of the office by non-teleworkers because they lack the training,
tools, and technologies that teleworkers receive. [102] In other studies
regarding Job Characteristics Theory, job feedback seemed to have the strongest
relationship with overall job satisfaction compared to other job
characteristics. [36] While teleworking, communication is not as immediate or
rich as face-to-face interactions. [29] Less feedback when teleworking is
associated with lower job engagement. [38] Thus, when perceived supervisor
support and relationship quality between leaders and teleworkers decreases, job
satisfaction of the teleworker decreases. [40] [103] The importance of manager
communication with teleworkers is made clear in a study that found that
individuals have lower job satisfaction when their managers telework. [42]. Managers may view the teleworker as
experiencing a drop in productivity during the first few months. This drop
occurs as "the employee, his peers, and the manager adjust to the new work
regimen". [104] The drop could also be due to inadequate office setup.
Additionally, a 1999 study claimed that "70 minutes of each day in a
regular office are wasted by interruptions, yakking around the photocopier, and
other distractions". [105] Over the long term, though, surveys found that
productivity of the teleworker will climb; over two-thirds of employers report
increased productivity among telecommuters, according to a 2008 survey. [106]
Traditional line managers are accustomed to managing by observation and not
necessarily by results. This causes a serious obstacle in organizations
attempting to adopt telecommuting. Liability and workers' compensation can
become serious issues as well. [107] Weaker relationships between job
dimensions and job outcomes, such as job performance and absenteeism, [37] may
explain why the results regarding performance and telework are conflicting.
Some studies have found that telework increases productivity in workers [108]
and leads to higher supervisor ratings of performance and higher performance
appraisals. [11] However, another study found that professional isolation in
teleworkers led to a decrease in job performance, especially for those who
spent more time teleworking and engaged in fewer face-to-face interactions.
[51] Thus, similar to job attitudes, the amount of time spent teleworking may
also influence the relationship between telework and job performance. Teleworking can negatively affect a person's
career. A recent survey of 1,300 executives from 71 countries indicated that
respondents believe that people who telework were less likely to get promoted. Companies
rarely promote people into leadership roles who haven't been consistently seen
and measured. [109] A decrease in productivity due to continual procrastination
with a lack of supervision will result to a poor performance in the quality of
work of the employee. These factors are part of the negative influence that
telework may have on a person's career. [110].
From an anthropological perspective, it has been reported [111] that
teleworking can interfere with the process of sensemaking (the forging of
consensus or of a common worldview).
Main article: Work at home scheme.
Work-at-home and telecommuting scams are very common; many of these job
offers are scams claiming that people can "get rich quick" while
working from home. In fact, these scams require an investment up front with no
pay-off at the end. [112] The problem is so pervasive that in 2006 the US
Federal Trade Commission (FTC) established 'Project False Hopes', a Federal and
state law enforcement sweep that targeted bogus business opportunity and
work-at-home scams. The crackdown
involved more than 100 law enforcement actions by the FTC, the Department of
Justice, the United States Postal Inspection Service , and law enforcement
agencies in 11 states. In four of the new FTC cases alone, consumers have lost
more than $30 million. [113] "Bogus business opportunities trample on
Americans' dreams of financial independence", said FTC Chairman Deborah
Platt Majoras. "If a business opportunity promises no risk, little effort,
and big profits, it almost certainly is a scam. These scams offer only a money
pit, where no matter how much time and money is invested, consumers never
achieve the riches or financial freedom that they were promised." [114]
The FBI warned of such scams in February 2009, as well. Of the more than three million web entries
resulting from a search on the phrase "work at home", more than 95%
of the results were scams, links to scams, or other dead ends. Work at home
scams earn their perpetrators more than $500 million per year, and home
business scams account for another $250 million per year. Even the sites that
claim to be scam-free often feature ads that link to scams. [115] According to
Christine Durst, CEO of Staffcentrix, there is a 48-to-1 ratio of scams to
legitimate offerings among work-at-home job leads on the Internet. [116]. Tax Edit.
Health impacts Edit. According
to a 2021 report by the World Health Organization and the International Labour
Organization the expansion of teleworking, if it increases working time to over
55 hours per week, could potentially increase health loss among workers. [119]
At the release of the report, the Director General of the World Health
Organization warned that an increase in teleworking in response to the Covid-19
pandemic could increase burden of disease from exposure to long working hours,
and called for effective action by governments to ensure healthy working time
limits were established by law and enforced worldwide. Virtualization Edit. Businesses often provide teleworkers access
to corporate in-house applications, accessible by a remote device such as a
tablet or laptop. These devices are gaining popularity in the workforce but
come with different underlying operating systems and therefore a variety of
compatibility issues. However, with the use of desktop virtualization ,
specifically remote desktop virtualization, any legacy application or operating
system can be accessed from a mobile device, as this device is primary used as
a display unit while the processing is performed on the company's internal
server. The United States Marine Corps
began allowing some civilian employees to telework from home in 2010. Since 2000, US federal law (Department of
Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act) requires each Executive
agency to establish a telecommuting policy allowing eligible employees to
participate in telecommuting to the maximum extent possible, so long as the
employee's performance is not diminished. [120] Notably, telework is not an
employee right, i.e., Federal law mandates that agencies must establish
telework programs, but does not give individual employees a legal right to
telework. [121]. If all Federal
employees who are eligible to telework full-time were to do so, the Federal
Government could realize $13.9 billion savings in commuting costs annually and
eliminate 21.5 billion pounds (9,800,000 t; 9,600,000 long tons) of pollutants
from the environment each year. [122] Events in 2007 have pushed telework to
the forefront as a critical measurement for the U.S. federal government .
Telework relates to continuity of operations (COOP) and national pandemic
preparedness planning, reducing dependence on foreign oil and the burden of
rising gas prices, the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission (BRAC),
and a focus on recruitment and retention. During a keynote address at the
September 12, 2007 Telework Exchange Town Hall Meeting, Lurita Doan , at that
time the Administrator for the General Services Administration , announced an
aggressive commitment goal to increase agency telework participation. Her
challenge would enable 50 percent of eligible agency employees to telework one
or more days per week by 2010. As of 2007 [update] , 10 percent of eligible GSA
employees telework, compared to 4.2 percent for the overall Federal workforce.
Her goals were to increase participation to 20 percent by the end of 2008, 40
percent by the end of 2009, and finally 50 percent by 2010. [123]. A 2007 study of National Science Foundation
employees indicated that approximately one-third participated in telework
regularly, characterized staff satisfaction with the program, and noted savings
in employee time and greenhouse-gas emissions as a result of telework. [124]
[125] Rep. Sarbanes (D-MD) introduced the Telework Improvements Act of 2009 in
March 2009. Co-sponsors of the bill
included Reps. Connolly (D-VA), Wolf (R-VA), and Capito (R-WV). The bill requires each executive agency to
establish a policy under which employees may be authorized to telework to the
maximum extent possible without diminishing employee performance or agency
operations. At the same time in the U.S. Senate, Sen. Akaka (D-HI) introduced
the companion bill, along with Sens. Landrieu (D-LA) and Voinovich (R-OH).
[126]. On May 24, 2010, the Senate
passed the Telework Enhancement Act (S. 707) sponsored by Sens. Daniel Akaka
(D-Hawaii) and George Voinovich (R-Ohio).
The bill grants Federal employees eligibility to telework and requires
Federal agencies to establish telework policies and identify telework managers.
[127] On July 14, 2010, the House passed the Telework Improvements Act of 2010
(H.R. 1722) with a vote of 290–131. The U.S. Senate passed the final version of
the legislation by unanimous consent on September 29, 2010 and the House passed
it with a bipartisan vote of 254–152 on November 18, 2010. [128] On December 9,
2010 President Obama signed H.R. 1722, the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010,
into law. [129] The Telework Enhancement Act of 2012 provided a framework for
U.S. agencies to offer teleworking as a viable option to employees. By
increasing the number of employees who telework, the Telework Enhancement Act
has three main objectives. (1) Improve continuity of operations, (2) Promote
management Effectiveness and (3) Enhance work–life balance. [130]. The 2012 Status Telework in the Federal
Government features teleworking highlights from the past 18 months as well as
goals for improving teleworking in the future. Reports finding that all 87 agencies
participating in the Data Cell had established telework policies and 73 percent
of the policies met the Telework Act Requirements. More than 684,000 federal
employees were deemed eligible to telework, this represents approximately 32
percent of all federal employees. More than 144,000 federal employees had
written teleworking agreements with their agencies. 27 percent of teleworkers
worked remotely three or more days per week. [131] In addition to the findings,
the reports examine teleworking at the Department of Defense. According to the
report, there are more than 793,000 employees in the DoD and of those
employees, 134,477 were deemed eligible for teleworking. Overall, the federal
government seems to have embraced teleworking and is attempting to create more
remote working opportunities for employees. In closing, the report listed
several ways that the government could make more jobs available through
telework. Suggestions include using telework as a tool to retain employees at
or near retirement age and using telework to expand hiring of highly trained
disabled veterans. [131]. Centers
Edit. Telework centers are offices that
are generally set up close to a majority of people who might otherwise drive or
take public transit . They usually feature the full complement of office
equipment and a high-speed Internet connection for maximum productivity . Some
feature support staff, including receptionists or administrators. For example,
a number of telework centers have been set up around the Washington
Metropolitan Area : 7 in Maryland, 8 in Virginia, 3 in Washington, D.C. and 1
in West Virginia. Telework centers allow people to reduce their commute yet
still work in a traditional office setting. Some telework centers are set up by
individual companies while others are established by independent organizations
for use by many organizations. Telework centers are attractive to people who do
not have the space or inclination to work from home. They offer employers the
ability to maintain a more formal structure for their workforce. These work arrangements are more likely to
become more popular with current trends towards greater customization of
services and virtual organizing. Distributed work offers great potential for
firms to reduce costs, enhance competitive advantage and agility, access a greater
variety of scarce talents, and improve employee flexibility, effectiveness and
productivity. [132] [133] [134] [135] It has gained in popularity in the West,
particularly in Europe. While increasing in importance, distributed work has
not yet gained widespread acceptance in Asia. [136]. Remote office centers Edit. Remote office centers (ROCs) are distributed
centers for leasing offices to individuals from multiple companies. A remote office center provides professional
grade network access, phone system, security system, mail stop and optional
services for additional costs. ROCs are
generally located in areas near to where people live throughout population
centers, so that workers do not have to commute more than a couple of
miles. The telecommuter works in a real
office but accesses the company network across the internet using a VPN just as
in traditional telecommuting. This type
of arrangement does not share fully in the benefits of home-based telecommuting,
but can address the needs of employees who are unable or unwilling to work from
home. Information Security for
Teleworkers Edit. "To hackers who
make a living stealing information from unsecured computers and network
connections, the teleworker could be an open the door to the organization's
most sensitive data. Security and privacy have become increasingly rare
commodities these days thanks to the ability of hackers to stay one step ahead
of just about every security measure that technicians can create. Security breaches are a significant enough
threat in a standard office environment; however, when an organization has
employees working from home or on the go, these risks become even greater. It is vital for organizations to convey to
teleworkers that data protection and information security are important to an
organization, and employees' actions make a difference in achieving the overall
goal of protection of sensitive data. Despite increased awareness and training
on security issues, many employees do not take the necessary precautions for
deterring security risks. Real security
begins with security policy. The Information Security professional must ensure
that the security policy covers telecommuting/teleworking and who may telework,
services available to teleworkers, information restrictions,
identification/authentication/authorization, equipment and software
specifications, integrity and confidentiality, maintenance guidelines, and
robust user education." [137]. In
2021, Vermont, South Carolina, South Dakota, Alabama, and Nebraska were named
the top 5 safest states for telecommuters based on data breaches, stolen
records, privacy laws, victim count, and victim loss. [138]. Other countries Edit. According to an article from the New York
Times, telecommuting now takes about 2.6 percent of the American workforce not
including remote works like drivers. The article also mentions an experiment
done by Nicholas Bloom. Nicholas Bloom is an economics professor from Stanford
University. During this experiment, 250 workers were picked randomly from Ctrip
to work either at home or at an office. Ctrip is a large China travel
agency. The result showed that those who
telecommuted worked longer hours than those who worked at an office. The
telecommuters were also more productive and happier. Ctrip saved around 2K from
telecommuting. Although the quitting rate decreased for telecommuters, the
promotion rate also decreased. Many telecommuters asked to be back in the
office at the end with reasoning like loneliness and desire for promotion. Kate
Lister, president of Global Workplace Analytics, came to the conclusion that
most workers prefer telecommuting and office work combined. Telecommuting
increases efficiency and workers' flexibility. [139]. America has an increasing trend of using
teleworking due to its strong economics and multimedia services. Among the top
10 telecommuter countries, U.S is ranked number one; [140] however, developing
countries like China is also catching up to the trend. An article from
money.163.com states that the number of telecommuters in the Asia pacific
region exceeds region like America, Europe, Middle East and Africa. Asia
Pacific region has about 37% telecommuters while the others have about 23-4%.[
dubious – discuss ] Chinese citizens also favor the combination of
telecommuting and office work due to reason like disturbance at work and
increase in flexibility. [141] Not all workers have the chance to telecommute.
One of the ethical issues behind telecommuting is who should have the chance to
telecommute? One may have more chance to work at home because he/she has young
children. The other one may argue he/she also has personal problems. It is
favored by most workers to combine telecommuting and office work. Many think
that telecommuting once or twice a week is a reasonable schedule. Businesses
also favor this suggestion because workers are more satisfied and companies
save money from it. In 2019, 5.4% of
employed persons in the European Union who were aged 15–64, usually worked from
home. In 2019, a slightly higher share of women reported that they usually
worked from home than men (5.7% compared with 5.2%). There are different trends
reflected according to the age and sex of workers, when it comes to
home-working. The Finland and Netherlands topped the list of EU Member States
for remote-working, with 14.1% of employed people usually working from home in
2019. The lowest rates of home-workers
were reported in Bulgaria (0.5%), Romania (0.8%), Hungary (1.2%), Cyprus (1.3%),
Croatia and Greece (both 1.9%). [142].
Researchers Rachel Gould and M. Kate Gallagher attempt to tackle the
question of how Covid-19 has altered Israeli life, specifically when
considering working from home (WFH). In the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs,
Gould and Gallagher lay out the advantages and disadvantages of WFH. In Israeli
society specifically, they state, Israeli work periods are much more focused on
hours, rather than completing tasks. [143] In order to see if this hours-based
approach carries to attitudes in working from home, Gould and Gallagher set up
an experimental-research approach and found that two-thirds of Israelis felt
that WFH was just as effective as working in an office. This WFH phenomena did
not only “increase productivity and satisfaction”, but it changed the rigidity
of the Israeli work schedule and adapted the system to have more flexibility.
This change has great implications when considering Israeli’s innovation and
increasing “global clout”, which Gould and Gallagher predict will continue to
grow as the work system changes. However, they caution that in order to keep
increasing innovation and efficiency, Israel’s work force must prioritize
climate change and investment to clean energy.
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic Edit.
Analysts have suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic could be a
"tipping point" for remote working. Remote working has been described
as the 'future of work'. [144] In 2020, almost 70% of full-time employees
worked from home. [145] Many companies have mandated employees work from home.
[146] [147] Some companies such as Microsoft , Amazon , Facebook , and Google
have since allowed workers to work from home through the rest of the year,[
when? ] while companies such as Twitter have allowed their employees to do so
on a permanent basis. [148] Google has offered reimbursement for employees to
improve their home offices. [149].
Regarding Eurofound close to 40% of those who currently working in the
EU began to telework full time as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. [150]
However, the proportions of remote workers vary widely between countries inside
the EU. [151] Others have suggested that an increase in remote working as a
result of the outbreak could result in an expanded right to Internet access in
the United States. [152] The COVID-19 pandemic has also affected all forms of
education, transforming schools and universities into online learning.
[153]. Researchers Rachel Gould and M.
Kate Gallagher attempt to tackle the question of how Covid-19 has altered
Israeli life, specifically when considering working from home (WFH). In the
Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Gould and Gallagher lay out the advantages
and disadvantages of WFH. In Israeli society specifically, they state, Israeli
work periods are much more focused on hours, rather than completing tasks.
[154] In order to see if this hours-based approach carries to attitudes in
working from home, Gould and Gallagher set up an experimental-research approach
and found that two-thirds of Israelis felt that WFH was just as effective as
working in an office. This WFH phenomena did not only “increase productivity
and satisfaction”, but it changed the rigidity of the Israeli work schedule and
adapted the system to have more flexibility. This change has great implications
when considering Israeli’s innovation and increasing “global clout”, which
Gould and Gallagher predict will continue to grow as the work system changes.
However, they caution that in order to keep increasing innovation and
efficiency, Israel’s work force must prioritize climate change and investment
to clean energy. Webcams are considered
an essential accessory for working from home, mainly to compensate for lower
quality video processing with the built-in camera of the average laptop. As a result
of the pandemic, webcams initially sold out, or their prices were being marked
up by third party sellers. [155] Most laptops before and during the pandemic
were made with cameras capping out at 720p recording quality at best, compared
to the industry standard of 1080p or 4K seen in smartphones and televisions
from the same period. [156] The backlog on new developments for built-in
webcams is the result of a design flaw with laptops being too thin to support
the 7mm camera modules to fit inside, instead resorting to ~2.5mm. [157] [158]
Also the camera components are more expensive and not a high level of demand
for this feature, companies like Apple have not updated their webcams since
2012. [159] Smartphones started to be used as a backup option or webcam
replacement, with kits including lighting and tripods or downloadable apps.
[160]. Main article: Coworking. Coworking is a social gathering of a group
of people who are still working independently, but who share a common working
area as well as the synergy that can happen from working with people in the
same space. [161] Coworking facilities can range from shared space in formal
offices to social areas such as a coffee shop. Entrepreneurs and social
entrepreneurs often cowork in shared office and workshop facilities provided by
business incubators and business accelerator organizations. In
entrepreneurship, coworking allows creative start-up founders, researchers and
knowledge workers to meet and share ideas , collaborate, share new research,
and find potential partners.
Distributed work Edit.
Distributed work entails the conduct of organizational tasks in places
that extend beyond the confines of traditional offices or workspaces. It can
refer to organizational arrangements that permit or require workers to perform
work more effectively at any appropriate location—such as their homes or
customers' sites—through the application of information and communication
technology. An example is financial planners who meet clients during the
client's lunchtime at the client's workplace; even though this is an
out-of-the-office, meeting, the Internet enables the planner to present
financial planning tools and presentations on their mobile computers. Another
example is a publishing executives who recommends books and places orders for
the latest book offerings to libraries and university professors from the
executive's home using e-mail or an online system. If this type of distributed
work replaces the worker's commute, it would be considered telecommuting. If
not, it would be telework (see §1. Definition ). Hoteling Edit. Some companies, particularly those where
employees spend a great deal of time on the road and at remote locations, offer
a hotdesking or hoteling arrangement where employees can reserve the use of a
temporary traditional office, cubicle or meeting room at the company
headquarters, a remote office center , or other shared office facility. Digital Nomad Edit. A digital nomad is someone that can work remote
whilst also travelling from location to location. This has become popular for
younger generations who travel to countries with lower tax rates, cheaper
living costs, and improved lifestyles.
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this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy . Wikipedia® is a
registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. , a non-profit organization.
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ownership using Device Owner mode, Google Play for Work portal to have
corporate Play Store with only your approved applications within, application
configuration to enforce corporate settings on work apps. MoboLink is also
equipped with more than 400 comprehensive REST APIs for integrating EMM
features with your business systems. MoboLink takes care of the complexity of
EMM system and interface between server and device so customer’s developers
only need to focus on the business logistics and increasing overall efficiency.
. Enterprise. This package only consists of monitoring and
event management. This is the basic model of MoboLink which is only used to
monitor device status and setup some event condition to let IT admin to be
aware of possible troubled devices. . .
This package provides the standard MDM features where customer can do
device management and also monitor device status. In this level, IT admin can
also do Remote control to the device which is very useful during device
maintenance. . This package provides
the full features of MoboLink v4.0 where IT admin not only able to do all MDM
features, but also location tracking, device configuration, export device
history for further analyze, and moreover to do Android Enterprise features.
. Monitoring. MoboLink agent in the device can be
configured to periodically sent device information to the server. The information covers device capability data
collection such as battery, storage, location, and network informations; and
also device usage collection such as low battery count, overheat count, reboot
count, drop count, ect. Event
Management. IT admin can set up event
rules, such as Low Battery, Battery Overheat, etc. When the condition is
triggered, besides checking the event log, IT admin can also receive
notification through mail, SMS, Line, or WeChat. Application Management. Devices Applications and Firmware can be
managed individually or as a group. When an application/ firmware needs to be
installed, upgraded, run, stopped, or even removed, admin can schedule those
actions to all devices at one touch of the screen. With the kiosk feature,
admin can also setup an application whitelist to enforce corporate security
compliances. Device Management. Based on the industrial proven OMA-DM
standard, MoboLink Device Management can monitor and check device status in
real-time and in a secured environment through the Web-based Management
Portal. GPS info is one of the device
status items. With the provided GPS info, IT admin can get the latest device
location. Through MoboLink web-console, the device GPS info is displayed into
map-based location using Google or Baidu Map services to help user to see
device location easier. . When a device
is lost, admin can also Lock and Wipe device information all at once. With
Unitech’s manufactured hardware, the device features are controlled at the
driver level to minimize security concerns with system tampering. . Backup Management. With Backup Management, admin may backup
important files or the entire folder and its contents from all devices with
just a few clicks. Restoring files and folders back to a device is as easy as
backup. There is also an option to restore files to a group of devices all at
once. Remote Control. Admin can seamlessly access and control the
desktop of your unitech devices through MoboLink web-management portal. This
feature makes device repair and maintenance can be done easily and effectively
from anywhere. Location
Management. To further enhance the
device location information, MoboLink also supports location tracking and
geofence. Using geofence feature, IT admin can define geofence areas and
receive alert notifications when there are devices go in or out of the
areas. StageGO Management. StageGO has become an important and useful
staging and configuration tool for Unitech devices. Therefore, MoboLink 4.0
integrates StageGO editor where IT admin can create and edit StageGO scripts.
Furthermore, MoboLink can also dispatch StageGO scripts to device and remotely
execute the script. Historical
Data. Using MoboLink, device can be
configured to send its status periodically such as battery, location, connection
info, and many more. This information is saved in the server, and it can be
query and exported into csv file for further analysis. Android Enterprise. With Android Enterprise Full Device
Management there are more configurations that can be given to device since
Device Owner mode is used by unitech app. Moreover, admin can also setup Google
Play for Work portal offering a corporate Play Store with only approved
application within. Android Enterprise allowed app to be configured remotely,
make it easy to customize applications for immediate use on deployment without
end-user configuration one by one. Last but not least, Android Enterprise also
simplifies device enrollment process.
Supported Devices. MoboLink 4.0
supports unitech mobile devices using Android 7.0 or newer operating systems.
To get more information about the supported features of your unitech devices,
please contact your unitech representatives.
Terms of Use.
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2. https://www.jobz.pk/government-jobs/
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3. https://www.pakgovtjobs.pk/
Private Jobs. Welcome to PAKGOVTJOBS.PK, Pakistan’s No. 1
Jobs Alert website. We update daily Government Jobs, Private Jobs, Results, and
Educational News. Candidates can directly apply for a job from the given links,
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Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Balochistan. We update all jobs
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Pakistan 2021. PAKGOVTJOBS.PK is Pakistan’s
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2018, and We started Job website for Pakistan. We started PAKGOVTJOBS.PK in
2018 to help the Freshers like Intermediate, Diploma holders, and graduates.
Here we provide all Govt Jobs in Pakistan 2021-22 notifications. We also
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Pakistan Jobs bank, FPSC Jobs, PPSC Jobs, Admit Card, Latest Govt Jobs,
Results, in various sectors such as Bank, Railway, Pak Army Jobs, FIA Jobs,
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Which Government Jobs are available in Pakistan? FIA Jobs, Join Pakistan Navy Jobs, Pakistan Army
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then click Govt Jobs Section and get the Latest Govt Jobs details. Click and
visit your qualification and designation based Govt Jobs notification. Read the
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Govt Jobs page? Government Jobs
separated into different categories like Education-wise Govt Jobs, Cities-wise
Government Jobs, Latest Government Jobs Info, Organization-wise Government
Jobs, and you can also check at PAKGOVTJOBS.PK. Pak Army Civilian Jobs 2021 – Apply Now
November 3, 2021. Govt Jobs in Pakistan
2021 at National Archives Of Pakistan – Apply November 3, 2021. KPITB Jobs 2021 Apply Online – New Advertisement
Apply Now November 3, 2021.
4. https://jobs.com.pk/latest-government-jobs/
Latest (All) | Federal | Punjab |
Sindh | KP | Balochistan. All
Government Jobs in Pakistan 2021 with list of latest Jobs and vacancies updated
today under Federal and Provincial Governments including Islamabad, Punjab,
Sindh, KP and Balochistan. You can find latest Pakistan Jobs advertisements in
2021 here posted date-wise for job seekers across all cities in an easily
accessible manner. Jobs here are updated on daily basis from Government
departments and ministries with fastest updates so that you never miss an
opportunity. You can further keep yourself informed by subscribing to daily
alerts for Government jobs in Pakistan.
Internships in Pakistan.
Applying to public sector and government jobs in Pakistan can be time
consuming at times but that shouldn’t put you off from applying. With 1000s of
daily jobs announced in Pakistan, you have always the opportunity to get a
chance for government vacancy in your city. Government jobs or as they call it
Sarkari Naukri are popular in Pakistan due to benefits and lucrative perks.
Hundreds of Federal and Provincial Government departments and ministries
announce vacancies on daily basis. These vacancies can be for local domicile
(of that province) or for Pakistani nationals depending on the
organization. Latest Government Jobs in
Pakistan today. A total of 9500+
vacancies in both Federal & provincial government organizations are
available in Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Peshawar, Quetta & other major
cities updated today. NTS | PTS | OTS |
Jobs 34/2021. NUTECH Islamabad. 14th November 2021. Bank of Khyber (BOK). PPHI Sindh.
22nd November 2021. PPSC Jobs
33/2021. PPSC Jobs 32/2021. PHA Foundation Islamabad. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Pakistan. PO Box 758 Public Sector Organization. PO Box 1737 Islamabad Progressive Public
Sector Organization. SBP Bank. 8th November 2021. Apply to Government Jobs in Pakistan. The Jobs.com.pk keeps track of all Govt Jobs
and Govt training opportunities here from major Govt Departments, Ministries
and state-owned organizations posted through their official websites, Public
Service Commissions (FPSC, PPSC, SPSC, KPPSC, BPSC), NTS, PTS, OTS, TEVTA and
other organizations where you can apply online to government latest vacancies
or submit your resume/cv to appropriate department. You can get vacancies update in Pakistan
with complete list of all Government jobs in Pakistan for the current year
where you can find information on how you can apply and register for various
opportunities. Here you can search for Pakistan jobs by qualification, skills,
education or job title in major Pakistani cities. Some Government organizations in Pakistan allow
you to apply offline only, some only allow online and some both. You must be
careful when submitting the application and pay special attention on few things
that will ensure your first step is taken in the right direction. Each job
notification has details for the required educational and experience
requirement but generally below are some key points you need to keep in
mind:. How to Apply for Government Jobs
in Pakistan. Each notification has the
apply method (Can be online or downloadable form). Fill out the form with your details (NIC,
Name, Date of Birth, Father Name etc).
Scan the Required Documents and Upload (In case of online application). You may have to pay the fee (see if challan
form is required as per NTS/PTS or other organization). But not all organizations require you to pay
fee (so look for it in requirement for each notification). Submit the Online Application (Or send the
application form to given address in case of offline apply). Browse More Government Jobs by Province in
Pakistan (See Complete List). The
provincial government vacancies are further categorized by federal, provincial,
AJK and GB. You can find the most comprehensive career resources if you are
specifically looking for jobs domiciled in Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan and
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, see details below:.
What Govt jobs are announced this week?
Over 9700+ vacancies are currently available that include this week jobs
announced at prestigious organizations like FWO, Federal Ministries, Hajj
Directorate, NUST, WAPDA, Railways, CPPA, PMC, Pak Navy, Army and other
organizations. Why are government jobs
so popular in Pakistan? Government jobs
are very popular in Pakistan due to great benefits, job security and ofcourse
perks. The main reason they are popular is because of the job security which
the private sector fails to provide. Other factors which people consider are
government pension after retirement, work-life balance and additional perks by
scale. What is the minimum education
required to apply to Govt jobs in Pakistan?
Almost all Pakistani nationals with basic education can apply to govt
jobs. All candidates who are middle, matric, inter pass, graduate and
post-graduates can easily apply based on their qualification. Most of the jobs
announced will require intermediate or bachelor degree in relevant field. How can I find Govt jobs in Pakistan? Our website offers a great deal of govt jobs
updates which are updated on daily basis through authentic sources that also
include departments and organization's websites. How can I apply to Government job in
Pakistan? Once you determine the
eligibility criteria for each post, you can easily apply to a specific post.
Each notification has the apply method mentioned in detail. Depending on the
organization, you can either apply online through Test service or directly at
the organization website. You can also apply through walk-in interviews or
through mail. What documents are
required to apply at Govt organizations?
Since only eligible candidates may apply to such organizations, all
candidates must provide original or verified copies to apply to government jobs
in Pakistan. Again, depending on the organization, you may be required to
provide CNIC copy (for domicile & nationality purpose), passport size
photograph and educational documents that may include all certificates, diploma
and degree earned. How can I download
application form or notification? You
can easily get the job notification or download the application form (in case
of offline mode) here on this page. In order to download the form, you can open
the specific jobs announcement and scroll down to the bottom section where it
says "Important Links and form download". In case of online form, you
can also visit the official website where you can submit form online. How can I get free Govt jobs alerts? You can subscribe to jobs.com.pk free job
alerts through multiple channels including email, social media or web push
notification service to get daily updates of all jobs announced. Contact Us.
Finding Jobs in Pakistan just got easier with Jobs.com.pk to search for
local jobs in your city. Get daily alerts for top MNC and Govt jobs in
Pakistan. Create a free profile and upload your Resume/CV to be found by top
employers in Pakistan. Whether you are new grad, an experienced professional or
skilled person, Jobs.com.pk is the perfect place to get started.
5. https://jobs.com.pk/latest-government-jobs/punjab/
Government Jobs | Federal |
Punjab | Sindh | KP | Balochistan.
Punjab Govt Jobs 2021 with list of all current vacancies and Jobs
opportunities under Provincial Government of Punjab. Punjab Government Jobs in
Pakistan from different Punjab Departments and Punjab Ministries along with
Punjab Govt owned organizations are posted from authentic sources here on
Jobs.com.pk for convenience of job seekers across Pakistan in an easily
accessible manner. Below is the complete list of all Punjab Govt jobs for the
current year where you can find information on how you can apply and register
for various opportunities:. PPSC Jobs
33/2021. PPSC Jobs 32/2021. Punjab Wildlife & Parks Department. PO Box 179 Lahore Public Sector
Organization. Punjab Daanish
Schools. Punjab Daanish Schools / DG
Khan District. NLC Jobs 2021. UMT University. NUMS University Rawalpindi. Board of Management QA Industrial Estate
Punjab. PO Box 750 Rawalpindi. PO Box 55 Faisalabad Public Sector
Organization. Khwaja Fareed University of
Engineering & IT RYK. Sialkot
International Airport Ltd. National
University of Computer & Emerging Sciences Lahore. Punjab Daanish Schools. Pakistan Baitul Maal / Shelter Homes (Punjab
Districts). NTS | PTS | OTS | JTS | CTS
| MTS | GTS | GCTS. Contact Us. Finding Jobs in Pakistan just got easier
with Jobs.com.pk to search for local jobs in your city. Get daily alerts for
top MNC and Govt jobs in Pakistan. Create a free profile and upload your
Resume/CV to be found by top employers in Pakistan. Whether you are new grad,
an experienced professional or skilled person, Jobs.com.pk is the perfect place
to get started.
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Pakistan Jobs Bank provides you
the ease of viewing all Jobs Ads from various sources like Pakistan's leading
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View More Jobs by Publication Date Search More Jobs by Keywords. The newspaper ads provided by Pakistan Jobs
Bank are collected from Pakistan's leading newspapers
like Daily Jang, Express, Nawa-i-Waqt, The News, Dawn & The Nation. Our aim
is to facilitate job seekers from various cities of Pakistan like Karachi, Lahore,
Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Peshawar, etc. by providing them all www newspaper job
advertisements on a single .com .pk website. This is done as a public service in
good faith and we are not responsible for any incorrect, misrepresented or
misleading advertisement.
7. https://jobsalert.pk/org/government
Create CV. Categories Government Private Federal
Government NTS FPSC PPSC PAF Navy Army Wapda Airline Overseas Bankers ☰. Home » Jobs By Organizations » Government
Jobs in Pakistan 2021 Latest Punjab, Sindh, KPK & Balochistan. Apply for Government Jobs 2021 in Pakistan
by getting latest jobs updates announced by Federal Government Jobs in different
sectors. Pakistan Railway, WAPDA, PIA,
PCB, Sui Gas, Rescue 1122, NLC, Pak Army, Air Force, Navy and much more with
good quality image and detailed information as per the demand of situations
announced. Tap this job portal on daily basis and be aware of all latest
Government Jobs 2021 in top-ranked departments. We’ll provide you complete guideline from
the submission of the application till the Interview and for our honorable
viewers, we’ll also provide test sample papers for the all the testing
organizations like PPSC , FPSC , NTS , PTS , OTS and many others. As we try our level best to fulfill your
demands for quality jobs in Pakistan and we’ll try to maintain your trust on us
related to Government Jobs in Pakistan by providing you Latest Jobs with
detailed explanation on every job including requirements, basic scales &
salaries and how to apply procedure.
So, all you have to do just keep visiting this page on daily to get
aware of all new vacancies in Government Sector. About Us | Blog | Overseas | Advertise |
Sitemap -- Our Team | Contact Us. What
We Are About? We bring top class jobs from Pakistan news paper. We provide the
best quality of all news paper advertisement. JobsAlert.pk have all Government
jobs for all candidates, who have ability to join these jobs. Also we have some
entertainment stuff for all users. But our focus to provide jobs of Assistant
Jobs, Technician Jobs, Doctor Jobs, Teacher Jobs, Government Jobs, Lecturer
Jobs, Private Jobs, PPSC Jobs, Educators Jobs, Consultant Jobs, Driver Jobs,
WAPDA Jobs, PAk Army Jobs, Professor Jobs, PAk Air Force Jobs, Dubai Jobs, FPSC
Jobs, NTS Jobs. Copyright © 2020
JobsAlert.pk - Jobs in Pakistan . All rights reserved.
8. https://pakistanrailway.pk/government-jobs-2021-matric-base-at-national-archives-of-pakistan/amp/
Government Jobs 2021 Matric Base
At National Archives of Pakistan has been announced. Last date to apply is 17th
November, 2021. All those candidates who are eligible for National Archives of
Pakistan jobs must apply to avail this golden chance. Age relaxation will be
admissible according to the rules. No TA/ DA is paid for interview / Test.
Address is National Archives of Pakistan, Block-N, Pak Secretariat, Islamabad.
The Postal code is 44000. Total number of vacancies are 29. Only shortlisted candidates will be invited
to appear in the test / interview. No
TA / DA will be admissible for appearing in test / interview. Excise And Taxation Jobs Punjab. آپ کو اپلائی کرنےمیں مشکل پیش آ رہی تو کیمنٹ
میں پتا دیں آپ کی رہنمائی کر دی جائے گئی-اگرآپ کو درخواست فارم چائیے تو کیمنٹ میں
پتا دیں آپ کو فارم ای میل کر دیا جائے گا۔.
Government Jobs in Jhelum Today.
Govt Jobs in Jhelum Today At Pak Army Equipment Stores Depot
Jhelum. KPK Government Jobs At KPK
Livestock & Dairy Development & Medical Teaching Institution. Today govt Jobs Lahore At Punjab Municipal
Development Fund. Government Jobs
Vacancies November 2021. Govt jobs in
AJK Azad Jammu & Kashmir At TEVTA Teaching & Non Teaching. Govt jobs Pakistan Today At Punjab Forensic
Science Agency PFSA. Sindh Police SSU
Commandos Karachi Hyderabad Sukkur Jobs PTS Result.
9. https://www.ilmkidunya.com/jobs/industry/govt-service
Find list of all latest jobs in
Government sector of Pakistan. Many
candidates want to apply for the government jobs because of the prestige it
carries. If you are looking for information about Govt Jobs in Pakistan then
ilmkidunya is going to provide you all the details that you need. Each year,
announcements and advertisements are released for job positions in the
government. To be employed in a government job is a lucrative opportunity and
it will pay you off in the long run. Every province offers a job in the
provincial government to eligible candidates. All the applicants have to
compete with each other and on the basis of merit and skill the applicants will
be chosen for the job. If you want to learn more about Govt Jobs 2021 then why
not go through this webpage to find or learn about vacancies that suit your
wants and needs? Continue exploring!
How to Find Govt Jobs. It is
difficult to find details about government jobs easily, thus we went over loads
of information and synthesized all the places you can look up for job listings
in the government. Firstly, ilmkidunya posts all the Latest Govt Jobs for all
applicants to see. For example, below this webpage you can find concise details
about jobs that have been posted by different provincial governments and other
information like job title, vacancies, last date for application etc. are all
given. In addition to this, you can also learn about new job vacancies from the
provincial governments official website; the posts about new jobs are all added
there first, so that aspiring candidates can start working on their
applications early on. For example, if you live in Punjab and want to become
part of the government/civil services sector of Punjab then you have to apply
for PPSC jobs. Lastly, another way you can find Latest Government Jobs in
Pakistan is by reading job listings in Newspapers. Latest Govt Jobs Updates 2021. In order to apply for Govt Jobs, you have to
be agile and keep a check on when the job openings occur. Different provincial
governments open job applications at different times of the year. Thus, it is
important that you stay updated about when applications for various govt jobs
start, so that you can start applying as soon as possible. Moreover, starting
your application early allows you to give more time to your application, remove
errors that you have made, and you would also be able to attach all the
documents on time. These reasons necessitate early and quick updates about
govts jobs and ilmkidunya does just that. We constantly update our website so
that you know when job applications open and what are the respective dates of
deadline for job applications. Keep visiting this webpage to learn more about
government jobs. Eligibility
Requirements:. A large number of Govt
jobs in Pakistan are announced every year to simplify the complexity of a
candidate’s life. The job advertisements also include the eligibility criteria
for making candidates aware of all the academic requirements. These
requirements are checked by the candidate to understand if they can apply for
the given job or not. The eligibility requirements of the latest jobs in
Pakistan 2021 are determined based on the following aspects:. The educational qualifications and
experience are different for each job post. These requirements are mentioned in
the advertisement. Moreover, the age,
academic records, and other credentials are also responsible for selecting
eligible candidates. Qualification
Specifications:. The latest govt jobs
in Pakistan bring ease to the life of people with the help of astonishing perks
and benefits. The specifications mentioned in the advertisement are quite
helpful for the candidates to avail the opportunity perfectly. Thus, the
candidates can apply for a specific job post according to the mentioned
specifications. All govt jobs in Pakistan are different and present distinct
specifications. Let’s some significant factors regarding the qualification
specifications of these jobs:. The
educational requirements of each job post vary according to the post
scale. For instance, a matric degree is
required in some jobs like foreman, assistant foreman, etc. However, the educational requirement for the
job of stenotypist, clerk, etc. is an intermediate degree. Age Relaxation:. Government jobs in Pakistan today play a
vital role in making the life of people blissful. These jobs provide job
relaxation to the candidates for the sake of their ease. The age relaxation
facility for several jobs in various provinces is different. Let’s discuss the
details of the age relaxation facility offered in these jobs:. In the latest announcement, the age
relaxation of up to 15 years is allowed. This age relaxation in the upper age
limit is announced for the job positions in the province of Punjab. Q: Which government job positions are
recently declared? Ans:More than 9000
job vacancies are declared this year for the sake of people’s convenience. The
prestigious organizations offering various job positions include:. Q: Why are people highly attracted to govt
jobs? Ans: The minimum educational
requirement depends on the job's nature. Some jobs are offered in which a
candidate with a Matric or Intermediate degree is allowed to apply. However, in
some jobs bachelor’s degree is compulsory. These requirements are mentioned in
the advertisement along with the job position.
Q: Which documents should be submitted by the candidates to apply for
these jobs? Q: How can we stay updated
about the latest govt jobs? Ans:You can
download the application form from the official websites of govt jobs.
Following are the steps to complete this process:. First of all, open the specific job
announcement for which you want to apply.
After that, scroll down to the section showing the application form
download option. Q:What type of
assessments are conducted for govt jobs?
Ans:The test pattern for each job is different. The assessment is based
on two types of tests that include written tests and interviews. The written
tests are organized by different govt institutions to select eligible
candidates. Q:What is the procedure of
fee submission in case of applying for govt jobs? Ans:The candidates have to submit the fees
by following the instructions mentioned in the advertisement. The fee is
usually submitted to the State Bank of Pakistan. Additionally, the fee can also
be submitted to the National Bank of Pakistan.
Q:What are the instructions mentioned in the advertisement about the fee
slip? The candidates have to bring the
original slip with them during the interview.
Q:How can the candidates claim for counting experience? Ans:Documented evidence is required by each
department for the consideration of experience. The evidence will only be
accepted if it is certified by the concerned appointing authority. Written Tests and Interview:. The latest government jobs in Pakistan
assist people to earn handsome salaries and make their future bright. To get
these jobs, the candidates need to pass the written test and interview. If the
candidates could not take the required marks in the written test then they
would not be qualified for the interview as well. Let’s discuss the
specifications of written tests and interviews:. The written test organized by each institute
is divided into two categories. These categories are objective and subjective
papers. The test can be descriptive or
subjective. Moreover, objective-type questions or MCQs can also be asked in the
exam. However, in most cases, the test
is a combination of both objective and subjective type questions. In some exams, negative marking is also done
against each wrong attempt. The
candidates after passing the written test are invited for the interview. The candidates need to obtain at least 50%
marks in the interview for getting the job.
The interview schedules are uploaded on the website. The call-up letter
can be downloaded for getting details of the interview. Shortlisting Procedure of Candidates for
Interview:. Today govt jobs in Pakistan
are highly recommended for the candidates who intend to make their career
successful. The candidates are shortlisted for the interview by following an
organized procedure. The process of shortlisting the candidates is done based
on the following factors:. Academic
performance. Marks obtained in the
written test organized by the govt institute.
The minimum percentage of the academic career required for getting these
jobs is approximately 60%. However, the passing percentage of written tests
organized by several institutions is normally 40%. Thus, if the candidates
successfully attain the requisite percentage in both academic career and
written test, then they will be shortlisted for the final interview. To get the
desired job, the aspirants have to pass the interview as well. Advantages of Govt Jobs:. Government jobs in Pakistan 2021 are highly
preferred by the candidates due to their unlimited advantages. There are
various advantages of getting a Govt job in terms of impressive salaries,
allowances, medical, etc. Let’s discuss all the advantages offered by these
jobs in detail:. The employees can get
their fixed salaries on time without any difficulty. The retired employees are facilitated with
pensions. The workload in these jobs is
negligible. The candidates do not need
to worry about mortgages by taking advantage of housing facilities in these
jobs. Free healthcare facilities are
also provided to the employees.
Application Submission Procedure:.
A lot of facilities are offered to the candidates through Govt jobs in
Pakistan 2021. That is why more people attract to these job opportunities. You
can easily apply for Govt jobs in Pakistan 2021 via online resources. The
official websites allow people to submit their forms without any difficulty.
People can apply for their desired job position within a few minutes through
online websites. The steps of the application submission procedure are as
follows:. First of all, download the
application form from the official websites of government jobs. After doing so, fill the form with all the
requisite details and information. These details include NIC, name, date of
birth, etc. Scan the requisite
documents and upload the scanned files.
Pay the mentioned amount of fee if the challan form is required by the
organization. The fee can be submitted to any branch of the State Bank of
Pakistan. The fee can also be submitted to the National Bank. Recruitment Rules:. Government jobs in Pakistan are regarded as
a perfect option for candidates who are looking for a successful future ahead.
There are some recruitment rules for hiring eligible candidates. It is quite
difficult for the candidates to qualify for these jobs. A great number of new
govt jobs in Pakistan are announced for offering more career opportunities to
the candidates. The recruitment rules of these jobs are given below:. The candidates need to fill the forms with
accurate information. In case of providing wrong information will lead to a
direct rejection of the application.
The candidates are selected for the jobs if they meet the eligibility
criteria of the applied jobs. The
candidates should bring the fee deposit receipt at the time of the interview.
They are allowed to give interviews without having the original fee slip. The candidates are invited for interviews if
they have cleared the written test by obtaining the required marks. 16-Apr-2021. 15-Apr-2021. Start Test.
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